Page name: Shara Escrima [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-08-04 03:20:55
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Username: [shadow of darkness]

Name: Shara Escrima

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Age: 39

Description: Escrima stands at a whopping 5'11", she has very broad shoulders and a definitive brow. There are multiple scars along her arms and chest, along with a few smaller ones across her face. She has long brown hair, which she generally keeps tied in a tight braid that reaches down to the small of her back. She wears your standard butcher garb. A pair of blood stained pants and a blood stained shirt, topped off with a white blood stained apron. Her pants are usually black in color and the shirt is usually a deep blue.
Personality: Escrima is a rather cold hearted individual. As long as you pay the right price, she'll butcher anything you ask, without asking any questions.

History: Escrima's the daughter of the local butcher and a red light district werewolf prostitute. Unfortunately, she inherited her father's rugged good looks, rather than her mother's voluptuous figure. Since she took after her father, she knew she wouldn't be the most attractive woman in Mourncrow and decided it would be best to learn a trait instead. Her father taught her everything she knows about butchery. She was a rather quick study to be honest; and in her free time she taught herself how to wield her butcher tools as weapons, just in case she would need it.

Her mother was not really much of a part in her life. When Escrima was born, her mother left, returning to work in the red light district. It was for many years later, when she was 17, that she saw her mother again. She was out running in her wolf form, when she came across a familiar scent. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked around frantically. It was a scent she hadn't smell for many years. She crept up over a nearby hill and looked down the other side. There she was, her mother, fighting against a vampire. She had no idea what the fight was about, but she knew this woman was her mother. She couldn't just sit there and watch. Without thinking, she bolted down the hill, heading straight for the fight. Her mother looked up as she caught her scent. It was at that fatal second that the vampire struck. It slashed a brilliant silver blade out and cleaved off the woman's head, sending it rolling to Escrima's paws. Traumatized by witnessing her mother's brutal death, she took off running, back the way she came. She ran as fast as her little wolf legs could carry her, but she could not escape the vampire hunter. There was no doubt that he had caught her scent as well or something. He knew she was a werewolf...not to mention the fact that she was a witness, and witnesses to murder were just not a good thing to let run around.
When the vampire caught up with her, she transformed back into her human form, flipping out of his grasp with ease. He reached forward however and raked his long black finger nails across her face, leaving five deep and burning slashes in her skin. She fell to the ground, clutching her face. When the vampire moved in for the kill however, Escrima's fingers found a tree branch laying beside her. She gripped it tightly and turned, thrusting up word just as the vampire was bringing his silver sword down to take her head as well. The wooden stake pierced right through the creature's heart, taking his life instantly.
She got to her feet and fled back home. She quickly confronted her father about what had just happened and he explained just who her mother was, not really having the heart to tell his only child that she was a prostitute's daughter. Having cut himself plenty of times in the field of butchery, he knew how to treat and dress wounds and set quickly to tending her face. Unfortunately, most of the damage was already done and she would remained scarred for quite some time.

Escrima still bares the faint scars of that day, even now, after 22 years. Although she has acquired many many more since then as well.

Special Traits: She doesn't carry her butcher gear for nothing. She can throw the knives with skillful precession, not to mention the fact that she is able to wield a few of them as though they were small swords. The tenderizing hammers vary in size and the ones that are larger, she can also wield as weapons. She the usual abilities that come with being a werewolf, such as above average strength, heightened senses, the ability to understand wildlife, and an acute sense of her surroundings.

Profession: Escrima is the Butcher of Mourncrow

Inventory: A small arsenal of knives, used mainly for slicing and slashing various meats. Along with a couple of tenderizing hammers.

Other: Along with the other abilities of being a werewolf, Escrima also has the ability to transform her shape into that of a wolf. She can also maintain a few unstable stages in between human and wolf forms.

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2008-05-11 [shadow of darkness]: history to come shortly. need inspiration to write a good history

2008-05-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: If Butcher of Mourncrow means Barber of Fleet Street then no. Also, werewolves don't live that long. They CAN reach 159, but they're going to look 159 and be old and haggard.

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