Page name: Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-04 13:29:18
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Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay


Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 2

"that would be her."Alexiel smiles shaking her head harder ridding it of the last of the water,only to spray on miroku.Stopping she bends down using her seleeve to wipe some of the water away."Sorry." "It's ok..I was wet already..."Miroku smiles trying to make her feel better.

"Thanks Onyx!" Kirara mews and rubbs up against her legs.

Alexiel grins shaking her head,accidently hitting miroku in the face with her heair.She jumps away sitting down looking sheepish."Oops."Miroku smiles.

Kirara giggles.

Yudan looks around. "Where is every one?" Looking around seeing no one. Growls, spitting out water she twists her clothes covered in water. "That was a strong water current."

Kirara looks around..."Where's Yudan? Did you, by any chance, grab her too, Alexiel?"

Onyx doesn't say anything. She just lays their with her eyes closed.

Alexiel looks panicked."No I'll go get her!kirara wanna come?"

Kagome looks at Onyx. "Onyx? Onyx are you okay? Onyx? ONYX!"

Onyx just lays there with her eyes closed.

Alexiel looks worried before running off in seach of yudan."YUDAN!?!?!"

"Onyx.....Are you ok?" Kirara mews....She looks around and deiceds to stay with Onyx instead of search for Yudan. She was sure that Alexiel could handle it.

alexiel stiffs running around before seeing yudan."Yudan!"

"Oh, she's not waking up!" Kagome says. "Maybe she sallowed to much water."

"What are we going to do? I don't know anything about water!" Kirara meows and almost panics.

"Does someone know mouth to mouth?" Asks Kagome.

"And that would be?" Kirara asks and starts jumping back and forth between her left and right legs. "Oh! This is really bad! I wish I could do something to help her. It's the least I can do after she saved me twice!"

"Mouth to mouth is when someone--------uh--------Mirkou, do you know mouth to mouth?" She asks.

"Um....I would think that it would mean putting one's mouth on the other person's and breathing for them. I saw it your Health textbook....I don't think she's going to like it if Miroku does it...." Kirara jumps up remembering the information she'd soaked up a year ago.

"Um...ok...I think I can..."Miroku blinks suprised.

"All I have to say is that it's your funeral buddy." Kirara say and jumps on Kagome's shoulder to watch.

"Yeah, thats it!" Kagome says happyliy. "Go ahead and do it!"

"Go Miroku!" Kirara meows.

Miroku looks a little nervous before bending down opening onyx's mouth a little,and breathing in her mouth.

I think your supposed ot hold her nose and then push on her chest....At least that's what the diagram said..." Kirara mews out helpfully.

Onyx's eyes flutter and then they open.

miroku jumps away."onyx?you ok?"

"Onyx! You're all right!" Kirara mews happily and jumps down to land on Onyx's chest.

"I think so." She says, blushing slightly.

"We were so worried. I wanted to thank you for pushing me out of the way." Kirara purrs and jumps off her so she can stand.

"It was nothing." She says, getting up.

Miroku blushes a little brushing the hair outta his face."it's good you're ok."

"Where'd Alexiel and Yudan get to?" Kirara meowed, reminding everyone that not all were present and accounted for.

"Aelxiel went to get yudan."Miroku smiles.

"RIGHT!!......I knew that..." Kirara meows embarrassed. She giggles and runs over to land on Miroku's shoulder.

Miroku grins."Yea ya did..."Looks around wondering what was taking alexiel so long.

"i'll go find them!" Kirara says and jumps down putting her nose to the ground sniffing for Alexiel's scent. "Since Yudan fell into the river, there won't be her scent anywhere aorundhere, but Alexiel took off on foot. I should be able to find hers."

Miroku blushes grabbing kirara by the tail stopping her."No that's ok....she's probably on her way back."

"What's wrong with you? I thought you would want to find her." Kirara asks and looks up into Miroku's face.

miroku blushes deeper."No I don't!"

"And why not? We can't complete the quest without her. Do you just want to stand here for forever hoping that she might come back? Are you feeling OK?" Kirara asks.

Onyx looks around.
"We have to get going. Something's coming."

