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The Background Story
The Background Story2
"So, you approve?" Anka asked as she rolled over to face Nami.
"How could I not?" Nami asked.
"You know that telling him you like him isn't a bad thing...." Anka said thoughtfully.
"If he tells me first, I've said that for how many years now..." Nami said coyly.
"He likes you, there, now tell him," Anka said quickly.
"Why are you so dead-set on me telling him?" Nami wondered.
Anka shrugged, "You're my friend and summer is drawing to a close, and you've been sooo in love with him and it's about time you tell him, he's felt the same about you, you want him...."
"I have a feeling there are ulterior motives," Nami glared at Anka.
"Me? Never...." Anka grinned.
"Why do you want me to tell him?" Nami asked.
"I bet that you would," Anka said quietly.
"Ohhh...." Nami groaned. "Good night...."
"If you don't, Lulu gets to molest Nagi and I agreed to not step in."
"You don't have the right to bet that!" Nami objected.
"But I can promise that I won't personally stop her," Anka said pointedly.
"Good night...." Nami shook her head as she nestled herself beneath the heavy blanket despite the warm summer weather.
"Good morning," Nagi said quietly as Anka rose.
"Tell Nami you like her..." she said in a grog before leaving the room.
Nagi blinked in confusion, "That's a hell of a good morning."
Anka turned around, "I bet on it," she said quietly, "And she's too shy, so that puts my hopes all in you."
"Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence," he grumbled.
"I have all the confidence in the world in you...not telling her without being pushed," Anka said before disappearing into the bathroom. She reappeared several minutes later with her hair brushed, "Why are you here so early?"
"I don't want to be told that my sexual energies are too tense, so I'm waking up before my parents and leaving before they know I'm gone," he replied.
"You were watching us sleep!"
"Not you..." Nagi blushed. "I was watching Nami...you just happened to stay the night!"
Anka chuckled, "You get sooo red," she snickered as she dug through her bag of possessions for fresh clothing. "Especially when you admit something embarrassing."
"Again, agent sent by my parents..." he murmured.
"She'll wake up soon enough," Anka assured him. "Or you could...kiss her awake..."
"I'll wait patiently as always," Nagi replied evenly. "Agent sent to do my parents' bidding..." he grumbled.
"We'll see how well I do at my job then," Anka said dryly.
Nagi stood and flopped down at the foot of Nami's bed. "Nami..." he whispered.
"Wake up..." he said softly.
"No..." she grumbled.
"Nami..." Nagi repeated.
"Don't make me kick you off of my bed, morning person..." she said as she opened one eye.
Nagi grinned and began bouncing on her bed, crawling up to her, "Wake up!" he repeated several times until he was nearly nose to nose with her.
"You bastard..." she growled as she pushed him onto the floor. Nagi grabbed her arm, dragging her with him. She opened both of her eyes to glare down at him, "Why do you insist on waking me?" she asked, quite annoyed.
Nagi shrugged, "You're funny when you first wake up."
"Mkays..." Nami said quietly as she nestled against him.
"Uh...you're still on top of me...." he said as he shook her gently.
"Mhm..." she grunted.
"Nami, you can go back to sleep, if you promise to sleep on your bed, not me..." Nagi's tone sounded worried.
"You woke me, you'll deal with the consequences," Nami said flatly.
Anka stepped back into the room and shook her head, "I see you've given her a sexy new wake up call."
"You of all people know that
this is
not what it looks like!" Nagi said frantically.
"No I don't," Anka said as she settled on the bed, staring down at Nagi mockingly. "You could just move her..."
"I can't move at all with how she's clung to me...."
"Oh, well," Anka shrugged.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Nagi blushed.
"You wake me up during the summer," Nami replied as she eased her eyes open.
"And thank you for the last picture," Anka said as she snapped a picture.
"Huh?" Nagi asked as he glanced up at Anka.
"A little something to blackmail you with," Anka said with a grin. "I'll be getting this developed now..."
"Anka...what do you mean by that?" Nagi asked.
Anka poked her head back in the room, "I'm sure your parents would love to see it..."she said before dashing out of the room.
"Hmm?" she asked.
"Why?" he pleaded.
Nami crawled off of Nagi, "Why what?" she yawned.
"Never mind...."
"Uh, Anka just bolted..." Lulu said as she entered the room with a large bag decorated by a red ribbon.
"She wanted to get her film developed," Nagi blushed, glaring playfully at Nami.
Nami blushed, "Yeah...she'll be back soon."
"Did you two...?" Lulu glanced between the two of them.
"Did we what?" Nami asked.
"Get your mind out of the gutter..." Nagi turned a serious glare to Lulu.
