Page name: Soulmate Rpg [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-03-24 22:26:41
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Chapter 1


Soulmate Chapter2

Lynna walked down the street towards her all girl school. She hated it, but it was the closest she could get to the famous all-boys school there in Japan. She had wanted to go there because of the classes and its swim team, but she would have to deal with just going to the girl school. She had quickly become the team captain of the swim team, and was enjoying it. She still was jealous of the boys at the other school.

She noticed a hansom young boy walking down the sidewalk, he wore the uniform of the Otaki Academy, the boys school. He had short black-blue hair and blue eyes. He some how looked familiar.

Lynna blushed, stopping and staring at him.

He stopped and looked her way. "Can I help you?"

"I...I..." Lynna stuttered. "It's just that you...look like the emperor....."

He looked confused. "I...don't know why...I get that allot though..."

"Really? I...I'm sorry I was staring...." Lynna said softly.

"It's name is Sora..."

"I'm you go to Otaki Academy?"

"Yes. I have been going for awhile...where do you go?"

"I go to Tsura Prep..."

"Oh. Is it a nice school?"

"It is...though..."

"Though what?" He asked in concern

Lynna shook her head. "It doesn't matter....I...had actually wanted to go to's the best school out there in my opinion..... but I'm a girl so..."

"Oh...I am sorry. Maybe we can talk later, I need to get to class. Nice meeting you." He said hurrying toward the school

"You too, Sora..." Lynna smiled and waved, running on because she still had a ways to go to get to her school.

She got to her school. ((I am not sure how well this will work since we don't have someone to interact with her...))((Her or my other girl lolI can just pull them back in when it seems like a good time...))((you have another girl >< this is supposed to be a yaoi argh>< I don't know what to do...I made Syu for her possible not another girl...)) (( OH! I didn't know I'm sorry... I haven't built that girl so it's okay... I'll see what you do...))((ok love phew))

Sora hurried toward his class heading for history

He got there, seeing two students ahead of him heading to the class too.

((You can just bring Sora down to where Vali and Kyu are))

Vali ran all the way to the school. He was excited to start a new day, because today was the track try-outs and he knew he could make it on the team. He was also excited because he had heard that the art teacher had gotten information on an art contest, and Vali wanted to enter it.

He noticed Kyu a young but plain boy that was always quite walking with the science teacher.

Vali ran up to Kyu and the teacher. "Morning Kyu....Sensei...." he said cheerfully, with a big smile.

"Morning.' Kyu said. Suryu Pulled his son a little closer. "Morning." He siad as they headed inside

Vali lost his smile. "I just wanted to be friends...." he said loudly, yet sadly.

"Dad..." Kyu protested. Suryu sighed. "Alright...I am sorry, what was your name young man?"

"Vali, sir..." he said with a slight smile. He never could stop smiling for long.

"I see...."

"I'm Kyu...this is my father."

"It's nice to meet you fully Kyu..." Vali said with a smile. "You as well Sensei....I'm sorry I had just run up to you two...but once I start running sometimes I can't stop....the same thing used to happen to my own father...."

"I see, it's alright, you just startled me." Suryu said with a smile, his cheerful side coming out with his son's presence. "But I must get to my class and you two should get to your classroom too."

Vali nodded. "Yes Sensei...what class do you have Kyu?"

"History is my first class."

Vali smiled bigger. "Mine too..." he said happily. He looked at Suryu, and bowed in respect. "We'll be heading to class...I won't let him be late sir...." Vali then turned back to Kyu. "Come on we have to hurry...."

Kyu hugged his father and hurried off. "Ok."

Vali hurried off with Kyu, smiling. "So your dad's a teacher?"

"Yea. He teaches science. He is also an actor.."

"Really? Wow... my dad was a marathon runner, and my mom is an artist..."

"Neat." He said with a smile.

"Yeah...your father seems really protective..."

He sighed and nodded. "We only have each other...." He said as he sat down in their classroom.

