Page name: Soulmate Chapter3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-12 02:48:04
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Chapter 3


Sora and Kyu smiled. "Sorry about my dad...."Kyu said.

Vali smiled back. "It's cool..."

Tamayuiki just watched them.

"Umm...want to join us?" Kyu asked

"Thank you..." he said, nodding softly.

He smiled

Tamayuiki sat down with Sora, Kyu, and Vali.

Vali smiled. "I think your dad is so cool, Kyu..."

He blushed. "I know...but he is so overprotective."

"I agree with him...." Tamayuiki said pointing at Kyu.

Kyu nodded. "I am all he has I guess I kinda understand."

Vali hugged him. "You're special to him..."

"I know."

Vali giggled, and Tamayuiki just looked confused by Vali's always-happy attitude.

Kyu and Sora began to eat

Vali and Tamayuiki started to eat as well, Vali smiling and talking to all of them happily.

Kyu talked about hobbies Sora was quiet

Tamayuiki looked at Sora. "What's wrong?" he asked softly.

"Nothing...I just...this is the first time I have been able to socialize."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I...people think I am a freak..."

"Why...?" he asked softly as Sora looked on.

"I...don't want to talk about wouldn't like me anymore..."

Vali looked worried. "I won't..."

"Me either...." said Tamayuiki.

"Umm...want to talk about something else?"

Tamayuiki nodded, and Vali hugged Kyu and Sora.

Sora and Kyu smiled a little

"Let's all be good friends..." Vali said with a big smile.


Vali nodded, smiling.

Kyu smiled and nodded. Sora hesitantly nodded

Tamayuiki nodded.

"Thank you." Sora said

"Of course..."

Kyu smiled.

Vali smiled, happily.

"So....what do you like to do?" asked Tamayuiki softly.

"Who me?" Sora asked

Tamayuiki nodded. " ah...everyone....too..."

" reading, history and astronomy..." Sora said.

"I like science, English, and math, I like watching my dad's movies too." Kyu said.

"I love sports and art...." said Vali with a smile.

" music....." Tamayuiki said softly.

"What kind?"

"All kinds....."

"That's neat. So what do you do for fun?"

"I like to run marathons and sit around and draw...." smiled Vali.

Tamayuiki blushed. "I like to write music....."

" what type?"

Suryu blushed looking at Nuriyo. "Yes?"

"You must be very proud of your son..."

"I am. He is my life."

Nuriyo nodded. "As must....your wife...his mother..." he said softly.

he stiffened and looked down. "No....there is no wife or mother."

"Oh...I didn't know...I'm sorry...."

"It's not your fault...I...teachers shouldn't force their students..."He whispered

"Hmmm?" Nuriyo looked worried.

He shook his head. "Sorry...I...just dwelling too much on the past. What about you...anyone special?"

Nuriyo shook his head. "No one special...."

"oh..."He blushed not sure what to say

"Is something wrong?"

"No...sorry..." He was blushing a little

"You are...blushing...."

"Huh? I'm not..." He rubbed his cheeks. "Sorry..."He turned to leave

Nuriyo grabbed his wrist.

He blushed and looked at him

"I..." Nuriyo leaned up and kissed him.

His eyes went wide and he hesitantly kissed back

Nuriyo pulled back, blushing.

Suryu was blushing even deeper

"I am sorry if you didn't wish for me to..."

he blushed deeply. "I...feel..."

Nuriyo kissed him again.

he blushed and kissed back

He smiled pulling back.

he was blushing

"Have I left you breathless?"

"I...have never kissed a guy...."

Nuriyo blushed.

He was blushing too.

" are cute....handsome..."

he blushed. "Really?"

Nuriyo nodded. "Yes...."

He blushed. " are really handsom too..."

"Thank you...." he said softly with a blush.

He blushed deeply not sure what to say

"Your son seems to have protective friends...."

"It's some of those 'friends' I worry about."


"They hover too close and try to control him..."

"How are they doing that? The boys I told to head off were trying to tell him what to do....and the boys with him now....look over there.... they are asking him questions and their even answering....."

He nodded. "I prefer that type of interaction to the type he usually receives."

"Those boys with him now should be his friends... comrades...." Nuriyo said.

"I hope so." (you forgot your characrter above)

Yuki looked at he and Syu kissing and tears started to form in his eyes.

