Page name: The Heart's Key RPG 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-01 08:21:25
Last author: twitchboy
Owner: twitchboy
# of watchers: 11
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The Heart's Key RP2
Day 2

Mea hummed her way to Damion's house and checked her watch at the front lawn. Seven fifteen, just like she planned. Smiling, she walked up the steps to his front door, her flats making light taps on each step, dusted off her skirt, then knocked on the door. She rocked from the balls of her feet to the heels while waiting on an answer.

Caron sat on the front steps of the school, waiting for the first bell to class to ring. She had her tennis stuff next to her and the mysterious key around her neck. She was doing the math homework she had missed last night.

Siobhan grinned and walked to the school, she stepped up two steps and walked back one, spotting caron. She grinned, "'Ello there! Top of the mornin' to ya!"

Caron blinked. "Uh... hello..."

Siobhan smiled and sat down next to Caron, "What's your name?"

"My name is Caron." she said, smiling slightly. "Whats yours?"

Laurie walked past Caron and walked to her locker, putting what little stuff she had with her into it. She sighed softly and slammed it shut, then headed to the cafeteria for breakfast.

An nice little tune could be heard echoeing from the cafeteria.

Laurie walked into the kitchen and immediately saw where the music was coming from. "Well, looks like fate has made us meet again." She chuckled softly, sitting next to Deo.

"Awe, pleasure to meet you again I believe Laurie is it?" he said as he glanced away from his ocarina to looked at her.

Laurie nodded and smiled softly. "And your Deo, right?" she asked.

Justin rounded the corner following his ears. "Cool whos playing the tune?"

"Indeed," said Deo and started playing another song hitting the right notes in harmony and accuracy.

Laurie smiled and started humming with the tune.

Deo looked at her and continued.

Laurie smiled and kept humming.

Deo smiled and continued playing in absolute harmony to the melody of the exact song that he was playing.

Laurie smiled softly.

Deo stood up."Well its time for me to go for now." he said and bowed in respect,"May we meet again later if the fates decide it."

Ryan skated up to the school with Zim. Ryan had slept over her house after going to dinner with Caron and the rest of his family. "So Zim, wanna go smoke after school today?"

"Dude!I love weed!I like cigs too but I love weeedddd...."Zim grinnned stupidly.

Ryan chuckled. "Thats what I was hoping for. I have plenty in my house. I never take any to school cause of the lockdowns." he said, chuckling.

"Duuude...I haven't had weed in like..."She counted her fingers."3 days!"

Ryan chuckled softly. "Yeah, it doesn't really effect me." he said.

"It affects me..." Zim chuckled to herself.

Ryan grinned. "Yeah well, I've been doing it so long, the effect has worn off some. I just like the slight tipsy feeling I get."

"Ooooo...."zim stared at him and blinked."How?"

"What do you mean how?" Ryan repeated, slightly confused

"I don't know."Zim grinned stupidly.

ryan chuckled. "C'mon, lets get to class..."

John had stopped in front of Sam's house to walk her to school,he was still thinking about what he had done the day before.

Sam walked outside and saw John,"My face still hurts from where you slapped me yesturday."She continued to walk.

John sighed a heavy sigh as he walked beside her,"I'm sorry,I shouldn't have slapped you."

Sam shook her head,"No it's fine,you and my sister were worried about me,I should have left a note."

John nodded in agreement,"Yes,yes you should have."

Sam stopped in front of the school and turned to John,"I'm sorry I didn't,you know I still love you even after what you did."

John smiled,then hugged Sam in a brotherly way,"I love you too little sis."

Sam smiled,she always felt loved when she was with John,he was like the brother she always wanted,"I love you too bro,and I'm only younger than you by like two months."

John laughed a friendly laugh,"Yeah,I know."

Sam pulled away and giggled,"You like being older than me even if it is only two months don't you?"

John grinned widely,"You know it."

Sam smiled a warm friendly smile,"Oh well,I can live with that."

Damion opened the door. He was still shirtless and his hair was a bit of a mess. "Hey Mea. Sorry. I woke up a bit late. Please come in while i finish getting ready." He opened the door wider for her to enter.

Alexis waved goodbye to his aunt as she drove away. He had his backpack and his violen case, looking around he sighed, "Another day..." he walked slowly to the school, hoping he could be late, but instincts kicked in and he walked in and headed straight to his locker. He saw a couple of people from the day before but paid no attention to them. Putting his bag in his locker, he shut it grabbed his Violen and walked striahg to the music room. Closing the door behind him, he was glad that the room was empty, taking no time at all he pulled out his Violen and started to play a song called Dark Angel by one of his favorite atists, Edvin Marton.

Narade walked to his locker and put away his stuff.He heard the music and followed the sounds  il he saw Alexis."Hey!"He smiled and jogged over.

Alexis opened his eyes and nodded to Narade, he slowly drew to a close before speaking, "Hello again." he said softly.

Narade smiled softly.His eyes glowed in the light.

Alexis felt a small blush work onto his face, but he quickly pushed it away, "I'm sorry that I had to leave so suddenly yesturday, but my Aunt needed me so we could move furniture." He leaned against a table, his violen in one hand, and the bow in the other.

Narade smiled."It's okay..."He blushed alittle."So,I was wondering if you wanted to hangout or something today or tomarrow..."He looked away.

Aelxis blinked, "I guess, what did you have in mind?" he asked as he started to play a soft tune on his violen.

"Maybe we could hang out at my place...I have a piano...We could play music and watch movies..."Narade stared at the ground to hide his blush.

Alexis thought it over in his head a moment, his eyes scanning the room, "I guess that sounds ok, but I have to let my aunt know." He pulled out his cell phone and hit #2, after a moment of ringing a soft female voice was heard, "Hi! Aunt Rose, do you think it would be ok for to go to a friends house instead of coming straight home today?"

Narade looked up and smiled happily.The blush was noticable on his pale cheeks.

Alexis noticed the blush but said nothing as he listened to his aunt's overly cheerful exclamation that he had a friend, "It's ok? Yes, he is a nice guy, yes it's a I won't sleep with him.....yes I would use protection!?!" his face was getting redder with each question his aunt asked him, "Aunt Rose! I have to go, I'll call you later! Thank you very much!" he hung up his phone and breathed deeply.

Narade fell over laughing and got back up."Is your aunt always this protective....?"

Alexis shhok his head, "Not when it's a   ." he saidin exasperation. He picked up his violen and start to play a quick and happy song. The bow drew slowly over the strings then went quicker, till a happy tune was flowing around the room.

Narade smiled and swayed happily to the music.He chuckled softly.