Vali sat down in a desk next to him. "Oh... I'm's just me and my mom now..."

"Oh she overly protective?"

Sora walked in and sat down in an empty seat near them

"No...she's protective...but she wants me free to do what I'm interested in..." Vali said, then smiled towards Sora and then back at Kyu.

Sora nodded toward him not used to the kindness

"Hi!" Vali said with a smile. "I'm Vali... this is my new friend, Kyu...what's your name?"


Nuriko walked into the room to talk with the teacher.

Aijin looked up with a smile. "Can I help you?" There was still a little time before the class started

"I'm here to sit in and learn...I'm new to teaching...." Nuriyo said, smiling.

"I see. There is a seat over there, you can use." He said with a smile and began roll call

Nuriyo smiled back and sat down.

"Nice to meet you Sora..." Vali said with a smile. "You want to be friends with us?"

He blushed. "Really?"

Vali nodded happily.

He smiled. "Thank you..."

Vali smiled but then turned to look at the teacher when his name was called.

Finally role call was over. "Please take out your books."

Vali pulled out his books, a notebook , and a pen.

Nuriko watched everything.

He noticed allot of cute boys in the class, the subject being taught was interesting

Sora took out his things as well

Nuriko smirked liking the class.

Vali wrote down everything and doodled at the same time.

Sora doodled the whole time not taking down even one note

Vali looked over at Kyu with a smile.

He smiled taking detailed notes

Vali looked back up at the teacher, smiling as he listened. When the class was over, Vali waited for Kyu and Sora.

Nuriko stood up, and to the teacher said. "That was a wonderful class...."

They packed their things and followed.

"Thank you I am glad you enjoyed it."

Nuriko nodded. "it was very enjoyable.

"Are you planning to just sub or become a teacher?"

"I wish to be a teacher..."

"It would be good to have another history teacher."

Nuriko nodded. "How long have you been teaching here?"

"A year ago. The old teacher quite."

"Really? Wow...."

He nodded. "What about you...where did you work before?"

"I worked for a business...that...could get past how I look..."

"Why did you leave it?"

"Because they didn't trust me..."

"I am sorry."

"It is fine.."

Vali smiled happy to have two new friends. "SO Sora what do you like to do?"

"Reading and writing...I like art too."

Vali smiled. "My mom's an artist....I love art...and dad had loved sports.....Kyu, what about you?"

"I love science, English and math...I am not a big fan of legs are too short for running and I am not good at sports..."

"it's okay that you don't like's not for everyone..." Vali said. "So...Sora...Kyu....are we....all friends?"

Sora looked shocked. "I...really? You...want to be my...friend?"

Kyu looked at them both and nodded. "I want to be friends..."

Vali continued his happy smiling. "Yes yes really.... I love having friends...and I want to be yours and Kyu's friend...."

Tears filled Sora's eyes and he hugged them both. "I..have friends..."

Vali hugged them back.

As did Kyu

"You two want to eat lunch together?"

"Sure." They both said

Vali jumped, excited.

Suryu watched his son rush off and hoped he would be ok. He sighed and entered his classroom

Several students walked into the classroom.

He started roll call

There was one student missing so far, whose last name was Mylynu.

"Has anyone seen Mylynu?"

"I had thought I had seen him running towards the school grounds sir," said one of the students.

"Hmm...We will give him five minutes but then I must begin teaching."

The students nodded.

He began to watch the time and asked another teacher to look for him

The other teacher went in search of him.

He hoped the boy was ok
((The student is Tamayuiki just so you know))((I figured))

After 15 minutes, he still hadn't gotten to the class.

He started class

The classes was going past slowly, when Tamayuiki ran into the classroom, heading straight for his desk.

"You're late, was there trouble?"

Tamayuiki just silently shook his head.

"You aren't hurt?"

Tamayuiki just stayed silent, looking down at his desk having not taken out his books.

He frowned. "Well....please take your books out..."

Tamayuiki did as he was told, and then just stared at his book. He had been scared, but the was strange, made him feel strange.

