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2006-10-19 18:03:55
Last author: shadow_of_life
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Never talk about your problems?Few people know What you actually are?Hide your poetry under the carpet?Feel lost and dark and a little bit transparent?
Hey!Yo me, [shadow_of_life] who tries to show that even shadows are allowed to show what they can!

So let's get weeet!!!!

Look, I wanna show all kind of stuff here, so if anyone wants to exspand his/herself I'd be glad. I hope this could be a poetry-prose page where me and friends can show what they can - I mean all of them, and I mean the 'shadow' part who never show what they made.Hey, mystic people in the world, time to show what you hide in the depts of your hearts, lost in twilight just because some people deserve to know that even shadows exist and live on and that even in the darkest one there is a spark of Creation :}}}}}}

So, I guess, it's up to me to start, oh yeeeah!


I can see it buried in the clouds
The ghost of bloody lonely moon
An echo slowly falling down
The scream of night and doom

The sky is crying tears tonight
And wolves are sadly howling
Violas play in desperate fight
This scream locked in our horrors

And crawling shadows of our lives
Fade away in darkness
And even fallen angels cry
Because of screams in madness

So many dreams unrealized
So many broken mirror worlds
And so much pain so deep inside
That even screaming hurts

And silence killing every sound
Forgotten silent bloody cords
And scattered lies crushed on the ground
Within this scream of souls

A scream of old abounded dust
Of life already gone
A scream of faked love and thrust
Carved on my black gravestone …


That is the poetry that became a song which made me cry and then wiped put the tears of my face, [Devil^sLair] sang it so well that everyone in the hall froze in a small musical 'now' was great - I'll always love you for singing it, and for all you are, my nightwingale!


This is the last thing I wrote - about the theme at the Poetry Corner at the herald - hope you'll like it!


Like butterflies reborn at sunset
This night is first within your sight
At some abounded lonely August
When you were so extremely sad

It's like someone's last breath –
A distant flow of summer wind
Like unexpected childish death –
A smell of summer fairy dream

A dream of nights in endless passion
When even stars are making love
When even full moon ends with flashing
In love with every shiny stone

This scent of dream arises moonlight
And gods begin to write a poem
Of dragonflies' tender dances
Of spider webs and silver cotton.

It gives you all the summer evenings
You find your heart too small to bear it
It hurts so much that it stops singing
And makes the midnight silence sacred

The forests' voice is in your blood
And shooting stars fulfill your dreams
You cry of joy and you feel loved,
Enchanted, lost, eternal, winged …

And this is all. Now you need nothing.
You have the treasure fairies keep –
The greatest one of all belongings –
The scent of midnight summer dream…


Well, since it's summer and I'm free and lonely as a newborn dragonfly, think the theme at the Poetry Corner is good enough to do:}}}}}}

Unicorn's Last Summer Song

The moon is staring at me
She just felt my pain
Nowhere to go
No one to love
Just like me
We are both free
Nothing to gain
So much to show
And just let it be
And bloom like the trees
The woods sing to me
They just met my heart
Emptied and warm
Ready to fly
And sing with the birds
I don't need to feel
I don't have to start
Don't want to be harmed
Just hugging the sky
So tender it hurts
Butterflies caress my hair
They just kiss me goodbye
Forgive me my fears
Promise me nothing
And never go back
No more need to be scared
To live is to die
I have lost my tears
I have lost all my loving
And all fades to black…


And this is for the new theme at the Poerty Corner which is very inspiring in my opinion :}}}

Death of Time

It has vanished with the summer
Its flower withered in the cold
It missed the bloody autumn sunset
The people couldn't make to hold it

It was immortal, in its glory
It had them all, it had their lives
It was their precious sacred glory
It was the thunder in their skies

It was their slave, they had it captured
They cut it with their little minds
They had it trusted, spiked and blinded
It lost its bright creative sands

Now it was free before its death
The autumn kissed it for goodbye
But before its final breath
It didn't have the time to die ...


