Page name: Soulmate Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-18 19:08:37
Last author: Rice
Owner: Silver Moon
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Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Lynna
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexual preference: Male
Profession: Student, Lifeguard at pool
Relation: Father and Mother
Abilities: Water manipulation
Favorite School subjects: Gym
Least Favorite School subject: Math
Club: Swim Team

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Sora Hatakii
Sexual preference:Male
Personality: Kind but a little distant, he cares about others and is a little niave.
Profession:Student and library worker
History:Sora unknowingly has another person in him. The other personality escaped to earth with the use of a spell trying to escape a man who wanted him for sex and was using his family as leverage. The spell was a success and Mahara was reborn as Sora. Sora has no memory of his past life but when Mahara comes out he remembers. Mahara is the part of him meant to be the power cell to an operation on that world that has spread to this one, collecting gifted and making them into bio-weapons. Unknown to Mahara Zarahii the one who desires him and is in charge of the operations has also been reborn to this world.
Sora has an older brother and father that he loves dearly. Recently his mother passed away from cancer and it has affected him deeply making him a little distant.
He was recently accepted at the school after his family moved from Tokyo. His father believed it would be best and allow him to heal. He works at the library because he enjoys reading, his mother having been the one to teach him how to read.
Relation: Brother and "Father", unknown to him he is the bastard son of the emperor and Masakazu is his half brother. To make matters worse he is half Chinese.
Abilities: unknown, aside from his other half, he can absorb and retain information simply by touching any written text, including those in foreign languages and magical texts. This ability is sought after by the organization and the emperor.
Favorite School subjects: History and Astronomy
Least Favorite School subject:
Club:none yet

Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Vali
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Male
Personality: Bubbly, random, fun-loving
Profession: Student
History: Vali grew up in a very artsy and athletic family, his mother being an artist and his father being a marathon runner. He prefers either running around or doing anything artsy, instead of really studying though he does get good grades. Recently he lost his father to a hit-and-run accident.
Relation: Mother
Abilities: unknown, if any at all
Favorite School subjects: Art, Music, Gym
Least Favorite School subject: Math

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Kyu Okami
Sexual preference:doesn't know, known has been interested in him since he looks so "plain"
Personality:Kind but has self esteem issues. He is quiet and shy unless around his father, intiligent
Profession: heir to his father's fortune. Student
History:Kyu was dumped on the steps of his father's home when he was a baby.
In the future he asked his father why he didn't have a mother and his father would always change the subject or tell him he didn't want to talk about it. His grandparents did the same so he gave up, but is still curious.
Though his father was only twelve he decided to work harder in school and take care of him. His grandparents helped raise him and passed away when he was eight. By then his father had graduated grad school and amassed a small fortune. He loves his father and can tell he isn't completely content.He works hard in school to make his father proud. He idolizes his father and hopes he will grow handsome like him. He has self esteem issues and doesn't understand why his father is so protective of him. He has few friends but those he has he is afraid his father will chase off.
His father has to know where he is at all times and doesn't allow him to go anywhere with friends without him which has caused friction between some of his friends. He doesn't like this but is sure it is because his father has only him now.
He is considered a geek, looks plain, and is short for his age, as a result he isn't popular. Most of his "friends" are unknown by him, nice to him only because they hope to get some money or presents out of it, and some of the upper class men like his dad.
Relation:His father
Abilities: None that have developed yet. (secretly has healing and fire magic)
Favorite School subjects: Science, English, math
Least Favorite School subject: PE

Username:{Silver Moon]
Name:Suryu Okami
Sexual preference:Male
Personality:Kind and compassionate. He is a little distant unless his son is around. He is energetic when his son is around but quiet at other times unless his role demands otherwise. Intelligent and can be cunning and obsessive. He is overly protective of his son because he doesn't want him hurt like he was.
Profession:Actor and Science teacher, author of yaois
History:Suryu was kind and fun loving until he turned twelve. He was raped by his teacher who was twenty-six. He didn't tell his parents but quickly transferred from the class. Several months later Kyu was dumped on his step and he had to tell his parents what happened. They tried to bring it to the attention of the law but the woman had vanished. His parents wanted to place Kyu in a foster home but he refused and began to raise him.
He loves his son dearly and holds onto him as the only shred of humanity. He amassed his fortune through acting and writing, and gives his son the best but tries not to spoil him.
Do to his past he distrusts girls and keeps his distance, not wanting to get emotionally involved with people. He has found he is attracted to males but hasn't pursued any yet. He fears someone will hurt his son so he keeps a watchful eye on him and is overly protective. He tries to help his son with his self-esteem issues and is angry at many of the students for their mistreatment of him.
He decided to take up teaching recently to keep a closer eye on his son and to add a little more variety to his life.
Relation:His son
Abilities:Can read others current thoughts, fire/water magic.
Club: He sponsors the Science club

Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Nuriko Onozuka
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Male
Personality: Quiet, reserved, disciplined,
Relation: None
Abilities: Large white wings, spirit tiger

Username:[Silver Moon]
Sexual preference:Male
Personality:Cold and distant he has trouble trusting others, he can be kind to people he cares about but currently he cares for no one but himself.
Profession:Student and model
History:Takari is the son of one of the emperor's personal guards as a result things tended to be given to him with little work on his part. He was spoiled by his family and believes he is entitled to the best of anything he wants. He secretly hopes to get closer to the emperor so he can possibly names as an heir.
He recently got transferred to the school because his parents noticed he was starting to become to self-centered and hoped the school would help him become more disciplined and less self-centered. He is angry with his parents because of this but is also happy he is at such an elite school.
He is convinced he can rise to the top and become the school president. He wants to manipulate the other students to get what he wants. He is a flirt but has not found anyone he is truly interested in. He believes he never will find someone worthy of his status.
Relation:His parents
Abilities:Manipulation, light manipulation
Favorite School subjects:Political science
Least Favorite School subject:Art
Club:Political science, student government

Username:[Silver Moon]
Sexual preference:Both
Personality:Syu is kind and caring but a little niav and shy. When Sya is present she is cold and controlling. She likes to cause pain and suffering.
History:Syu was born after his sister Sya who died a few minutes later...or so they thought. Sya's soul transferred to Syu but was a tainted soul. Syu was born a pure soul. Syu's parents were murdered in front of him when he was four and this is when he started talking about Syu, the orphanage believes it is trauma that causes him to believe there is another person inside of him, but some of the children say they have seen the "cruel girl" and he often gets punished as a result.
He longs for a family again and wants his "other half" to go away fearing that she is an evil spirit that will kill people some day. He doesn't know she is his twin nor does he know he ever had one.
Abilities:unknown aside from his "other half"
Favorite School subjects:Art and PE
Least Favorite School subject:reading
Club:none at the moment

Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Tameyuiki
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Unknown to him, but Males
Personality preference: Clumzy, shy, easily manipulated because he trusts easily
Profession: Student
Relation: Father, Mother, Older Brother
Abilities: Telepathic and Telekentic
Favorite School subjects: English
Least Favorite School subject: Science

Username: [Rice]
Name: Vance Van' Staten.
Age: 16. (But acts and says he is older)
Gender: Male.
Sexual preference: Men.
Personality preference: Vance is an arrogant selfish brat who doesn't seem to have a care in the world about from making sure he looks good and gets what he wants. If he isn't talk about himself then he is thinking about himself, he is a complete narcissist and has an almost psychopathic disregard for other people. He walks around like the sun shines out his arse most of the time and has constant mood swings, he is very impatient and can't handle boredom. Most of these traits are a guard however and deep down he is very insecure, if something goes wrong with how he looks he has small flip outs and refuses to leave the house. He got a pimple once and stayed in bed till it was gone.
Profession: Student and resident jerk.
History: Hailing from England Vance moved to Japan upon his parents wishes to travel the world, he is staying with Japanese 'relatives', who are in fact just people who work for his father and were bullied into taking him. There is little love in his family, his parents treat him more like a nuisance than anything and couldn't wait to get rid of him. Vance has little to no friends and spends most of his time staring at himself in a mirror or writing in his very girlie diary.
Relation: Father & Mother currently traveling the world.
Abilities: He can control ice, but isn't aware of it.
Favorite School subjects: Art.
Least Favorite School subject: Gym. (Because he always makes a twat of himself)
Club: N/A.
Image: <img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Yuki Osabi
Sexual preference:Male
Personality:Kind and sweet he is caring toward others but easily used because he wants friends. He is more a follower than a leader. He is very bubbly and energetic and believes everyone can be his friend. he is often mistaken for being younger due to his mannerism.
Profession: Student
History: Yuki was brought up in a strict environment. But due to being clumsy his parents picked his older brother has their golden child and he was often overlooked. At first he was sad and thought he was unwanted but his brother convinced him they were friends if he stole things for him, carried his stuff and basically acted as his personal slave. He was happy to do these things not realizing he was being used or even that he was breaking the law.
One day he was caught and stealing and was beaten by his parents. They packed up some of his belongings and dumped him at the school. He hasn't seen or spoken to them since and his letters have been sent back unopened. He finally resigned himself to the realization they don't want him and so he has taken to trying to make friends in the hope that others will like him and he will be happy.
He combats his sadness with how he acts and refuses to show sadness in front of people if he can help it. He hates seeing people sad so he goes out of his way to make people happy, even if it means he will be hurt in the process. He will do anything to make someone happy short of harming someone else. One kid told him he would be happy of Yuki undressed in front of him and allowed him to paint him. He did this to prove his friendship to the boy. Another boy has made him sell drugs to other students telling him it was a special type of candy but he wasn't to have any of it. He has been selling these drugs for his 'friend' since then.
Relation: His parents and brother
Abilities: Healing so far
Favorite School subjects: anything his 'friends' like, but he really likes art
Least Favorite School subject: anything his 'friends' dislike
Club: Art and any clubs he is dragged into

