You must follow the rules! Otherwise, (the numbers represent how many times you break the rules.) 1: You will get a warning. 2: You will have you rank demoted! and 3: You will be deleted!
[You WILL support one another and not be self-centered.
You WILL-NOT proclaim yourself higher than every one.
You ARE-NOT going to kill one another.
You DO-NOT harrass anybody.]
There are different classes you can choose from.
[Warning: Everyone must follow the class rankings!]
Knight goes to the Nature and Cosmic. Soldier goes to Fire, Air, Earth, And Darkness. Warrior can go up to Swordsman or level abit more and go to Unique Specialist.
Class Style:Crystal
Knight or Soldier Class Style:Fire
Unique Specialist Class Style:Metal
Paladin Class Style:Air
Dart Thrower
Knife Thrower
Sniper Class Style:Earth
Titan Class Style:Darkness
Assassin Class Style:Nature
Elder Class StyleCosmic
Lore Student
Lore Specialist
Mystic Class Style:Light
Hero's Aid
The reson this is water is because water can be any shape.
Squires may go to Knight or Soldier. Soldiers can go to elemental classes. Knights go to the nature class or the Mystic class. Once they become Elders, they may choose a different class that they can start from and level on. The Light element is the last class anyone can go to. You can not go straight to a certain class. You must follow the rankings. You must always start out as an aid and follow the rest. Once you reach Soldier and are allowed to level, you can choose a certain element, then follow that element. Once you reach Elder, you are allowed to choose a starting Soldier class.