Now this is very shadow-type - it just somehow giving the right description of a shadow's life...doesn't it ? :}}}

A Shadow's diary

Tender blossoms falling from the trees
They swim in the lake of my tears
When I realised I was in love with the world
And I didn't know what to do

Heavy raindrops hitting dusty ground
When the drought of my heart was over
And I saw life turning back and smiling atme
And its smile was brighter than the lightnings

Unreal crimson leaves dance with the wind
The same way I was dancing alone in the park
Because time had stopped to talk to me
And its words made me wiser and stronger

Fragile transparent snowflakes form flowers in the sky
While my heart was as frozen as their shiny crystals
Because death had come to kiss my desperate lips
And it ran away from the loneliness it saw in my eyes

...But there was something strange pushing from within me
It was aching, still it felt as good as pleasure
Just as if I was in love with the world
And I waited for the tender falling blossoms


There goes another one - I guess I still am enveloped in some kind of sadness when I write poetry.Maybe that's what makes it 'shadow'-like :}}}

The Wait

Why do the ruins feel so sad?
For what their heart of stone is crying?
And even when they bath in light
Forever they are not enlightened ...

For what era are they yearning?
What ancient people made them lonely?
They look as if they're deeply starving
For life in past, but endless glory.

The castles die along with people
And time devours them with flowers
And all they leave is decent feeling
Of high unreal castle towers

Abounded ruins - slowly rotting
If stone could rot in hungry shadows
Their grace is carved by years floating
Which rest in this forgotten castle

This solitude has no salvation
To fall in love with your past days
When even stonehearts were burnt in passion
And who are now to fade away

So still they wait and clad in shadows
For ones who are to be no more
Forever they are not enlightened
For life in past, but endless glory...


I think this cannot be commented ...

Spring of the Ice Queen

It's warm, it's blooming, it is sunshine
And yet it chills me deep inside
It lasts an instant and a lifetime
It gives you wings, but you can't fly

This springtime doesn't make me happy
It's like it's distant and obscure
It's as if I have something lacking
And I am stranger in this world

Why do I seek these frozen castles
That winter builds from trees and snow
Where ebery single piece is flashing
Like guiding light you never followed

I fear the winds of change in spring
They melt the crystals of our feelings
I hope for place with no such winds
Where love is sylent crystal winter

I long for fragile lovely gardens
Where you see only black and white
And black is our secret darkness
And white is light within our hearts

That's why this spring is so confusing
And I feel fear when you're to leave me
And silence is just killed by music
And ice when melting, looks like bleeding

You kill my world, oh, time of living!
Your flowers perce my screaming flesh!
My time of life was just in winter!
This life from you for me is death ...


Ever wondered what makes us people?Well, here's one possible answer...


She lived in other worlds, she was
The cyber angel of the facts
She saw the summer sky of stars
As one and zero - darkness, light

She floated there in halls of numbers
The metal wires were her friends
She fell in deep electric slumber
Where she had life without an end

But still asleep, her hand was held
Her eyes were dead, here lips were cold
But there was this romantic man
Who loved her cybernetic soul

She was the girl loved by computers
Which was a logic kind of love
They gave her present, past and future
Where was but this logic

But one day she became rejected
Which she just didn't understand
Her soul was stll divine, electric
But her heart died with her man

Computers loved her human nature
And once lost it, she lost the future ...

We're humans, when we're loved by humans
But when this human love is dead
We get rejected by computers
For they love not mashines like them ...


This one is a bit strange ... I like it though ...

The Last Dreamgazer

I know not when I fell asleep
I didn't want it, they made me do it
With their cold metal wires
Which were to be my bed
And this silver-like liquid
Which was to be my sleeping pill
And I found myself floating in space
The cold of nothingness embraced me
And I dreamt ...
I was sure they taped my dreams
They tried to change what I forsaw
They distorted my mind, searching for solutions
They sucked out my blood to use it for magic
I had nothing but my wires, my silver-like liquid...
... and my dreams about the future ...
As long as my mind could dream, my body was useless
Bodies were expensive and they sold mine
And still I dreamt for them ...
Untill the time I had this Dream
Which set me free from the wires
Gave me new body
Gave me new blood
Because 'it' was coming
The last day
After which noone could dream about the future
Because there'd be no future
And I needed a new body
Because I had to die along with them
And then I woke up ...
I know not when I fell asleep
In front of this old blind computer
But I remembered that it is tomorrow
That they put me to eternal sleep
And I knew what to expect
The wires, the silver-like glow
And then, 'it' ...
And then you wake up ...


This one is because sometimes we forget that there are still ones to be loved.And there are alwayes ones we can love.No matter how many.The heart is deeper than the seas.

The Sea's Only Lover

You must have been so damn alone
For a deadly long and lifeless time
And even when I'm surely gone
Your thirst will never die inside

Who could've ever dared to love you?
Eho realised you needed love?
Who found you salthy waters calming?
Whose lips were kissed by your sweet salt?

It's only me that want to love you -
You great, enchanting, endless Sea
Make love with me, i'll make you blossom
The kiss me, hold me, make me bleed!

