Page name: Sotalean's fantasy art [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-14 23:47:14
Last author: Sotalean
Owner: Sotalean
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 6
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Aliena's fantasy art
Ayeaka's fantasy art
Draconic's fantasy art
DreAmsRf0rEver's fantasy art
Jane's fantasy art
kamisch's fantasy art
Lethal-chan's fantasy art
TheNavigator's fantasy art

Allo Allo! This would be my art page.
I figured that I might as well post one up here. You would think that after two years of membership that I would have done this by now!

Nope... never did. ^_^

My Galleries!












And more to come later. ^_^

back to Fantasy art
art links this is the place to post li nks to your art galleries!
fantasy art gallery this is the place to post fantasy pictures you did.
fantasy art badge contest we need a badge! feel free to enter!
fantasy poems art isn't only drawings, put your fantasy poems here!
fantasy stories you who is a writer, this is the place for you! ^_^
The Ultimate Character GuideA wonderful page, made by [GraphicEntropy] that you should definatly visit! It will definatly help you understand your charecter at a depth you never knew before.

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