# of watchers: 3
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Friendly: | 0 |
2004-04-28 [Ali*]: you are such a bully!
2004-04-28 [Mrs Baggins]: Hello! Er, you guys are completely crazed, you know that?
2004-04-28 [Clackie]: Yeah, but it's fun, hehe!
2004-04-28 [Ali*]: fun?did someone mention fun????where??
2004-04-28 [Mrs Baggins]: Fun - is the meaning of Elftown!!! :) Did I mention I have a wiki? JOIN!!! The Elijah Wood Appreciation Wiki
2004-04-28 [Ringo]: Eeeeeeeeeeeeee
2004-04-29 [Clackie]: Shut your face - go and nurse your hangover!!
2004-04-29 [Ringo]: Oooooh, no need to get nasty again Miss Moody!
2004-04-30 [Ali*]: Clam (calm!) down people theres no need to fight..be nice!
2004-05-01 [Clackie]: RAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2004-05-02 [Ali*]: calm.appricate that please,it took me 5 times to get it right!
2004-05-05 [Mrs Baggins]: Clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam...
2004-05-07 [Ali*]: clamin' clamity clammmmmmmmmmm
2004-05-08 [Mrs Baggins]: caaaaaalm. Hehe. Can nobody type 'calm' properly or is it just us three?
2004-05-08 [Clackie]: I think it's just you, me and Telkoot, I'm afraid!
2004-05-09 [Ali*]: *cough* the name is took... *cough*
2004-05-19 [Clackie]: I think you need some cough sweets there Koot lady!
2004-06-10 [Lell]: Just maybe - making an appearance!!!! it is spelt C A L M ok heehee sorry!
2004-09-15 [Cailin]: Hello there!!!!!!!!!
2004-09-16 [Ali*]: haha,was in history base doing some R.E work and mr falconer comes in,has a read of what im doing,then goes... "treatment of animals within the food industry...is that in the northern or southern states?" what an eejit!
Number of comments: 44 | Show these comments on your site |
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