Suryu looked at him in concern but began to resume teaching he would talk to him after class

Soon class was over. Tamayuiki just continued to sit in his seat.

Suryu went over. "What happened?" He asked in concern

Tamayuiki jumped. "I...Sensei...I... N...nothing, sir" he lied softly. "I..."

"Please...tell me...did ...someone do something?"

"I..." Tamayuiki nodded. "But I wasn't hurt...I..."

"What happened? You look troubled."

"I was kissed...and touched....rubbed..." he whispered.

His eyes widened. "By who?"

Tamayuiki shook his head. "I...can't say....please...." he said, looking down and there was a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Did you...want it?"

"" he whispered. "I...don't know...."

"If it happens again and you don't want it...tell me or one of the other instructors alright?"

Tamayuiki nodded. "Yes Sensei...I'm sorry Sensei for....wasting your time...."

"You didn't. I am here to help...I want to help."

Tamayuiki nodded slowly.

Nuriko walked down the street deep in thought. He had just quite his previous job because he hated how he was being treated there. His grandmother had been Chinese, and apparently he had more of her features than that of his father or even of his mother who had only had slight Chinese features. He had quite because he was unfairly being held back, and being harassed by male and female workers. Nuriko never let his temper show, but had just calmly walked into his boss's office and simply said, "I quite." Now here he was jobless, and nothing to really do for the rest of the day. He had skills that were useful, but much of them were gained when he had been in the military.

He saw the boy's academy and saw a handsome man walking with a plain looking boy. (Suryu and his son))

Nuriko watching the man, intensely. "So....beautiful...." he breathed in a whisper.

They headed inside

Nuriko looked over the school from where he was. "Maybe I could get a job here..." he mused to himself, and headed that way.

He saw students heading inside

Nuriko headed towards the main office.

The headmaster sat in his desk looking over papers he glanced up. "May I help you?"

"I was wondering if you had any openings in your staff...."

"Do you have credentials?"

"Yes sir...." he said and produced a resume with vast experience.

He looked over it carefully motioning for him to set. "Have you taught before?"

"I have not taught before sir, but I have the skills to do so..."

"Is there a particular subject you would be good at?"

"I am good at History and Physical Education..."

"Those slots are full but you can work as a substitute and we may find a place for you. In the mean time would you like to set in and observe?"

"I'd love to sir..." Nuriko said with a slight bow.

"Which one do you prefer?"

"History..but if you have need of me anywhere else, I would not object..."

"Alright. Here is the classroom and class schedule. The instructor will help show you the ropes." He said

"Thank you sir..." he said with a bow, and left, looking over the class and schedule.

It showed him the name of the instructor and what times the class was taught

((I don't know where you want me...))((Syu is in history so you can go there))((Syu? O..kay....))((oops no he is in math>< I will place him in history

Syu walked toward the school excited to start his first day but hoping his 'other side' wouldn't come out.

He saw a tall young man walking towards the school, beside him was a shorter young woman. Both had long dark hair, though the young man had his pulled back in a loose tie.

He watched them silently still heading toward the school

The young man said goodbye to the young woman, who then continued down to her school. The young man headed onto the school grounds and to the class.

He blushed and hurried to class too

The young man headed into a math class room.

He checked his class schedule

He had math first thing.

He headed inside the math class

the young man was sitting in a desk in the front row, working in a notebook.

He sat next to him with a blush taking his things out

A folded paper was placed on his desk.

He frowned and looked at the paper

~ Hello.... I am Rueshi....~

He wrote back hesitantly ~Syu~

~You blushed as you sat down beside me....why?~

He looked at him with wide eyes then looked away and shrugged

~I thought the blush was you...~

He blushed deeper and looked at him as though not used to compliments

Rueshi smiled at him, softly.

He blushed deeper. "I..."

"Please pay attention to class you two."

He blushed and started taking notes. "Sorry sensie..."

"Hai Sensei..." Rueshi said. ((hai?)))(Oh yea))

He started teaching again

When the class was over, Rueshi stood up, and packed up.

