Page name: Stella Talony [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-02-02 00:05:00
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 1
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Player: [Kbird]
Name: Stella Talony
Age: 17
Grade: junior
Physical Description:
Hair: Stella has short choppy raven black that fulls in loose curls, to her shoulders.
Eyes: Her eyes are dark brown almond shaped as, from a destence they look almost black.
Other: Stella favors her right leg when walking and has a three inch long scare on her right wrist. She wears glass most of the time except in gym.
She wears a lot of black and grays, her usual outfits are sweaters and baggy jeans, although on sunny days she does wear tight tank tops that show her shapely body better.
GPA: 3.4
History: Stella's father was killed by a mugger when she was six. He was the main providers so her mother struggled to keep up with finances until Stella was eight. Her mother got a high paying job as a archeologist, the job was well paying but meant her mother wasn't around as much. Stella became more indapendent due to this, and less social. She wasn't pupolar at school due to her treating the other kids like they where younger and less educated then her. This behavor worsened when her mothers job called for them to move. It wasn't until three years ago that Stella stopped treating other people so poorly, mainly because she found something to be passionate about. Her passion was for track, she loved running and the competitions. She was really good at it too, until one of her competitors "accidently" hit into her causing her to fall, when she tried catching herself she placed her hand wrong causing her wrist to break, when taken to the hospital sh found out she tur her ACL and dislocated her kneecap and couldn't do track without risk of fourther injury. The injury caused her to turn more bitter again, she started ignoring people and let her grades slip.
Most recently Stella's mother sent her to Jameston NY to stay with her uncle Henery, hoping the stablity would get her back on the right track.
Personality: Stella doesn't talk much and doesn't do physical contact unless she really trust the person. If she doesnt like someone she will either be very sugery and sweet to them or she will reply in grunts or short sentences. She does perk up when near a track field or when she hears classical music. She has the bad habbit of skipping classes she doesn't like.

The Heart's Key

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