2010-09-08 15:13:34
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TMM rp
Rise of Darkness

Long ago in a land ruled by the all powerful Starlight Sorceress, an evil had risen into being with the desire to smite that of good so darkness could once again reign. So many had done their best to overthrow the forces of evil, but none prevailed and so there was no triumph to celebrate. War had begun to rage between the Starlight Sorceress and the Dark Lord who had been the most prevailing and morbid than that of the former Dark Ones who fell in defeat so many years before. Now our story begins...
TMM Information
~Information to help you in the rp/ being worked on~
rp music:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKWLhf7WlL4 "Must be dreaming" by Evanescence
TMM RP Pages: ( do not rp in these)
TMM RP Page #1
TMM RP Page #2
TMM RP Page #3
TMM RP Page #4
...April 8, 1254 A.D...(morning)
(I will let members know when the date has been changed)
The night passes quickly as most of everyone slept. Through midnight and to morning, Lady Moon trained her army within the boundaries of La Lune Valley. Soon it would be time to leave for the retaking of Purrabed. Queen Moon called all who were to help lead the soldiers to the main hall, or the throne room if you prefer calling it that, to discuss battle tactics.
Lady Moon stood in her battle armor before the group she beckoned to meet with her. Among them were Aidian, Valentine, her brother Elijah, and Amathil. "Please, if anyone has suggestions and ideas concerning the forthcoming battle, do not hold your tongue. Speak your ideas, for all are welcome." She paused for a brief moment to consider plots she had concieved over night. "First, I must say that there has to be a way we can surround the city and still be able to protect ourselves, or ward off, any outsiders that could be called in as a form of enemy reinforcements
. Does anyone have a map of the city available?"
Aidian unrolled a length of parchment he had been holding. It was the map that Atrial had drawn while they were staying in the city. One of her few abilities was the perfect recall of things such as this. "I believe that this is the most current map you will be able to find. I am not certain which houses and buildings have been destroyed."
Queen Moon walked over to a table in the center of the room. "Here, dear Aidian. Spread the map out here."
A pair of eyes looked on from the entrance of the room. The soft sound of footsteps could be heard as a figure entered the room. "I doubt that map you have is as accurate as you believe it to be." A figure still hidden in the shadows of the room was seen standing just beyond the ring of light that allowed the others in the room to see.
Moon squinted in a slight confusion, stepping forward to see the identity of the one she couldn't quite identify. "How were you able to get in here? Please state who you are?"
The figure stepped forward into the light. It appeared to be a young man dressed in unknown clothing for he was wearing a dark blue cloak. He had an angelic looking face with purple eyes, and long white hair. "My name is Alkeron, and I was able to enter into this room, because I have been here many many times before."
Aidian took a step towards Alkeron, a frown on his face. He quickly searched the other for any malevolence. "If you are privy to some knowledge we do not have, by all means, share. However, my guard-
"Drew up that map the day Purrabed was attacked," a female voice interrupted from the doorway. Atrial came into the room, her face still pale, yet her voice strong. "Many of those buildings would have fallen." She turned towards Alkeron and bowed slightly. "My Lord Alkeron," she turned to Moon, "Lady Moon," finally to Aidian, "My liege, I apologize for my lateness."
The man's name rolled around Moon's head, for it had a sense of familiarality to it. "Ah, Alkeron. The friend of my parents... Good to finally meet you. Maybe you do have a part in this after all..." Suddenly,she turned towards Atrial with a great smile upon her fair visage. "Atrial, dear girl! It's good to see you looking better! Please, come join us."
Alkeron nodded to Atrial, his purple eyes having a knowing look in them. When Aidian stepped forward he felt his piercing eyes look into his heart and opened it for him to look at. He had nothing to hide, and only offered what knowledge he knew. "She is correct, most of the buildings have fallen, no more than a few are left standing. I as well have information if you would use it Lady Moon?"
Aidian flattened the map on the table, looking towards Alkeron. "If you would, good sir, please mark the buildings that are no longer standing." He connected with Alkeron via a mind link. And thank you for not hiding, I do not wish Lady Moon any more pain than she has suffered, and a spy would cause much grievance.
As he spoke, Atrial walked slowly to the table, standing so as to give Alkeron space next to her as she waited. "We need to know more of which buildings are still standing, if the interiors are stable enough to hold people." One of her hands rested on the sword sheathed at her waist.
"Thank you, Alkeron. We certainly do appreciate any information you can offer. From a drawer in the table, she pulled out an ink bottle and a feather pen with the plume of an egret. "This should do us some good, I think, to mark down where things no longer are... and perhaps use ruins to our advantage."
