Page name: Stats on Erador [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-06-25 21:01:49
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Erador's draconian facts

All work and page done by: Nicholas Raymer [Draymond]

Scaled drawing of Erador; Every 3.57/16 of an inch equaled a foot.


Stats on Erador:

[All dimensional information was based off of my scaled drawing of Erador]

Length: 91.351 feet

Height at forward shoulder: 20.179 feet

Head length: 8.408 Feet

Neck length: 14.574 feet

Central body length: 29.139 feet

Tail length: 39.237 feet

Individual wing length from shoulder to tip: 52.969 feet

Wing span from tip to tip: 114.906 feet

Total wing surface area (approx): 2087.084 ft sq.

Total body volume in feet (approx); 3263.85 cubic feet

Mass: (approx) 65,212.34 kilograms (71.89 tons)

Amount of horsepower needed to lift his weight: 397.792 hp.

Amount of calories needed to lift Erador's weight for one second; 71.6 calories

If Erador stood for an entire day; he'd burn 6,186,240 calories.

Erador needs to eat eight 1600 pound buffalo in order to have enough energy to be able to stand for 24 hours

Erador can use 50% of the energy in the food that he eats.

Suggested caloric intake every twenty four hours; 15,000,000 calories.

Has four lungs to continually inhale and exhale at the same time for maximum energy output.

Has two hearts, one for his wings and his wing muscles, and one for his body

Number of limbs: six

Number of talons on each paw: five

Number of spines along the back: 32 spines

Average scale dimensions: 16 inches long/11 inches wide

Bite force: 12129 pounds (6.1 tons) per inch

Maximum ground speed/running: 186.85 m.p.h. (approx.)

Amount of force in horsepower needed to move Erador at max. running speed; 1139.376 hp

Approx. calories burned for one second of max. running hp (1139.376 hp)= 205.1 calories per sec.

Average running stride length in one second: 91.351 feet

Recorded maximum amount of strides in one sec: 3

M.M.: 8 feet

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2007-01-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD oh crap! XD!!!!!!!!!!!!! yuk!!

2007-01-11 [Draymond]: XD Litterally

2007-01-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD!!

2007-01-12 [Draymond]: The reason why they don't have toilets for dragons...

2007-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD!!!!!!! indeed

2007-01-12 [Draymond]: Perhaps they use it for fertalizer...

2007-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol

2007-01-12 [Draymond]: Its logical right?

2007-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah lol

2007-01-12 [Draymond]: 6.4 tonnes of draconian crap...last meal, eight bison. Coverage; 1 acre.  XD

2007-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's scary. XD

2007-01-12 [Draymond]: XD I just thought, it would be a great prank on somebody, but that in their front yard. lol

2007-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD perfect Idea!... if you were in the medieval ages anyways...LOL

2007-01-13 [Draymond]: *shrugs* XD yeah, that would be like the ultimate insult. lol

2007-01-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD!!!!!! INDEED! LOL *With a morbid grin on her face, she turns toward the guy who is wondering what to do with all that crap in his front yard. Waves hand with a laugh* Have fun shuvelling up dung! (please correct my spelling...I've never really... spelled shuvel before... I don't even know if its right. XD!!! No nearby dictionary for assistance. LOL)

2007-01-13 [Draymond]: XD nice. I use microsoft word for that purpose. lol

2007-01-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol did I spell it right? lol

2007-01-13 [Draymond]: Its with an 'o' so, shoveling.

2007-01-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thank you. lol

2007-01-13 [Draymond]: XD I managed to remember that one, but otherwise thank MS Word

2007-01-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD

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