Page name: Sunday, April 26, 2009 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-26 18:16:03
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Letters to Strangers

To the County -

Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain, also known as condemnation, is the power of the state to take private property for public use with payment of compensation to the owner. It is by which a process in which the governmental (or quasi-governmental) agency takes private property for public use.

Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain, also known as, "We're taking your home, your property, your life. We're going to take it for the least amount of money as possible. We're going to make you move for the fifteenth time in your life. We don't care where you move to. You're moving."

Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain for six-hundred miles of wind-turbines. Six-hundred miles of wind-turbines to power Southern California. Southern California - who continuously takes our water because they can't keep theirs clean, who has to import oxygen into cities because they don't know how to walk a block and a half.

Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain - the process of clear-cutting six-hundred miles of trees, polluting a beautiful creek, displacing several thousand animals (including some rare Rocky Mountain Elk that were brought here in the 50's), dispersing hundreds of people from their homes, running off the eagles - so Southern California can drive their H2's and drink their Mocha's.

Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain, also known as "We're giving you five-days notice to submit any complaints, but it really isn't going to do anything for anyone. We're taking it. You're moving."

If it wasn't considered mutiny, I'd say I hate America.

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2009-05-02 [Viking]: Amen.

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