Alexis worked hard to pull himself from his music world, he slowly opened his eyes, "What's funny?" he asked as he kept playing.

Narade smiled."Nothing...I gues..I just think..You're kinda cute..."He blushed softly.

Alexis didn't stop playing, but there was surprise written all over his face, then a soft blush spread over his cheeks as he looked at the floor thinking of asomething to say back.

Narade stared at the floor,still blushing."S-Sorry..."

Alexis shook his head, "No..don't apologise, it was nice of you to say that." He gave Narade a small smile then stopped playing the violen, "Do you think we could do a duet? You on the piano, and me on my violen?" He looked to the corner of the room where an Ivory colored piano sat.

Narade smiled and got up,walking over to the piano and sitting down.He gently glided his fingers over the keys,slowly starting to play a song from Pirates of the Carribean.He chuckled softly.

Alexis followed him, listening to the song, he started to play a low chord, sending it soaring through the room, halfway through he raised it a notch, keeping in time with the piano.

Narade smiled adn kept playing,his fingers hitting the keys ever so gently.

Alexis glided along after Narade, his bow moving faster then slowly over his violen, his eyes were closed, he had retreated into a place in his mind, as he always did when he got wrapped up in his music.

Narade started playing faster.His eyes slowly closed,getting lost in the music.

Alexis matched the speed of the piano with his violen, he started to move, his body acting of its own accord, he moved to his and Narade's music.

Narade started to play hader and hitting deeper notes.

Alexis stopped moving as he played, the notes going soft, then loud, higher and lower, he was moving over the scales twining it into the song.

Narade slowed the song to an end and sighed softly.

Alexis Kept on playing, forgetting he was part of a duet, he was caught in his own world, his eyes closed and his hand moving the bow across the violen's strings, while his other hand directed the notes byt pressing slightly on the tops of the strings.

Narade fell back into the real world and turned around,watching Alexis play.He smiled softly.He is realy cute...He blushed brightly,but kept watching.

Alexis slowly drew his song to a close, as he pulled the bow for one last final note, he opened his eyes and saw Narade studying him.

Narade smiled softly,a light blush still on his pale cheeks."I still think you play beautifully..."

Alexis nodded and lowered his violen, "Thank you, as do you. You are really good." he said with his eyes shining.

Narade stood up and smiled."I'm not that good accually...If you had met my brother,he..."He paused,tears seemed to form slightly in his eyes.

Alexis was surprised at Narade's cuttoff but when he saw his eyes, he deflty pulled a tissue from his pocket and held it out for him to take, he didn't ask anything, because he didn't like to pry into people's lives.

Narade looked at the tissue and took it."Thank you.."He wiped away the tears."I'm sorry..."He said softly."Its just...I had one family when I was in foster care....And I had an older brother....He died of cancer..."

Alexis nodded, "I'm sorry, I understand too." he felt bad for Narade, being in foster care was not a fun thing, and then to have someone who loved and cared for you die, it sucked big time.

Narade sniffled and hugged himself.He stared at the ground and suddenly chuckled."Heh...You're the first person who hasn't made fun of me for it..."

Alexis shook his head, "No, I wouldn't do that. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love." he shook his head as images from the tornado filled his thoughts.

"If you wana talk to me about it,you can...I won't force you..."Narade leaned over and nuzzled Alexis.

Alexis shook his head, he turned around and placed his violen in its case and locked the case, he didn't turn back around, but he spoke, "When I was younger, my parents died in a tornado. I saw the entire thing."

Narade looked at the ground."I'm sorry for your loss..."

Alexis shook his head, "DOn't be. Sometimes, things happen in life for reasons we can't understand, and even though we   it, and wish we could change it, we just have to accept it and let it make us stronger." He said this as he turned around his eyes finding Narade's.

Narade looked up at Alexis and smiled softly,he leaned over and wrapped his arms around Alexis.

Alexis seemed to freeze for a split second, but he wrapped placed his arms around Narade. He stared off at the wall behind them as images of that terrible night leaked back into his thoughts. Realising he was about to break down Alexis slowly pulled away from Narade, "Thank you, please exscuse me." he said this softly with a broken voice as he hurried out of the room and down the hall. He tried to find a place to be alone and spied alarge dark brown door, opening it it he closed it behind him and sat down on the floor and and cried silently. After five minutes he gave one last sob and wiped away his tears on a tissue from his pocket. Standing up he looked around and realised he had no idea what room he was in. There were millions of keys, all lined up along the walls on hooks, some were on tables and counters. He walked by them, looking at each, sometimes taking it in his hand and then putting it back. He finally found one that he couldn't put back, it was a key that was midnight black, that had a crescent moon on it. Looking around he saw a small necklace chain. He picked it up and put the key on it, then slipped it around his neck. Looking around one last time, he opened the door and closed it. He then started his long walk back to the music room.

Narade blinked,confused.He got up and whimpered,he had noticed that Alexis was about to cry."What did I do...?"He asked himself and walked to the piano,beginning to play a sad lullably.

Alexis shook his head as he walked back towards the music room, "I shouldn't have left like was rude...he might think I was brushing him off." his eyes traced a    in the floor as he continued on his way to the music room.

Narade sighed osftly and kept playing."Did I do something wrong...?"He whispered to himself.

Alexis didn't notice the music at first, but as he neared the music room he could hear it. Narade was playing a sad flowing lullaby. It broke Alexi's heart to hear it. Opening the door slowly he walked in hoping to not interupt Narade's playing.

Narade started reciting poetry softly while playing."My heart is torn to shreds...Why must love leave me always...?Tears flowing down my cheeks...When I look at the half moon...It reminds my of my half heart...The other piece is missing..."

Alexis's heart finally shred as he heard those words, walking in he moved silently to his vioen and picked it up, moving to stand behind Narade he melded his violen with the piano, and added his owb line of poetry, "Though the moon is half, it will soon be whole, the piece that was lost now can be found."

Narade gasped and turned quickly.He whimpered and stared up at Alexis.

Alexis kept playing, the violen taking just an octive higher, his eyes looked into Narade's, "Now as one, the moon can shine, to illuminate all darkened night. The half thats found to make it whole, the heart will beat, and is ours to hold."

Narade smiled softly and stood up,leaning over and kissed Alexis softly.His cheeks were red and he was afraid Alexis would reject him.

Alexis didn't pull away, he stayed there, he felt light headed, all his thought started to jumble together, but he with a strong surge of will he pushed his thoughts back into order and gently broke their kiss. He smiled at Narade, "I didn't know you were such a poet." he said softly.

