I was sad that Simon Stinger didn't have a wiki so i'm gonna try and make this one work!
I MADE A BANNER-dont laugh at it...only i can do that (giggle)

Simon Stinger is a really awesome bay area band that no one really knows about so heres some info and i hope you all look into them because they are way cooler than anyone knows!
Alicia Perrone: vocals
Victor James: bass (has the same b-day as me! june 17!)
Mary Cary: guitar
Elvis Katic: drums
~BAY AREA BUZZ - Kimberlye Gold - Simon Stinger is a band that will have you questioning your sexual orientation, or perhaps expanding it. The guys are hot, the women even hotter, they can sing/play/shak
e their asses off, and the chemistry between them is electrifyingly contagious. Watching a Simon Stinger show, one gets the distinct urge to remove layers of one's own clothing. There's so much happening all over the stage, both choreographed and spontaneous, you need to see them more than once to take it all in. Cary's crunchy guitar parts, layers of textured sequencing, the tight rhythm section of James' bass playing, and Katic's flashy, yet solid drumming underneath, bring to mind the best of 80's rock and funk with a new millennium sensibility. The petite Perrone purrs and growls with the attitude of Ann Margaret, the chops of David Bowie and the soul of Prince ... yet has a voice completely her own. The comparisons to bands like Missing Persons, No Doubt, Berlin and Garbage are inevitable, but there is more going on here. It only takes one spin of any Simon Stinger CD to realize you probably haven't heard anything quite like this San Francisco pop band defies classification and the system they are poised and ready to buck.
~REAL ROCK MAGAZINE The bay area has had many bands who have gone on to make a huge name for themselves such as Metallica, Santana, Third Eye Blind, and now the newest sensation is Simon Stinger. They're naturals. The singer is just incredible.
k so i guess if people are gonna be members i should put a thing here for them huh? ya here it is, put ur name here if u wanna
1. [Articia]
2. [Subliminal. Love. Sick.]
(all pictures and quotes used without permission from simonstinger.com SORRY!)
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