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2007-07-31 19:30:38
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Seeds Terminology

Beetle: An electronic device used for srevallance by the military and the police, as well as the institute. They can walk or hover as well as do both video and audio recordings. They resemble beetles and are about the size of a football. Each faction has their own color Beetle: Black = Military, Gray = Police, White = Rice Institute. Also, each has their own defense mechinisims and is equipped with a self destruct if discovered and captured.

EMP: Electro Magnetic Pulse

Generation: Term used to place where the seeds are in order of when they were created. This label allows one to indentify the age, as well as a set of characteristics and symptoms the seed most likely contains.

Laser Grafting System (LGS): Commercially used only within the past three years within the Seed's world, it will slowly replace a needle and thread on the operating table. It is a small hand held laser, a little larger then a pencil in width, and can be used for sealing opened wounds. The benefit of this device over traditional suturing means is that surgery time is cut, scarring is greatly reduced, and there is little healing time; taking only 48 hours.

Locusts: The name of the resistance group, seeking to liberate the seeds from the Rice institute. A small group mostly formed of lower city inhabitants, several upper city dwellers, and a very few number of the failed escaped seeds themselves.

Seed: The name given to the artificial humans created in the Rice Institute. They are considered to be nothing more then complex organic tools. These pseudo humans are referred to as seeds because primarily they grown like a plant, rather then born from a mother.

Seed Sickness: Term to describe a widely varied number of ailments that one can recieve from over using there biological abilities. When a seed over uses his or her power, there body begins to break down from the stress, these are the sicknesses caused from the increased stresser on the body. Each generation of seeds, may have different variances in how extreme there seed sickness is.  However most are similar in that the more you over use a power, something will happen, whether it's loss of hearing, throwing up, faitning, seizures, or death.

The Schism: The name given to the official splitting of the Upper and Lower cities.

Watcher: The name given to the person charged in watching one Seed child. Each child has their own watcher. They act as a psychatrist and determine medications and levels of training necessary.

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2006-08-22 [Talkris]: Should these be in alphabetical order? Or should I keep being lazy?

2006-08-22 [Fizban]: Eh,...dammit, now that you say it...

2006-08-22 [Talkris]: Hahaha

2006-08-26 [Talkris]: I am thinking of making a religion for this wiki. Just so that way I don't have to read "Oh god no!" I will make up a faith and a god that goes with it.

2006-08-26 [Fizban]: lol...sounds good to me. 

make it something funny, or freaky...or whatever the fuck you want lol..

2006-08-26 [Talkris]: It will just be a normal monotheistic religion. It will also be a binding force between the upper and lowers. Religion is the driving factor in the world. It can make or break a country. Though I am not religious, I want to remind people of its significance and place in the world. I have the everything all thought up except the name of the faith and the name of the god.

2006-08-26 [Fizban]: I see...well righty ho then.

2006-08-26 [Talkris]: feel free to help me with ideas for names

2006-08-26 [Fizban]: lols...ummmm. Christism? Judianity? (XD)...Paglism? Muslinity?

2006-08-26 [Talkris]: Make up a word. I don't want it to have any allusions to existing religions.

2006-08-26 [Fizban]: Estrellanity?

2006-09-10 [moonscale]: Depends on the diety I think. (sorry about the sp.)
Estrellanity reminds me of stars. You could say "Oh stars!" or even "Stars above!" :)

2006-09-10 [Talkris]: No, I want to have a solid diety. I know the religion and how
I want to structure it. I just need a name for the religion.

2006-10-27 [Fizban]: There is alot we should I suppose cover.

I don't have a good idea on the technology we are dealing with...this is 2 centuries...there must be other advancements? I am glad that there will be low amounts of technology in the lower city lol, so we won't have to do too much there...however,...I mean,...are there robots, and like...what else? There has to be other stuff?...I dunno lol XD...Exoskeloton technology has been researched since the 70's, would they have such things like that? Personal computers the size of a wrist cuff (leela ;)...

2006-10-27 [Talkris]: I have been thinking about it as well. I don't want to go as far as Ghost in the Shell. But they have hover cars and such and 3-D interactive computers. That is why I want a technology based char. I could feed them information and such and wouldn't have to actually control another char. I would give that player the run down on everything in my mind and feed them hings they could invent. I was thinking of doing a mini page of tech, but I am afraid I don't have the time. They don't have full blown androids nor robots. Also, I don't think I will allow cybernetic enhancements just yet (ie. machine limbs). But armor suits for the military would be fine (note to self: name them an acronym for what they are). Remind me later and I'll go over the rest with you. 

2006-10-28 [Fizban]: Will do. Hmmmms, by all means we would have developed cybernetic limbs by then, but that doesn't mean we have to include them or aknowledge them or anything.

So, this char Estantia may bring in, or perhaps stephens char? naw, not so much so, as he is probably biological based either way huh? hmms

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