Enchain me with your sands of silver
And cut me with you whips of storm
Be cold and icy, make me shiver
With killing, violent, angry love

And give me all your suns and sunsets
And all the fallen stars in you
The power of your fearless hunters
And in your depths - the lights of truth

You gave birth once - teh birth of Life
And since then you've been just a Mother
Still young and lively, but a Christ
With children, but without a lover

I cannot breathe, I'm underwater
I die embracing salthy waves
I just preferred the 'all or nothing' -
Just kissed the Sea's delighted face

Now I give birth of something special
And you're exhausted from our love
You sleep - I die, but I'm creating
The future for your newborn Life

That's why at dawn the Sea is silenced
Just tired from the passion's flames
The Night is over and when drowning
Gives birth to just another day.


Well, haven't written anything for quite a while, it seems. This one came up after a long walk I took outside...

Rainy Weekend Symphony

This warm rhythm of footsteps and falling rain
Chokes my heart and makes me trip
The city symphony sweeps and dwells
And me along with it – in its tender rain-soaked grip.

Didn’t know it would hurt so much to watch
And listen to it at the same time – this song
So stubborn to sound brave and harsh
And which doesn’t know where it belongs

So it wanders the city with me, for I hear
My tears are on its invisible sheets
When I passed by lovers in fear
That I’m the only one alone on this street

An orchestra of million souls plays
In harmony with everybody’s pains and joys
And leaves the whisper wind in our hair
And when it rains its music overflows

Do never stop to hear it, for you’ll kill
The only sound which accompanies me when
I walk the streets and sing how sad I feel
… The footsteps and the falling rain ...


Well I can consider this a tribute to the Poetry Corner AND a pre-StValentine's day poetry with elements of ... well, love :}}}

Tell-tale Ballad(to be read aloud)

When I was young, the Sleeping Beauty
Waited for her hero in her sleep
Where her kiss'd already proven
That she loved no other but the Beast.

And still the handsome Prince was coming
To take her heart as his deserved reward
And place it with the other hunting trophies -
For heroes, just like angels, often fall.

And so the Beast has let her go for seven days
Because he knew it was a long-lost fight
For noble princes' swords do never fail
To pierce Beauties' loving hearts

They'd lived together for a thousand years,
But heroes must accomplish all their quests
And so the prince abandoned both his kingdom and his fears
And begged the Beauty not to stay and wait.

He loved her for the sake of being a hero
But there were many dragons to be slain
And even more unanswered ancient riddles
And even other hearts of Beauties to be claimed.

And she went back to that old castle
That she forsake for a whole of seven years
To find the servants gone and windows shattered
And look for her forsaken Beast.

And the she found the dying monster
To tell him that she loved him all the time
And offer him a loving woman's shoulder
And feel him dying as she cried.

He told her that he didn't want her
To love him like she'd love a prince
He wanted for her arms to be just tender 
And hear her promise to be with him ever since.

The Gods tried to take away her beauty
But her pain was such a cleansing act of love
That shed the form of something human
And she became a swan ...
They gave her one last mournful song ...
As I was young …

P.S.Hey, I want this one made into a real song!


Hmm, haven't written in a while, but I guess now my imagination is as savage as always. I'll update mor eoften from no won. This one is for all those beautiful women that dance at night by the sound of violins and flutes.

Lonely dances

The scorched pergament
Of your skin
As you swim
In what is
The milliards of pieces
Of hidden sorrow
Turned into a desert
To the long and selfish
Shadows of the pyramids
As the black veil
Whispers something
In Arabian and French
Pushed by the wind
To the brief mercy
That is the night
When the sand
So much like the sea
And you dance like
An Arabian Siren
With no fins
Where your voice is
Crucified by the heat and cold
And it turns into water
The milliards of pieces
Of hidden sorrow
Turned into a desert
To the rain that is
Your song
To the black seaweed that is
Your hair
To the seagulls that are
Your hands
And the charred heart
Of all thirsty Arabia
Dances with the indifferent
Distant waters of the seas
In your black eyes


For sake of not getting confused on whose writings are whose, I've added my works to a seperate wiki page. Also, I don't want the wiki page getting to large. So, to see the new (and right now older) works I've put up, go to Other Shadows' Works. Thank you, and have a nice day.



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2004-11-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: As I said before... Ni-i-ice!!!

2004-11-13 [shadow_of_life]: So you visited it after all :}}}

2004-11-13 [BornFromSilence]: =P

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