Page name: The Greater Tundra [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-05 07:01:25
Last author: Six_dragons
Owner: Six_dragons
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An Icy tundra, between craggy frozen mountains. The blood of those who fell in battles lost to time lingers, and ignites the fury of those who carry the berserker curse.

Romyrr slowed his war horse so that it was flank to flank with Khlieo's. "Something seems to be bothering you, young one." He said, his voice great and booming, yet calm and tranquil.

Khlieo's almost expresionless face turned towards Romyrr. "What's bothering me can't be helped," she told him. "If anything, it's expected, but definitally not what I'd like to be said." She tried a broad smiled, but only a small one managed to life her cheeks.

Ania had taken to traveling on her own, not side-by-side with anyone, but still following Romyrr's lead. Her own blood pulsing strongly, but calmer than Zeis' for the moment.

Romyrr's calm face did not change. He decided he's stay close to Khlieo, keep an eye on her so her thoughts didn't lead to her death in battle.

Zeis' battle lust grew insatiable, he charged ahead of the others, sword in hand.

Ania urged her own horse on, ready to stop the man if he leapt on their enemies. Her heart raced, threatening to send her berserk if she wasn't strong-willed.

Khlieo watched, her own pulse rhythmically banging a drum in her head. A small voice kept in time to the pulse began to sing something she took only as a charge signal, but she didn't move. It seemed odd, but the only things she did were breath and blink.

Zeis lept off his horse, leaning low, the sword flipped over his back, he himself leaning backwards with the blade in his other hand. He wouldn't be the first to attack, but any who came near him would taste his blade.

Romyrr dismounted, ordering his troops to do the same. They seemed a wild lot, but well trained by the guard captain. They had no uniform armor or weapons, but instead seemed to be using those passed down by relatives or bought at forges.

Khlieo stayed on her horse only moments longer, bringing her legs against her chest before she pushed off, jumping a few feet from the head of her horse, which lifted it, startled. She moved quickly to join Zeis where he stood, her own ears removing all sounds but her breathing.

Ania had rounded her horse to bring it back to where Romyrr stood. "When will we attack these racist pigs?" she asked, swinging her leg over the rear of the horse, taking a few steps after dismounting to stand next to her friend.

Kyate laid under a tree Vima (a fox) on his lap as he hummed a tune not noticing the people. He had a sack next to him.

Romyrr looked down at Ania. "We wait for them to attack, thus we can not be charges and hunted like the witches of the south. Please if you would, keep an eye on that man in the distance. He may be a problem if he joins the fight."

Ania looked to Zeis. This should be interesting, she thought and nodded. "I suppose I should keep an eye on both," she commented before walking towards the two, mainly to attract them back to the main group.

Vima moved a little uneasily and Kyate cocked his head as though listening to something. "Some one?"He muttered as he opened his eyes and looked up. His hand flew to his two scimitar like weapons. "Who are you?"

Romyrr slammed his gauntlets together, the sparks flying wildly. Those in his troop with spears moved forward, lining their pikes and lances in a row, ready to stop any forward charging cavalry.

Kyate looked around. Well this is great looks like we chose a lovely place to rest! "Well who are you?" He asked again.

The Southerner cavalry charged, and Zeis returned the favor, leaping into the air and spinning, decapitating a cavalier, and the jumping off of his horse to rend another in twain, sliding off of the dead mans mount and thrusting his blade into the head of another, the last mans horse dying for fright.

Despite her size, Khlieo managed to keep up with Zeis. She, using her spear, had taken out one less than he did, but was working on her third. Her head pounded, but she didn't let the berserker in her surface quite yet. She meant to travel farther into the opposing army before letting loose.

Ania had kept herself from getting too far before she tripped several horses, killed their masters, and began working on the rest.

"We are Berserkers," Veila said to Kyate, having been the only one to hear his question. "Who are you?" she asked, her eyes meaning business and a hurried tone. Her horse stomped its foot on the ground and seemed to huff as if wanting to battle. She placed a comforting hand on its neck, waiting for the man to reply.

"I am too." He muttered as he stood with the fox in his hands. "What is this fight about, more clan fighting?"

"What clan are you from?" Veila asked, her eyes narrowed slightly. From her horse, she looked down on him, but not in such a way as to say she was more powerful than he was. She hadn't seen him fight, yet.

Kyate sighed. "None..."

Romyrr stood with the soldiers, crushing his foes between his hands. He took a trooper in each hand, smashing the two together with untold force, the blood coating his gloves and face.

After traveling farther from the others, Khlieo finally let go of holding back. She managed to get a few on the ground and took to beating their heads and chests, breaking a few bones and their noses easily. She spent the next few minutes swinging her staff around her, giving her a wide birth.

Veila looked to the battle nearby and then back to Kyate. "You're a berserker," she said. "And you'll fight for your heiritage. Come on." She offered him a hand to get on the horse, making travel much easier for him. They still had a ways to go before the edge of the battle.

Zeis let his bloodline of fury loose, charging forward, spinning as he dove, shredding his opponents. He landed on he free hand, kicking another soldier and breaking his neck. He grabbed another by his neck, throwing him into the air and jumping him. His blade flashed, tearing his foe into pieces, the corpse raining down on it's compatriots.

Ania jumped onto a rather large man, spinning his head to the opposite direction, snapping his neck. She was able to slit a deep line in another man nearby before the body she sat on collapsed under her. She easily brought her sword to through the necks of three men before she took ground.

