Page name: Satans Friends [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-15 16:03:18
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SORRY.....well no were not sorry ^^

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2004-06-26 [RazorB(mass suiced is the best)]: This would happen to be a home page for ppl to get to know the real satnan me so if i offend u ppl sorry and if u waqnna be my friend come and join my wiki...............i love my baby brooke

2004-06-26 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: Satans Friends Satans Friends...hey that should b like a

2004-07-02 [Brookes Sexy Juggalo]: blah blah blah i am board

2004-07-03 [mine4me567]: dyslexic satan worshippers sell their souls to santa.

2005-05-07 [Karazee_tomable]: NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!lol

2005-05-11 [Vohod]: Man you need a life... This is the gayest crap i've ever seen. Making topics like thsi only ruins the rep. of thsi board as it has little to do other then you promoting yourself as the devil. You have no proof, and are off topic. This unorganized crap is not acceptable and the wiki owner should immediatley put on the stone of shame. Unless you really are satan you are a disgrace and let down to cults everywhere.

2005-05-11 [Vampire_Soul]: You mean people have been sacrificing babies in their basement for you all of these years? Man, what a waste of perfectly good baby... What do you want, a cookie? Here you go dummy, a big steaming crap cookie made by yours truely to say that you are a waste of time...

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