Page name: The Fluffy Club's Fanart Board [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-30 06:15:18
Last author: Chibi Momo-chan
Owner: ArkyLarky
# of watchers: 4
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A wiki for Inuyasha fanart ^^ Post fanart of any sort, and if you need help, just ask me =3

Just one, VERY important rule:
NO HENTAI (plez....think of the lil kiddies)

    So show off your talant below ^_______^

[Halkatla] Ok! Here's one of mine. It's fluffy as a human! ^^ I got the idea from a fanfic I read.. ^^


[Halkatla] I told [ArkyLarky] that I would put this one in here aswell... So here you have him, the brother of Sesshoumaru: Inuyasha! *fanfare*


hmm... I think I'll have to make them smaller when I put them on Elfwood... ^^;

[dracos8] here's mine, an inuyasha chibi, not the best eva, but it is the best i have.

[Halkatla] Here's one for you [ArkyLarky]! Sesshy without a shirt.. ^^ Enjoy... But: No touching! He he he... ^^

A piccy of Sesshoumaru and Senko (my character) watching fireworks when she brought him to her time. He has a sweater on and his hair pulled back (Senko had to force him to do that) XDD
Senko: *watching a big firework explode* WOW!!! That was a big on!!!!!
Sesshoumaru: Those must be some pretty strong mages.....

[Zardra] portrait...

[Zardra] blue Sesshy ^_^

[Chibi Momo-chan]please don't hate me for this..

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[ArkyLarky]: *drools* That pic makes him look even more bishouen....@___@ *drooooool*

[Halkatla]: Shall I take it that you like it? ^^

[ArkyLarky]: *nodds still drooling*

[Halkatla]: Then I'll take it that way.. ^^ Shall I put his brother in here too?

[ArkyLarky]: *nodds faster*

[Halkatla]: Okay... Just wait a little bit... It's not as good as this one i think, but I like it anyway... ^^

[Halkatla]: There you have him [ArkyLarky].. Now, stop drooling!!!

[ArkyLarky]: *covers mouth so I wont drool* Wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!

[Halkatla]: Thanks! ^^

[dracos8]: hm...i forgot to put my pic up. bwah, it's been awhile, o well, it's not that good.

[ArkyLarky]: GAHH!!! CHIBI INU!!!! *squeals* SUPER KAWAII-NESS!!!!!!!!!

[ArkyLarky]: *glomps Halkatla* O.O

[dracos8]: you'd think there'd be more pics up here by now... nice job [Halkatla] it looks like we're the only ones up here. i like your pics of sess, i can't draw him that good

[ArkyLarky]: *sighs* I need to get some up here, as soon as I charge the digi cam >.<

[Halkatla]: Thanks dracos8 ^^ I like your picture too.. It's so cute! ^^ Well... Keep trying Kitsune! You'll get it sometime I guess.. ^^;

[dracos8]: thanks, its the best i've ever done

[Halkatla]: That last one was nice.. ^^ Who made it? Too bad you can't see it that well...

[Neko the Kitty]: should re-do it on the comp, who ever drew it!

[fizzle]: cani join

[Black Raithe]: Glomp?........wonderful pictures, but....glomp? Wassat?

[ArkyLarky]: Glomp basicly means a big huggle ^^

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