Page name: Tepes Royal Bedroom [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-28 01:33:18
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Tepes Royal Bedroom


This is the Demetrius Tepes' room. At the north end is a giant king sized bed with currtans hanging down the side. At the other side is the bathroom with a swiming pool sized bath. To the west side is a huge desk housing pappers, ink, quills, and maps. To the east is a closet, a cabinet houseing a ton of books, and a walk through closet. In the center is a table with two chairs. Along all of the walls are paintings of dragons, and vampires. Weapons were also on the walls and some of shelves.

Back to Tepes Castle

Gwen followed Demetrius up into the bedroom, and then examined it. She rather liked the place and then she found her love. Pushing him onto the bed she smiled as she nipped his hear playfully. "You know I love you very much right?" Her emerald eyes sprakled in the candel light.

Pyre flew off into the night when he realized that the two needed their own space. Demetius layed on the bed and looked into Gwen's eyes. "I know...and I love you too." He brought her into a deep kiss which was broke only by them removing each others cloths. "Lets have some fun."

Three hours later
Demetrius stared at his love after the sex and smiled. He loved her so very much. He had let her fall asleep in his arms. He rubbed his hand against her nude form before getting up. All his injuries had healed now, and had to hunt for blood. He dressed himself before heading out the window.

Gwen had awoken a few moments later and sighed when she saw that Demetrius wasn't in the room. She knew where he had gone. He had gone out to hunt, he always did it alone. A smile crept up on her face. She knew that Demetrius would be back soon. She wrapped the sheets around her and layed down awaiting her love.

Demetrius emerged in the window frame a few moments later. He had fulfilled his bloodlust on a rapist. Afterwards he wandered a nearby town trying to figure out what had happend in his absence when he happend upon a shop. "Gwen...we've been through a lot together, and most likely well go through more...and thats why I was wondering..." He pulled out a box with a ring in it, a diamond ring. He was proposing to her.

Gwen gasped in shock as she eyed the diamond ring that Demetrius held out to her. A huge smile crossed her face, and she knew then and there that they would spend the rest of their lives together. "Yes...Deme, yes I will!" Tears weld up in her eyes, but she held them back. She had done enough crying in the last couple of days that would last a life time.

Demetrius sighed in relief as he placed the ring onto her finger. He bent down and kissed her. It was a deep kiss that told them both that they truly cared for one another. After a minute or so they were both in bed again making love. After words, Demetrius told her of his inner battle. "I fought the beast within me...if it wasn't for you I might have lost." He cuddled into her.

After the sex, she listend to his tale and smiled. "I'm glad I could help." She kissed him on the head and felt fatigue take her. "Deme lets sleep...its been a very hard last few days for both of us, and you've earned it." She snuggled into him and saw him nod his head. Within minutes, they were both asleep in each others arms.

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