Page name: The Black Prophecy Chapter1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-03-24 04:29:22
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Chapter 1

<-The Black Prophecy
The Black Prophecy Chapter2

Masa jerked awake as he felt the change occur. He went to his window and gazed out at the moon. "What?" He shivered not sure what was happening but fearing it.

He felt a slight sting to his back.

He winced and went to the bathroom to look

He saw an image of two dragons intertwine in a battle of sorts.

He frowned tracing it carefully. "What is this?"

He got the image of a tall young man.

He studied the image in surprise

He felt the need to be near him, yet felt the need to keep as far from him as possible.

He frowned and shivered a little

The air around the area seemed to shimmer.

He backed away and looked around growing scared

The feeling passed.

He sighed in relief not sure what to make of what just happened

It began to rain outside.

He looked out at the moon again. "What is going on?"

The phone rang.

He jumped and answered. "Hello?"

"Masa..." came the smooth soft voice of Vali. "Nothing strange has happened with you as it?"

"Umm....I...when you say you mean something appearing on the back?"


"Dragons entwined? You have it too?"

"Yes.... it's so strange..."

"I...what do you think it means...and the moon....I don't like this...I'm scared..."

"Masa...I'm scared too...I'm walking across the courtyard...could you let me into your building?"

"Sure...I will be there shortly.."He said as he hung up and hurried down stairs

He saw Vali standing outside the double doors of the dorm.

He let him in. "I don't like this at makes me uneasy..."

"Same here Masa.... the moon is so strange...and the tattoo....none of this makes sense...." Vali said walking inside.

Masa nodded, "Why did you call me though?" He asked unsure, he had few friends and he would like to call Vali a friend but they knew each other only a short time

"Because...I didn't know where else to go...I...had lost my apartment....the building manager said I have to get out of there..." Vali said softly.

"Wh..what?! But why?" He asked in concern

"Said that I hadn't paid my rent...and that I was a loser writer...."

"But...I am sorry...I have an extra bed in my room if you need a place to stay..."

"That would be nice...thank you're so kind....thank you..." he said softly.

He nodded with a smile.

Vali had a flash of the mythology teacher and felt drawn to him, he also felt fear toward him

Vali was about to say something when he shivered, his eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" Masa asked in concern

"I..." he shook his head. "I'm okay... I'm just upset about what happened...."

"are you sure?"

"Did you...see an image of someone....after all of this?"

He stiffened and slowly nodded. "Y...yes...why?"

"I just saw an image of the mythology professor....and I..." Vali looked down.

"You felt attracted to him and fear for him at the same time right? Because that is how I felt toward the one I saw..."

Vali nodded. "It was strange....I' his class....he's my mythology professor...."

"Be careful..."

Vali nodded. "You....too, Masa..."

He nodded. "Either way...I don't like this at all...I have enough to worry about in regards to...well personal issues without adding this strange stuff into the equation..." He said not wanting to talk about the foster care. He pretended he was from a nice family that was away on travel. He didn't tell his friends he was an orphan, he was afraid no one would want him.

"Masa... I agree with you there....." Vali said softly. Every chance he got, he tried not to bring up family because his old life ended when he won the law suit against his father and left, changing his name. "We are both connected to this... as long as we... share the burden on figuring this out, we should be able to keep our personal lives separate..."

He nodded. " you want something to eat or drink?"

"Tea if you have some..."

"Do you like chai or oolang?" He asked leading him to the kitchen and filling the tea kettle than allowing it to heat up

"Chai...please, Masa..." Vali said with a slight smile. "Thanks..."

He nodded and smiled as he took down two mugs, "No problem."

"Need any help?"

"I've got it thanks, need anything to eat?"

"I'm fine, Masa... thank you for helping me...." Vali said softly.

"That's what friends do." He said handing him some tea and cookies.

Vali took the tea, and then took a cookie. "Mmmm...these are good, Masa..."

He blushed. "Thanks. I made them earlier today."

"Just for fun?" Vali asked softly.

"You won't laugh will you? I...want to be a cook...I made them from scratch." He said with a blush

"You should do what you love....Masa..." Vali said.

He looked up at him. "You don't think it is stupid?"

"Not at all...." Vali said with a soft smile.

He smiled thankfully. "No one has ever said that before..."

"I believe that everyone should follow their dreams...." Vali said softly, with a smile.

They both got a flash of what was happening with Gwen and Eros. They felt a stab of jealousy.

Masa shivered tears forming in his eyes even though he wasn't sure why.

Vali hugged himself. "Masa...." he choked out.

"I...saw...him with someone else..."

Vali had tears in his eyes. "I saw...." and then starts to describe the scene.

"That's...what I saw..."

Vali looked down sadly. "Masa...the ones we saw earlier....they're together....why are we seeing this...? why....?"

"I...don't know..."He whispered.

A tear rolled down Vali's cheek. "I...Masa..."

He handed him a tissue he wasn't holding up much better. "W...why are we so effected?"

"I...don't know....Masa...I...what is wrong with us? I've never cried about someone that was never mine...." he whispered taking the tissue.

He hugged himself shaking his head. "I...don't know..."

Vali took Masa's hand in a supportive way, tears in his eyes still.

"What's happening to us?"

"I...don't all started with that moon...and the tattoos....."

"I know...what should we do?"

"We...have to try and stay...away from them...." he whispered.

He nodded. "I...they make me uneasy...but I feel something for one of them too."

"It's the same for me...but....he scares me..."

"Same here...."

Vali looked down, but then went over to Masa and hugged him.

He hugged back with a blush. "Thank you for being my friend..."