"But what about Alexiel and Yudan? Are we just going to leave them?" Kirara mews worried for her friend's safety.

"No, we have to leave now! Something is coming this way."
A harsh wind blew and the sky went dark.
"Damn it!"

InuYasha is running towards the mountains.
"Why did I let her go without me? I'm such an idiot!"

Alexiel had meanwhile picked yudan up bodily and comes running back towards the group.Miroku smiles relieved that she was back.

"We have to go now!" Onyx says, almost yelling. "Something------"


Rain begins to fall and lighting errupts. A roar is heard.

"Has anyone seen that poor excuse for a half-demon around here? I, Sesshoumaru, have come to claim what is mine." Sesshoumaru says as he steps out of the shadows.

Alexiel growls stepping slightly in front of miroku."which one sesshy?what your sister not worthy of attention?"Miroku looks nervous.

"You have nothing of interest to me. I , Sesshoumaru was referring to the Tetsusaiga. Now if you will step aside you filthy hlaf-breed. I must continue on my quest." Sesshoumaru said and walked straight into the middle of the group.

"We don't have time for this! Its coming!" Onyx says, taking out her two swords. "We've got to get out of here."

" You cowards can run. I, Sesshoumaru shall stay and wait. He is bound to come this way soon enough. There is nothing that can defeat me." Sesshoumaru says coldy.

"I think the safest place would be with the very strong, very scary demon for once." Kirara meows. "At least we have a chance if he's around.

Alexiel growls at sesshomaru moving closer." stay here and don't hurt any of us and I'll let you fight inuyasha."

"I, Sesshoumaru, will not harm your pathetic group. I am far above petty things such as that. And you cannot dictate who I fivght and who I do not. You just happen to be in the vicinity. I, Sesshoumaru won't wound you unless you get in my way." Sesshoumaru says, but doesn't move.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY DAMN IT!" Onyx pushes Sesshoumaru out of the way of a huge rock that comes crashing down. A huge slug with sharp teeth towers over them, growling angrily.

Miroku moves in front of alexiel getting ready to use the wind tunnel.

"You're dead." Sesshoumaru says coldly and his claws begin to glow green "How dare you even think of touching one as great as I. You shall pay dearly for your insolence!" He runs at Onyx with lightnig speed.

Kirara jumps in fronnt of Onyx and knocks Sesshoumaru away from her. "Don't touch my friend!"

Alexiel kicks sesshomaru in the face."Leave her alone!It's inuyasha you have a problem with!"

Sesshoumaru moves right before Alexiel strikes. "If you keep this up, I, Sesshoumaru, might end up with a grudge against all of you." He deftly riases his claws, turns and easily slices through the demon. "You, Cat, are my first target." Sesshoumaru turns to face the group.

However, since the slug isn't a demon but something much more power than a demon, it quickly sewed itself back together but quickly turned to stone.
"We've got to get out of here now!" Onyx says, getting up. "That thing is saving its engery to attack us again."

Alexiel grabs kirara and miroku running in the opposite direction.Miroku smiles looking at alexiel's butt.

Onyx runs after them and turns behind to look at Sesshoumaru. She stops for a second.
"Slicing that thing isn't going to help you any," She yells to him. "It'll eat you alive."

"That's what you think, but I shall follow you. I, Sesshoumaru, know what this thing is even if you do not." Sesshoumaru says and walks calmly after the group, catching up easily.

"I know more about these beast than you do," Onyx says to him, walking beside him. "Those things aren't of this Earth. They were made by the gods themsleves."

"ALEXIAL!" InuYasha yells. "WHERE ARE YOU!"

"You are smart than you seem, mortal, but there is a awy to kill them....Not to be afriad of them. Someone was extremely terrified of it. That's why it was so big. I, Sesshoumaru couldn't have been the one fueling it. I fear nothing." Sesshoumaru says and get ahead of Onyx.

Kirara mews from where she's being held. "Is it wise to leave that thing. It could come after us!"

alexiel smiles hands wrapped around miroku's knees."Yea..."

"There should be a cave for us to stay at," Onyx says, looking around. "But we'll have to be careful we don't wake anything up."

Alexiel lets miroku down,though he does stay close to her."Ok..."