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Takame Nagame
Sexual preference:Male
Personality: Kind and carrying but he can come off as cold and distance do to being preoccupied.
Profession: Student/business owner/author
History:Takame was born to a fairly wealthy family and lived a happy life until a terrible tragedy occurred. He was asleep when he heard a large crash. He went to investigate and found his parents being murdered. He tried to get help but was caught nearly killed he barely surprised.
He didn't want to go to an orphanage and he stood to inherit his family's wealth. He held a private funeral for his parents and has convinced everyone his family is alive but traveling abroad. He has taken to working behind the scenes for his father's business. He has pretended to be his father making business calls and masking his voice, because his father had given him extensive training on business management his company has become one of the top companies in the world, no one knows he is the one running it because his father had never attended the meetings, always making calls or sending the information needed. The only ones that know the truth are the loyal servants who still work for him. He attends the meetings as a 'representative' of his father.
Abilities:none that have developed yet
Favorite School subjects: Business and writing
Least Favorite School subject: none
Club:none (too busy)

Username: [Rice]
Name: Kagami Hatake.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Sexual preference: Bisexual.
Personality preference: Kagami acts like the nicest guy in the world and is never with out a very warm smile. He is quiet and well spoken and awfully polite, he's like the last person you can imagine swearing or speaking out of place. He tries to resolve things maturely and acts a lot older than he is, this is due to coming from a very old fashioned Japanese family who believe in respecting your elders and being a good host. However Kagami harbours a rather secret side that no one, he hopes, knows about. He has an obsession and love of erotic novels and manga, he reads mostly yaoi, yuri and hentai and has at least a hundred books hidden in his wardrobe. He also has a very vulgar sense of humour and is quite humorously dirty minded. Of course he's never say so, he gets embarrassed easily and does in fact have a very short temper, it's just he's so nice no one has ever angered him. He's all in all very like able.
Profession: Student/Waitor.
History: Kagami comes from a rather well off old fashioned Japanese family. His father is a businessman, his mother her house wife and his Grandfather owns a dojo. Kagami hates his name because it is technically a girls name, the reason behind it is he is named after his mums deceased sister. Due to his girl name he prefers to be called 'Kagi' though there are some bright sparks who likes to make fun of his name. Some of the most common nicknames are 'Kagi-Hime' meaning princess or 'Mi-Mi' a very girl sounding nickname. He is 18 and should be in his last year at school however due to illness during his second to last year he is being forced to repeat. He doesn't ever tell people what illness but it was dangerous enough to have him taken out of school. When not at school he likes to read, draw, train at the Dojo and of course read his R rated manga. He has a love for soda and always has a can of coke, he is also obsessed with strawberries in any form.
Relation: Father (Hiro Hatake), Mother (Katsura Hatake), and Grandfather (Satoshi Hatake).
Abilities: Bone manipulation - Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones. For example he could extend the bones of his fingers to use as claws. BUT, it was cause intense pain in the first since it would rip through the skin.
Favorite School subjects: Maths and Science.
Least Favorite School subject: Gym and Cooking. He is the worlds worst cook.
Club: Head of the School's Dojo.
Image: <img400*0://>

Username: [Rice]
Name: William Ichimaru.
Age: 17.
Gender: Male.
Sexual preference: Confused. (But Gay)
Personality preference: William holds his faith high above everything else and is very set in his ways. Like his father he holds people who go against the will of God as unnatural and evil. He is so set in his ways that he judges people and can be quite cruel and merciless. He is prone to flipping out when people question his beliefs and is very narrow minded. However all of this faith is a front for his own insecurities as he knows he is different in many ways and if he was true to himself he wouldn't live up to his fathers expectations. He is friendly with people until he learns of any unacceptable qualities. He is struggling with the fact he himself is gay and has super natural abilities. He thinks he is being punished by the Devil.
Profession: Works at his Fathers church.
History: William comes from a very close religious family. His mother is Japanese but grew up in America and thus considers herself an American citizen, however post the death of her parents she felt it necessary to travel back to Japan. Her family of course came with her though it took his father much convincing. The family are radical Christian, his father Daniel a Reverend and his Mother a spokeswomen for the church. His Father has pretty much complete control over his family and is over bearing and rather scary, he angers easily over things he deems 'evil' or 'impure'. He condemns anything unnatural such as homosexuality, the super natural and none believers, and while Williams mother Tsukasa is more accepting she sticks avidly by her husband. Mio is the only normal one of the family and considers their religion out-dated and too harsh, she is the black sheep of the family.
Relation: Tsukasa (Mother) Daniel (Father) Mio (Older Sister).
Abilities: His blood is acidic once it leaves his body.
Favorite School subjects: Religious Studies.
Least Favorite School subject: English.
Image: <img:>