"And thank you..." he whispered. "...for being mine....a true friend..."

He smiled. "Come on. There is an extra bed in my room since my roommate moved out recently." He said leading him to the room. "Do you have pajamas or need to borrow some?"

Vali held up the small bag he had with him. He had everything else in a large storage unit, but that was all for after college, and he didn't want to be treated like a celebrity. "I've got some....but thank you Masa..."

"No problem." He said with a smile handing him some extra bedding.

Vali took the bedding, thanking him again, and then started to make up the bed.

Masa brushed his teeth and got ready for bed

When Masa was done in the bathroom, he used it to get dressed for bed and brush his own teeth. He headed back out, and sat on the bed he was going to be using.

"Want to watch tv?"

Vali nodded. "Sure...anything good on?"

"Let's find out." He turned on the tv and a picture of Katashi Otakki the famous author and actor showed on the screen.
"Police are trying to locate his kidnapper and are hoping he is still alive. Kawana Studios urges the kidnappers to release Otakki unharmed.
otakki's car was found close to the studio indicating he was kidnapped near the studio, when one of the calls from staff got through Otakki managed to say he was kidnapped and than the call was cut off'

"Oh my god...." Vali said shocked.

Masa looked worried. "He goes here too...."

Vali looked at Masa. "He does...?"

"Yea...I hope they save him..."

Vali nodded. "As do I..."

"Should we watch something else?"

Vali nodded. "Yeah...I don't really feel like news anyways...."

He turned it through different channels. "Tell me when to stop."

There was a soft sliding noise like one of the doors was opened. Masa didn't seem to notice

"Stop..." Vali said, thinking that the noise had come from the TV. It was a crime show.

He stopped and sat back in his bed to watch. "This good?"

"If it is for you, Masa..." Vali said getting comfortable on his bed.

"It's fine" he said with a smile

Vali smiled back and started to completely watch the show.

Masa closed his eyes falling asleep

Vali smiled at his friend, then laid down to sleep as well.

Gwen saw the boys sleeping.

Eros smiled. ~both of them~ he signed

Gwen smirked, his eyes lightening up. ~This is too prefect~ he signed back.

Eros noted and crept over to Vali he motioned for Gwen to do the same

Gwen moved over to where Masa was asleep. He looked over Masa with hungry eyes.

Eros covered Vali's mouth quickly

Gwen did as well but covering Masa's mouth.

Vali's eyes flew open, and he started to struggle.

As did Masa, his eyes darting around frantically

"Don't struggle my precious one." Eros murmured in Vali's ear as he kissed his neck

Vali trembled as his heart beat faster. He struggled some more, scared.

Gwen kept his hand over Masa's mouth, scooping him up with the other so that Gwen was sitting on the bed with Masa's back against his chest. His arm was wrapped around Masa's waist, holding Masa's arms down. The hand over Masa's mouth tilted his neck as Gwen started to kiss the exposed skin.

His eyes went wide and he passed out.

Eros kissed Vali holding him close.

Vali struggled against the kiss, wide eyes that begged to be released.

Gwen scooped up Masa. "Hey... let's get out of here, friend...."

Eros scooped Vali up and covered his mouth with his hand. "Yes sir." He said with a smile.

Masa lay limp in Gwen's arms.

Vali looked up at Eros, then eyed Masa. He was scared for himself and his friend. He tried to push against Eros, weakly.

Gwen carefully carried Masa from the dorm, and out to their car. He laid Masa carefully in the front passenger seat, and then opened the back door for Eros and his boy.

He smiled and sat down pulling Vali next to him. "Relax. We aren't going to hurt you." He said rubbing him between the legs.

Masa moaned his eyes starting to open.

Vali gasped into Eros's hand, closing his eyes, scared. His body trembled, and grew warm to the touch. ((blushing warmth lol))((lol))

Gwen closed the door, and got into the driver's side, and started off.

"Where should we take them?" Eros said as he pulled Vali's pants down enough to suck him after buckling them in.

Masa opened his eyes and than looked panicked. "P...please...let us go...why are you doing this?!"

Gwen ignored Masa, and said to Eros, "I was thinking about one of the houses..."

Vali gasped at Eros having taken his manhood into his mouth. "No....P...please...please....stop....I....." He gasped again.

Masa looked and started to attack Eros. "Leave my friend alone!"

Gwen reached over, and slid his hand into Masa's pants, and started to massage his manhood.

Vali was arching back against the seat, having no where to go.

Masa gasped. "S...stop....please..."Tears rolled down his cheeks he was terrified.

Eros shoved him back into his seat. They finally reached the house and Eros gently pulled Vali into the apartment.

Gwen pulled Masa from the car, and into the apartment as well. Gwen held Masa close to him. Looking at Eros, he said, "I have another room if you wish to have it, friend..."

Vali struggled against Eros, scared.

Gwen looked up at the sky from his study. He was always up late with papers from his classes. Strange....very strange....

He felt a sting on his back

Gwen shook his head, standing up, heading to the bathroom wishing to investigate his back. In the bathroom, he turned his back to the mirror, lifting up his shirt. "What....? How?"

Two dragons intertwined seemingly fighting each other showed clearly on his back he got a flash of a handsome young girl or at least he thought it was a girl, if not it was a very feminine young boy (Masa)

Gwen closed his eyes reliving the flash image. "Cute...." he muttered.

He felt drawn to the image and an urge to protect the person, at the same time he felt like he wanted to control or hurt the person too.

He heard a knock on his study door

Gwen shook his head. "Who could that be?" he muttered, heading for the door. "Who is it?" he called through the door.