Narade pulled back alittle and blushed."Sometimes I write...To let my emotions out when I have no one to talk to.....But now....I think I have some one..."He smiled softly and looked at the ground.

Alexis nodded, "Yes you do." he smiled and looked around the room, he walked back over and placed his Violen in its case and shut it.

Narade wrapped his arms around Alexis and smiled softly,closing his eyes.

Alexis smiled and turned around hugging Narade back. His ears were still ringing from the piano and the sad lulluby.

Narade nuzzled him gently and sniffled.

Alexis tightened his hug and rested his head against Narade's, the key that he had found earlier, sudden't felt warm against his chest, but he pushed that thought away, thinking their bodyheat had warmed its metal surface.

Narade leaned forward and kissed Alexis softly,then nuzzled him again."I think I've fallen in love with you..."

Alexis blushed at the kissed and felt lightheaded at the remark, "" the key he had found earlier was now almost hot against his chest. This is so strange..I just met him...

Narade nodded softly,his red eyes sparkling."Yes..I know it seems wierd because we've onl known eachother for a day..But I believe in love at first sight..."

Alexis nodded, "As do I." he smiled and jumped as his pocket vibrated, "Sorry, I think my aunt is calling me." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone that he had put on silent, flipping it open he saw a text message from his aunt, reading it quickly he smiled, "Well I'll be..."

"Whats going on?"Narade asked,curious.

Alexis smiled and pushed a few buttons on his phone sending a text back to his aunt, "Well my aunt is going out of town for a while, she wanted me to know so I wouldn't freak when I got
home and not find her there."

"Is that good or bad?"Narade asked adorably,tilting his head in a cute way.

Alexis nodded, "Its weird, but ok I guess."

Narade wrapped his arms around Alexis."So does that mean you'll stay with me for a while...?"His red eyes shined.

Alexis smiled and placed a kiss on Narade's forehead, "I think I will."

Narade smiled softly and nuzzled Alexis."I never thought I would have fallen for someone..."

Alexis nodded, "I have to say the same thing."

Narade smiled more and chuckled.

Alexis laughed and hugged Narade close. "So where do you live?"

"13 main street."Narade smiled.

Alexis smiled, "Really? Cool! I saw an apartment there that I wanted to get."

"Dude!Thats the apartment next to my house!"Narade siled widely.

Alexis nodded, "Really? I thought the piano music sounded familiar!"

Narade picked Alexis up and twirled him around."Thats so awesome!"

Alexis yelped as he was picked up, He is much stronger than he seems, "N-Narade?! Please could you put me down?"

Narade blushed and put him down gently."Sorry...I get excited easily..."He looked at the ground,blushing.

Alexis nodded, "It's ok, I just don't like hights..."

Narade smiled."I don't like snakes.But I love hieghts."

Alexis blinked, "Snakes are cool, but only if they don't bite." he laughed.

"They scare me so much...Its because I've been bit before."

Pearl walked to the school, still thinking about the situation from yesterday and the   who asked her for Red Bull. She never did get to answer because of that boy that came up to that random   . She blushed when she thought about Charlie. She smiled as she sat down and waited for the bell to ring, also happy that there was no uniform anymore.

Sam entered the classroom with John,they sat down next to Pearl,and talked as they waited for the bell to ring.

Mea stepped inside after artistically admiring Damion's body. She looked around his house, found little of interest, and look at him again. "You should let me draw you sometime," she said, looking him over again. Her words had not been flirtatious, but they were a request.

Damion looked at Mea and gave her a rare smile. "Well you can draw me now if you wish....It will take me quite some time to fix my hair." He winked at her. "Would you like my clothes on or off?" He joked.

"Off," Mea answered simply. "But not now. There isn't time. We need to get to school." She was looking at him with a very calm face, maybe the hint of a pretty smile having formed when he winked. She didn't seem embarrassed in the least.

Damion let out a tiny laughed and nodded. "Alright. I will be right back down then." He walked upstairs and brushed out his hair. He walked back downstairs carrying a plain black shirt in his arms. "I hear its hot outside so maybe i wont wear the norm eh?"

Mea, who had taken a seat in the living room in a chair, her legs crossed and seemingly unbothered by the shortness of her skirt, shrugged. "It is a little warm today. It can only get hotter, but... Do you own anything but black?" She tilted her head, honestly curious.

Damion thought for a second. "No...actually i don't..well..maybe red..but ugly at that."

Mea stood and unbuttoned her white t-shirt and laid it on the chair. Her undershirt, a male white tank looked a little odd on the dainty   . She pulled it off and handed it to him before grabbing her t-shirt and putting it back on over her white bra. She unabashedly buttoned it back up. As she did, she told him, "I want that back."

Damion jaw dropped from the fact that a new female just basically stripped before him. "Umm... alright." He smirked unsure of what to say.

Mea looked at him oddly. "What are you doing after school?" she asked, seeming to shrug off his actions. She turned and picked up her planner from the chair, the transparency of her shirt apparent from the difference in color between her bra strap and lightly tanned skin.

Damion gulped. "N-nothing..."

"Do you mind if I come over?" she asked, turning to face him. The font of her shirt was just as apparent as the back as she held her planner in one hand hanging down, her other on her hip. "I really do want to draw you. My mentors and college advisers tell me it would make an important addition to any portfolio, and I could ask anybody, but honestly-" She leaned forward, a couple of buttons left undone from her shirt. She held her free hand to the side of her mouth as if telling a secret. "I'd rather draw someone attractive." She nodded, placing her hand on her hip again. She didn't seem to be flirting with him, she was being too calm and blunt for that. Or maybe that was just her way of flirting. It was hard to tell with Mea.

Damion gluped again. He was exremely nervous around women and to him Mea was flirting. "Uh...Ye-yea. Sure. That's alright."

"Thanks," Mea replied with a pretty smile. She walked past him to get ready to go. Without looking back, she told him, "If you are nervous about being so exposed, I know how some people feel unprotected or whatever, I'm ok with putting us on level fields. I wouldn't want the drawing to come out all stiff and awkward." The emphasis on 'stiff' could have been imagined, but it had sounded noticeable.

Damion looked down at himself and let out an unsteady laugh. "Umm...Let's go shall we?" He gulped hoping his baggy pants would cover the most of the bulge.

"Let's," Mea agreed chipperly and left his house with him. As they were walking, she kept glancing at him, a smile gracing her lips the whole time. "I've never seen you without your hood," she noted aloud.

"Really?" Damion asked. "The only time i take it off is in hot weather. I am human after all...and all humans get hot once an awhile." Damion joked.

