Page name: The Farmlands [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-27 16:03:39
Last author: Barock
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The Farmlands

Excerpt from ‘The Encyclopaedia of the Known World, by Tarrasa Fullsmith’
‘The lands around the city of Elleek, in fact the majority of the land in Ghelt is made up of farms and farmers hamlets and villages. These lands are, for the majority placid and well kept with friendly if slightly shielded inhabitants who are generous to a fault. The main crops harvested in the Farmlands are…
…There are three main towns in the Farmlands, but in reality they’re nothing more than large villages, due to the farmers lacking knowledge of the world many of them have never visited Elleek and seen a true city and thusly their biggest villages seem vast to them. The towns are known as Basingshire, Estwhick and Upper Bristlton all have their own quirks and scruples. The main things of note from each of the three towns are their exports and buildings on note…
…Basingshire’s main export is fruit, specifically apples and hobia beans (used to make the popular warm drink, Hobia) but also various others in less quantities. They have a grand fruit fair once a year near the summer equinox which evolves two weeks of music, drinking and merrymaking, many travel from all over the farmlands to visit every year…
…Estwhick is known for its bees (meaning honey and candles) but also its sheep (meaning wool, mutton and lamb) and grape orchards or vineyards. The Guildhall is located in Estwhick, this building is the meeting place of the farmers guild in times of crisis and for the quarterly seasonal celebrations. Representatives from most of the communities in the Farmlands send representatives to this which means the town has a fair few taverns to accommodate these regular guests…
…Upper Bristlton is the closest settlement to the Ylindre mountains and as well as being renowned for beef and wheat also quarries stone form the lower cliff faces (of course no-one dares travel too far into the shadows of the mountains). Bristlton is the only settlement in Ghelt (apart from Elleek) to have a wall. Many see this as foolish and paranoid, but I have spoken to many Bristltonians about their wall and they are all very thankful it’s there…
…Increasingly in the northern reaches of the Farmlands, closest to the Ylindre mountains there have been groups of bandits and ruffians causing problems and committing crimes. As such there is a large militia force in the north and even a section of Elleeks standing army resides in Bristlton now, a frightening sign of how the world is changing…’

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2009-03-11 [Naythophyl]: it's a summer solstice not equinox. (kinda late for a coment now, i know)

2009-03-11 [Barock]: *Shrug* maybe it's eqinox in Ghelt ^^ Equinox means something different anyhoo :)

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