"Eros...have you seen the moon?" His cologue asked. Eros was a friend of his and had in the past made advances toward him but he made it clear he wasn't looking for a romantic relationship.

Gwen opened the door. "Of course, I've seen the moon can I not with it being right there outside my window...."

He sighed in irritation and moved inside. He went over to him and began to lift his shirt, his fingers trailing along his skin. He froze. "You have it too?"

Gwen shivered. "Too? So you have one..."

He pulled his shirt off revealing the mark

"What in the world is going on?"

"I don't know...unless..."He pulled on his shirt and grabbed his hand pulling him along. "I found a manuscript recorded by some priests thousands of years referred to something like this...come to my place."

Gwen sighed, following Eros, well being pulled by him but oh well. "A manuscript?"

He lead him inside of the apartment. Books and papers filled the living room many in have-hazard piles and stacks. He went over to a trunk and unlocked it he put on some gloves and carefully pulled and old leather bound book out and showed him the paper it contained the following:
When The World is in need of healing and Humanity ignores her call than the moon shall turn to darkness.The Dragons shall rise to fight.
The Silver Dragon Shall face the Red. One will stand for healing, the other for destruction, their battle will determine the fate of the world.The victor will heal or destroy.
Enemy will be attracted to Enemy. Lovers turned against lovers,friends shall be called into question. The Dragons will face temptation.
Those gifted by the Dragons shall be called to Arms and fight for the salvation or destruction of humanity. The chosen will be marked.
This war shall decide the victor.
The True Gods will oversee the battle and help decide the victor.
Two gods will betray the other Gods, each will bear a child given to one of the dragons. These children shall be the leaders of the dragons. They will help decide the fate of the world. The children will be hunted by the gods,they will face hurt and betrayal, but there is hope. There are those who will help them and resist them, the other dragons will help them decide the fate of the world.
The Time for the Dragons draws near...
"What do you think?"

"If it had been some other night when a mysterious dragon tattoo didn't just appear on mine or your back, I'd say that it was just some old prophecy..."

"I know...but the similarities seem to say otherwise..."

"That's true...but what does this have to do with us...and for that matter, why us?"

"I don't know. We have to fight...but the manuscript is missing pages..."

"Where was the manuscript found?"

"The Kento region."


"Want to make a trip?"

"I guess so...should be interesting...."

He smiled and nodded. "Should we see if any of our fellow co-workers have this?" He asked as he kissed his neck

Gwen closed his eyes at the kiss. "I think that we should act as teachers and make our students do the grunt work...."

"We could set up an archeology research trip."

Gwen nodded. "Exactly what I was to all interested..."

He smiled and nodded. "We need to find out what is going on and this seems our best chance."

"I why don't we start getting ready..."

"Will you take care of the arrangements or shall I?"

"You get the fliers out...I'll make the flight arrangements..."

"Shouldn't we wait on the flight arrangements until we know how many are coming?"

"Not unless I'm making arrangements for a plane that only we will be riding..." Gwen said with a smile.

he grinned and kissed his neck. "Very well. What should I put on the flyers?"

Gwen took in a breath of air deeply. "You like doing that to me don't you? And you can put on there that this could be college credit and a great opportunity for all...."

"Yes and alright. I believe I have made it clear that I find you attractive Gwen."

"I know you have...and I'm not going to say no to your kisses...but it can't go any farther than fun are attractive...but I feel something for... I know this is strange... but I feel something for someone in a flash I saw after this thing with the moon...."

Eros got a flash of a young man with shoulder length white silver hair, and he felt he wanted to own him, have him.

He froze. "I told you I didn't want a relationship...but...I just saw someone too..."

Gwen looked at him. "Something to do with the moon and these marks, maybe?"

"Maybe...he was handsome..."

"As was the one I had seen...." Gwen smiled.

"hmm...I could have sworn I saw this one before...I think he is one of my students..."

"I think mine is's strange..."

"Hmm....I wonder if this is connected with the moon and the marks."

"Well it didn't happen till after the moon and the it is possible to be connected...."

"I want to know what this means..."

"It may be possible that they are connected to the prophecy as well..." Gwen said.

"We should try to put them under surveillance..."

Gwen nodded. "I agree...though if yours is a student in your class... you could always require him to go on the trip..." he said with a smile.

"Yes...that is true... what about yours? Is he in your class?"

Gwen thought about all of his classes. "Hmm... I actually believe so..."

"What class?"

"My History class..." Gwen said.

"Just be very careful...I don't like this."

"I will be should be careful as well..."

"He looks like I could take him...but looks can be deceiving too."

"Let me guess.... handsome...young....thin but not too thin....nicely sized...."

He described him.

"Sounds cute Eros..."

"He is. What does yours look like?"

Gwen started to describe Masa.

"Cute, but is is a girl or boy?"

Gwen grinned. "I could have said the same for yours... I believe he is a boy...."

"Hmm...we shall see."

"It is getting late, and we must get ready for our little trip...." Gwen said with a smile.

"Want to sleep together tonight?" He said seductively with a smile.

"Persistent to the end aren't you?" Gwen said with a smirk like smile.

He smiled. "What can I say? I like the idea of friends with benefits."

Gwen smiled, moving closer to Eros. He grabbed him behind the neck, and kissed him.

he kissed back and slipped a hand under Gwen's shirt

Gwen's hand slipped around behind Eros's back, pulling him closer.

He smiled and pushed him onto the bed climbing on top and seating on him "You want to be the top or should I?"

