Hogwarts: New Age Hogwarts Houses User: [Rice]
Name: Vandal Ford.
Age: 15.
Gender: Male.
House: Slytherine.
Year: 4.
Height: 6ft.
Weight: 11 stone.
Appearance: http://i1.tinypic.com/2ylpbeu.jpg (with his sister ‘Cyan’)
Description: Vandal can be a bit of a cocky wise ass, he is often right though he wont always accept praise since he believes himself to be a ‘rebel’. He is very daring and is often the center of attention and chaos, even if he didn’t cause it. He gets average grades though he has the capacity of getting much higher, he just really isn’t bothered.
History: Vandal lives in London with his mother, farther and sister Cyan, they are a wizard family with a bloodline tracing back to the Victorian times. They are quite wealthy and respected amongst the wizard world.
Other: Vandal often tries to be the gallant hero for girls often throwing him self into danger to save them, even if the girls weren’t in danger to begin with. He is a bit of a flirt.
User: [Rice]
Name: Lucy Lovell.
Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
House: Slytherine.
Year: 4.
Height: 5’5ft.
Weight: 8 ½ stone.
Appearance: http://i4.tinypic.com/2hcjiti.jpg
Description: Cynical and slightly cruel, Lucy comes off as an arrogant power hungry girl fitting into the Slytherine criteria almost perfectly. She hates being mocked and wont stand for disrespect from anyone, even teachers. She can be a bit judging and sometimes jumps to irrational conclusions about people with half the information in front of her. Lucy does however have quite a caring heart, she hates violence and meaningless death.
History: Not much is known about Lucy’s life behind Hogwarts, she lives in Oxford with her mother in a fatherless home.
Other: Lucy has a snake named ‘Loki’ which hides down her top hissing at people she feels are threatening Lucy.