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THOH character: Kogartor [Logged in view]
2006-06-20 14:13:28
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Name: Kogartor (real name Kago Rayageki) (also known as "the comp(uter)" because of obvious reasons)
Species: human mutant
Race: Japanese/Ameri
Time of birth: 2084/02/06 (age 26)
Occupation: systems administrator, information technology researcher
Appearance: Kogartor is 162 cm tall and weighs 47 kg, making em have a quite emaciated figure. Ey has black, fairly uncared hair, greenish blue eyes and a fairly round face. All in all, Kogartor looks mostly like a child due to the fact that ey spent eir puberty doing pretty much "nothing". Kogartor wears clothes just to cover eir body to protect it. Most of eir clothes have some sort of holes to give way to all the wires. Kogartor also wears glasses when not primarily connected to computers and also carries at least one laptop around.
Personality: Kogartor, like eir parents, identifies better with computers than people. Ey functions primarily like an evolving computer program: logicality, analysis and problem-solving are essential parts of eir personality. However, Kogartor also retains the human part of having a need to have fun and strives to entertain emself – which is usually described as ridiculously easy. However, Kogartor has trouble interacting in the real world because of eir powerlessness – if there is a problem, Kogartor has to fix it, but it's much more difficult in "real life". Ey also isn't used to any kind of human contact.
Background: Kogartor was born to two asocial nerds who treated their little child like a buggy computer program. Since Kogartor was intersexed and later because eir parents noticed ey was a telepathic mutant as well, they kept the child at home and also homeschooled em. So Kogator grew around computers, getting almost all of eir information and experience from the internet.
Another interesting thing eir parents noticed was that Kogartor could "merge" with a computer and establish direct connection.
Kogartor's telepathy developed drastically when ey was 11 and soon after that eir parents disappeared, leaving Kogator alone with a pile of awesome computers. Soon after, Kogartor found that ey didn't really want to leave the computers alone and started spending more and more time being merged.
Eventually, after finding enough info on mutants, which ey figured ey was, Kogartor founded a website called The site was intended for mutants and with eir telepathic powers and knowledge, Kogartor was able to make sure that only mutants and their supporters were able to join. Ey made sure that some mutant ey trusted came in every nce in a while to give em food and check that things were fine. The location of Kogartor and the servers remained a secret for a long time because of Kogartor's abilities.
However, eventually the situation got so bad that even Kogartor couldn't keep up with it, since ey was after all a single person. When Kogarotr was 24, the authorities found the location and destroyed the computers. Kogartor was, however, able to back up eir life's work, the site, into eir head and convince the authorities that ey had been a host for a mutant computer.
Kogartor was taken to a hospital where ey stared physical training to get eir body into shape – it was basically in a stand-by state, near a coma and metabolic shutdown. It didn't take too long until ey was found by other mutants and specifically Kimvekadrei Gillian (Thoh character: Kimvekadrei Gillian), who came to meet em in the hospital and eventually took em to the safe houses so that ey could continue running the mutant website. However, this time it was made sure that Kogartor's body would not atrophy any further.
Mutant abilities: Kogartor is a strong, primarily conscious telepath. Ey can also establish direct, usually physical but also telepathic/electric connections to computers and other electronic equipment. Eir skin forms wires when needed.
Medical record: Intersexed, unknown cause. Endocrine system produces little male or female hormones. Caryotype 44XX. Has myopia, -17. Body underdeveloped, currently undergoing physical training.

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