"Well, you're hot and so is Nami," Lulu shrugged, "And you're both almost always together...it'
s fun to imagine what you spend sooooo much time doing."
"All you need to know," Nagi grumbled as he staggered to his feet, "Is that I'm not doing you."
"Oh, I see..." Lulu grinned, "You're doing somebody that isn't me."
"No, no he's not!" Nami argued as her cheeks grew an even deeper shade of crimson. "What's with the bag?"
"It's designer and for Anka," Lulu replied.
"That's very thoughtful," Nagi conceded.
"Yeah, I'm tired of there being no pizazz with that girl's style," Lulu made a face, "And it was on sale."
"I take that back," Nagi sighed.
"What?" Lulu asked.
"You are hopeless..." Nagi commented as he settled beside Nami on the bed.
"She has money, teaching her morals is a working progress..." Nami offered.
"I suppose," Nagi shrugged.
"They're done," Anka said happily as she held up the bag of photos.
"Oh, let me see..." Nami pleaded as Anka fell in front of her.
"Here you two go," Anka said as she handed Nami and Nagi each a copy of her last photo. Both blushed when they gazed down at it, giving the other a quick glance before glancing away shyly.
"Thanks..." Nami said as she stood, opening the top drawer of her dresser and pulling out a scrapbook.
Anka motioned toward the booklet and Nagi blushed. "Scrapbook?" he asked before clearing his throat.
Nami blushed, slapping it shut. "Yeah, it's nothing..."
"Oh, really?" Lulu asked as she pulled it out from the drawer.
"Give that back!" Nami growled.
"I think your little boyfriend deserves to see it too," Lulu said, holding it above Nami's reach.
"Why did they have to make high heels?" Nami grunted as she reached for the book.
"I am staying out of this one..." Anka said as she opened a novel and began reading it. Don't be an idiot, Nagi. This is your cue... she thought as she glanced up at the ginger boy.
Nagi drew in a breath and stood, taking the scrap book from Lulu without any problem. "Why did you have to be tall?" Lulu growled as she hopped uselessly toward Nagi's tall grip.
Nami fell to the ground in embarrassment. Great...I knew I was stupid for writing captions....
"Here you go..." Nagi said as he handed Nami her scrapbook.
"But I stole it so you could see it!" Lulu pouted.
"And it's Nami's to show," Nagi said as he settled back on the bed.
"Oh," Lulu handed the bag to Anka, "I picked this up for you."
"Wow, thanks..." Anka muttered in disbelief.
"No problem," Lulu grinned. "Now, I'm thinking of fast food. Whose up for it? My treat."
"Sure," Nagi shrugged, following Lulu.
Anka shook her head. "You could just erase the hearts you drew beside his name in the scrapbook, you know."
"Uh..." Nami opened the book to a picture of Nagi without his shirt and laying peacefully in her bed. The picture had several cutout and plastic hearts. "Not exactly."
"Wow," Anka laughed, "You need a new hobby. I have a few more pictures of your hottie without his shirt for claim later today."
"I can deal with that," Nami blushed as she returned the book to its usual place.
Nami sat beside Nagi and Anka beside Lulu. "Well, I have a brain freeze and I want ketchup..." Nami said quietly as she stood.
"Ketcup idea..." Anka said as she followed.
"So, you know that Archeology class we all got into?" Lulu leaned forward.
"Yeah," Nagi said as he took another French fry.
"I have the Villa already reserved for me and the girls," Lulu clapped excitedly, "For the field trip to Egypt."
Nagi blinked in disbelief, "How? That teacher is supposed to be a royal bitch. Do you really want to try to get on her bad side?"
"Nah, I just want to have fun on our first vacation out of the country. Normally I'd think you'd tell Nami but I don't care since that homeless guy on the corner who I initially thought of telling announces everything with a megaphone was a little worse of a choice compared to you."
"Thanks," Nagi said dryly as Nami returned, throwing a large cup that was filled with ketchup on the table. Nami and Anka both took handfuls of french fries and helped themselves with the ketchup.
"Those are mine..." Nagi squeaked.
"So," Nami shrugged as she took the french fry from Nagi's hand and ate it.
"Hey..." Nagi blushed.
"What?" Nami asked playfully.
"Two can play at that game," Nagi said as he took her sundae and took a giant bite.
"Hey!" Nami's eyes welled with tears.
"I'm sorry..." Nagi frowned.
"That's mine, meanie..." she whimpered.
"It's okay, honey. I'll buy you another one..." Lulu said as she handed Nami the credit card.
"Thank you!" Nami said as she made a quick dash to the ordering counter.
"She is sooo cute...." Nagi blushed, "And I really feel bad."