"Funny, that's the exact reason I tried not to notice when you were coat-less," Mea said pensively, touching her chin with a slender finger. She shook her head as if banishing some thought and continued walking. "It just seemed like a trademark of yours, a walking shadow. An urban reaper."

"Well i guess it could be a trademark..." Damion stated. "For as long as i can remember i have owned that thing."

"You got THAT right..." Takashi said from behind the two.

Mea's head turned quickly with surprise to look at Takashi. When she recognized him, she smiled. "Good morning, Takashi," she greeted cheerfully and gave a short bow of greeting. "How are you this morning?"

"Well i'm good. I'm just hoping Damion here is feeling well. He is wearing white and isn't wearing that damn face shielding hood." Takashi said with a laugh.

"He's hot," Mea replied, and again her meaning was unsure. She continued facing forward again as the school came in sight. "Are you feeling well, Takashi? You're much calmer than normal." She smiled.

Damion was shocked at what Mea said.

Takashi laughed. "Yea. I am quite alright. Kind of upset i lost that game yesterday though..."

"Aww, I'm sorry," Mea said, genuinely sympathetic. She glanced at Damion, trying to see if he had caught her words. "I'm sure you'll be able to get them next time," she directed at Takashi.

"Of course i will!" Takashi seemed determined.

Damion kept his eyes fixated on the ground as they continued to walk.

When they reach the doors to the school, Mea turned to the two boys. "I wish you the best of luck, Takashi," she said honestly then looked at Damion. She moved foreward and enveloped him in a close hug. "See you later," she said when she released him and waved to them before jogging away down the hall to class.

Damion blushed when she hugged him. He looked at Takashi with wide eyes.

"I think she likes you..." Takashi joked.

Damion looked at Takashi and rolled his eyes then walked into the school. He looked down at his outfit and sighed. "This isn't like me." He mumbled to himself.

Charlie ran his fingers through his hair as he got out of the car, while carrying his bookbag at the same time. He smiled when he thought of Pearl, and their short conversation yesterday. He hoped there would be many more of those, even if they were short.

Maylee entered the classroom carrying a tall stack of books. She looked around for Kyle to sit next to him, but she didn't see him, so she sat near the front.

Justin looked over from his desk where he had been napping, and yawned as he looked at the   next to him. "You actually plan on reading all those?" He commented pointing to the stack of books precariously stacked on her desk.

Maylee shrugged, smiling at the guy sitting next to her. "Maybe. Probably not, but I always like to be prepared, you know?" she said. She held out her hand for a shake, smiling her winning smile. "I'm Maylee, nice to meet you!"

Justin took her hand in a very delicate way and nodde his head in her direction. "Im Justin, and will probably be your desk neighbor for the rest of the semester if you dont mind. What might your name be?" He asked taking her in trying to get a first opinion of this new aquantance.

Zim nodded and grab bed his hand,pulling him to the school.

Ryan meeped and ran after her, his skateboard tucked under his other arm.

Zim grinned adn ran into the classroom,bursting open the door."We're not late!Sweeeet..."

Ryan chuckled and sat down at one of the desks.

Zim sat down next to him.

Ryan leaned back and yawned. "Snooze fest begins..." he said,grinning.

"Cha."Zim said adn yawned soflty.

First period found Mea in gym. Usually she didn't participate, making up some doctor's excuse or something. Today, however, she felt good and went about with vigor in her small shorts and t-shirt, playing dodge ball with the rest of the class.

First period found Charlie in the gymnasium, also. He jogged in a bit late, but jogged in nonetheless. He stood awkwardly in the back of the gym in his gym uniform, wondering where he should go. Finally, and much to his relief, the PE teacher came and explained to him where he should be, and what he should be doing. Nodding his thanks, he jogged over to where half of the class was playing dodge ball. He jogged into his place right next to a   who seemed really into the game. Charlie grinned at her and nodded to her, as if to say, "What's up?", then he quickly turned his head, just in time to see a ball headed straight for his face.

Mea reach over and    ed the ball out of the air before it hit him. She grinned as at Charlie as the other boy was declared out. She hopped the ball into his hands before looking back at the opposite side. She had to sidestep to avoid an incoming ball but laughed as it flew passed. She was so happy today.

Takashi walked into the class and walked up to the teacher. "Sorry teach...i forgot where i was supposed to be."

"Takashi!" Mea greeted with enthusiasm and deliberately held out her arm so she was hit with a ball. She smiled when she was declared out and jogged over to Takashi. "For some reason I thought you and Damion always had class together."

"The teachers got annoyed with us always in the same classes so this year we have a lot of different classes." Takashi sighed but kept a chipper smile.

"Well that was mean of them," Mea said with a frown, placing on hand on a   ed hip. She shook her head then looked around. She jogged off and returned with a basketball. "One on one?" she asked with a suggestive eyebrow. She was just being teasing, but Mea's personality was so open, it was hard to tell when she was joking and when she was flirting.

Takashi laughed. "Sure...but i'll crush you.."

"I'd like to see you try," Mea said challengingly and dribbled back and forth between her hands as she backed onto the free half court.

Takashi smirked and winked at her. He stood ready between her and the basket. "Come on   ie." He taunted.

Mea managed to keep the blush mostly away from her cheeks as she straightened and shot, from the half court line, a perfect nothing-but-net basket. She smirked at him and raised an eyebrow as if to say 'you were saying?'

Takashi's jaw dropped. "T-that's cheating!" He was shocked.

"How's it cheating?" Mea asked with a smirk as she brushed past him to get the ball, then again when she returned, dribbling it lazily. "Ok, I won't do it again." She smiled sweetly, then dribbled twice before moving forward to his right to try to get past him.

Takashi smirked and moved his body to the side and knocked the ball from her hands taking it from her and dribbling it back to center court. He smiled at her as he dribbled the ball through his legs.

Mea smirked at him, keeping her guard pose between him and the basket. "You know. As an attractive male, you make that very distracting," she pointed out before her hand shot out and stole the ball. She turned on the spot, shot it, but it hit the rim and bounced off and she tried to get it back before Takashi.

Takashi jumped when Mea took the ball. He ran after the ball after it bounced once after Mea missed the shot. He cought the ball just before Mea did and shot it making it in just barely.

Mea laughed and jogged after the ball to retrieve it for Takashi. She turned and bounce-passed the ball to him. "You like sports, huh Takashi?" she said rhetorically.

"Sure do!" Takashi responded with pride. "My brother, Tonani, is a tennis pro. I have learned everything from him!" He told her as he took the ball and dribbled it around.

"Tonani..." Mea said thoughtfully, then nodded. "Good body. Face..." She made a 'so-so' motion with her hand before focusing on the game again.

