Page name: The Draconis Gallery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-10 22:02:54
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The Draconis Gallery

All these pictutres have been drawn by my good friend [Aashild]. Her copyright is on all of them as well as mine is on my writings.


This the cover for Violent Vibes. Its Cleo in her cocoon thing. Aia gave her the sword so it would balance it out. Nice touch!

Pg 3

Hector is comforting Marigold! I like the touch of the bulletin board.

Pg 5

This Mryon shaking hands with the evil Glenn.

Pg 8

Its Arobi! She had to get the coloring right and she changed her coloring but still looks great!

Pg 16

Its the music expert, Johji! Aia bases him off the manager in Chobits! Turned out really good!


I think this is one's of Aia's best! I love how she did the clothing and the pose! Its Yoshiko!

Pg 26

Aia really wanted to draw this one! Its Creature!


Pg 31
Its kinda crooked but still a cute picture. Its Child!


Here's our creepy yet big hearted friend Cor

The Unlookabless (she made them older than their suppose to but I like them anyway so I changed the age.)

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2004-05-06 [Blaze the Nameless]: This is the art so far! Aia is going to do another peice for me!

2004-05-06 [Aashild]: Thankee! I'll continue to draw! I have LOTS more pics you can put up!

2004-05-13 [Blaze the Nameless]: Here are two new drawings:Arobi and Creature

2004-05-15 [Aashild]: Yayyyyyy!!!!!

2004-05-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: As soon as she's done I'll add Cor and the Untouchables!

2004-05-28 [Aashild]: I wish I could put my good pictures up here! I just did this really cool (in my opinion only, I'm afraid....) Elf Its a nude though... Also, my dragons would be cool. They are a lot better than these!

2004-05-28 [Aashild]: Also, Cor is REALLY creepy lookin! I know he is a good dude, but he is CREEPY!!

2004-06-21 [Spratt]: i like ur style! tis rather kool!!!! :D i like the eyes!

2004-06-24 [Aashild]: thanx!

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