Page name: The Emos [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-07-03 14:04:36
Last author: Roxcie
Owner: Evolution X
# of watchers: 3
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The Emos

Ahhh, mostly depressed and at ends with the world it is surprising that most of the Emos dont just let the zombies have them. They seem to have the urge to live just as strong as everyone else however, fighting alongside their fellow classmates to try and survive against the zombie hoardes. Emos are the middle ground, not the hardest or easiest person to kill, while the Goths are slower and the Jocks are faster.

Emos weapons:
Blades (flick knives, kitchen knives ect) and small firearms, packing a good punch but run out of ammo soon.

Username: [XxTsomexX]
Name: Naome
Age: 16
History: She doesnt remember, got hit in the head with a football too many times, because of the Jocks...
Mental or Physical conditions: Memory Loss... just a wee bit.
Personality: Calm, happy, and sometimes hyper. She doesn't really know which click she belongs to, but everyone calls her emo. Give her a Full Throttle energy drink and she won't stop moving, moving as fast as the Jocks.
Specialty: Fighting with small daggers and her fists.

Username: [InsanityAngel]
Name: Uriko
Age: 15
Description: 5’5”, Has long Jet Black Hair, Always wears black baggy jeans with chains handing from them, Wears bid black combat boots, and metal/rock band shirts that are always dark colored. Her lips are covered in a dark lip gloss or lip stick with her bottom left lip pierced. Thick eyeliner around her eyes. Never goes anywhere without at least two daggers or knives.
History: Uriko had a family mad up of her, her mom, dad, twin sister, and older sister. Her mother was killed and her father and both siblings were killed in a car accident leaving her on her own.
Mental or Physical conditions: Uriko hears things that no one else can and never talks much at all. She also hates to show emotion.
Personality: Quiet, keeps to herself, dark, alone
Specialty: Quick and Silent death, she knows all types of combat so she can quickly and silently kill anyone that gets in her way. She also has incredibly fast speed.

Horror High

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2008-01-09 [Artsy]: "Emos are the middle ground, not the hardest or easiest person to kill and while the Goths are slower and the Jocks are faster." -I think something is wrong with this sentence... it doesn't make sense to me.

2008-01-09 [Evolution X]: fixed it

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: oh.. ok that's a bit better, thanks ^^''

2008-01-09 [Evolution X]: ^_^ My english sucks.

2008-01-09 [saraaa.]: ...I'm joining this. :DD
But you already know that. ^_^

2008-01-09 [Evolution X]: you're meant to ask me before you post your character up.

2008-01-10 [saraaa.]: I thought I did ask..?

2008-01-10 [Evolution X]: well, yeah but Im meant to check threw your character to see if your character is ok.

2008-01-10 [saraaa.]: oh, i'm sorry. i should have known that. my brain sort of sucks all of the time. :/

2008-01-10 [Evolution X]: Na, it's ok.

2008-01-11 [saraaa.]: Good. I was about to feel really bad.

2008-01-26 [Roxcie]: Yeah, bad girl Sara, bad!!
You should be like me, an innocent little angel <img:44166_1164145357.gif> ^_^ lol

2008-01-26 [saraaa.]: Innocent little angel? Yeah, that's the word to describe it. xD

2008-01-26 [Roxcie]: Oh whatever!! lol

2008-01-26 [saraaa.]: Hey, just do what I do! Blame it on the guy. ^_^ It's all charlie's fault! He's the reason I'm not an "innocent little angel"!

2008-01-26 [Roxcie]: Yeah, it's true, too! :O Charlie is bad!!! >.< Darn him lol P.S: Charlie has cooties =] don't deny it, now! xD

2008-01-26 [saraaa.]: NUH UH! He's not bad! he's good! GOOD I SAY!
and no he doesn't!

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