Takashi stopped the ball and held it in his hands. He lifted his left eyebrow. "Huh?"

Mea rolled her eyes and    ed the ball away. "I've draw him before," she explained. "Somewhere in one of my notebooks. 'Course, I've drawn a lot of people..." She shrugged, dribbled twice, then shot the ball, making another basket.

Takashi smiled. "Quite interesting. So, what about Damion?" He asked adding emphasis on the name.

Mea dropped the ball at the sound of Damion's name. She had just retrieved that, she thought sadly. "W-" She swallowed and picked up the ball again. "What about Damion?"

Takashi looked oddly at Mea then started laughing. "HA! You DO like him afterall!!!!!" He started laughing even harder.. "What an odd interest in men you have.."

"Oh, like you have better taste in guys!" Mea said, throwing the ball hard at his chest. "He's your friend after all!"

Takashi laughed. "Well since i don't like guys like that..." He blinked holding the ball. "And so what if he is my friend?"

"I mean he's your friend, so you have to like him. If you   d him, you wouldn't hang out with him," Mea explained, looking at him seriously. "So what if I like him? He's pretty."

Takashi looked at her curiously. "Are men supposed to be pretty??"

Mea made a frustrated groan/sigh. "What is it with you boys? If you are pretty, that means you are attractive. So what if you are supposed to be or not." She huffed. "I like Damion-!" She had been about to explain but stopped when she realized what she said. "He's a nice guy..."

Takashi waited a moment to comprehend what Mea had said. He knew Damion not to be 'a nice guy' but he smiled anyways. "It's good. He needs a   ." He joked. He was always making  ual jokes and knew Damion needed a REAL   that would treat him well.

Mea stepped forward and put her hands on the basketball, but made no move to take it. She just looked at Takashi with a calm expression. "What do you think of it?"

Takashi smiled without answering her. The thought of Damion finally getting layed made him feel proud for an odd reason.

"That grin is not comforting," Mea told him with a frown. She took the ball and walked away, dribbling it lazily.

"Hey! You should meet my brother. I met Damion through Tonani...although those two don't talk much anymore." Takashi sighed thinking about how close his brother and Damion once were.

Mea raised an eyebrow at him. "Why should I meet Tonani? Just because he and Damion were once friends?"

"And the fact that both you and him are competetive game freaks." Takashi laughed. He jumped when he heard the bell ring. "Oh my! Looks like class is over. What class do you have next?"

Damion sat boredly in Chemistry class. The rest of the class was working on papers but he had finished before even being told how to do it. He sighed and stared out the window.

Tori slept for hours. She woke up hearing the birds chirping outside and looked at the clock not noticing that school was starting soon.

Kai was up and cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

Tori smelt the food and got up and walked into the kitchen.

Kai looked behind him and saw her."How was your sleep last night?" he asked while cooking some bacon.

"The best I've had in ever!" Tori said with a smile.

Kai smiled."You want something to eat I'm about done with this bacon." he said still cooking it.

"Yes please," Tori said to him sitting on the couch.

A few minutes later Kai walks in carrying two plates with eggs,bacon, and hashbrowns."Here ya go." he said putting the plates down and heading back to get drinks.

"Thanks" Tori said starting to eat.

Kai walked back in carrying to glasses of chocolate milk."I hope you like it." he said sitting the glasses down and beginning to eat.

"Its really good," Tori replied as she continued eating.

"Thanks," he said as he ate some on his eggs and took a sip of his milk."Wanna watch television?" he asked.

"Ya, sure" Tori replied finishing her breakfast.

Kai picked up the remote and turned on the teleivion."What channel do you prefer?" he asked looking at her.

"I don't know...I don't really watch television that much. You choose." Bella said with a smile.

Kai thought,"I wonder how hot it is outside." he quickly changed the channel and found the weather channel."Awww it's way to hot outside," he complained to the TV weatherman."

"You don't like the heat?" Bella questioned.

"Yes," said Kai,"It causes my heart to act up worse then usual."

"Oh," Tori said resting her head gently on his shoulder.

"Yes," Said Kai as he places his arm around her shoulders.

Tori smiled and kissed Kai's cheek gently.

Kai kissed her cheek in return. "You know what?" he said,"I think we should go to school."

"Ya, we should." Tori replied.

Kai smiled."But first we need to go to the orphanage if i remeber carefully." he said thinking about it.

"Ya, but if you don't want to go now we can go after school." Tori suggested.

"Lets do it now," said Kai kissing her again."We might be to tired after school."

"Okay," Tori said kissing him back.

Kai smiled."Indeed," he said then removed his arm so she could get up.

Tori smiled back at him and stood up.

Kai stood up after and grabbed his bag."Did you get the homework done?" he asked.

"You can say that, I finished it in class." Tori told Kai.

Kai smiled,"Shall we go then," he said walking to the front door and opening it up.

"Yes, we shall" Tori said smiling back at him walking through the door.

Kai followed and locked the door behind him."Okay shall we walk or shall I drive us to school?" he asked.

"I don't know, you can choose." Tori smiled.

Kai smiled."Thanks lets take the car." he said as he walked over into the driveway and opened the garage door to reveal a Mustang Convertible.

Tori followed him. Once she saw his car her mouth dropped, "This is your car?" she said sounding surprised.

"I forgot to mention I'm a millionaire becuase my family left me with alot of money." Kai said smiling,"Yes this my third car I have another house by the beach with a Dodge Viper."

"Ya, you really forgot that detail. I never thought I would end up having a boyfriend like you, well only in my dreams." Tori said, "And now it is reality."

"Just promise me one thing," Kai said,"Don't love me for the money love me for my personality."

"I promise!" Tori replied.

Kai walked over to her and kisses her on the lips after moving a strand of hair out of her face."I love you Tori." he said then held her against him.

Tori wrapped her arms around him neck and kissed him back. "I love you too Kai" she said feeling safe in his arms.

Kai felt his heartbeat increase causing slight tension inside.'Come on stay stable." he thought to himself.

Tori heard his heart rate increasing, "Are yo oka? You heart rate is increasing quickly," she asked sounding worried.

All of a sudden we went into a coughing fret and    could be seen on the ground a little bit at least.

Tori panicked, trying to think of what to do. The times that she really needed to remember something, she couldn't.

Kai kept coughing his car KEY falling out of his hand."AHhh," he got out holding his hand by his heart.

Tori stood there continuing to think of what she should do.

Kai felt a hazy for a moment but regained his awareness but continued coughing.

"We really need to get you to a hospital" Tori said sounding very consurned.

Kai nodded and got into the car his coughing still remaining as he had his head over the edge of the door.

