Page name: The Black Sea [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-01 21:38:59
Last author: Harms_Way
Owner: Silas the Albino
# of watchers: 4
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This is our ship the Garnet

Pirate Lord

Name: Deo
Player: [Silas the Albino]
Captain of: The Garnet of the Black Sea
Age: 27
Description: Albino. Wears the usual white shirt under a red vest with black pants and boots.
Biography: Deo, originally from Greece, was a son of another pirate. When he was twenty, he met Lanza, now captain of the Adriatic Sea and Chava, now captain of the Mediterranean Sea. His father's crew kidnapped Lanza and sailed out to sea. His father was arrested for piracy and killed. Deo secretly inherited one of his father's ships, the Garnet, and became the captain soon after at the age of twenty-one.

First Mate

Name: Brandon
Plaver: [Harms_Way]
Crew member of: The Garnet of the Black Sea
Age: 23
Description: Wears a white shirt under a black vest with brown pants and black boots
Biography: Brandon was always the type of guy who would do anything. Always wanting to sail the sea, He left home and joined the Garnet becoming First Mate at 13



Name: Jaqueline (Jaquie) Fiere
Player: [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]
Crew member of: The Garnet Of The Black Sea
Age: 22
Description: Not one for fooling around, Jaquie has short, close cropped strawberry-blonde hair. Her skin is lightly tanned with a few freckles splashed across her nose. She may have a youthful appearence but watch out for her attitude! Mostly Jaquie wears trousers that stop at the knee. Mostly she goes bare-foot except for when she is working, then she slips on a pair of slippers made from a thick leather. Her shirt is a loose cream-coloured blouse with a black corset laced together overtop. Navy blue eyes shine with a mystery from a beautiful but hardened face.
Biography: Jaquie grew up in a wealthy home in France until she was 10. Then her father sent her to a convent to be taught because was often defiant. When she was 16 she was summoned home and told that she was to be married to a Comte in the Carribean. That was when her mother secretly told her that her real father had been a sailor and he left to save money so that he could return one day and take her away. But it never happened and so Jaquie, upset at the news of her impending marriage and also that her real father had never returned, fled on a ship that was hijacked by pirates. She then became a pirate, finding out that her father had been a pirate for most of his life and then died only a few years before. He was hung. Now Jaquie remains a pirate, sending secret letters to her mother.


Deck Hand

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2007-06-04 [Harms_Way]: mind if I be first mate

2007-06-04 [Rhymes With Orange]: Yeah Kyle? Well you're a fat albino...that I love. Looooooove.

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