Gwen laughed looking up at him. "You ask that after pushing me down?" he laughed.

"You can roll me."

Gwen rolled him, holding him down. "I can see that..." he laughed then nipped his neck.

He moaned in pleasure smiling happily

Gwen reached down and nipped his neck, biting slightly.

He purred in pleasure and pulled his shirt off

Stop it!Gwen heard in his head. The voice sounded pained.

Gwen pulled back, confused.

Eros heard Why...?

Eros slowly sat up looking around. "What?"

"Did you just hear something...?"

"Yes...asking me why..."

"I was told to stop you think...they..."

"Can see us?"



"Either that or they sensed us doing what we were doing...."

"What should we do?"

"We could continue...or we could just go get" he smirked.

"I want them now..."

Gwen smirked. "Let's go hunting..."

He smirked and nodded

Gwen got up from on top of Eros, and grabbed his long coat. "One if not both of them should be in campus housing..."

He smiled. "Lets look them up. You said yours was in your class? You should have the name."

Gwen laughed, and pulled out his class lists. "Now just to remember a face to each name..."

He smiled. "That's easy. Hand me your list." He said turning on his laptop he went to the school's data frame and plugged in a name of one kid from his class that continually came to him for help. His picture, address and other information came up on the screen. "All we have to do is find the right names and we will know everything we need to about them."

Gwen smirked, and then kissed Eros straight on the lips. "Great...plug in the names....and don't forget we have to do your lists too...."

He nodded and kissed back. After awhile he got to Vali's data.

"Vali...? Hmm... that's not mine..." Gwen said.

"That's mine..." He said with a smile and printed his data sheet. He then went through a few more names until Masa's sheet came up.

"There's mine...print it..."

He printed it out. "Looks like your Masa lives on Campus...should we go there first since it is closer?"

Gwen nodded. "Let's go...then we'll grab yours..."

He smiled and nodded driving them toward the school

Gwen pointed to the building. "There it is..."

He parked and headed that way with Gwen

Gwen looked at the doors. "I wonder...." He tried his ID card for the school, hoping to open it up.

Before he scanned it Eros stopped him. "You don't want to leave a trail do you?"

He opened the panel with a gloved hand and began to rewire the scanner soon the door opened. "After you."

Gwen kissed his neck. "Smart...very smart...." He headed inside.

He smiled and followed

Gwen headed up to the apartment door. "Lock pick?"

He worked it and slid the door as silently as possible

Gwen smiled at Eros as if to say thanks. Gwen stalked silently into the apartment listening.

He heard the tv from one of the rooms.

Eros followed silently

Gwen moved over to the room, pressing the door open.

He saw the boys *can go up**

Katashi walked down the street toward his flat, he stopped long enough to gaze up at the moon with a frown. He frowned even more at the strange feeling that something was about to happen.

He felt something on his back.

He rubbed his back in confusion hurrying upstairs

he say a dragon tattoo.

"What the hell?"

He then saw a flash in his mind of a man, hidden in shadows but the man that seemed to be walking the beaches and lands by night.

"Huh....who...who is this?" He whispered

He felt drawn to the man, but also he felt scared of the man like a dark shadow seemed to play off the man.

He frowned not sure what to make of it. "Shadows?"

Darkness swirled around the man, and then the image disappeared.

He shivered hoping he wasn't losing his mind

He made it back to his flat.

He fixed himself food and tried to rationalize what was happening

The image of a black wolf raced through his mind.

"What the hell?"

The image went away.

He frowned not sure what to think

The strange handsome man from his mind continued to play in his mind.

He frowned trying to think if he had seen him before

He thought he may have seen him in passing at one point.

"I think I saw him once...I don't know."

He remembered seeing him every day at a local cafe shop.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to see him again or not. He tried to think of whether or not he had been watching him.

He remembered seeing him watching others, a camera in hand, he looked like some sort of private eye.

He shivered not liking that.

The phone rang.

He jumped than answered the phone. "Hello?"

It was a telemarketer trying to sell him some magazine.

"No thank you, how did you get this number it is private."

"Random dial..."

"Well I am not interested." He said hanging up.

He felt eyes looking for him.

He shivered not liking the sensation

He felt sleepy.

he sighed laying down to sleep after locking his windows and doors

He dreamed that the man was looking for him.

He tossed and turned

He felt that the man wanted to have him.

Katashi woke and showed heading toward the studio trying to banish the man from his mind. He lit a cigarette trying to banish his unease

He got the the studio.

He parked and got out of his car than headed toward the entrance

He was pulled into a side alley, a hand having been placed over his mouth, and an arm wrapped tightly over his arms and chest. "Don't scream...."

He struggled frantically.

"Stop struggling..." he heard softly into his ear, before kissing his neck. The man dragged him down the alley, hand still over his mouth.

He shivered both liking it and wanting it to stop. He struggled harder. His cellphone started to ring

Nivk pulled and held Katashi tight against his chest. He kissed his neck again. "Stop struggling....I'm not going to hurt you...."

A strange sound came from his throat betraying the pleasure of the kiss.

"Good boy...." he said into his ear in a whisper. He pulled him to his SUV which was waiting in idle. He put him in the back, grabbing the cell, closing the door quickly, and then got in the driver's seat, locking the doors, and driving away.

"Where are you taking me? If you are a crazed fan I will sign an autograph whatever...but please...let me go."

"What I want is you..." he said as he drove them towards his place.

