Page name: Stop the Cloning [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-25 23:25:53
Last author: Avatar15
Owner: Mordigen
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Stop the Cloning!!

This is a support wiki / petition to preserve Elftown as we know and love it.

I have been watching all the forums, wiki pages, comments and diaries as of late, even if I have not commented -- I still see and read whats going on here, and it has come to my attention that more and more people flood in thinking that this is just one more mindless blogging community -- Yes, we are all aware of this, such has been the reasoning behind many other wikis such as the Take Elftown Back wiki, and the Stay at Myspace wiki, and even has gone so far to alter the official rules here in ET by being one of the causes to the new change to the UAR (ie: <news:Change to the Uploading Art Rules - written art!> news article). Though something more disturbing has come to my attention lately, and has been set off by a more recent thread in the Elftown Suggestions forums -- that these people who come here, expecting something like any other blogging community, have actually begun COMPLAINING at the fact that it's not like the other communities, and want it to be CHANGED to be more like any other blogging or networking communities. And, all i have to say to that is FUCK THEM ALL.

I, personally, came to ET because of what it was suppose to stand for -- An Artist's community, for people who are artists and writers, or for those who enjoy the arts and medias and share the love of the fantasy sci-fi community, and I personally STILL am here for that same damned reason and LOVE ELFTOWN FOR THOSE REASONS. I love it because it is different, and unique, I love it because it's run by actualy members and volunteers, I love it because it's NOT CORPORATE, and sometimes it can, frankly, be unprofessional :P, but entirely noble and humble in it's awesomeness. I love the fact that it give you the freedom of creativity to what you want, when you want with your house, descriptions and wiki pages as YOU WANT THEM. Improvement is always good -- but there are more than enough other communities out there that all these people can suck it up, shut the [GOD DAMNED FUCKITIY FUCK] up about and GO THERE without having to change or alter ET. And regarding the latest forum post in ET suggestions -- I LOVE ET BECAUSE IT IS NOT STRUCTURED. ET opens the door to your creativity and express your personality without the confines, limits and cages of "structure".


Sorry, but fuck you all Cloned Bogger addicted SmackTards. I DO not want to clump all of my interests under one specified title, I do not want to clump all of my photos under one specified place, I do not want to clump my music, likes or dislikes in one specified place, and I do not want to clump all my creations and wikis under one specified place, and i sure as HELL dont want my page to look like, be ordered like or even so much remotley resemble everyone fucking elses. FUCK YOU. You want "more structure" go to a corporate run site -- You want MySpace, GO TO MYSPACE, you want Facebook GO TO FACEBOOK, you want livejournal, or Livespaces, or YouTube or anything fucking else THEN GO THERE, there are already TONS of other communities, friend connect and blogging sites out there -- if thats what you want, then go there, Dont come into OUR space and bitch about OUR space and try to change OUR space -- if you dont like it get the fuck out.


If you love Elftown the way it is, and dont want more changes to be made to just turn it into another clone, sign below and show your love that Elftown is special and unique, and we want to keep it that way!

1. [Mordigen]
2. [Jeesum Crowe]
3. [Mirime]
4. [*(.Randi.)*]
5. [Fearathress]
6. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™]
7. [Ayaka]
8. [Avatar15]

Support Elftown! sign above, then visit:
Take Elftown Back
Stay at Myspace
Stop the Revolution

  ... want to link to this page? Message [Mordigen] or leave a comment.


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2007-10-02 [Fearathress]: o.o

2007-10-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: O.o who just deleted their name?

2007-10-02 [Jitter]: I did. I'm in the main wiki Take elftown back so I agree with all subwikis as well

2007-10-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: Ah, gotchya! ;)

2007-10-02 [Mordigen]: this wiki is not associated with Take Eltown back --- that is just one of the supporting wiki's to hear, so it would be best if you'd sign both

2007-10-03 [Fearathress]: I shall sign this. ^_^

2007-10-03 [Mordigen]: thankyou :)

2007-10-03 [Fearathress]: You are more than welcome. ^_^

2008-07-25 [Avatar15]: I am in the Take Elftown Back wiki and I support all of the wiki that relate to that goal as well, but I'll still add my name. :] The bold text hurt my eyes but I read it all and I do agree.

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