Rueshi pulled back from the kiss, looking over at Yuki, feeling guilty.

Syu looked. "Oh...are you ok?"

Yuki nodded looking down.

Rueshi smiled softly at Syu. "I'll see you later okay..."

He nodded and looked concerned.

"That's your classroom...I have to actually head to the office..." Rueshi said, watching Yuki but speaking to Syu.

he nodded and went over to Yuki. "Are you ok?"

"I...umm...he didn't even try to find me...."

"Who didn't try to find you?" Rueshi asked.

"Vance....I...really like him...he told me to prove it by punching the wall...I did but it started to bleed...."

"That's horrible! I am sorry but...he doesn't sound kind."

"The wall began to bleed?" Rueshi asked but was looking towards Yuki's hands.

" hands....they started to...he I said it hurt...and he...he hurts..."

"You...deserve better..." Rueshi said softly.

he looked down sadly. " him...he looks lonely..."

Rueshi looked away, sadness in his eyes.

"Rueshi?" Syu asked in concern


"What's wrong?"


He gently hugged him

He hugged back, and then just pulled Yuki into the hug too.

Yuki blushed deeply

Vance was alone.

William walked past Vance, lost in his own world as usual, smiling and staring at the floor.

Vance thought he heard Yuki

William noticed three boys ahead who were hugging.

William stopped, mid-step, his mouth hung slightly as he stared at them. What were they doing? He swallowed hard and just figured that this was a friendly hug, he felt his face get a little red, he carried on walking trying to ignore it. (

Yuki glanced over and blushed seeing William, "Hi..."

"Hi". William said sternly trying to walk past him.

"Umm...are you ok?" (Don't forget Vance who would hear them)

Vance watched from far away, bored.

"Yes I am fine now get out of my way you....filthy thing". William tried to shove past him.

Yuki fell to the floor and winced tears springing to his eyes.

Syu glared at William and punched him. "Watch who you call filthy you asshole!"

William spluttered blood everywhere, it landed on Syu's fist and instantly turned black and started to burn into his skin like acid. Vanc'es eyes widened as he saw the burning. "What the hell"?

Syu cried out in pain and tried yo get the blood off.

Yuki looked fearful

William held his nose which was still bleeding, as the blood hit the floor it began to burn and sizzle on the tile. Vance just stared and suddenly backed away from William, now near Yuki. "Dude..what are you"?

Yuki looked at Vance uneasily.

Syu panted and looked at William. ""

Rueshi slugged William across the face.

Syu tried to stop him. "No! His blood is acidic!"

William was hit, yet again, and even more blood now came out of his nose splattering not only on Rueshi's hand but also his face with small beads of blood now burning into his cheeks and nose.
Vance shoved William back lightly to get a good distance and narrowed his eyes."Dude, he 'aint human". He said in English.

Rueshi stared at Vance, shaking his hand. "What....?"

Yuki started to heal Ruesha and Syu, then he hesitantly healed William.

William stared in horror, rather scared at what just happened, he shoved Yuki away and ran off.

Yuki fell and winced. Syu helped him up. "HEY! He was trying to help you jerk!"

Yuki looked down with tears in his eyes he looked over at Vance afraid of what he was going to do now.

Rueshi just looked around, and then at Yuki and Syu sadly. He started to go off.

"Rueshi..."Syu called out hugging him from behind.

Vance just rolled his eyes."What the hell was that about".

Rueshi just looked back at Syu, and then at Yuki.

"Vance...."Yuki whispered.

Syu looked at Rueshi. "W..why are you leaving me?"

"I'm not... I just feel out of place...." Rueshi said.

" too...but...please stay with me.."

Vance turned towards Yuki, his face was indifferent however his eyes were wide and he was a little shacken up by what had just happened. "I'm going to find him". Vance quickly walked off to find the strange boy from before. Had he finally found someone like him, he'd been alone in the thought that he was the only one with weird powers for so long that the prospect of another seemed too good to pass up.

"Vance...."Yuki whispered tears rolling down his face

"If you care for him...go after him..." said Rueshi gently.

He looked at him. "Yeah but...he is the one who told me to punch the wall..."

"You don't have to do it...."

"I don't know what to do..."