"Why?" Katashi said growing more uneasy

Nivk was silent and pulled up to a tall apartment building, and down into an underground parking lot. Nivk parked, then got out of the car. He opened the back, pulling Katashi out of the back, closed the door, and pulled him to an elevator. "Don't scream...." he said evenly into his ear. Nivk had an arm around Katashi's waist, and then brushed his lips against his neck.

He shivered in pleasure and fear. "Please...let me go...I need to get to work...."

Nivk kissed his neck, ignoring him. When they got to his floor, Nivk lead Katashi out of the elevator, and down a short hall to an apartment. He lead him inside, locking the door behind him. He then pressed Katashi against a wall, kissing him on the lips.

He tried to struggle but Nivk could tell part of him enjoyed it

Nivk licked his ear, then whispered into it, "You're enjoying it....I can feel it...." He slipped a hand down his pants.

His eyes widened. "!"

Nivk caressed it. "Shh.... I'm not going to harm you...."

He shuddered. "Please....let me go..." His cell started to ring again

"Stay with me...." he whispered, nibbling on his earlobe. "I want you with me...."

He shivered. " work...I...don't even know your name..."

"Nivk...." he whispered. He pulled out Katashi's cell, and said, "Tell them you're sick..." His voice was soft but authoritative.

He took the phone with shaking hands. "Hello? I...I...have been kidnapped!"

Nivk grabbed the phone, smashing it as he threw it into a wall. He grabbed Katashi by his wrists. "What....what have you done?" there was betrayal in his voice. "What done! I....I love you damn it!!" Nivk screamed, throwing him to the bedroom floor.

He winced as he hit the floor. "How can you love me...we just met! And you kidnapped me..." He said tears in his eyes. He was scared. He both wanted to be with him but wanted to away from him.

Nivk sighed, and walked over to him, lifting him up. "I don't know how...I just know I do..." he whispered, and then kissed him, holding him in a tight hug.

He stiffened and slowly kissed back

Nivk held him closely to his chest, and whispered into his ear, "I'm sorry I threw you to the floor....I...was just so upset..."

" scared...I....feel this for you...but you kidnapped me..."

"I...didn't know what else to do... you could have just easily ignored me if I just went up to you...I know your are famous for your books and'm sorry...." he whispered, holding Katashi. "I...was'd reject me...."

"I...would have what will happen? The police will look for me...and...I am sorry..."

"I...I'm the sorry one...I...had just never felt like this....." Nivk looked down. "The...doors over there....just go..."

"I...can I see you again? I won't tell them who you are..."

"Go! Or I'll tie you up and keep you here..." Nivk just wanted him to go, though he really didn't want him to go.

He looked down and left.

Nivk left his apartment, and walked to the police station.

the police were bustling about fairly busy

"I kidnapped Katashi!" he shouted.

No one seemed to hear what he said and he released he yelled it in his mind but for some reason couldn't say it aloud

He tried to inform them again

He had the same result. If you are locked up you will be useless He heard a voice he didn't recognize

What? WHo are you!?

I am one of the elders

Elders! I have know idea what's going on...or who you are!

You are needed for the prophecy. You will help judge the world

Get out of my head!

I am trying to help you. He is heading to find you now You said you're an elder.... I still don't understand that.... Nivk thought as he walked out of the police station.

Seek out your leader Gwen he teaches at this university.He received the name of the school


He will lead you and others

Nivk stalked out of the police station, muttering, "I don't know what the hell is going on...."

He got a flash of Gwen He is your leader, help him gather the others then things will fall into place and be explained.

Nivk shrugged off the image, and headed back to his apartment.

Katashi hurried toward the studio his heart felt like it had been through the shredder

"Katashi..!" came the voice of his manager. "On my're alive!"

"I managed to escape..."

"Thank the heavens! Let's get you inside..."

He nodded still thinking of Nivk

He saw Nivk trying to turn himself in.

He stiffened. "I... I am going to head back home after today I need it." He said

"I'll have a car take you..."

"I can take mine..."

"We can't have someone else take you...."

He sighed. "Than escort me to my car..."

He nodded and then had someone escort him to the car.

He got in. "Thank you."

The man nodded. "Please just be safe..."

"I will thank you."

The man waved Katashi off.

He drove to find Nivk

He saw him after a while walking up to the outer steps to his apartment.

He parked and got out. "Did you...try to turn yourself in?"

Nivk looked at him. "How did you know?"


"You...saw? What?"

"I...had a vision..."

"And I'm hearing voices telling me that they made my calls of my guilt fall on deaf ears...."

He walked over and smacked him across the face. "Don't ever try to turn yourself in idiot! I...told you it was alright..."

"That doesn't stop the guilt..." he said ignoring the sting to his cheek.

He hesitated than kissed him with a blush

Nivk quickly wrapped his arms around him, and deepened the kiss.

Aqui was walking back to his apartment after a long evening of practicing his ice skating. He always enjoyed his alone times at the rink. ((Water))

He felt a tingling sensation on his back and than saw a flash of a handsome man with long red hair and gold eyes.

Aqui froze in his walk, blushing but scared.

He noticed the moon's strange appearance.

"What a strange moon...." he whispered, and then moved to hurry home to look at his back.

He got to his home

Aqui headed for his bathroom to check on why he felt a tingling.

He saw the mark

"Dragons?" Aqui asked aloud, confused.

He kept thinking of the man as well

Aqui blushed, and shivered, remembering the image of the man. He needed to get to sleep so that he could get out to the rink in the morning for scheduled practice.

He felt a little unease as though someone was looking for him

Aqui moved quickly to his apartment door, locking it.

He still felt uneasy

He rushed about checking windows, and locking his bedroom, settling in the middle of the bed. He didn't like these feelings.

