Page name: Rules of TWOK [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 16:06:42
Last author: Vou
Owner: Vou
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T h e R u l e s . . .
In any violation of the following rules, you shall be banned from the roleplay and some may result in a reporting to the guards. This roleplay is not a place for any discrimination of any kind as it is a Safe Zone, and will remain as such. If you do not like this fact, then do not join. You're not forced to join, as [Vou] and the others only want to have a good time and write this story. :]

1. God-moding and powerplaying, etc. Ever since the age of 13, I have not liked the ideas of powerplaying and anything else that can intercept the ownership of a character that was created by talented minds and respect others. There will be NO any sort of playing of anyone else's character unless it is your own or you are filling in for that person if they happen to be gone for one reason or another.

2. You must be at least semi-literate, but literacy is wanted more than anything. Meaning proper English grammar and punctuation, etc. No abbreviations of words. I will understand if you are not the best speller and so spell to the best of your abilities. I know we are all not perfect, but please try to use English writing as best as you can. You will be very much loved if you can follow this rather important rule.

3. Please limit the one-liners. Often what people like is to read a story that they know is a roleplay, but has the appearance of an actual story. It keeps the audience in focus and is more entertaining to such readers (like [Vou]) who enjoy reading such things.

4. No discrimination of any kind. I am strong about open-mindedness, and I respect others for their beliefs. Such as if there are people who do not like gay males or wolves, then they can believe that, but keep it to yourself. I realize that this is asking a lot of some people who have difficulty keeping such opinions to themselves, but I am sure that you can manage. This will ensure less conflict and make for a more smooth roleplay.

5. There will be no killing of other wolves without that creator's permission. If you are guilty of the murdering of another character without a creator's permission, or if it was not apart of the story that you guys planned out, then you will be banned. No ifs, ands, buts about it.

6. No arguing on the comment sections. I will have no arguing in any of the comment sections of any of the pages. If you have a problem with any of the rules, or any user, then message [Vou] with your complaints. If it is more serious than that, you may report to the guards.

7. All wolves must be a logical colour. I understand that if you want jewelry and such, you are allowed to have this, but no wolves that are completely outrageous and make no sense when comparing it to the setting and plot of the story. (An example: The wolfess had streaks of neon green running through the patches of blue and red.)

8. NO explicit sex scenes or mating scenes on the pages. Although, previously, I allowed such a thing to happen on Sardonyx Hollow, I have decided there will be no actual roleplaying out of sex. This is a roleplay that I really do not think would be appropriate for. Sorry. The indication that it DID happen is allowed, but there is no actual describing of the acts of sex. If you do such, then you will be banned from the roleplay.

9. Stay as active as possible. If you are expected to be gone for more than one day, then message, [Vou] to let her know of your leaving, so that they may slow down the roleplay or just freeze it until you return. However, if you do not message her to let her know of your absence, then there's the chance you will get left behind. And if you're not that active, as in never starting, but sent in the application and such, your character(s) will be deleted. And if you do get left behind, we cannot do anything about it... you will just have to jump back in or find your way back some logical way.

10. Characters... You can have up to two or three characters. When and if you decide you want another character, but already have three, then you can kill off one and make another, or else kill all of your characters and bring in a new one. It's up to you. Just follow the procedure and you'll be all set. And as far as the characters go, you must be able to keep up with them because they could be left behind or forgotten and presumed dead. Sorry, but that's just way this wiki rolls.

11. Have fun. The purpose of this roleplay was the chance to let the imagination run wild, as wild as the wolves of Niveus and Orinthos. We are here to have a good time and so do not let all of these rules overwhelm you. The owners are only trying to ensure a smooth, safe, and respective atmosphere for all of the roleplayers involved in this roleplay.

12. STAY COMMITTED TO THE ROLEPLAY! This is by far the most important rule of the ENTIRE roleplay. Previously, TWOK died because of lack of committed roleplayers to keep it going and I refuse to let it die again. Because if it DOES die again, then it will stay dead.
Thank you for reading the rules,

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: *snuggles back* Message moi?

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: Oui.

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: Qui means what now?

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: -headdesk- Do you not know french, man? It means yes

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: Ah okay, i thought that was 'we'

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: Nope. Oui is yes and Non is no... I forgot what 'we' was.. TT Damn FLEX teacher!!

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: its like, 'wei' like uhh 'we we'

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: No.. That is 'oui'<== (pronounced 'we')

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: Ah okay....

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: -nods-

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: Good to know.

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: I would say..

2007-08-11 [Vou]: Uhm... if you are talking about 'oui'... it's not 'qui'. >>;; I remember that much from French class.

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: Aww phantazzm, change my wording TT_TT

2007-08-11 [Vou]: And, I had to rephrase what you put up Torface... XD No cussing in the rules.

2007-08-11 [silent_voice]: Hmm... well Silenty wanted to go grr...

2007-08-11 [Vou]: What? O.o;;

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: I didn't cuss in the rules.. I only added my name to it.. ._.

2007-08-11 [Vou]: Someone put 'shit'. C:

2007-08-11 [Erubeus]: I didn't...

2007-08-12 [Vou]: :<

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