Sesshoumaru sniffs around the entrance to the cave. "Do not worry your pathetic mortal souls about it. There is nothing in there."

"He's right!" Kirara mews to reassure her friends.

Yudan clueless, looks around. Sniffs air. "Kirara!" *runs toward her scent* "Kirara!!"

Kirara's ears perk up and she squirms out of the arms holding her. "Yudan. We're over here!"

"Just my luck. Another half demon to contend with." Sesshoumaru says and leans up against the wall of the cave.

Onyx breathes heavyliy and looks at her shirt. "Damn it! Its ripped!" She heaves a sigh and takes her hair down.

InuYasha looks up at the huge staute of a snail.
"What a dumb place to put a statue!" He says.

Sesshoumaru suddenly perks up. "He's finally coming. Good. Now I, Sesshoumaru, can get what I deserve."

Looks at sesshomaru. "Who the hell are you?" Sees Kirara. "What did I miss?"

"I'll be right back." Onyx says, going to the back of the cave.

"I am Sesshoumaru the actiing Demon Lord of the West, and you aren't even worth an introduction. I, Sesshoumaru, have no business with the likes of you." Sesshoumaru says and stares out of the entrance to the cave. 'Any minute now. It's just like that miserable fool to keep me waiting." he thinks.

Yudan glares at him. Thinking 'He's a waste of my time is more like!' "Heh." Crosses arms, sniffs air. Thinks 'another 1/2 demon must be Inuyasha but we havn't been properly introduced.'

"ALEXIAL!" InuYasha cries. "Where are you?"

Onyx has found a tiny little pool of water where she begins to wash her shirt.
"I'll have to sew this up." She says.

Hears him, pricking up her ears. "Kirara could you introduce me this time last time I had to do it myself."

"Sure thing!" Kirara mews happily.

Sesshoumaru just stands there looking bored. 'This is all a waste of my time." He walks away slowly so that no one will notice.

Alexiel looks around,not hearing inuyasha cause she was focused on miroku." I just a filthy halfbreed?" Miroku looks surprised."What?No of course not!don't listen to sesshomaru...he's just a jerk!you're beautiful and talented"Miroku blushes a deep red stopping.alexiel grins kissing him lightly.Miroku pulls her into another kiss.

Onyx walks back and stops when she sees Mirkou kissing Alexiel. She stares at first before running back around, tears streaming out of her eyes. She runs all the way to the back of the cave.
"DAMN!" She yells, letting the echo answer her.
Before she can say anything else, she feels someone's hands on her back. She looks up to see a handsome man staring into her face.
"Hello love." He says, with a voice that is sickenly sweet.

Alexiel smiles kissing miroku deeper pulling him down.Miroku smiles leaning over her.

Sesshoumaru was awtchign everything from the back of the cave. He watched silently as the man appraoched Onyx. 'Let's see where this goes...' He thought 'It'll keep me amused for now.'

"Who are you?" She asks.
"That's not important my dear," He says, taking her face in his hands. "Let me have you."

"Alexial!" InuYasha finally followed her scent to a cave. "Are you---------------what the? MIRKOU!"

Alexiel jumps pushing miroku away from her.Miroku for once looks flustered."I-inuyasha...hi..."

"What is going on here?" He asks angryliy. "On moment you're with me and the next thing I know, you've got off with some crazy black chick!"

"Hi! Inuyasha!" Kirara yells and jumps onto his shoulder. "I wnated ot stop them, but I didn't want to die either!"

"The only one that's going to doe for now is Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru says. He abandoned the scene at the back of the cave the second he heard Inuyasha's voice. 'That stupid mortal wasn't worth it anyway.' He thought and turned his full attentions to his half brother.

Alexiel growls standing next to inuyasha keeping miroku beside her,slightly behind her."forgot to tell you family came for a vist bro."

"I, Sesshoumaru, would hardly call this a visit. I'm here for the Tetsusaiga. Are you going to hand it over quietly this time, or am I going to be forced to kill you for it?" Sesshoumaru asks calmly.

"Wait a minute, you said something about a mortal," InuYasha says and turns around to Kiarara. "Who else is in this cave?"