Zeis let out a loud scream, unleashing his berserker rage, and brutally rending all those near him. The bodies piled up, and his clothes and skin slowly grew to match the color of the dead.

Khlieo, without realizing it, managed to move dangerously close to Zeis, but didn't attack the man. She downed eight more people before there was no one between her and Zeis, but a short pile of dead enemies.

Zeis threw his sword, slaying a man far behind Khlieo, the lept to the air, landing on the man and ripping out his blade.

Kyate nodded and drew his swords. "Fine. I will fight to survive. Vima stay." He said to the fox putting it down near the tree and mounting the horse.

Veila urged the horse to a run, having slid forward enough to make room. "We'll get off before we reach the battle, so the horse doesn't die," she said, her blood already pulsing.

Khlieo slid between the legs of one, from behind, and jammed the bottom point of her staff upwards, between the sides of the jaw and through the top of the man's skull. She twisted it, sending thousands of drops of red blood onto her torso and face. She stood, yanking the staff from the man, swinging it with her arm around her, knocking two unconscious. Around her eyes were littered with specs of blood, which began to collect and slide down her cheeks.

Zeis was in the full force of his Berserkergang, his muscles pounded, his mind was centered on opening the closest person to him. Faust screamed for blood, and Zeis answered the call, the hundreds of soldiers around him fallind dead as he rand between them, slaying each with a single mighty swing and lashing out at the next.

Ania's wild eyes targeted several armored men at once. Tawana pulsed eagerly as she sang with each stroke. Pinning several together through their stomachs, Ania sent them flying over her head, flinging one five yards from her and the others slammed to the ground. By pressing her foot to the chests of the dead bodies, she freed the blade and charged at another cluster.

Kyate nodded as he readied his weapons. His eyes glinted with eagerness, the only thing betraying his calm look.

Pulling straight back on the reins, the horse slid a few feet before coming to a walk and then stopping. Veila slid off easily and moved to the head of the horse. She whispered something to the horse that only she and the horse heard before she looked to the battle. "Ready when you are," she said with a smile. She'd held back long enough.

Kyate rolled off the horse and followed eagerly. "I am ready." HE said as he connected the hilts of his swords to make it a double bladed staff-like sword.

Veila grinned and clicked her tongue, sending the horse back the way they came at a surprising speed. "Then let's get going," she said, starting off with a just-above medium speed, her own sword still sheathed at her side.

Kyate followed at about the same speed his eyes glinting like a warrior's. He waited as he reached the lines and than began to attack with calculated and skilled attacks.

Veila had simply left her sword sheathed for the first dozen men she killed easily, her mind releasing the Berserker in her at a steadily increasing rate. Soon, the call of her unnamed sword screamed inside her head with such bloodlust it didn't take long before that part was satisfied for both. Nearly a dozen more fell before Veila's voice pierced the air in a blood-curtling battle cry.

Kyate's blood rage took hold and he killed men left and right as he went through complex movements, his weapon appeared a blurred extension of his body as he yelled for blood.

Romyrr remained free of his berserk state, a dark figure sneaking up behind him. As the spear tried find it's mark at the base of his skull, he turned, caught the attacker and crushed his skull with his gauntlet.

Despite the calling need for blood drenching her blade, Ania regained some sanity, compared to her Berserk State. She looked around, keeping a wide girth simply from the decapitation of many soldiers. Her eyes saw Zeis and Khlieo gradually moving closer to the other, knowing that Berserker on Berserker never meant a good outcome. Somehow, the two had to seperate farther, or their outraging anger would engulf the both of them. Tawana eagerly downed a man with a single stroke as Ania changed courses, heading towards the two.

Zeis dropped low, spinning in a wide ark around Khlieo, slaying those hear here and lept into a nearby croud, spinning upside down, severing limbs left and right.

Kyate attempted to muster contras he began to fight in a more calculated style.

Romyrr growled and clashed his gauntlets together. He grabbed a horse by it's neck, and threw it into the advancing troops, it's rider skewered on their spears.

Somehow, Khlieo managed to follow Zeis. Soon enough, however, she nearly caught his arm with her staff, but didn't. With skill, she swung her staff around her body and at nearly an unseeable rate.

Zeis saw his target, a man in bulky, red hued, Maximilian style armour, carrying a large spear and a thick shield with the beast Typhon for a crest. He screamed out in bloodthirsty rage, his body pulsating, he lept into the air, flying towards the foe with his blade in front of him.

Muagen watched from a short distance away as the two berserkers toar through the enemy almost to easily he decided to watch for a moment longer

His Bloodrage at it's peek, Zeis landed forcefully, boot first into the man's chest, thrusting his sword through the knight's throat, whilst blood from the wound poured out like a flood.

Kyate attacked and hewed a man in two

Zeis, His rage peaking, stood atop the bodies of his foes and howled raucously to the sky, challenging any and all brave enough to challenge him.

Berserk Wars

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2007-11-14 [Lin-tastic]: Woah, woah! You changed his name!!! XD I thought it was Zeis...not Zexus.

2007-11-15 [Six_dragons]: Dammit! XD

2007-11-17 [Lin-tastic]: I had a (Rare, I know. XD) I was thinking that Khlieo and Zeis somehow manage to work together in know, like Zeis catches hold of Khlieo's staff and spins her around him, knocking out several, or Khlieo manages to throw Zeis into a collected crowd where a supperior stands idle as there are few against many...(Right?)

2008-11-05 [Six_dragons]: Sounds good to me. ^_^

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