"You should, never get between a girl and her hot fudge sundae..." Anka said as she hugged hers protectively.
"And a college guy has been flirting with Nami, so you had better admit defeat," Lulu informed him.
"What?" Nagi asked indignantly.
"Oh, yeah..." Anka looked away from him, "He's really cute, too."
"Some guy's been..." Nagi fell silent.
"You can't get mad," Lulu chided him, "You had six years and you never said anything, not even one little hint."
"B-but..." Nagi sighed, "I loved her first!"
Anka smiled, "Well tell her so I get my five hundred and you can ensure that the cute college boy doesn't go any further."
"College guys are okay, but that really young professor is soooo yummy..." Lulu grinned.
"The biology teacher?" Anka asked.
"Oh, yes..." Lulu moaned, "I crave...I crave..."
"We have my problem to focus on..." Nagi reminded them.
"It's your problem, you figure it out," Lulu said with a shrug.
Nami rejoined them with another hot fudge sundae which she began gulping down quickly. "What's going on?" Nami asked between bites.
"Lulu has a crush," Nagi replied as he dipped his french fry in the ketchup.
"Oh?" Nami asked.
"The College bio teacher," Anka added.
"James is like one of us," Nami remarked. "I have a feeling that if we were full-time college students that we'd see a lot of him at parties."
"Got any crushes?" Anka asked Nami pointedly.
"Yes," Nagi said before staring out the window.
"Yes," Nami replied as she stole a playful glance at Nagi, stealing another french fry he was going to eat. "You?"
"I was going to eat that," Nagi commented.
Lulu slurped at her drink before commenting, "So slap her hand away if you don't want her eating your food."
"No..." Nagi said sheepishly as he picked up another fry that Nami took from his fingers.
"Oh, and..." Nami snapped her fingers, "I remembered a little something that I wanted us to do, Anka," she said with a smile.
"What's that?" Anka asked.
Nami pulled out two inked pictures, one of an ankh with tribal designs around it and the other of an eye or Horus with black thorns coming out of it. "Remember this plan?" she asked.
"Those are awesome, but..." Nagi blinked, "What are you plotting?"
Lulu took a bite of her burger before she nearly choked in realization, "You're getting tattoos?!"
"Well, if Anka wants to," Nami said with a smile.
Nagi's cheeks reddened, "If you don't mind me asking...where at?"
"Lower back," Nami said simply.
Belly piercing and lower back tattoo... he drooled as he glanced down at the dangling decoration on Nami's belly ring. "Worried it will hurt?" he asked as he trailed his eyes back to the table.
"That's why you're coming," Nami said enthusiastically.
"Me?" Nagi asked.
"Who else is going to hold my hand and not be hurt by my grip?" Nami said as she poked Nagi's nose.
"Well, I do want to," Anka said with a smile, "Since we've wanted to for years."
"Good, Nagi, your day is spent for you," Nami said proudly.
"Oh...okay..." he said as his cheeks flushed an even deeper red.
"Will you let me kill your hand?" Anka asked Lulu.
"Of course," Lulu said with a grin. "You don't have as tight a grip as Nami, in which case I honestly do feel bad for Nagi."
"Her grip isn't that bad," Nagi insisted.
"I can be pretty bad," Nami admitted before delving further into her older hot fudge sundae. "Oh," Nami slid Lulu's credit card across the table, "I almost forgot."
"Even if you did steal it, you'd probably spend less than me anyhow," Lulu replied, "So daddy wouldn't cancel it."
The four of them wandered into the tattoo and piercing parlor a short while later, Nami and Anka holding out the tattoo designs that they wanted, "Do you ladies have an appointment?" The man asked, looking over the designs. He glanced up at the girls, "And ID?"
"I didn't think of that..." Anka muttered to Nami, who grinned.
"Yes, we do." Nami said, "Mine's for 2, and Anka's is right after me."
"And the ID?" he asked again.
"Sorry I'm late," Kelly said as she stepped into the parlor. "Papers to sign?" she guessed.
"This is our mom," Nami said quickly.
"Alright then, papers to sign over here," the tattoo artist said as he ushered Kelly to a counter.
"Bet you're glad I called mom, huh?" Nami chirped.
"Are you saying that you already knew we'd be doing this today?" Anka blinked.
"Oh, definitely." Nami stated, "I've been planning this for weeks. Figured it'd make a nice way to finish the summer and you wanted the tattoo so it was going to be a no brainer."
"$150 up front." The man said after handing Kelly information packets.
Nami pulled the bills from her wallet and handed them over, "The eye of Horus is for me and the Ankh is for her." She said as he led her to a chair, "They're for our lower backs."
