Welcome to Stupid Messages wikipage. The wiki that actually collects stupid messages.
Stupid Messages Archive
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Stupid Messages Supporters ~ I only added this because it's sooo funny to be a "member" of funny pages!
Ever since I first came to Elftown I noticed
the messages everywhere - in members' houses, they came by private messages, you could see them even on wiki pages....
I mean, of course, those messages that say some funny/cute/sma
rt thing and then "if you believe like this/love someone/feel like this/etc. then post this on your wiki/house/send it to a friend".
Because some of them actually are rather funny/smart/cute/etc. I didn't just want to start fighting against them. Instead, I created this place. I created a wiki that would collect them and therefore give people the lovely joy of posting the stupid messages somewhere without annoying others.
So, all you now have to do when you find/get messaged a Stupid Message is to go to Stupid Messages Archive and post it there. Easy, right? And no, you don't have to ask me first, JUST DO IT.
[Holic], The one who did this

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