Page name: ShadowStalker [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-19 22:14:01
Last author: Lite
Owner: Lite
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Full Name: Celestia Starlite Aster
Alias: Shadowstalker
Race: Half-Drow, Half-Elf
Age: 127
Gender: Female
General- Celestia is considered short even by drow standards at 3'2", with a slender but muscular build. Her glowing golden eyes are like stars in the night sky, that know and see too much. That combined with her shoulder-length gossamer-silver hair are her most noticable traits. She has a fair complexion (by drow standards) with pale lavender skin. True to her alias, Shadowstalker, she has an uncanny ability to sneak up ona person without notice with her stealth. Even with the enhanced strength of the drows, Shadowstalker prefers the use of her favoured weapon, the black longbow. She relies most on her graceful and agile nature to make up for a lack of endurance.
Apparel- Shadowstalker dresses in a manner more similar to a rogue than a ranger (as her fighting-style dictates), with a black hood pulled low over her head that entends down as a loose scarf that she keeps wrapped around her shoulders like a shawl. For a top she dons a simple linen wrap, and loose black trousers that entend to her mid-calves that flare out at the bottom before tied firmly to her leg with leather straps. Her only footwear is white bandages wrapped around her feet upto her ankles, and the same for her hands and wrists. This allows her to impact damage in hand-to-hand combat as well if her opponent should get too close. She is often found wearing a magical black cloak that helps her blend into the shadows.
Accesories- Tatoos of symbols of the sun, moon, and stars mark her face. The symbol is her insignia, and is also portrayed in her medallion, supposedly a gift from her predecessor. She often also uses raven feathers, which are mainly for fletching her arrows, as accesories, tieing them to her attire, and decorating her bow.
Personality- Once one of the light, Shadowstalker now has a dark, mysterious and hostile aura about her. This is coupled with a sense of light dark, derisive humor. Cunning and sardonic, she enjoys taunting her prey, enjoying every fight for the purpose of sating her lust for blood. She is proud and arrogant, yet often passive, and always vigilant and ready to act on the spur of the moment. Not one hint of honor or empathy is present, and trickery and backstabbing are her preferred ways to win a battle.
Motto- Spare no mercy for the weak, as those who are weak of heart deserve death.
Weapons/Equipment: Equipped with an exotic longbow of black wood, engraved with sigils to enhance precision and aim, from the Tree of Eternity. Arrows are crafted fletched herself with raven feathers. Also has twin hunting knives, used as often for hunting as for slaying humans,kept slung at her waist. Numerous hidden daggers and knives are always kept on her being.
Preferred Weapon: Black Longbow
Weaknesses- Everyone has weaknesses. In order to learn one's weaknesses, you must first discover their strengths. Shadowstalker prefers ranged combat, and has a deadly aim, so getting close enough for melee combat without being shot is ideal. Her element comes into play in the darkness, when she vanishes like a specter, and with her night-vision, is seemingly everywhere at once. She can also use her ability Starfall at night. If field of battle can be chosen, Shadowstalker is weakest in broad daylight. Over-confidence also leads her to underestimate her enemy.
Darkness- Brings an impenetrateable darkness, cloaking her from her enemies unless it is also a creature of darkness.
Starfall- Calls the power of the stars to aid her, dealing damage in a spectacle of raining stars, however leaves her prone to attack.
Metamorph- Ability to metamorph temporarily in to her familar.
Familers: Nocturn (raven)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Elements: Darkness and Light (Stars in the Night Sky)
Forms: Drow, metamorphs to raven
Short History: Shadowstalker is rumored to be the daughter of Celestia, High Goddess of the Celestial Realm and greater knowledge. Once a revered cleric of good shining under the light of her mother, she is now one of evil, succumbed after many years in pain. The fact that the one who gave birth to her was a Goddess of Neutrality might explain her divided loyalty. Abadoning her former aesthetic life, she enters a world of darkness, living as an outcast from all races and worlds.

By [Lite]
First ever drawing of Shadowstalker:
2nd attempt - Version from how she appears in the MMORPG Cabal Online
Latest(and most accurate) attempt:

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