He fell asleep and dreamed of the man surrounded by fire without being burned

Aqui shivered. The man was reminding him of some of his kind.

He felt as though he was looking for him

Aqui turned in his sleep. He had to sleep if he wished to get any real work done in practice in the morning.

He fell asleep but dreamed of the man

Aqui blushed in his sleep though trembled with fear of him.

He had a dream he was at his door

He shifted in his sleep thinking it was just a dream.

It persisted

Aqui jumped awake, and then quickly hurried from his bed to look out the window.

He didn't see anything out of the ordinary

Aqui sighed. "I'm just imagining things now..." He headed back to his bed.

He fell asleep but still felt uneasy

He turned in his sleep.

He felt a hand cover his mouth and felt someone pin him. "Found you beauty." He heard a strong masculine voice say. Rygin replaced his hand with his lips kissing Aqui.

Aqui struggled in Rygin's hold. He moaned into the kiss scared, his eyes wide.

"I won't hurt you. I want to know you." He whispered into his ear licking his neck

Aqui's breathing was hard. "Why doing....thing....? Breaking in...." he whispered.

"I want you." He whispered kissing his neck

Aqui closed his eyes his voice seeming to not want to work.

He felt a hand slip down his pants and felt a caress.

Aqui gasped, his eyes flying open, and he started to struggle again. ""

He stopped. "you don't like it?"

Aqui looked at him with flushed cheeks. "W...why are you doing this...?" he asked softly. "Please....don't...r...ra....."

He hugged him close. "I am no rapist....I...feel something for you."

"I..." Aqui looked into his eyes shyly. "feel....same...." he whispered, still scared.

He gently kissed him

Aqui couldn't help but slowly kiss back, still scared.

"My name is Rygin."

"Aqui...." he whispered his name shyly. "I...."

"You what?"

"Why.... did" he whispered.

"To know you...and meet you tonight."

" schedule tight...I...."

"That's why I came tonight."

"But why...did you come looking for me...?"

"Felt something." He said gently kissing him

Aqui kissed back slowly. " do with the.....moon....?" he whispered.

He frowned. "I honestly don't know but..." He pulled his shirt off showing him the mark. "This formed on me not long ago."

Aqui's eyes widened. " too...the moon it was so strange...and then...." He showed him his.

He frowned. "The other dragon shows more with you...maybe it means we are meant to be..."

Aqui looked down at the frown. "I...don't know anything..."

He kissed his mark. "I don't either, only that I want you."

Aqui shivered at the kiss. "I....same...."

"You want me too?"

"I...saw you in my mind...."

He nodded and slid a hand under his shirt

Aqui gasped softly at the feeling of his touch.

He kissed his neck

He arched his neck at the touch. He was still scared, but he's body was enjoying the feelings.

He kissed him again

"Rygin..." he whispered softly,

"Yes Aqui?"

Aqui's eyes were closed, and he was leaning back again Rygin.

He smiled and held him close

Aqui opened his eyes looking back and up at Rygin. "Rygin...." he whispered, blushing.

"Yes?" He asked looking into his eyes

"I...the kiss...felt...good..."

He kissed him again with tongue

Aqui's eyes widened, feeling the tongue, and he opened his mouth just a bit more.

He gently pulled back. "Sorry..."

"Why...?" he whispered.

"It was too much..."

"I..." he blushed. "It was...amazing..." he whispered.

"Want me to do it again?"

Aqui blushed just staring at him, his mouth parting slightly.

He smiled and did it again a hand slipping up his shirt and teasing a nipple

Aqui gasped against the kiss, a hand pressed against Rygin's chest as if to push away, but didn't push away.

He pulled off Aqui's shirt and teased his nipple with his tongue

Aqui moaned, his breathing changing, and his body trembling.

He began to tease the other nipple as a hand slipped between his legs

Aqui's eyes widened, as he gasped more loudly at the touch, a warm heat going through his body.

"Want to?"

"I've...never...I...don't...know...Rygin...oh...." he gasped.

He paused. "You're a virgin?"

Aqui blushed, looking down, nodding.

"I am sorry." He said gently hugging him

"Why.....?" he whispered.

Nivk walked down the beach heading home after a long day investigating a rich banker who was cheating on his wife. He was needing to get back so that he could write up his report and get prepared for when the wife stops by in the morning.

He got a flash of a handsome young man with silvery-white hair, he recognized him as a famous actor. He felt both attracted and repelled by him. At the same time he felt a tingling sensation on his back.

Nivk growled not liking this, he ran home.

He reached the house.

Nivk quickly headed to his bathroom, striping off his top as he went, then looked at it in the mirror.

He saw the mark

"What in the hell?" he muttered. "What is going on...?"

No answer came

Nivk sighed, and then headed to his study to get back to work, he didn't have time to worry about a strange tattoo.

He couldn't banish the image of the handsome man from his mind

Nivk licked his lips, the man from the image was handsome.

He felt as if he was somewhere in the city

"Time to put my skills to the test..." Nivk smiled, and headed back out into the city.

He noticed people heading home for the evening

Nivk walked through the city, observing all.

He saw posters with the man in them

Nivk smirked, pulling down one of the posters.

It listed the name of the studio he worked at

Nivk headed there to study the place.

It was closed for the night and dark

Nivk swiftly headed back to his apartment to get to bed so that he could start off early in the morning.

He fell asleep dreaming of the man

He wanted to possess that man.

He dreamed that he caught him

Nivk smirked in his sleep.

He woke in the morning

Nivk quickly showered and headed out to the studio.

