Here is you scheduals, students. Please give a round of applause to [akiret] for making this possible.
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Hogwart's Great Hall
Student name: Cassie Hikari
Hogwarts house you are in: Gryffindor
Monday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Potions
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Tuesday -
1. Transfiguratio
2. Charms
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Wednesday -
1. Divination
2. Potions
3. Herbology
Thursday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Defense Agesnt the Dark Arts
3. Divination
Friday -
1. Charms
2. Herbology-
Student name: ashi
Hogwarts house you are in:ravenclaw
Monday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Potions
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Tuesday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Wednesday -
1. Divination
2. Potions
3. Herbology
Thursday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Defense Agesnt the Dark Arts
3. Divination
Friday -
1. Charms
2. Herbology
Fourth Years
1. Student name: Leon Wolfheart
Hogwarts house you are in: Gryffindor
Monday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
3. Divination
Tuesday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Transfiguration
3. Herbology
Wednesday -
1. Potions
2. Charms
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Thursday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Herbology
3. Potions
Friday -
1. Divination
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Student name:Ron Weasly
Hogwarts house you are in:Griffindor
Monday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Charms
Tuesday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Herbology
Wednesday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Herbology
3. Transfiguration
Thursday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Potions
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Friday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Divination
3. Student name: Hermione Granger
Hogwarts house you are in: Gryffindor
Monday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Charms
Tuesday -
1. Potions
2. Herbology
3. Divination
Wednesday -
1. Charms
2. Transfiguration
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Thursday -
1. Divination
2. Transfiguration
3. Herbology
Friday -
1. Potions
2. Care of Magical Creatures
4. Student name: Becky Thompson
Hogwarts house you are in:Gryffindor
Monday -
1. Divination
2. Transfiguration
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Tuesday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Herbology
3. Charms
Wednesday -
1. Charms
2. Herbology
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Thursday -
1. Potions
2. Transfiguration
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Friday -
1. Potions
2. Divination
5. Name:Harry Potter
Hogwarts house you are in:Gryffindor
Monday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Herbology
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Tuesday -
1. Potions
2. Transfiguration
3. Charms
Wednesday -
1. Potions
2. Transfiguration
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Thursday -
1. Divination
2. Herbology
3. Charms
Friday -
1. Divination
2. Care of Magical Creatures
1. Student name:Marie Winter
Hogwarts house you are in: Ravenclaw
Monday -
1. Potions
3. Herbology
Tuesday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Transfiguration
3. Divination
Wednesday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Divination
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Thursday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Potions
Friday -
1. Herbology
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Student name:Chelsey Patterson
Hogwarts house you are in:Ravenclaw
Monday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Charms
Tuesday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Herbology
3. Potions
Wednesday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Divination
3. Charms
Thursday -
1. Divination
2. Potions
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Friday -
1. Herbology
2. Transfiguration
Student name: Gracy Elizabeth Burke
Hogwarts house you represent:Hufflepuff
Monday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Tuesday -
1. Potions
2. Herbology
3. Divination
Wednesday -
1. Potions
2. Herbology
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Thursday -
1. Divination
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Charms
Friday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Transfiguration
Student name: Madeleine Nothwang
Hogwarts house you represent:Hufflepuff
Monday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Tuesday -
1. Potions
2. Herbology
3. Divination
Wednesday -
1. Potions
2. Herbology
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Thursday -
1. Divination
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Charms
Friday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Transfiguration
Name:Lu Xun
Hogwarts house you are in:Slytherin
Monday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Herbology
3. Defence Agenst the Dark Arts
Tuesday -
1. Potions
2. Transfiguration
3. Divination
Wednesday -
1. Charms
2. Herbology
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Thursday -
1. Potions
2. Divination
3. Charms
Friday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Transfiguration
Student name: Draco Malfoy
Hogwarts house you are in: Slitherin
Monday -
1. Potions
2. Charms
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Tuesday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Herbology
3. Divination
Wednesday -
1. Potions
2. Herbology
3. Transfiguration
Thursday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Transfiguration
3. Charms
Friday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Divination
Student name: Natalia DeGovannon
Hogwarts house you are in: Slitherin
Monday -
1. Divination
2. Herbology
3. Charms
Tuesday -
1. Defence Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Charms
Wednesday -
1. Potions
2. Charms
3.Care of Magical Creatures
Thursday -
1. Potions
2. Transfiguration
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Friday -
1. Divination
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Student name: BrookeLinn ([Pink_Pixie])
Hogwarts house you are in: Griffindor
Monday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Charms
Tuesday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Herbology
Wednesday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Herbology
3. Transfiguration
Thursday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Potions
3. Care of Magical Creatures
Friday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Divination
Fifth Years
Characters Name: Moonah Fox
Hogwarts House you are in: Gryffindor
Monday -
1. Herbology
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Potions
Tuesday -
1. Herbology
2. Potions
3. Transfiguration
Wednesday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Divination
Thursday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Friday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
Student name:Josh Pendergrass
Hogwarts house you are in:Ravenclaw
Monday -
1. Herbology
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Potions
Tuesday -
1. Herbology
2. Potions
3. Transfiguration
Wednesday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Divination
Thursday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Friday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
Student name: Sean Munefyre
Hogwarts house you are in: Hufflepuff
Monday -
1. Herbology
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Potions
Tuesday -
1. Herbology
2. Potions
3. Transfiguration
Wednesday -
1. Care of Magical Creatures
2. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
3. Divination
Thursday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Friday -
1. Transfiguration
2. Charms
Seventh Years
Student name: Matthew Wolfheart
Hogwarts house you are in: Hufflepuff
Monday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Transfiguration
Tuesday -
1. Divination
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Wednesday -
1. Herbology
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Potions
Thursday -
1. Herbology
2. Charms
3. Transfiguration
Friday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Potions
Student name: Maega DeGovannon
Hogwarts house you are in: Slitherin
Monday -
1. Charms
2. Divination
3. Transfiguration
Tuesday -
1. Divination
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
Wednesday -
1. Herbology
2. Care of Magical Creatures
3. Potions
Thursday -
1. Herbology
2. Charms
3. Transfiguration
Friday -
1. Defense Agenst the Dark Arts
2. Potions
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