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Saiper of the shades [Logged in view]
2007-05-25 06:10:48
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Character Name: Saiper
Gender: Unknown, appears to be male
Race: Shade.
Age: Unknown, very very old
Personality: His cool calm exterior is nothing compared to the war on the inside of his body between the massing demons. He is calm untill angered. Once he is,distruction is all he cares for as the demons are unleashed in his person.
Physical Appearance : Saiper wears black pants and shirt, he has a black cloak with a hood that wears constantly because of his discomfort in light. He has black hair. his eyes change from white blue to black if angered. His face is covered in weblike scars which cover both cheeks like veins. His face is thin. Saiper wears a single blood red ring on his left hand which he has had since before accepting he was a shade. He is very protective of the ring and will kill anyone who holds it other than him. He is naturally thin because of the simple fact of his age. His ribs are visible. He has a very toothy smile with fanglike teeth, his face changes when he smiles as the demons become visible under his skin.
Height: 5ft 8 in
Weapons: A shade needs no weapon but his body.
Powers: Shade abilities, necromancer abilities
Class: Shade/Necroman
Strengths and Weaknesses: His strengths are his anger and his natural shade abilities make him a very powerful oponent. He is uncannily strong because he is powered by Satans demons. Weaknesses include his ring which is his only prized possession, and his heart. A the only way to defeat a shade is to stab it through the heart.
Abilities (talents): Raising the dead to do his bidding, communicating with dark creatures, wolves, bats, black cats. ETC.
Hobbies: Obeying Amrevar
Pets: None, he tends to eat them...
Relatives: None that are living.
Loved One: His loved one was killed a long time ago, soon afterwards he accepted his place as a shade, the only possession he has from her is the blood red ring on his finger.
Companions (friends): Amrevar?
History: He was born a shade but raised by humans. He had a loved one but after raiders came and destroyed his town, they almost cleaved him in half and killed his wife. Soon after he accepted what he was and sought out something to use his abilities with. He found Amrevar. Amrevar holds a power over him by his ring. Saiper knows that Amrevar can destroy his ring so he accepts his control without much force. Though if Amrevar ever did destroy his ring, he would feel the full force of a shade, which can be quite deadly.

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