He noticed a few people head inside, so far the actor wasn't seen

Nivk continued to stake out the studio.

He saw the young man heading toward the studio after getting out of a sports car

Kyto was kneeling in front of the shine in his studio. It had been a long day, with many annoyances, though he wouldn't say that to their faces.

He felt tingling on his back and got a flash of a new actor he felt attracted and repelled to

Kyto looked up to the ceiling. "What is this...?" he whispered.

He noticed the sky was darker than it should be.

"This is wrong...unnatural...."

"I agree...' One of the head priests said. "The prophecy has started to become reality..."He murmured.

"The prophecy?"

"Have you not been told of the Black Prophecy?"

"If I have, it was many years ago..."

He told him of the prophecy.

"Do you know if anything is suppose to happen to tell who these Dragons are?"

"It is said they will have two dragons fighting form on their back. The dragon that is more clear indicates which group they belong to."



"Just curious..."

The priest walked away

Kyto stood and walked to the garden deep in thoughts of the prophecy and the man.

He kept thinking of the man

Kyto smiled slightly. He liked men, but hid it from the others, but he wasn't sure what this man had to do with the prophecy.

He had a flash of the mark he had but the opposite dragon was in more detail

I assume he must have it too then... he thought.

He felt that was the case

Kyto sighed, "I will look into it more in the morning light..." He headed to his room.

He got there and fell asleep dreaming of the man

He wanted to touch the man, to understand all of this.

He woke to his alarm going off

Kyto got up, bathed and dressed, before heading to the city.

He saw some people starting there day

Kyto continued with his walk, thinking of the young man from his dreams.

He felt like the man he saw was going to arrive in this city soon ((he lives in the city Takamii's father lives in)) ((Alright...))

Soon I will see...soon... he thought.

"You should rest." One of the priests said

"I did rest..." Kyto said.

"Ok can you get some water from the well for the purification ceremony."

"Of course....I will be but a moment..." Kyto headed off to get the water. Soon he came back with the water needed for the ceremony.

The priest took it with a thanks. "Have you eaten?"

"No....though I can't eat....somethings going to be happening today...."

He looked worried. "Good or bad?"

"An arrival...."


Kyto looked at the priest. "Someone connected to me..."

"I see..."

"I think it involves the prophecy...."

"And you are connected to the prophecy?"

Kyto lifted his shirt revealing his back. "It appeared last night..."

"I see. Be very careful. You may be in peril as a result of the prophecy."

Kyto nodded. "I will..."

he nodded still looking concerned

"I will be cautious..."


"I will be getting back to my duties..."

"If you need anything let me know."

Kyto nodded, and then walked off thinking of the young man.

He had a vision of what he was doing

Kyto just let his mind watch him.

He noticed he was calling someone

Kyto sat down under a tree, and concentrated more on him.

He couldn't hear what he said

Kyto went and changed into normal clothing, and left the temple to walk.

After awhile he felt the car with that man was coming closer

Kyto stopped and looked.

He saw a few cars drive by and notices a car approaching that looked like the one he saw in his vision

Kyto watched it drive by.

He thought he saw the man

Kyto started to follow the car, at a distance.

He saw them drive to a private estate

Kyto walked towards it.

He saw a small manor house. It was quaint but showed wealth. The car was parked out front

Kyto looked for another way inside.

he saw a side access door

Kyto sighed knowing that a priest shouldn't be doing this, but the feeling. He headed for the access door.

It was locked

Kyto tried to work it

it finally popped open

Kyto silently headed inside.

The place was nicely furnished and spoke of subtle wealth.

Kyto sighed at it all. I...wouldn't be good enough...

He saw the father and son

he watched from afar.

He saw that the young man looked troubled

Kyto wished to help him, but didn't want to frighten him.

He heard the father's suggestion

Kyto knew that his temple was the closest, and then quickly left, heading back.

He reached the temple.

He went to his room, changing back to his priestly robes, and got back to his duties.

A woman came in wide eyed cradling a child. " my baby!"

Kyto went over to the woman. "Allow me to look at him..."

She handed her son over. He had a dark aura about him indicating position. He was really pale

Kyto took him and lead her into the temple, and then started to work on the exorcism.

After the while the spirit was exercised.

The mother looked relieved.

Kyto carefully handed the baby back to her, and nodded.

She hugged her child and left.

After awhile Takamii walked in, he froze when he saw him

Kyto stood there looking back at him. He then bowed. "Welcome to the Temple, sir..." he said softly.

Rygin Kagura headed to meet up with his most recent employer. He had taken out the mark and was looking forward to being paid.

He then felt a tingling on his back, and saw a flash of a young man with long silvery-blueish hair, recognizing him as a local champion figure skater.

He frowned. "What the?"

He felt drawn to him, yet repelled.

"Hmmm....time to find him."He thought but first he needed to finish his business.

He got to the meeting spot where his employer waited. "Did you get it done?" he simply said.

"Yes. I took the trash out as you asked. Do you have my money?"

The man held out a black bag. "It's all there..."

He took the bag and counted it. "Pleasure doing business." He said leaving, he went and put his money away then went to look for the guy in his vision.

He was lead to the local ice rink. He saw a woman leaving, locking up the front doors before heading towards her car.

"Excuse me."

"I'm sorry... we're closed..." she said politely.

"I was wondering when Aqui will be back to practice? I have a message to deliver."

"Bright and early in the morning....but why would he be getting a message this late?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, my job is to deliver it, do you know where he lives because time is of the essence."

"Upper east side of the city...."

"Do you know his address?"

She told him. "But...he is most likely asleep now..."

