Page name: Seril Drrenholdt [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-05 05:20:05
Last author: Thrice
Owner: Thrice
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Seril Drrenholdt

Heir to the Dark.
Played by [Thrice]
in Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning

Age: 13
Gender: Female
Kingdom: Heir to the Evil throne.
Power: Power of the Spider.
Talent within power: Seril is being trained to use each talent of the spider extremely well.
Physical appearance: Seril is fairly short for her age, standing at about five foot one. This is made up for by long mahogony hair cascading down her back in a forest of perfect curls, ending at the small of her back. Contrasting with her hair are dark tilted eyes that appear to be darker than the darkest night, framed by impressive red lashes. She has a very petitely put together face, although every aspect of it is cut strongly, just like her mothers. A sharp nose and jawline add fullness to her rosebud lips and high cheekbones. She's thin yet fairly strong, since she practices fencing on a daily basis.
Personality: Seril is a bundle of fire, frozen to a perfect still composure. In a moment she could have a blade against your neck, holding it to delicate skin till you swear what you said about her younger brother or mother was a lie. She's very oppinionated, yet secretive, and usually only tells her brother the details of her life. Contrary to the above mentioned, she's quite warm to people, especially children younger than she is. She's also extremely preoccupied with keeping her emotions under control. She walks fast and moves like a ghost, talks witty and thinks even wittier.
Most used weapon: She is currently being trained in a single handed sword.
History: Seril is the heir to the Dark throne, which makes her subject to the obvious things that a young lady would need to learn to be Queen. Aside from that, she's spent most of her Childhood keeping Volyn out of harms way and fighting with Tellip, The Light Throne heir.

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