Alkeron nodded and moved into the light and to the table. His long white hair glinted in the light and his pale face was a mask of thoughtfulness and a dash of some hidden emotion. He lifted a hand from under his cloak revealing a billowing sleeve that was colored a soft blue, it had intricate designs on it. The light danced off these designs as he picked up the feathered quill and started marking buildings.
Aidian watched as Alkeron marked buildings. His eyes caught the designs on the sleeve, seeing all there was to see of his outfit. He glanced at Moon, a worried look on his face. "Who do you plan to lead this assault?" he asked her.
Atrial glanced sideways at Alkeron. She sensed a kindred spirit in him, and she watched his hand move across the map. "It is not important who leads it," Atrial said coldly. "It is how they lead it. We will most likely have to sneak in, though that is easier said than done." She studied the building pattern, memorizing it.
Alkeron had marked several buildings that had been destroyed and even more that had been damaged enough to be counted as destroyed. He listened to the conversation very carefully and then marked a few sections that didn't appear on the map, "These are passage ways under the city the are exits from the massive graveyard that resides outside the city walls. The way into the tunnels is through a secret entrance under a statue of an angel..these tunnels lead to key points of surprise attacks. They have troops stationed in each of these areas...and higher ranking officers in this one.." He dipped the quill in blue ink and circled several spots that were filled with basic troops. Afterwards he circled a few other areas in red signifying higher ranking officers.
"Atrial is correct Aidian. All of us as one are going to lead the soldiers. More than one idea for with will benefit us greatly." Moon studied the drawings on the map with a sharp eye and with an observing mind. Not one bit of detail was left behind. "Alkeron, would it be wise to send a group of experienced assassins to target those areas? If it works, I will take my secret band of assassins there. I trained them myself along with the greatest masters in the city. I will have to call those members in as well."
Atrial quickly saw that Aidian was out of his element. He wasn't a general. She stepped forward as one now. "It would be best if they had a synchronized assault if that is the goal. If just one person attacked each at the same time, then it will be far more effective. If they suspect something because one of their own have fallen, we will lose the element of surprise."
Alkeron set the quill down his eyes roaming for any missed details. He sighed as he remembered something else. He cleaned the quill and dipped it in black ink. He circled areas next to the red circles. "These circles represent the women and children they have captured..they use the children as slaves...and the women for far viler things." He listened intently and let his mind take in the information that everyone was giving him. To Moon he spoke next, "It would, but take no more than say....five for each location..they have their own magic users...though from what sect....I would not know..I could not see them from the section of the city I was in." He tapped his finger against the map on the far side eof the city where the normal troops were stationed. "I wasn't able to get far in becuase of magical barriers set up. They were watched at all times by the mages. But...the sewers under the city are not watched at all...for some reason they find them not...worrysome? I do not understand why though..."
Moon stepped back from the table only slightly, smiling. "Well, I suppose this does it then. "I will inform the assassins immediately as well as our troops." She faced each of them in turn saying gratefully, "Thank you, Alkeron. Thank you, Aidian and Atrial." Respectfully, even though she was royalty, she bowed to them and spun around to leave so she could carry out this new errand.
Alkeron walked after and gently stopped her by touching her arm. "My Lady, I would offer a word of wisdom. These mages...they have some kind of magic not even I am familiar with. It would serve you best to send a mage assassin with each group, someone who is immune to the affects of magic and can kill them before they start trouble. And, if is not too much a burden, I ask to travel with you. So I may protect you from enamy mages." His white hair seemed to glow in the candle light and his eyes seemed to beseach her with his request.
Atrial watched Alkeron withdraw and heard what he had said. Aidian also picked up on it. Atrial looked at her liege, knowing what he was thinking. "Lady Moon, with your leave, I will accompany one of these groups. Permitted, of course, that I am well able and of sound health."
"Of course," Moon said to both of them. "Aidian, would you please join me as well?"
Aidian nodded and walked over, joining the small crowd that was gathering near Moon. Atrial followed the prince, making sure to not let him out of her sights.
Alkeron watched as Aidian walked over, but turned his attention back to Moon, "My Lady, may I ask what of the prisoners? I would not like to leave them their in the clutches of those...monsters. If possible I would have them escape through the underground passages I mentioned before?"
"We will rescue the prisoners," said Moon. "I'm not leaving them to suffer. They will have a better life here with me while we rebuild their city."
The First March
[will post soon]

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