Name: Don Sander
Age: 37.
Gender: Male.
Profession: BiologyTeacher.
History: Sander is an odd man, originally from Russia he speaks with a slight Russian lilt, however when angered he bursts out into full on Russian spoken at a million miles an hour. His love for science is mainly a mixture of a love for hard facts and cutting things open, biology is a passion of his, a passion he tries to force on everyone around him. He is eccentric and prone to strange behaviour most people just cant figure out, there is meaning behind what he does but only he knows it. He has a penchant for humming loudly and giving people nicknames based on whether he likes them or not, these nicknames usually centre around foods. If he likes you he'll call you by a food esc name he finds tasty, if he doesn't like you he will call you by a food he finds revolting. 'bon-bon' and 'banana' are his favourite, sometimes he'll throw 'cake' and 'orange' into the mix. Sander is tall, standing at around 6'4ft and scrawny to the extreme, either he doesn't eat or he moves around a lot. He has a mop of blonde hair that is kept fairly neat. His eyes are menacingly narrow and sharp, coloured a cold grey tone. He likes to wear old fashioned clothes which just make him stranger to his students and fellow teachers. He's pretty much insane and usually has insane lesson plans to match, he is erratic and impossible to predict, his lessons are always full of surprises.
Relation: N/A. (He's having an affair with the student counsellor Lucy however)
Abilities: To appear at the most awkward of moments from nowhere, people think he must have the power to move through walls or something. Maybe he does.
Image: <img://>

Name: Lucy Fax.
Age: 26.
Gender: Female.
Profession: Student Counsellor
History: Lucy is a gentle and serene spirit, she's the type of person to empathise a little to much with others and allow herself to become overcome by others grief. She is very well adversed in the field of psychology and would love it if all students considered her a shoulder to lean on. She has a maternal instinct with allows her to connect with younger people. However she is trapt is a miserable and lonely marriage with a man who is distant and not at all interested in his wife. Thus she found solace in the most unusual of persons, Sander, a man she viewed more as a social abnormality than a lover. She absolutely adores him and loves him, they try to keep their relationship hidden, but getting it on in broom cupboards is bound to end up getting them caught. Lucy was named after her fathers favorite actress hence the none Japanese name.
Relation: Husband (Hajime Fax)
Abilities: None.
Image: <img:>

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2010-03-24 [Rice]: Thanks. She doesnt even realised her husband had to bribe the Head master to get her the job. Bless her little heart. XD

2010-03-24 [Silver Moon]: aww

2010-04-02 [Silver Moon]: Aww I like

2010-04-02 [Rice]: Thanks. Im just finding a picture. His power is EW though >>

2010-04-02 [Silver Moon]: ouch><

2010-04-02 [Rice]: I know. XD
I have this image of his arm bone snapping out like a weapon..but then ripping through his wrist at the same time. Yuki would need to be on stand by. XD

2010-04-02 [Silver Moon]: lol

2010-04-02 [Silver Moon]: oh guys I am planning another rp of vices and virtues interested?

2010-04-02 [Gypsy Mystik]: but that's Ragnorok! lol

2010-04-02 [Rice]: I'll join :D

2010-04-02 [Gypsy Mystik]: Or Silver is it a completely different one?

2010-04-02 [Silver Moon]: completely different one I am still working on it Vices & Virtues

2010-04-18 [Silver Moon]: ooh I like William

2010-04-18 [Rice]: Thank you! He's such a confused little boy tut tut ;)

2010-04-18 [Silver Moon]: lol but who is mio?

2010-04-18 [Rice]: His sister. It says on the relation bit.

2010-04-18 [Silver Moon]: ok so you want me to make an npc?

2010-04-18 [Rice]: Erm. I don't really mind. I wasn't planning on bringing in his family too much. But if you want to play her you can.

2010-04-18 [Silver Moon]: oh ok, I don't need to make a npc then

2010-04-18 [Rice]: Ok.

2010-04-24 [Silver Moon]: which one of you wants to be the reencarnation of the evil Zarahii?

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