Page name: Syrianna Longhorn [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2009-05-11 21:31:30
Version author: Akayume
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Syrianna Longhorn (also called Sye ("Sigh") by her friends)






She is half human, and half elf, her father being one of the eleven folk and her mother being a mortal human being.


Syrianna is a skilled thief. She is very sneaky and sly, and is quite nimble. She fights mostly with daggers and with her fists, but only when she has to. She is also very coy and smart, and does her job as well as those who have been in the business of thievery for years.

Syrianna is also a very skillful singer. Like her father who was a traveling bard for many many years, Syrianna has skills that some say were specially given to her by the gods. She tends to be quite shy however, so it's a rare treat when one gets to hear her sing.


An arrangement of daggers, all varying in size, although for the most part she doesn't use them.


Syrianna has long blue hair that she pulls into one long braid down her back, and two sections she binds in the front. Her hair is similar to her father's, and so are her long, graceful limbs - these are the only signs that she is part elven. Her eyes are a deep gray color, like fog on a dark night. She wears a simple outfit and a small amount of jewelry; Syrianna is not one who enjoys fancy things. Her clothing often gets her strange looks, since it is something more often found to be worn by boys.


Syrianna is quite shy, and believes that her only friend is Tae Tae, her weasel friend. It's hard to get to know her because she isn't very trusting, and it's hard to get to know her. She's kind hearted, and although she'll never admit it she steals to make money for the poor.

Distinguishing marks or traits:

Syrianna has a long scar that goes from one shoulder blade to the other. It's covered by her shirt, so not many people know that she has it.


Syrianna's mother always told her stories of the elves as she grew up. She learned of how graceful, how powerful, how kind, and yet how cruel they could be. She was completely engrossed in the idea of elves, and was thrilled when her mother one cold wintry night confessed of Syrianna's birth. Her m other told her how she had met the most amazing elven man, who swept her off her feet. It was a short romance, however, and he left her with only his name and a child-to-come to remember him by. As Syrianna grew older her mother did as well, and their money supply began to run out. Even though her mother had been born into money, it was running out fast. A young Lord had been after her mother for years, even though her mother (Annalise), had rejected him time and time again. Finally, her mother was able to resist him no longer.
Annalise believed that it would be best for her child if she married this man, and she married him one cold morning.
Almost immediately after Annalise became pregnant, and soon after birthed a son. Syrianna loved her little brother dearly, and would spend most of her free time with him. In time, two more sons were born, and Syrianna was pushed to the back of her family's mind - mostly because her stepfather had a distinct hate for the elves and their kind. At the tender age of fifteen she was cast from her home, even though her mother wept and wept and begged for her to stay. Syrianna promised that she's return one day, and that she'd always remember her mother.
Secretly, Syrianna began to search for her long-lost father. Even more than that, she went in search of a home.


Tae Tae, her weasel, has been with her since he was a small, wounded baby. She nursed him back to health and he now goes everywhere with her.

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