Page name: Seriphim Darkheart [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2009-07-30 21:23:53
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Serephim Darkheart/Prince Balakor
[Talos Cyrion]
Race: High Elf
Age: 7,000
Rank/Occupation: Cheif advisor

Abilities: Advanced in spirit, a deadly assasin, and skilled combatant.

Appearance: Tall (roughly 6'7), with pale white skin, Black eyes and black hair. Seriph, wears all black, and seldom ever speaks unless spoken to. His weapons are almost always black as well, with noted exceptions. Seriph is seldom seen in anything other than black.

Weapons: A broad, black, curved single edged sword with blood red runes inscribed along the blade, and a golden dragons head pomel. Seriph also wears a close fitting, yet very flexable and intracate set of black armour plates, whoe's protective qualities are unrivaled. This in turn fits over a black mail shirt. Seriph's right hand guard, conttains a set of four blood red long blades, making him a deadly oponent.

Personality: Seriph, because of the nature of his ability is very solemn and at times morose, he seldom if ever laughs. As far as Lomien and Ninquelote are concerned, he is very loyal, though even amougnst his closest of friends tends to become an outcast as his moods are often misread by all but the most observant. Seriph is however very caring, doing most every thing without being asked, and is like his friend Lomien very willing to fight for what he has left. Seriph thanks to Balakor is exceptionally strong, and agile capable of feets normally impossible to all but the most skilled warriors.

History: Seriph, a long time friend of Lomien though born into a higher class, enjoyed learning from the older elf, and after the early loss of his parents saw him as a father figure of sorts. At the outbreak of the War, Seriph was torn from the one he loved, and possesed by a demon prince, courtesy of Ullari's experimenting in the dark arts. Having harnessed the Demon, weilding its power as his own Seriph is unequaled in his ability. Seriph unlike Ullari did not let his rage consume him, but rather has bid his time, continueing to search for his lost love, while seeking to destroy the ones who took her. Though he rarely comes to Eldamar, Seriph leads the alliance from the woods of Telpurion, fighting in the forests and amidst the ruins of the once beautiful ancient cities. Seriph was one of the first to join Lomien, and to the Dark Army he is known as the legion butcher, as it is said he slaughtered an entire legion in his escape from his imprisonment. Seriph ows this to the immensly powerful Demon that he has harnessed. This power at times has nearly destroyed Seriph, and he is hesitant to use his ablility as each time the Demon is released it grows in power, and Seriph appalled at what dwells within him knowing the carnage wrought uses his powers with extreme discretion.

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