"I'll buy you the cream for your tattoo after Anka's done," Kelly smiled, glancing up from the packets.
"Good, they'll need it," Lulu remarked.
Nagi sighed, approaching the table where they were to be tattooed. He prepared to lose some of the feeling in his hand as the tattoo artist prepped the ink for Nami's tattoo. "Are you ready?"
The man inked the design again and had her lie down, quickly he fit it to her back and Nami held her hand out for Nagi who grabbed it, squeezing it tightly. She winced as a loud buzzing filled the air and pinpricks started along her lower back.
Nagi held her hand in silence, his gaze following the outline of the tattoo as it was darkened and permanently embedded in her skin.
At last it was Anka's turn, Nami stood, wincing as the tape from the bandage over her tattoo pulled her skin taut. "How was it?" Anka asked, biting her lip.
"Honestly? Not as bad as I thought it'd be." Nami conceded.
"Yeah, considering I haven't lost all of the feeling in my hand." Nagi chuckled.
Anka laid herself out and Lulu stood beside her, the now familiar buzzing filled the room and she winced with the first touch of it to her back, relaxing slowly as the process continued until at last, she too, was done.
Nagi froze when Nami entered his room. "I'll be right back..." Nami assured him before disappearing again.
Anka laughed, "I know the usual sparkles and uppidty twinkle music, but because she's a Goth is it bloodstains and funeral music when she walks in?"
Nagi blushed, scratching his cheek sheepishly, "Actually it's a bolt of lightning and the stereotypical horror movie music."
"That's romance as interpreted by a jock and Goth?" Anka laughed again.
"Well, one sided. Beautiful, huh?" Nagi grinned.
"You've got issues.." Anka replied, throwing a pillow at him.
Nami returned as she had promised, "Your parents want to know if you're out of condoms..." her cheeks flushed red, "And I didn't even know that you kept them..."
"I don't..." Nagi said sheepishly. "My parents bought me what looks to be one hundred packs."
"Packs of what?" Lulu yawned before slurping at her espresso.
"Condoms," Anka filled her in.
"Not my idea," Nagi reminded them.
"Can I have them?" Lulu asked.
"Have at it," Nagi said as he opened a dresser drawer. He tossed a handful into Lulu's giant purse ad continued doing so until all of the condoms were in Lulu's purse.
"It's like a twisted form of trick-or-treating," Lulu grinned.
"You're not using condoms?" Rick asked in disbelief.
Nagi turned around quickly, "No. I'm a virgin, so I don't need them."
"Stop being humble," Rick waved his hand.
"That's humble?" Nami asked quietly.
"Apparently..." Nagi flopped onto his bed and laid backwards to stare at his still blank walls.
"Oh, you," Rick grinned and walked away.
"Great...on top of thinking I'm having sex they think it's unprotected...." Nagi shook his head. "WHY is my entire family obsessed with my nonexistent sex life?"
"Yeah, they really need a hobby..." Lulu agreed, "Unless they're novelists. Then they could really make you sound like a sex god."
"Don't I already?" Nagi asked.
Nami blushed, "Yes, yes you do."
"Uh..." Nagi rubbed his head in embarrassment, "Well..."
"Nagi, could I...ask you something?" Nami asked shyly.
"We'll be out here..." Lulu said as she and Anka left the room.
"Y-yes?" Nagi asked nervously.
"Some creepy guy won't listen to me..." Nami started.
"Creepy guy?"
"I told him I have a boyfriend as a nice way to say that I'm not interested," Nami started again.
"He's still trying?" Nagi asked indignantly.
"Yeah," Nami said quietly. "I told him you were my boyfriend, and..."
"You want me to tell him to back off?" Nagi guessed.
"Yeah," Nami blushed, "Would you?"
"I'd beat him up if you wanted," he said honestly.
"No, just ask him to leave me alone, please," Nami said calmly.
"Sure thing," Nagi declared.
Nami threw her arms around Nagi and kissed his cheek several times, "Thank you, thank you..."
Nagi nervously hugged her back, "You...you're welcome..."
"Don't mean to interrupt the foreplay..." Tina said as she walked in, "But Anka and Lulu just left...but now I see why."
"F-foreplay?" Nami asked as she slowly traced her gaze back to Nagi.
"It is not foreplay!" Nagi argued. "Do you guys stand outside my door and wait for something awkward to happen? Jeez."
"No, everything we see is by happen-chance, but you should have enough condoms now," Tina said as she closed the door.
Nagi fell backward bringing Nami with him. "Why me?" he sighed.
"Because your best friends are all girls," Nami replied as she cuddled up to him.

The Background Story3