2009-01-23 16:31:19
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I had this idea for fan fiction about
The Left Hand of Darkness (by Ursula Le Guin) and drew some preliminary sketches about the characters and possible scenes. (Excuse the Finnish. It's nothing important, though.)
Tasteful nudity to be seen!
The working version of the story is straightforwar
dly clichédly named The Right Hand of Light. I'm taking title suggestions...
The protagonist.

And again.

A young indweller.



Another scene!

The characters of the story are Gethenians (from a planet called Gethen, called "Winter" by some non-Gethenians). Gethenians are androgynes who establish a sex during estrus.
– The whole sexual cycle averages 26–28 days.
–– For 21–22 days the person is somer (effectively sexless and without any sexual impulse).
–– The estrus or sexually active period is called kemmer.
––– The first phase of kemmer is called secher. In this phase, the sexual impulse is strong, but the person remains androgynous.
––– The second phase of kemmer is called thorharmen, and happens when the person finds another person in kemmer. In this phase that lasts 2–20 hours, the person establishes a sex.
––– The third phase of kemmer is called thokemmer. In this phase that lasts 2–5 days, the person is either a female or male with respect to sexual function.
––– The fourth phase of kemmer lasts only a few hours; kemmer ends and the person returns to somer.
Warning: plot details.
– protagonist: a teen
– young indweller
– driver (squishes a younger kid)
– electrician
– four prisoners: an obsessive bossy perfectionist, a pretty and dumb one, a pervert, a psycho
– In autumn, a driver drives over a kid, who gets pretty squished, but doesn't die. Happens in some ruins that were destroyed by blizzards a long time ago. Protagonist sees the accident, or is in the vicinity.
– Driver leaves after it's clear that the kid will live.
– ?
– Some prisoners escape from a prison in Orgoreyn and cross the border/river/sea/glacier to Karhide. None of them speak Karhidish. A big blizzard brews and they take over the home and workshop of an electrician. The electrician is just about to leave for somewhere else to spend the blizzard so ey won't starve.
– Sex? There are six prisoners, one of who is a pervert. The pervert has sex with the electrician. The prisoners come into kemmer since the kemmer-preventing injections have stopped.
– The protagonist has sex with a young indweller from the nearby fastness.
– The prisoners want to steal food from the other people once the electrician's stash runs out. They do so.
– The driver comes back and stays with the protagonist because of the blizzard.
– The electrician learns some Orgota (name of the language?) by listening to the prisoners. Ey talks with the pervert. The pervert tries to convince the others that they shouldn't need to steal and that they would be helped by the other Karhiders.
– The prisoners go steal some more, this time from the protagonist's hearth, and grab along a shot of hormones (it seems the squished kid will come into kemmer, so they wanted to make sure ey isn't alone).
– The prisoners inject the hormones into the electrician so ey can have eir kemmer at the same time as the prisoners and the pervert will be alone. The electrician doesn't particularly like that. Ey talks with the pervert and then stuns the prisoners with the sonic weapon. The two leave for the biggest/closest hearthplace.
– The squished kid comes into kemmer at the same time and the only other one in kemmer is the driver... When the electrician and the pervert arrive, the electrician goes to the kid instead.
– When the prisoners come about, they leave for the two with intentions of catching the runaways. They're too late, after which they decide to try to take over the hearth where the two ran away. They invade and try to kill the pervert.
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