Page name: Sid Vitanza [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-10-02 00:06:41
Last author: Roma
Owner: Roma
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Player: [Roma]

Name: Sid Vitanza (he does not give his last name out – none but his closest know it. No one knows if Sid is his real name either, but it's what he's called himself ever since he's been in NYC)

Age: 21

Race: Werewolf, purebred. Comes from a long line of notoriously savage werewolves.

Appearance: Sid is 100% Italian. His skin is lightly tanned, there is always five o'clock shadow on his cheeks, heavy brow with thick brown brows, and angrily smoldering brown eyes burning like a feral dog kept in a cage for too long. His hair is dark brown and cut simply, with just a bit hanging over his forehead. Most striking are, obviously, his eyes and the sudden intensity they hold. Even just a casual glance looks like glaring. His physique is tall and lean – he looks like he could hold his own in a scrap but at first glance he does not appear to be a bruiser.

He is covered most of the time – doesn't show much skin or reveal much of himself. He mostly wears black: jeans, t-shirt, and leather jacket with boots. His look is surprisingly simple and streamlined for someone so ruthless and barbaric in nature.

Special Markings: He is covered from head-to-toe in black and white tattoos, from his neck to his toes. Most are skulls and dead things. There is one colored tattoo of a dead maiden on his upper thigh but he doesn't talk about why that one is what is it.

The tattoos you can see most are the ones on his neck and hands

Back of Hands: one is a detailed moon with the phases on his fingers and the other is a huge ball with spikes on it and several satanic symbols on his fingers.

Neck: on the back is a picture of a screaming man, on the front (his throat) are claw marks that look as if something on the inside of his neck is clawing its way out. On the sides are several Italian phrases in beautiful script
Io ti divora – I will devour you
Il lupo mannaro emerge – the werewolf emerges
La tua morte ti aspetta dentro la mia bocca – your death awaits inside my jaws
Io urlo per la luna, ma lei è sorda al mio urlo – I scream for the moon but she is deaf to my howl

Personality: You will never catch him smiling or laughing. He is the ultimate badass, encompassing the cool persona of a natural born leader with ease. He is secretive and mysterious, though aggressive and volatile. His is a quiet, brooding danger that explodes only when the time is right. Underneath his facade of silence burns the mind of a beast waiting for the perfect moment to pounce upon his prey. He trusts only a few and relies on instinct more than anything else. His sense of smell is incredible, as is his hearing – those are by far his two strongest. He will never reveal himself openly, give any more information than he has to, or suffer rivals. He is an alpha in every sense of the word, and is smarter than the average one who relies on brute force and swagger to get his way. He is also violent towards everyone, regardless of who they are to him. He has been known to strike females, devour children, and kill friends all for what he perceived to be a legitimate reason. It has been said he has no heart and many of his inner circle can vouch for this. He is possessive of what is his, does not share, and becomes attached only to things and people that befit him.

Hometown: Detroit, MI. He moved to Bronx, NY when he was 15.

History: He won't share much of this. He moved to NYC when he was 15 and started up the Hounds when he got there. He has been the sole leader ever since and has amassed an impressive following of kinsmen.

The Hounds: It is mostly werewolves, though he has a few shapeshifters and warlocks in his ranks now. They are all men and are like brothers, though they all fear and respect their fearless leader, who keeps them rolling in jobs, dough, women, and fresh meat. They stand 24 strong.

Current Happenings: His girlfriend, Akantha, recently stole about 10k from him, all in cash, and then disappeared without a trace. Having spent the last several years with her he considers her his and his alone, and will stop at nothing to find the bitch and bring her down. Perhaps, if she asks nicely, he won't feed her to his dogs for this complete and utter betrayal.

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