Alexiel grins."Would you stop with the I,sesshomaru fluffy it's getting the rest of us start using the word me!"Miroku looks nervous not wanting sesshomaru to attack her.

Sesshoumaru laughes. "Who are you to me what to do? Oh and if your looking for your pathetic companion, she at the back of the cave. She should be dead soon enough. It seems a shapeshifter has gotten it's hand on her."

"We have to go help her! I don't think that even HE would lie about something like that!" Kirara meows and takes off into the cave.

InuYasha runs after her.

"Let me take you dear," He says, kissing her on the cheek. "Let me destroy you."

"UNHAND MY FRIEND!!' Kirara yowls as she she tranforms into her giant cat form.

Alexiel runs dragging miroku behind her stopping at kirara's side."LET HER GO!!!"

Sesshoumaru follows calmly. 'Even the youkai acts like a foolish mortal. How fitting for my brother and sister to be travelling in such a group.' He thinks.

InuYasha lands in front of the two of them. He runs over and slashes the figure but then realizes that there is nothing there. He falls over, flat on his face.

Onyx snaps too and looks around.
"What happened?" She asks.

Inuyasha gets up and turns around to answer her, "You where under a spe-------a spoi-------a speedy-------uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

InuYasha stares at Onyx, captaived. He begins to blush.

Alexiel laughs leaning against miroku."Looks like I'm not the only one finding crushes...."Miroku smiles arms around her waist holding her close.

"You people are all pethetic. You let your emotions run you. Now, brother, I do believe that we have a score to settle." Sesshoumaru says and crosses his arms getting impatient.

"Stop being mean! Maybe if you were a little bit nicer, someone would love you too! You're just sad because everyone hates you!" Kirara yowls.

"Is something wrong?" Onyx asks InuYasha.

"Uh--------I like it when people pet my behind my ears!" He says.

Realizing what he has just said, he turns around and runs father into the cave.

Alexiel raises an eyebrow looking at miroku who had started laughing."wow my brother's getting more doggish every day."

"You insolent cat are going to die." sesshoumaru said. His face never changed, but deep down he was hurt.

"You've been saying that since you got here, and yet you haven't made a move on a single one of us." Kirara meows back.

Onyx listens to the others bicker and then goes off to find InuYasha. He is sitting on a rock with his head in his hands. She comes over and starts stratching behind his ears.

Miroku looks between sesshomaru and kirara wearily.Alexiel being the ever brave,sometimes foolish one,goes over and pats sesshomaru on the head."It's ok!I love you brother!"

Sesshoumaru's claws slash into her stomach. "Do not touch me with your filth." He then turns and continues the staring contest with Kirara.

Miroku runs over grabbing her setting alexiel gently on the ground looking at her stomach."are you ok?"He asks concerned."Yea...I will be."alexiel grins pressing a hand against her stomach and stealing a kiss.

"Why do you insist on harming your own family? Do you know how much I would give to see mine alive again? You don't deserve their love!" Kirara meows.

Sesshoumaru mentally recoils. "Why should I care about what they think. They carry no weight in my mind. They were just stupid mistakes that my father made."

"Ah! That feels good!" InuYasha's leg is going up and down. "Ah that feels goooooooooooooooood!"

Onyx smiles and then goes back to where everyone is. She glares at Sesshoumaru and sends a fire ball his way.

Sesshoumaru jumps over it with ease and continues glaring at Kirara.

Alexiel looks so hurt at hearing her life being called a mistake.Miroku gets up angrily."Sesshomaru you have no right.She's tried her hardest to make you feel welcome!to me she's twice the demon you'll ever be!"

"I'll deal with you later monk. If you could even be called a monk. Right now I have other pressing business to attend to. It seems that my little bastard of a brother has dropped a rung on my priority list." He never once takes his eyes from Kirara.

"Honored, I'm sure." Kirara spits out through clinched teeth. She's still in he rbigger form.

Onyx punches Sesshoumaru in the face, leaving a huge mark.
"You monster! You have no right to do such a thing to such innocent people! All they've been trying to do is make you feel welcomed! What's the matter? Are you scared?"