"Even a friend wouldn't tell you to punch a wall...." Rueshi said.

he looked down sadly and nodded

"Know I speak the truth in that..." Rueshi said.

"But...I liked him..."

"No I didn't he did!" He pointed to another kid
Tayaki shook his head at the kid's pathetic attempt to avoid being punished.

"If you don't own up your punishment will be severe". Sander leant in like some sort of judge about to cast a death sentence.

"Wao! Ok fine I did...."

"Detention for a week now get out my class before I have you expelled". Sander pointed to the door.

he rushed from the room

Sander nodded and glared."Pathetic".

Tayaki smirked amused by it all

"Alright Im bored now, class dismissed do what you like". Sander flopped down in the chair.

Everyone but Tayaki rushed from the room. Tayaki slowly began to pack his things up. "That was amusing."

Sander huffed."I didn't do it to keep you amused".

he smirked. "I know but it was still entertaining."

"Go to your next class or something". Sander snapped.

"I am done for the day." He walked over and kissed Sander's neck. "But I like the 'or something' part."

Sander shoved him away and glared."I already told're not my type". He gathered his things and stormed off.

he smirked and headed down the hall

Kagami got to the nurses office

Kagami walked in leaving a trail of blood."Hello I need some help please". His top was soaked now with the red blood.

The nurse hurried over, "What happened?!" She asked as she helped him down and began to strip off his shirt and clean the wound.

"I got attacked by some guy". He held out his wrist which was far worse than he had thought. It was deep, the cut all the way down to the bone, however it had avoided all arteries and instead only his a few veins and small capillaries which was why there was blood but not enough to be killing him.

She began using her ability to heal him knowing if he lost more blood it would be bad. "Don't tell anyone about my you see who he was?"

"How are you doing that"? Kagami stared as she healed him up, he looked a little scared but remained still finding it all quite fascinating. "Yeah but they ran off before I could do anything".

"I have the ability to heal...can you describe your attacker?"

Kagami felt a little stupid. "Erh, well it was a he". He knew that at least."But, I was sort of in pain so, I was kinda looking at my arm Miss". He felt really stupid now. "But, how can you heal I mean, isn't that impossible"?

"Nothing is impossible when your heart is in the right place. If he bothers you again let one of us know. Don't tell anyone about my ability.'

"Oh I promise I wont". Kagami held up his none injured hand in a sort of hand sign that must have been a salute. He bent his hand."Wow not even a scar".

"But of course. I have had practice."

"So, you've be able to do that since you were born"? Kagami was highly intrigued now.

"Yes, but I wasn't able to focus the ability until I was older. Everyone possesses abilities but some go through life never realizing they have them so they go on noticed, lying dormant. Each person has their own abilities."

"I wish I had a cool ability like you". Kagami looked at her."Can you show me again..please"?

"I can't unless someone is hurt. You have some ability. You just need to unlock that potential."

"Hmm, but how am I supposed to unlock the potential if I have no clue what it is, wouldn't there be an endless list of possibilities". Kagami sulked a little.

She smiled. "Talk to the headmaster. He has a way of finding and unlocking people's potential. He did that for me."

"So, are there more people, like you in the school"? He kept rubbing his wrist every now and then, it tingled a little but he supposed it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"Well yes, and there are some like you. In fact that is one of the deciding factors of admitting students. They must have a high level of potential so we can help train them and protect them from falling into the military's hands."

"Wow it's like, some sort of giant cover up thing, like with aleins". Kagami had a glazed over look seemingly now thinking about aliens and ghosts.

"Umm they do exist..."

Kagami looked awe struck.

"Don't tell anyone but...I am not from this planet."

His eyes got bigger."Wow". Was all he said, looking a little pale.

"I am sorry...was that too much?" She asked in concern.

"No no that's awesome". Kagami flexed his arm a little.

She smiled. "You should get to classes but take it easy ok?"

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2010-04-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: I wasn't allow to react for Rueshi with Syu and Yuki with William............................................................................................................................

2010-04-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: hmmm

2010-04-19 [Silver Moon]: we kept trying to get you to respond sorry...

2010-04-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: but you knew that I also had other rpgs to post to...and how long it takes for me to post some times.....

I had really wanted to see how Syu and Yuki would react to Rueshi kissing their cheeks....

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