"Give me the keys," Tori said holding her hand out sounding slightly demanding.

Kai handed them to her and continued coughing.

Tori took the keys and walked to the drivers side of the car and got in. She put the seatbelt on and put the key into the ignition. Looking back she put the car into reverse backing out of the garage and once out she put it in 1st gear and drove to the nearest hospital.

Kai was coughing the whole time as the went to the hospital."ah ah," was all he could say inbetween coughs.

Tori finally drove into the hospital parking lot in front of the parking lot. "Do you think that you can make it in?" she asked quietly.

Kai got out of the car as his coughing continued. He used a tissue he found in his car to cover his mouth.He tries to speak but the coughing doesn't stop so he can.

Tori walked over to Kai and put his free arm around her shoulder wrapping her right arms around his waist walking him into the Emergency Room. "We need a doctor, now!" Tori said loudly once in the emergency.

Docter Resan walks out of a room."Did someone call?" he asked.

Kai coughed of    right on the floor.

Dr.Resan looks slightly stunned."Nurse we need to get this patient to the operating table immediately." he said,"How long has he been doing this?"

"About 10 minutes, 15 at the most," Tori told that doctor sounding extremely consurned.

The Doctor and the nurses quickly place Kai on the gurney and move him toward the operation table."Are you family of his if your not then were going to have to ask you to stay in the lobby." he said then headed toward the operating table to find out what the problem was with the boy.

"I'm just the   friend," Tori said sitting down in a chair in the emergency room lobby. She looked down at the ground and closed her eyes trying not to worry.

A couple of hours later the Doctor comes back out looking slighlty depressed."Were sorry," he said

Tori stood up, "What happened?"

"We were able to stabilize him but his heart is vastly collapsing into it self." said Dr. Resan," Its the oddest case we've had we have no knowledge of whats happening to this boy but for all we know he could die any minute."

Tori was silent as she looked at the grounded began to cry.

The Docter put a hand on her shoulder."Things happen to people its life."

Tori sat back down it the chair. This time with her hands covering her face that were covered in tears.

"Would you like to see him?" asked the Doctor looking at Tori as she was crying.

Maylee chuckled. "Umm, I just told you. Maylee," she said, amused. This fellow certaintly was a character.

Damion had left his class to 'use the bathroom' which was obviously a lie. He roamed the halls when he saw Maylee. He looked at her and blinked.

Maylee had just turned her head towards the door of the classroom to twirl her hair, when she saw Damion roaming the halls. When he saw her, he blinked. She blinked right back at him, grinning. Well, she thought, the people here certaintly are strange, I mean...who goes around blinking at people? She giggled inwardly. But, I suppose, it's kind of..refreshing!

Damion had tried not to smile. He turned away and continued walking. what the hell is wrong with me? Why do i keep getting odd feelings. he grasped the key a put in his pocket. and i still have no idea what this is for.

Deo walked into the classroom and looked around."So I'm the T.A. in this class." he said then started playing his ocarina waiting for the teacher so he could start helping him or her.

Ryan walked in and sat against the bleachers. He never really cared for gym.

Deo ran out of the classroom after getting a text message and got in his car."Man this is bad." he said as he drived toward the hospital.

Pearl saw Charlie and smiled slightly, thinking about yesterday. She chuckled.

Kyle walked up with Siobhan and placed a hand on Peal's shoulder, "Ready for class?"

Pearl nodded, and smiled still.

Sam and John walked in chatting happily,and sat down next to Pearl still chatting about nothing in particular,random things like the weather and life.

"Deutsch," Mea replied and tossed the ball. She left him to change and met him again after they were both in their normal clothes again. "What about you?"

Takashi pushed his hands into his jean pockets. "Art...." He said in a dreadful tone. "I   my teacher...." He laughed. "See ya later then." He left for his art class.

Damion walked through the halls and saw Mea. He looked at her for a moment then kept walking to his next class. He really had no idea where his next class was but he wasn't really in the mindset to try and figure that issue out.

Caron walked into her art class and sat down at one of the tables and started to paint.

Laurie walked in soon after and went straight to the plaster.

Takashi walked into the class and sat down at a random spot and sighed.

Maylee turned around in her seat, surveying the classroom, and who was in it. She noticed Pear sitting near the back of the class. Maylee shrugged. She seems nice enough, she thought, desperate for someone to talk to. She picked up her things and sat down in the seat next to Pearl, grinning. "Hi, she said. I'm Maylee, what's your name?"

After dodgeball, Charlie decided hurriedly that he must use the bathroom, and YES it must be right now. Still in his P.E. uniform, he shuffled out of the gymnasium into the hallway, where he wandered around, looking for something to do besides being bored. He never really like P.E.

Justin reached down and retraived the soda he had just got out of the vending machine. He glanced to his side at Charlie. Justin poped the top then took a long swig, " u skippin gym?"

Mea sighed. "Hallo, Ich heiβe Mea.." she muttered softly in her boredom as the teacher went over a review of basic greetings. She was drawing Damion in her notebook again. She paused and looked at the newest sketch, a rough doodle. "Nein ich liebe Damion..." She frowned and sighed again.

Damion sighed and was still paceing through the halls when he saw Mea in German. He knew only a little German so he walked in and pretended he was lost. He looked around stupidly and blushed. " i supposed to be here?"

The teacher sighed. "No, you should know where you are supposed to be by now," she said curtly, but looked at Mea when she raised her hand.

Mea had noticed Damion had come in, and immediately became distracted. "I'll show him back to class, Frau Botkin," Mea told her and with a quick nod from the teacher, she stacked her things on her desk before stepping out with Damion. "You aren't lost," Mea said once the door had closed, stating the obvious.

Damion sighed. "No. Actually I'm not. But you're the only friend i got. And i can't seem to remember what class I'm supposed to be at." He looked around. "And i   the office teachers so i refuse to ask them..."

Mea looked slowly up and down the hall they were in to make sure no one else was around, then looked at Damion seriously. "Are your parents at work?"

"Parents?" Damion said with a slight smirk. "I live on my own...My parents kicked me out when i was 16. I got in too much trouble." He started to explain. "Why?"

"We can go to your house," Mea suggested. "If you're still ok with me drawing you?" She paused and looked at him, but before he answered, she asked, "Why did you keep getting in trouble?"

"Why..?" Damion sighed and started to think. "I don't really know. I didn't fit." He thought for a moment and a furious look built up in his eyes. "Let's go to my place.   this school...."

Mea resisted the urge to hug him and simply nodded. "I'll get my books later," she said and led him to her locker where she quickly picked up her pencils and sketch pad before they left the school and she let him lead from there.

