Page name: Sayur [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-23 06:02:43
Last author: Chel.
Owner: Chel.
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RPer: [Chel.]

Character name: Sayur

Character setting: Fantasy

Age: 16

Race: Himmel © Kim Baerwaldt

Appearance: See sketch above.

History: Sayur's father was head Chancellor to King, giving him an extremely pampered lifestyle since birth. Raised in the kingdom, specifically in the palace itself, he rarely ventured out into the common folk towns. Sayur felt perfectly capable despite his blindness, but his father, Achin was always a bit overprotective. He would warn Sayur of the women of this world. Achin would constantly remind Sayur of his mother whom had left them both for a stronger male. The stigma against females was passed onto Sayur quickly.
When Sayur was 8, his father passed from an illness and the King soon appointed young Sayur as his personal adviser. The King had such a deep connection and friendship with Sayur's father that he had no second thoughts in hiring him.

Personality: Despite being raised to be a gentleman, Sayur can be very shrewd and condescending at times. He is very impatient and loud when frustrated.
On the other hand, Sayur can be quite imaginative and expressive. He plays the ocarina and violin in his spare time. Sayur also enjoys carving and sculpting when he can.

Occupation: King's adviser.

Abilities: Like the rest of his species, he is empathetic. However, Sayur uses it in a very different way. Sensing empathy, he is able to locate peoples locations.
From his loss of sight, Sayur's other senses were hightened. His ears are highly attuned to his surroundings and his nose is very acute. Sayur can move around freely combining these senses along with vibrations that he feels.

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