Page name: saoirse thunder-crow [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-02-25 00:05:09
Last author: Dwarf Ronin
Owner: Figgy
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User Name: [Dwarf Ronin]

Character name: Saoirse “Sao” Thunder-Crow

Mutant Name: Suits

Classification: X-Men

Abilities/powers: Adaptive Armor Suits: Adaptive armor that generates from the dermis layer. A chemical that is stored beneath the epidermis that is released on command. The chemical emerges from the sweat pore and reacts with the air instantly. It shapes around selective areas or the entire body. The armor adapts to the situation or environment. Neil has only generated 5 different times of armor: heat resistant, cold resistant, shock resistant, blunt force resistant, and piercing resistant. When activating the chemical process, there needs to be air present to react. Once the mixture is complete; the armor can only last for 2 minutes. Neil has been able to produce 2 full suits per day. (Two arms, two legs, torso, and head) Neil is learning to use his abilities for different situations for various adaptations.
Each suit tends to have its appearance and function: Fire resistance has a molten rock look and coverts the heat on the surface into cool comfortable air for the inside. Cold resistance has a deep blue frosty look and has thermal vents spread through the area to warm. Shock resistance has metallic polish look and has micro sized rods spread out on the armor to absorb electric current, blunt force resistance resembles a bomb squad suit which and develops soft cushion-like material to absorb aftershocks from blows, and piercing resistance looks plated suit which contains a thick substance beneath it to prevent bullets and sharp objects from penetrating.

Sex: Male

Age/Date of Birth: October 1st. 20 years old.

General appearance: Saoirse has a black hair with midnight blue highlights. His hair reaches down to his is collar bone. He tends to keep it braided into a long ponytail. His eyes are orange with a redish tint, inherited from his father side of the family. Due to his mother’s Irish decent and his father’s Native American heritage, he is a light caramel skin tone with barely visible freckles on his cheeks. He stands at a 6 foot 2in and weighs about 206lbs. He keeps in shape from hiking and rock climbing

Additional Appearance: Got puncture scars running along his lower legs, palms of his hands, and calfs. Got two cartilage piercings on his left ear and industal piercing with the bar running over the two cartilage. Has a “Kokopelli” tattooed behind and below his left ear. His usual outfit consists of rugged blue jean shorts, well-seasoned hiking boats with soaks barely reaching over the boot, leather vest over a white wife beater under shirt. Has tribal leather bands around his upper arms.

Personality: Saoirse has a very adventurous spirit. He has a urge to explore the unknown and try new things everyday. He’s the type of guy that can’t just sit on his butt to relax; his body needs constant motion to feel good. When it comes to confrontation, he tends to be a hot head. It’s like he developed “big man syndrome” and always got to be tougher than the other guy. When it comes to when someone insults his friends and family, he fiercely fights for their honor. New people or stranger tend to freak him out a little and it takes time for him to feel comfortable around them before he start conversations.
Special Skills: (Any talents your character may have, such as being able to play an instrument, or having mechanical knowledge and being able to hotwire or fix cars) His father taught him track creatures or people through the desert. He is also very skilled at archery.

Place of birth: Sedona, Arizona
Weapon(s) of choice: Compound bow and a skinning knife
Medical information: After a diamond-back rattle snake had bitten him on the right leg, numbness remains on lower right leg. He can’t feel much pain at all.
Brief History: It was like any other Sunday afternoon hiking in the hills of Sedona. Saoirse was hiking his favorite trail that he pretty much done a thousand times. As he was walking the edge of a cliff side, he noticed a two coyotes crunching down on some fresh jack rabbit. He knew he had to keep his distance and wait because they were blocking his only way back to his camp and there isn’t another way around this terrain. He took a few steps back to be cautious. Suddenly, the beasts were spooked by something and began charging towards Saoirse. He tried to lean against the wall to avoid their path, but one of the coyote slammed into him anyway and knocked him off the path. He began tumbling down the hill and about to land into a giant cacti patch below him. He knew he wasn’t going to survive this. Instantly, a hard shell formed around his entire body and protected him. He was terrified of what just happened. The needles were sticking through the shell, but stopped before they can reach his skin. To make matters worse, a boulder started falling from the cliff slide and made it way. He knew he had to get out of the way, but still frozen in fear from what his body has done. Without any warning, his body began to shift again and developed a different appearance. The rock crashed against Saoirse and shattered into pieces. Emerging from the rumble, he looked at new transformation and continued to scream in terror. The armor pieces just fell off and began to wither away into the dust. He ran towards his camp to tell his family what happened. After what he had told, his family was scared and his father yelled at him to leave his place. After being outcasted by his own family, he searched for a expiation on what had happened to him. He discovered through his travels that there was a school with people like him and decided to make a new life there.

Relatives: His father (Achak Thunder-Crow), his mother (Chole McCullogh), and his 4 sisters ( Kateri, Meli, Ciara, and Niamh )

How long your character has been in the mansion: New Arrival

Relationship Chart:

1. Lirerial (Friend of right now)
2. Rene (Cool Cajun to chat with)

X-Men Characters

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