Damion walked looking down at the floor with his hands in his tight jean pockets.

Mea walked behind him, sketching away a beautiful image of a sullen boy walking down an empty sidewalk.

Tonani smiled when he saw Damion. "DAMION BOY!" He yelled loudly.

Damion looked up to see Tonani. He growled loudly. "What do you want?"

Mea looked between them. Who was this boy? She closed her notebook and reach up to her neck to fiddle with the key she had there as she stepped up to stand by Damion. He did not seem happy. "Who are you?" Mea asked aloud to Tonani, her tone more curt than conversational. It was rare she didn't know someone, but apparently she had not drawn this boy.

Tonani looked at Mea. "Hmmm Looks like little Damion finally got a   friend eh?" He laughed. "My apologies. I am Tonani."

Damion growled. "Stop acting like you know me!" He yelled.

Mea just frowned at Tonani. "A pleasure," she greeted out of what she felt was obligation. She looked at Damion. "Come on," she said and made to walk around Tonani.

"HA! Just like Damion, to run away..." Tonani smirked. "And i DO know you Damion. I was your salvation after your mo-"

Damion punched Tonani before he had finished talking. "Talk about that again and i will be sure to kill you!" He threatened.

Mea scowled at Tonani. "You're Takashi's older brother, aren't you?" It was a rhetorical question. "I can see why people would want to stop being your friend."

Tonani looked down at Mea. "Hmmm...Pretty little thing has attitude huh?" He leaned down and smelled her hair. "Hmm smells pretty, too." He looked back at Damion. "Nice catch."

Damion growled. "Come on Mea."

Mea flinched back a little in disgust. Invasive much? She shook her head at him in repulsed wonder before quickly taking Damion's hand and walking away with him.

Damion lead her the rest of the way to his house. He looked up and sighed. "Here we are." Damion Glory's home

Tonani watched them walk away then sighed.

Sam walked home with John,she loved walking home with someone else,it felt better than walking alone.

"Yes please," Tori said standing up and wiping the tears off her face.

Dr. Resan takes you to his room and outside speaks to you,"Before you go in I must tell you," he said,"Kai is not going to look the same as he did coming in or the day before there will be tubes in him circulating his    evenly and controlling his heart rate."

"Its doesn't matter, he is still my boyfriend and no matter what I'll still love him." Tori told the doctor.

The doctor opened the door and laying on a bed with tubes inserted in many places was Kai unconscious to his surroundings.

"He is resting right now." said Dr.Resan smiling.

Tori walked into the room and sat in the chair next the the hospital bed where Kai layed. She gently held his cold hand in hers, she began to cry once more. A tear slowly ran down her face on to Kai's hand.

Kai moved a finger slightly against her hand showing he could feel her.

Tori knew Kai was still alive, but just barely. The only thing that was on her mind was Kai. Hoping that the doctors couldm find a cure.

Dr Resan walked into the room."Hmmm,Hey tell me what this looks like?" he said holding up an internal picture of Kai's heart with a keyhole embedded into it.

Tori let go of Kai's hand and wiped her tears. "It lookes like a heart...with a keyhold. As if there was a key that goes to it..." she said.

Dr.Resan nodded,"Thats what I thought it was to," he said then walked out into the hall again.

Tori sat back in the chair and held Kai's hand once more.

A nurse walks in,"Mam were going to have to ask you to leave the patient is getting a shower to clean off any    that may still be on him." said the nurse.

"Okay," Tori said letting go of Kai's hand and standing up to walk into the waiting room. I'm not leaving until Kai is out of here... she thought to herself.

Deo arrives at the hospital and immediately walks up to the counter."I need to see Kai immediately." he said.

"You can't see Kai right now..." Tori told the man not knowin who he was.

Deo turned around and looked at her."I can't,he said a frown appearing on his face,"Why not?" he asked wondering.

"The nurse made me leave, she said he needed to take a shower to get the    off him," Tori said with a slight sigh.

Deo realized something and looked at her eye to eye."So you've seen him?" he asked his eyes full of worry.

"Yes, I have." Tori said seeing the worry in his eyes.

Deo realized something else."Oh my gosh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself," he said,"I am Deo." He said bowing in respect.

"Its okay...I'm Tori." She said with a smile.

Deo smiled back."So how is he?" he asked,"Is it bad?"

"Ye. The doctor said he could die in minutes. When I went to see him, he had a lot of tubes, that keep his heart beating...and the    continuing to flow though his whole body..." Tori said with tons of sadness in her voice.

A tear ran down Deo's cheek."He reached oblivion," he said,"His heart is going to give out on him."

Tori watched the tear fall down him face. She touched her own to notice that many tears fell off her soft, pale skin.

Deo pulled out his ocarina and started playing a sad tune as he walked over to a chair to sit down.

Tori closed her eyes and started to play around with her hair.

Dr. Resan walked by and noticed Tori."Ahh its you." he said walking toward her.

Deo watched from his spot in the chair he was sitting in.

Tori opened her eyes and looked up at the doctor, "Yes?" she asked him.

Dr. Resan whispers,"Kai is not getting any better and we have no records of insurance or money so we can't keep him here." he said.

"How much would it cost to let him stay?" Tori asked the doctor very curiously.

"Well in his condition 400,000 and we will need it soon." said the Doctor.

Tori dug into the pockets of her pockets on her jeans then in both her shoes. She handed the doctor $400,000, "That should take care of it" She told the doctor.

Deo stood up watching Tori,"Take you money back," he said, "I'll take care of it." he said pulling out a check book.

"Um...okay" Tori said taking the money back and shoving it into her pockets.

Deo wrote down the number and filled out the rest of the check."It is a good check you have my word on it." he said then turned to face Tori, "So how long have you known Kai?"

"Only since yesterday...." Tori told him.

"YOu must be a good friend to be here when you've known Kai for about a day." said Deo, "I value that in a friendship."

Tori looked at Deo, "Its not just a friendship..."

Deo looked at her."You love him don't you?" he asked instinctively to her.

"Ya..." Tori said blushing with some of her hair falling into her face.

Deo smiled."Then Kai chose a great person." he said.

Dr.Resan looked at the two."You can see Kai now." he said slighlty confused.

Charlie grinned and nodded. "Yeah, dude. P.E. sucks..." he laughed. "Listen to me, I have no life! I'm so lazy, you have no idea!"

Justin grinned and hit the machine in a certain spot with his elbow, a few seconds later a coke popped out. He reached down and tossed the can to Charlie. "Heres to slackers." He smiled as he held his can high.

