Page name: tetra riddle [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-07-14 07:12:07
Last author: Figgy
Owner: Figgy
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Name - Tetra Riddle

Gender - Female

Age - 14

Background - Street Urchin

Characteristics -

Strength - O O O O
Endurance - O O O O
Dexterity - O O O O O O O O
Intelligence - O O O O O O
Perception- O O O O O O O
Charisma - O O O O O O O O

Traits -
▲ Friend of Animals
▲ Street Smart
▼ Scrawny
▼ Traumatized

Appearance - Having gone without proper nutrition and food throughout most of her life, Tetra has hit her prime height at a mere 4 feet and 10 inches. Had she been well fed, the short height would have led to a stocky build, but as it is, she is a scrawny little munchkin, weighing in at only 90 pounds (or 41 kg). The girl's skin appears to have a darker hue to it, though this may be caused by the dirt and grime that covers her body. Her thick hair is a dirty blonde color, but after living in the streets her whole life and without proper care, it has grown into messy dreadlocked strands that reach midway down her back. The irises of Tetra's round eyes are a very bright green, almost a Tea Green color, that stand out from her dirty face, and are accented by her thick, expressive eyebrows. Her small button nose is situated just above her sharply angled lips. Tetra tends to wear raggedy clothes because of her homelessness and lack of funds, and if it weren't for the length of her hair, she could easily be mistaken for a boy (which she sometimes is.)

Personality - Tetra is a prime example of the word 'brat', although she is definitely not spoiled, as she is an ill-mannered child, or teenager really, with no will to submit to any type of authority, nor any sense of etiquette. She's a rough and tough child, or at least likes to pretend to be, and doesn't mind getting dirty or crawling around in filth. Foul-mouthed, immature, and generally rude, Tetra talks a big game, but when it comes down to it, she's as weak as a twig and is more likely to pickpocket those around her and run, as opposed to starting a real fight. Contrary to how this girl behaves around people, however, she is kind, gentle, and above all caring towards her animal friends. She is able to communicate with them in some way and sometimes she is even able to convince her furry, feathered, and scaled friends to do her bidding. Because of this skill, when Tetra was eleven, she adopted a Raven, which she has named Ulysses, as her pet and very best friend.

History - Tetra has never had much of a history to tell. Some days she might have an interesting story to relay to any of the few people she might consider a friend, but the truth of the matter is that she has spent the majority of her life, on her own, in the streets. For reasons unknown to her, she was left at an orphanage as a baby, and spent the first 11 years of her life there at the beck and call of the controlling and abusive owners. Rebellious as she was, the girl was fed up with her life of parentless servitude and took to the streets one night to escape. She made her way across town, struggling to survive for several weeks, going without food and water for sometimes days at a time. She had never exactly been a healthy child before, what with the scarce meals offered at the orphanage, but now, outside on her own, she seemed to grow even smaller with the lack of nutrition. However, this seemed to play to her interest. By the time she was twelve, the girl had learned enough of the city to make her way around easily, and using her small and childlike frame and her growing agility, she had all but mastered the art of stealing from the wealthy, at least wealthier than she, to give to the poor - herself. In between her eleventh and twelfth year, she also discovered something vital about herself - she could speak with animals. Tetra wasn't even sure how she did it, but whatever her request was to nearly any animal, the beast would obey. This led to her encounter with a bird, a raven, rarely seen underground. He was small at the time, probably a chick, and quickly taking a liking to him, she adopted him as her own. And thus the dread-headed pre-teen spent her next few years, along with Ulysses, the raven, pickpocketing and scavenging for any means by which she could survive.

Proficiency -
Animal Handling (No penalty when using Charisma on animals)
Deft Fingers (Pickpocket without penalty)
Silver Tongue

Magic or Engineering

Equipment -


3 Strike3 Block8 Finesse6 Engineering8 Notice8 Bluff
4 Forge3 Fortitude8 Aim6 Decipher7 Listen8 Persuade
3 Throw4 Recovery8 Tumble6 Memory7 Magic9 Blend In
5 Jump3 Stamina9 Climb6 Heal7 Willpower9 Charm
3 Push/Pull4 Swim10 Sneak6 Identify8 Orientation8 Barter
4 Break4 Resist8 Craft6 Learn7 Empathy8 Intimidate

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