Page name: Stoners Union [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-29 00:13:02
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Welcum Stoners!!!

Owner:[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

Are you a stoner? Or do ya just like to git hiiiigh? lol then join this wiki!!!

Places to go:
Stoners Union Badges
Stoner Union Members

*Stoner Phrases Or Quotes From Movies:

[Stoners live and stoners die but in the end we all get high!]

A friend with weed is a friend indeed

[party hardy rock n roll drink a forty smoke a bowl!!]

sex,drugs,rock n roll,speed,weed,birth control life sux then u die fuck the world lets all get high

[weed is a seed that grows in the ground if god didnt smoke the shit it wouldnt be around so all u pussys who never been high shut the fuck up and give it a try!!]

Jay:"HEY! Youse guys need to turn those frowns right side round...and ive got just the thing *pulls out plastic bag* i callem Doobie snacks!!"

[Jay:*looks in glass case thingy*"OoO"*breaks glass**hands trankalizer gun to bob*"here hold this and later me and justice can shoot each other with it and fuck like stoned test bunnies BONG!"]

party hearty rock and roll / drink a keg smoke a bowl / we are stoners we have class / fuck with us, well kick your ass / all you preppies who think your cool / think again,cuz STONERS RULE
From:[Lord Sky_Elf]

Roll Roll a joint pass it down the line take a toke and hold tha smoke and blow ur fucking mind put here by [Brookes Sexy Juggalo]

[Life's a bitch then you die so fuck the world and let's get high, i was here but now i'm not cause i went to smoke some pot. I did this all to prove a point life a shit with out a joint!
] [PostrChld4Abortn]

Lifes a smash, wen you got hash.
Lifes a must, wen you got dust.
But Lifes an ass, wen theres no grass.
And Lifes a no, wen theres no snow,
So Do not sigh, Go get high!
From: [PikkuKitaraPoika]

peace, pot, tequilla shot
jesus loves us stones or not
sex, drugs, rock-n-roll
speed, weed, birth control
lifes a bitch then you die
fuck the world lets get high
we are stoners, we have class
mess with us we'll
kick your ass
so to all the preps who think your cool
go to hell cuz
From: [Please dont talk to me.USER DELETED]

Username (or number or email):


2004-11-08 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: whut one?..this one?..or that one?

2005-01-07 [faeries_exist]: roll roll roll a joint, twist it at the end, light it up and take a puff, pass it to your friend

2005-03-04 [tyu]: hell yeah i finally found a stoner wiki its about fuckin time

2005-03-05 [Lord Sky_Elf]: lmao *takes hit of a bowl... irl* wats up???

2005-03-07 [tyu]: *Lights joint takes a huge hit and passes it around*

2005-03-07 [Lord Sky_Elf]: *takes the joint and hits that shit*

2005-03-14 [Skater Heiro]: wow im surprised no bodys posted the begining song from jay and silent bob

2005-04-25 [sissy_re]: <<<<needingbuzz

2005-06-15 [PostrChld4Abortn]: You need a buzz sissy?? I'll smoke a bowl with ya

2005-09-21 [lil-dead]: finally a place i *bong*imean belong!!!!!!

2005-09-21 [lil-dead]: roll a blunt add some shrums light and toke,then you'll choke till you feel ill!!!

2005-09-21 [Lord Sky_Elf]: ok then

2005-10-13 [Tmed]: im so confused

2005-10-13 [Tmed]: hums to myself "fifteen bucks little man, put that shit in my hand"

2005-10-16 [Lord Sky_Elf]: *takes another hit* what are you confused about?

2005-10-18 [Tmed]: i didnt know how to work this whole comment thing....but i think i got it now *eats a hashbrownie*

2005-10-29 [Lord Sky_Elf]: nice, i wish i had a hashbrownie. those sounds really yummy right about now *take a hit*

2005-10-30 [Tmed]: trade you a brownie for a blunt

2005-10-30 [Lord Sky_Elf]: hmmmmm what kinda brownie ya got?

2006-02-06 [fjdka]: i'll take that blunt- damn i could use it right about now. heh..

2006-08-25 [someone elses nightmare]: so could i

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