"Thank you, maybe I can catch him early in the morning." He said politely than he used his abilities to make the woman forget the whole conversation and the fact he was there. He carried her over to a bench and gently laid her down. That type of manipulation left the victim unconscious. He quickly headed toward the address he had been given.

After a while, he came up to a town home.

He went to the door testing it

It was locked and bolted.

He worked on finding a way in

He found a cellar entrance that had over grown with ground brush.

He slipped inside silently and headed to find him

He heard movement coming from the very top floor. ((he is in the basement, then there is the main floor, and then the top floor...))

He silently headed toward the top floor keeping alert

He heard the bed shift as he headed up, but then there was silence.

He smiled and moved on ((I am bringing him up to him))

Takamii Okadurri sat in his dressing room getting ready for the next scene

He felt a tingling on his back, and then saw a flash of a man with long dark hair in a traditional kento robe.

He frowned and went to look in the mirror. "What?"

He saw a dragon tattoo on his back, and he realized that he was drawn to and repelled and feared the man.

He shivered not sure what to think. " will I explain this to my manager?" He muttered looking at the mark.

"Explain what?" came his manager's voice.

"N...nothing!'He said hurriedly pulling on his shirt

"What are you hiding Takamii?"

Takamii sighed. "It's nothing important..."

"Alright... just come on Takamii, you're coming up..."

He got up and followed

His manager lead him out to the set. "You know what to do..."

He began to work

Work went as normal, abut he couldn't get the man's image out of his mind.

He finished the filming for the day and headed toward his dress room

"You're distracted..." his manager said coming up behind him.

He looked at him and sighed. "Maybe I am a little overworked..."

"Would a day or two break for shooting help?"

"Yes please...I would like to visit my father too."

His manager nodded. "I'll arrange everything for you...."

"Thank you."

The manager walked off, chatting on his cell with the travel agent.

He sat down wondering how his dad was doing

"The trip's set...."

"When should I head home?"

"As soon as you wish..."


"Then you will leave tonight..."

"Thank you."

"You head home, and then to the airport...your ticket will be waiting for you..."

He nodded. "I will see you later." He said heading to his apartment.

The man's image played in his mind.

He shivered and focused on packing

His phone rang as he finished up.


"Hey..." came the manager's voice. "The tickets are ready as is your ride there...."

"When does my flight depart?" He asked getting ready

"As soon as you get on the have a private flight...."

"Ok I am heading out now thank you so much."

"There should be a car out front to take to you soon..."

"Alright thank you. Bye." He said hanging up. He locked his apartment and headed to the car with his luggage

The driver put his things in the back of the car, and opened the door for him.

"Thank you." He said setting down and buckling in

The driver nodded, and drove him straight to the airport.

He got ready to fly

They arrived at the airport and the driver opened his door.

"Thank you." He said getting out and gathering his things heading to the plane he would be using

"Sir....your plane is ready to take off when you are...." came a flight attendant.

"I am ready." He said buckling in

Soon they were off towards his father's home and the rest that he needed.

He sighed happily looking forward to seeing his father.

It felt like it didn't take that long to get there but he did. The plane landed, and he could see a car waiting for him.

He got out and gathered his luggage getting into the car. He called his father


"Dad? it's me Takamii."

"Takamii... how are you? Hows the shooting going?"

"I'm taking a I am coming home for awhile. I want to see you and escape the stress for awhile."

"Your room is always open for son, it is always open to you..."

"Thank you dad. I am glad I will be able to spend time with you again."

"I am too..." his dad said.

Takamii felt the man from his mind was close by.

He shivered gazing out the window. "We will be arriving at the house in about ten minutes"

He saw the man from his mind as they drove past.

He pulled his head down hoping he hadn't seen them

They soon got to the house.

He got out and hurried inside. "Dad?"

"Takamii!" said his father, rushing to him, and hugging him.

He hugged back happy to be home

"I'm so glad you're home.."

"So am I...but...something strange is happening to me..."

"What do you mean, Takamii?"

"You know how I never wanted to get a tattoo? Well...this formed on my back as soon as the moon changed..." He said pulling his shirt up so his father could see

"Oh my Takamii...when...?"

He explained

His father looked confused. "This is just so confusing..."

"I know...I am sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I feel it is my fault..."

"It's not your fault...none of this..."

"What is happening to me?"

His father hugged him. "I don't know....all I can do is tell you that it is not your fault...maybe you should head to the local temple...for advice..."

He nodded. "But first...can we eat? I missed your cooking."

His father smiled. "I thought ahead, and have a great meal ready for you..."

"But how....wait...did my manager tell you?" He said with a smile

"Of course....he is always thinking of you..."

"That's the drawback of having a second father as a manager." He said with a laugh as he followed him toward the dining room

His father laughed.

he talked with his father while they ate

After a while their meal was over.

"I will be back father. Hopefully they can give me insights..."

"I hope so..."

He hugged him and left

The Black Prophecy Chapter2

Username (or number or email):


2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: Sabra... I just check the character's, Kagura(this is his last name) is Fire....Katashi is Light....

2010-03-16 [Silver Moon]: ok did I mess something up?

2010-03-16 [Gypsy Mystik]: ?? I mixed up the lovers.... I looked at the characters....Katashi is your character that is the element of Light....

2010-03-16 [Silver Moon]: so who needs it fixed?

2010-03-16 [Gypsy Mystik]: I already fixed the posts for Katashi... my ice skater is for Kagura who is your Dragon of Shadow of Fire.....

2010-03-16 [Silver Moon]: k thnx

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