Syu packed up his things

"May I walk you to your next class?"

He blushed. "Y...yes..."

Rueshi started to walk with him down the hall.

He blushed not sure what to say


He jumped. "I am not..."

"Yes you are....especially if you keep blushing as you have been..."

"I...I...have a cold..."

Rueshi looked sideways at him. "Really?" he asked. "But what would your face do if I did this..." He kissed him on the lips.

His eyes widened and he turned beat red

Rueshi snaked an arm around his waist, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.

He turned even redder and slowly kissed back

He started to rub his back.

Takari walked toward the school sweeping people with a contemptuous look

A young man rushed past him obviously not wishing to be late. The young man was shorter that Takari, and there was an innocent nature about the young man.

He grabbed him. "Hey. You nearly knocked into me."

The young man turned his head towards him. "Please...I didn't mean to...I just can't be late again...I'm sorry..." he said softly.

Takari smirked. "What if I keep you here?"

"Please...let me go...." he begged.

He kissed him forcing his tongue into his mouth

The young man's eyes widened in surprise, and a blush fell over his cheeks

He held him closer a hand rubbing between his legs

The young man gasped. "No! Please don't! Please...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I ran into you...." the young man shouted, but there was a slight blush on his cheeks.

He sighed. "Don't yell. You will attract trouble.Besides you like it.What is your name?"

"Tamayuiki...." he said softly, the blush still on his cheeks, but his voice was shaky.

"You are cute."

"I...why did you....just touch fast...." he said softly.

"You're cute and I felt like it." He said doing it again this time rubbing against him too

Tamayuiki gasped. "Please...I..." His blush was getting bigger.

"Alright...I will see you after school." He said kissing him and heading off

Tamayuiki didn't know what to think, he ran to get to his class.

He saw that they had started

Vance stormed into the school huffing loudly and angrily at having to be up so early in the morning. It took him an hour to get ready every day and he was actually forced to walk to school. He cursed angrily in English and started yelling as well just to himself getting some strange looks from students who had no clue who he was. It was his first day after all. "This is so god damn stupid". He said in English.

"What's wrong?" One of the teachers asked in English.

Vance flung back around and turned to the teacher."Everything is wrong, being abandoned in this country, having to walk to school, my hair wont style right today and my pores are completely open due to a bad nights sleep". He pointed to his eyes. "Look at those under eye circles".

The teacher hid a smirk. "It's not the end of the world, and you would do well to refrain from such language even if you are using English. That is a direct violation of the rules. Now what class do you need?"

"Class"? Vance's face went a little softened as he was confused, he'd been home schooled his entire life. " that like....a meeting". He stared at him, he'd literally been dumped in Japan by his parents without any inclination as to what public schooling was like.

Botan sighed. "You don't know what class is?" He asked

"NO". vance basically screamed at him, his face furious, he suddenly ran off down the hall way, running like a girl no less, in a complete strop, he was embarrassed. He found himself at a stairwell.

Botan caught up to him. "Settle down. "Have you already gotten your schedule or have you yet to get it? I can lead you to the headmaster."

Vance sat down on the steps hugging his knees. "Erh, schedule, headmaster, oh this is totally not how I thought it would be, I watched loads of those American school DVD's before I came here and they always made it look like school was really fun".

"it will be once you give it a chance. Come on." He said leading him to the headmaster

Vance followed, looking down defiantly.

"It's ok." He said reassuringly

"Hmpf". Vance glared and crossed his arms.

The headmaster glanced up as they entered. "Who is this?'

"He is new, he needs a schedule."

"Do you have your paperwork young man?'

Vance looked up at him, he reached into his bag and go out some folders. "They said to show you this". basically the paperwork contained his visa for moving to Japan to study for a couple of years, his personal details ect ect.

He looked it over and handed him some paperwork to fill out. "Who are your personal guardians here in Japan? He inquired as he gathered up materials for Vance. "And what size clothing do you wear?"