Miroku's still glaring angrily at sesshomaru.alexiel gets up one hand still against her stomach trying to stop the bleeding."Sesshomaru if you're not even going to attempt to get along with us i ask you to leave now."

Sesshoumaru growls and sends an evil glare in Onyx's direction. "I will not leave until my business here is done. If you foolish mortals will stay out of my way for once, this shouldn't take long. Mortals are always messing in thigs that do not concern them."

Kirara growl and pounces. Sesshoumaru easily evades.

Alexiel gets weak in the knees and leans against miroku.worriedly miroku picks her up taking her back to where inuyasha was.

Sesshoumaru attacks Kirara and she jumps into the sky sending a fireball hurling back at the youkai. Sesshoumaru sleeve catches on fire, btu he put it out and turn back to the firecat that is hovering in front of him.

Onyx jumps up and kicks him in the chest.
"Just face it. You're scared."

Miroku lays the passed out alexiel gently down next to inuyasha."Inuyasha!watch her!make sure nothing happens!"With that he runs back to join the others against sesshomaru.

"Stay out of this Onyx! It's MY fight!" Kirara yowls and pushes her out of the way.

"What's this? You're not fighting in your true form? You must really love theses mortals." Sesshoumaru says calmly and jumps away from the charging Kirara.

Alexiel groans starting to wake up."miroku?"

"She rubbed my ears!" InuYasha says with a sigh.

Onyx stands and watches Kiara fight. She knew she was right with one thing. Sesshoumaru was scared.

Alexiel sighs sitting up.""I swear your more dog every time I see you."

Miroku was standing off to the side waiting to see if he'd be needed.

"It's none of your damn business what the hell I do!" Kirara rushes past him, taking a chucnk out of his good shoulder with her teeth.

"Oh, but I think it is now!" He return and jumped up landing on Kirara's back. He reached into the fur and her tail and pulled out a talisman. "Fight as yourself, coward!"

"Whats her name?" Asks InuYasha to Alexial.

Onyx stares at Mirkou.
"Damn, he's handsome." She whispers.

"NOOOOO!!!" Kirara yell out and disappears into a ball of fire. The ball flys across the small clearing the disappear into the trees.

Yudan was watching in fear for quite some time but she was silent for a reason, her demon side was trying to escape to the surface. She was holding her head tightly fighting it as hard as she could, her eyes turning red, her claws extending and ranking marks on her face. She struggles then she yelled in pain. "I can't take this much longer!" 'I can't control it! I have to let go it's crushing me!' She thinks. As a final cry of pain escaped her lips, then a chuckle an evilo one at that, she flicked her hands making a sound of her nails, she looks up cocking her head back as the rage filled her blood thirsty eyes. "Who's first."

Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 4

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2005-02-04 [Lady_Lionheart]: me to!

2005-02-04 [Blaze the Nameless]: Poor Inu! He just embarssed himself!

2005-02-04 [JapaneseMiko]: no one noticed my conflict.......:(

2005-02-04 [Lady_Lionheart]: I DID!

2005-02-04 [Blaze the Nameless]: So did I!

2005-02-04 [JapaneseMiko]: OK! ^.^

2005-02-04 [Lady_Lionheart]: ttyt!goodnight!

2005-02-04 [JapaneseMiko]: have a good sleep! ^^

2005-02-04 [Lady_Lionheart]: you to!^^

2005-02-04 [JapaneseMiko]: I have chores to do and a shower to take, but this time I swear that I'm coming back.

2005-02-04 [Yudan333]: -.- once again i'm left out of per-say, this rate i'll make my character kill herself....ok well destroy her self from trying so hard not to change into demon form *hint*

2005-02-05 [Blakkduv]: Can i join?

2005-02-05 [Yudan333]: As who?

2005-03-28 [Crash OverRide]: can i be shippo

2005-03-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yes you can

2005-03-29 [Crash OverRide]: oh ok

2005-03-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: We need a shippo

2005-03-29 [JapaneseMiko]: it'll spice things up a bit

2005-03-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yes it will.

2005-03-30 [Crash OverRide]: can some one message me the password so i can start rping please

2005-03-30 [JapaneseMiko]: You have to go to Sesshoumaru-sama Club Roleplay 9

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