Page name: TTR-Townside [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-19 00:23:49
Last author: Koho Ai
Owner: Dark Shiva
# of watchers: 2
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Return to Teen Titans: RedFist Invasion

This is where all the homes, parks, and schools are...The streets are dead quiet and are deserted. The people that are still here, have locked themselves in their homes with their families. Anyone left out in the street here, best stay hidden to avoid detection of any villains in the area or RedFist thugs.

A small whimper could be heard, as a figure started to crawl out of the rubble of what used be to a school. It was a girl that appeared to be around the age of fourteen or so, with short red hair, deep brown eyes. Her grey and purple school uniform was now ripped up, and her tan skin was covered in scratches and bruises. She looked around at the destruction around her, hoping to see if anyone else had survived the attack on the school...

There was no one else.

She moved to stand, but let out a yelp and was yanked back onto the ground. One of her newly obtain wings was trapped under a huge hunk of debris. She desperately tried to pull her wing out from under the piece of ruined building, only to yelp in pain yet again. "H...h-help..." The little redhead whimpered, though she doubted anyone heard her.

The rock began to debris began to glow black as it was slowly lifted off from the girls wing. "You ok??" Just then Raven landed on the ground in front of the girl, her hood on her head.

The redhead blinked, and looked up at Raven. "Y-yeah..." She said as she started to stand up.

Rae coughed, dust filling her lungs and eyes, making it hard to breathe and see. She coughed louder, then forced herself to speak. "HELP!" She called, rubbing at her eyes. When she was able to open them, she realized how lucky she was - rock and walls had caved in around her, but none had actually fallen on top of her body. But she was trapped, and unless someone could lift the rocks... She would die.

Raven nodded her head and looked around "get off the streets and stay out of sight ok?!" She began to levitate off the ground as she looked around for other people.

The girl blinked when she head a familiar voice calling for help. "R-Rae-chan!?" She began to make her way towards the direction she heard the yell. "Rae-chan! Where are you?"

Rae coughed again. "I'm trapped!" She hollered. "Please! Help me!"

Raven followed the other girl while listening for the one that was trapped.

The redhead continued to follow her friend's calls. "H-hang on Rae!"

"Nomi?" Rae whispered to herself, then drew herself closer to the wall of rubble. "NOMI!"

"Yes, i-it's me Rea-chan!" The redhead called back, as she finally made her way to where her friend was trapped.

Raven lifted her hand at the rubbled wall and it began to glow black. As she moved her hand, so didn't the rubbled wall. She placed it on the ground gently and looked at the two girls. "I take it you know each other??" She asked softly as she landed on the ground and fixed her hood.

Nomi nodded, quickly going over to Rae. "Rae-chan i-is my best friend!"

Rae moved forward, wrapping Nomi in a tight hug. "Yes, we're friends," she said, relieved that she was finally out. "Thank you."

Nomi hugged Rae in return. "A-are you alright Rae-chan?"

"Yes, I'm..." Rae trailed off, finally noticing something she should've noticed before. Nomi had wings. Rae might have dreamed of people with wings when she was a child, but... those were only dreams! And this was reality. "Wha...?"

The redhead blinked, before finally figuring out what Rae was looking at. "Oh.... those..." She said, absent mindedly flexing her wings. "I don't why I have them... They just suddenly... sprang out, when the school started to collapse..."

"Get out of sight you two and stay out," Raven said as she looked around.

Rae nodded. "Alright." She grabbed Nomi's hand. "Let's go!"

Nomi nodded, "O-okay...WAIT!" She suddenly stopped, looking at the ruined building. "Mom! Dad!" She remembered her parents where still in the area when the attack happened...But there were no sign of them now...

Rae shook her head. "We can't worry about them now." She knew Nomi well enough to guess what the girl was thinking. "We have to get to safety now.. And worry about our friends and family later."

The redhead sadly looked down, and nodded. "...Okay..."

Rae forced a smile. "Now c'mon. I'm sure we'll be okay."

"Y-yeah..." Nomi nodded. "But where should we go?"

Rae thought for a moment, then said, "The subway system. The trains probably aren't running, and we can use the tracks to get to the outskirts of the city. Besides, I think we'll be safer underground than out in the open."

"Yeah." Nomi said in agreement. "Lets go."

Rae took a deep breath, then, holding on tightly to Nomi's hand, she ran off towards the TTR-Subway Tunnels of The City.

Raven walked around the town for awhile looking out for any signs of life.

Derid came out of the shadows and looked around having his head back covered by his hood again."Hmm looks destroyed." he said looking.

A figure walked out from behind a building and looked at him as he stood there,"Your not a normal human are you?" he asked.

Derid eyed the teen suspiciously,"It appears your not either," he said as he thought about what might happen here.

"Just so you know my name is Blaze, and I'm going to ask you come along nicely are something bad is going to happen," he said as he emitted a fireball into his left hand.

Deridian noticed the fireball and new this wasn't going to be good as the sun still glowed in the sky.

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2008-06-12 [Akayume]: It's Rae. *cough* ^^''

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: owo;; whoops *SHOT* I'll fix!!! btw like how I made different rp rooms?

2008-06-12 [Akayume]: *nods* It's good. (:

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Yay ^_^ I figured it would be less confusing this way

2008-06-12 [Akayume]: Ahuh! *nods* Andddd... Can I post? ^^''

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Sure sure! ^_^ lol this is your wiki too!

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: yesh

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: XD I'm surpised Rae hadn't noticed Nomi's wings yet XD

2008-06-12 [Akayume]: Oh..snap... Point taken. XD

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: lol well I mean they are kinda big and scary looking XD Then again Rae could be just so happy to see that her best friend is alive, that she dosn't notice quite yet XDDD

2008-06-12 [Akayume]: ..Yesss, let's go with that. XD

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