"Kagami and Hiro Kotonoha". He had rehearsed the names of his fathers employees before coming in. "And I'm a small". He said, with pride.

"A what?" He asked in confusion. "And where are your guardians?"

"A...small....erhh...what sizes do you have here, and my parents, they are probably in America now, or somewhere, they didn't tell me, they never tell me". He looked down sadly. "But fuck them yeah, I don't need anyone".

"Do not cuss. "So you are a small but you don't know exact size?" He stood and took a tape measurer from a drawer and began to measure him. He called out the measurements and Botan took them down. After awhile he was done. "Very good. Botan can you get him a uniform?" Botan nodded and left. He than handed him his student handbook. "Read over this and memorize the rules. And here is a list of your classes and your class schedule. Your student access card is in the back pocket and a map of the school is in the front pocket. Keep the manual on you because it has information you will need as well as your planar and first aid kit. Any questions?"

Vance stared at him, he looked at all the stuff. "What is, gym"? He held it up, it was his first lesson of the day and he had no idea what it was, most of the others he had done while being home schooled.

"That is where you will hone your body doing physical exercises like basketball and other activities." ((I was homeschooled and I knew this lol he was really sheltered))

(His home schooling was basically him left to read books if he wanted to, his parents didn't give a shit)((Yea I know lol))

"Ew no thank you". vance flicked his fingers in a sassy manner.

"You have no choice it is part of the curriculum."

He stared dimly. "Meh fine whatever".

He sighed knowing he was going to be trouble.

Botan came in with his uniform and handed it over.

Vance took the uniform, he glared at it in distaste and stormed off without even giving him the respect of saying good bye. He looked at his school schedule and stared at where the gum building was."Ok so Im here". he held the school map up.

The uniform was dark blue with silver detail. The map showed that the gem was the next building over.

Vance walked in that direction, he opened the gym door and walked inside, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going at all,instead he held the map so high up it hid his face and thus his line of sight.

He hit something hard and there was an oomph sound. " it!"

As Vance hit into someone he ripped the paper down, clutching it hard in one hand."So- wait you watch it". he bit back the sorry glaring at whoever he had just walked into.

"You were the one who wasn't watching where you were going!" Snapped the boy he had spiky reddish hair and green eyes.

"Now now. Settle down. "Came to the teacher's voice as he came over. "Ryozo go join the others."
"Yes sensei." Ryozo said hurrying over to the group of students who were playing basketball.

"Be careful not to walk with your sight I believe you are new, who are you?"

"Yeah". Vance shoved the school map into his bag and looked at the teacher, he stared at the group of students playing basketball, he felt rather, odd.

"the locker room is over there and I see under your uniform Botan included your gym clothes. Change in there and than we can start."

"Yeah". Vance walked off into the changing room, he stared around, it was like in the movies, benches, showers, he undressed and changed into the gym outfit, shoving his other stuff in the lockers and locking it, pocketing the key. "Ok lets do this". He stopped at the mirrors and checked himself over, tucking a bit of hair back into place before walking into the gym.

"Ready? Today we are going to shoot a few hoops and than run track any questions?"

Vance looked left and right, he raised a hand."Yeah I have one, whats track"? He was deadly serious, he'd never heard the phrase before, and it didn't help they didn't even have track in England it was called 'sprint', but he wouldn't have understood anyway.

Soulmate Chapter2

Username (or number or email):


2010-03-20 [Gypsy Mystik]: who starts

2010-03-20 [Silver Moon]: you can

2010-03-21 [Rice]: OK I've done my character. How should I bring Mr.Vance in? 8/

2010-03-21 [Silver Moon]: people are currently heading to classes so you could have him head that way and bump in to Takari and the boy he is with

2010-03-21 [Rice]: Ok got it.

2010-03-21 [Gypsy Mystik]: Taraki isn't interacting with anyone right now

2010-03-21 [Silver Moon]: where is he?

2010-03-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: You had him just run off to class...but nothing else

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