Page name: TLW Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-25 04:11:30
Last author: Crazy Yas
Owner: Call Me Irresponsible
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 17
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Please include the following info. when joining my wiki!>
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Name: Jennifer [Call Me Irresponsible]
Age: 15
Favorite LW Character: Shane & Alice
Why You Joined My Wiki: I Love the show + I made the damn thing!

Pic:don't have one
Name: Aimee [elftown is wank]
Favorite LW Character: Dana,Shane and Alice but also have a soft spot for Miss Lara Perkins
Why You Joined My Wiki: becuase i LOVE the L Word!!!

Name: Ashley [Sleeping Dictionary]
Favorite LW Character:SHANE! She is the hottest!
Why You Joined My Wiki: I love TLW and i never missed a single episode of the first season it was awesome!

Name:Zack [Ilivethelushlife]
Favorite LW Character:SHANE!!!shes the only girl i would evr have sex with and spend the rest of my life with..
Why You Joined My Wiki:why wouldnt i?shane is my idol......

Name: Nikki [Lillith Winchester]
Favorite LW Character:Shane, shes the coolest out of them all!
Why You Joined My Wiki: cuz i like the episode of the L word that ive seen =)

Name: Courtney [ChaoticAngel]
Favorite LW Character:Shane,she's the shit
Why You Joined My Wiki: Lesbians rock my world :D

Name:heather [DarkAngelHF]
Favorite LW Character:shane, shes my kinda girl
Why You Joined My Wiki: if theres a place i belong its gotta be here.

Name: Yas [Crazy Yas]
Age: 17
Favorite LW character: Shane cuz i love her and cuz i have a lot of things in common with her
Why you joined my wiki: cuz i love the L word and it's the best show that has ever existed

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2004-11-12 [Sleeping Dictionary]: Yay! there is a male member and he is the only one brave enough to put a pic up haha

2004-11-12 [Call Me Irresponsible]: yeppers! I'm excited TOO!!!

2005-04-08 [Call Me Irresponsible]: Yippie! it's heather! she has joined my wiki!!!

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