Maylee sighed and rested her elbow on the table. Nothing good or exciting had happened today, aside from seeing that guy outside of the classroom. While the teacher droned on, she sat and pondered that awhile, before asking to use the restroom. Once out in the hallway, she wandered around, looking for someone to talk to.

"You can't hide in there forever." A tall, well muscled boy with flowing ebony locks stood outside of the   's bathroom just inside the school building, "I'm telling you, things will be different here, better, Anka."

"Don't lie, Haru! I don't like it, things are too... they just don't feel right!" Her voice filtered through the door, "They'll   me too, I know it."

"I thought that you didn't care what others thought of you?" Haru shook his head in confusion, eyes such a soft, amused mahogany.

"If you like it so much, then why are you wasting your time here?" Anka snapped back.

Siobhan walked to the music room, skipping whatever class hse had at the moment, bored. All she wanted to do was play a few strings on   that she had floating around in her head.

Kyle walked out to behind the school, out of the way of the teachers and pulled out a butt and lit it up, thinking how long it was since he had last had one almost a month ago. He shrugged and kept smoking.

Pearl was getting hungry and got excused from her class and headed to the vending machine. SHe spotted Charlie, and blushed slightly, keeping her eyes on the ground. She waited, leaning against the wall, waiting for the kid that was talking to Siobhan yesterday to finish up. She heard Charlie mention something about being "so lazy", she chuckled, knowing that she could be lazy as well.

Caron walked out of her classes and sighed. She was sitting on the stairs. She hadn't seen Mikael all day.

Ryan walked past her and grinned. "Hey, looks like your thinking again."

Caron nodded. "I guess..."

Laurie was sitting at her bench again, doing her homework.

Lucian walked into the school with a slip of paper telling him where he was supposed to go after walking the halls for a while he finally got a little annoyed "this place would be more annoying if it wasnt built like a maze"

Damion raced out the door dragging Mea along with him.

Mea had gotten used to the shock long ago, and was now smiling in amusement. She let herself be pulled along, but she tried not to put up resistance. She didn't want him to be slowed down by her, so she hurried along with him to the tennis courts.

Damion reached the courts and saw Tonani swatting the ball back and forth hitting the wall as a return. He was hitting the ball like he was   ed off and didn't want to be bother.

Damion looked at Tonani and let go of Mea. "I'll be right back..." He slowly started to approach Tonani.

Mea just waited by the edge of the court, fidgeting with the hem of Damion's shirt she was wearing. Was it just this outdoor light, or had she simply been too distracted with Damion earlier to notice how attractive Tonani was?

Tonani looked up and saw Damion approaching him and hit the tennis ball at the fence directly infront of Damion. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I realized why you came to the house." Damion frowned and walked around the fence and grabbed the tennis ball. He tossed it up and watched it as it went up and he caught it again. "Today is when my family died..."

Tonani glared at Damion. "What the hell is wrong with you? I don't care about your family who YOU killed!" He yelled.

Mea flinched at the volume. She couldn't just stand here and listen. That would be rude. She looked around and found a spare racket and ball and went to a different court. She tossed the ball at the wall and it bounced off. She was ready in the tennis position and hit it back with good skill, but not great. She continued to play by herself as the two men talked. She wish she had her skirt back.

Damion growled. "I was trying to be nice and   iing apologize to you but you flip that at me.   THIS!" He immediately punched Tonani. For the first time in a very long time he got into a real fight.

Tonani flinched at the punch.

Takashi heard the yelled between classes. He walked up to Mea. "I see you met Tonani." He looked at Mea's clothes. "You're...wearing Damion's clothes?"

Mea had caught the tennis ball when she heard the punch and just nodded at Takashi's comment. She was watching them fight. "I want to stop it..." she said softly, making to step forward.

"That's not a good idea." Takashi said. "It'll be over soon. Don't worry." He watched the two men in wonder knowing exactly how it would end.

Tonani stood without moving after the punch. He then lifted his hand and wiped his lip to see if he was bleeding. "You've gotten stronger but you know better than anyone that i refuse to fight..." He said.

Damion roared and swung again at Tonani hitting him in the right cheek. He stared at his former best friend with an evil glare.

"Damion, stop!" Mea suddenly screamed, worried about Tonani, then froze and covered her mouth quickly with a hand, her eyes wide in horror. I did not just say that...

Damion stopped and looked at Mea. He closed his eyes and relaxed then opened them again. He took a last look at Tonani and walked off.

Takashi smiled. "You didn't have to do that you know. Tonani is indeed a black belt. He could stop Damion's punches easily."

Mea looked at Takashi and just sighed in a 'just drop it' kind of way, shaking her head. She ran after Damion. "Damion, wait! Please?"

Damion stopped at Mea's voice. He was so used to being alone that he forgot he had Mea with him now. His anger clouded his mind. He hadn't even realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Takashi sighed and walked up to Tonani. "What did you say to him this time?"

Tonani looked at Takashi and growled then walked away. He stopped and turned looking at Mea for a brief moment then turned and walking in the opposite direction than everyone else.

Mea caught up to Damion and without even stopping enveloped him in a hug from behind. "You tried, that was wonderful," she whispered comfortingly in his ear and gave him a little squeeze before releasing him and stepping up to walk beside him.

Damion grabbed Mea's hand. "Would you like to meet my family?" He asked her as if they were never even   .

"If you want me to," Mea replied. She did not really want to hold his hand, thinking it would give him the wrong idea, but she had a feeling now was not the time, so she smiled softly and let him lead her.

Damion started walking down the road with her then let go of her hand and put both of his hands into his jeans pockets.

Mea walked with him, starting again to fiddle with the hem of his shirt she was wearing. She was silent, listening to his footsteps, ready to listen to his words if, and most likely when, he had them.

"Anka, come on, please just come out." Haru pleaded, "You made it all the way here, why can't you spend the rest of the day getting to know some of your classmates?"

"I made it here because you physically dragged me." Anka commented dryly, she slipped over to the window and gazed wistfully out into the schoolyard.

Hearing a chuckle, Charlie whirled around to find, much to his delight, Pearl at the vending machine. He sauntered over, trying to look as cool as possible. He leaned against the machine, blushing slightly at his own audacity. "Hey," he said quietly. "Good to see you again."

"Hi..." Pearl smiled brightly, the blush slightly on her face now, though it was not as bright as before. She added after a moment, "...Charlie." SHe had never been one to say a lot in the first place. She laughed silently at his attempt to be cool, and she in return leaned against the wall, closer to him.

Lucian heard some people talking and headed for the noise when he turned a corner he saw a guy and a   standing at a vending machine he shrugged figuring this was his best chance to find out where he was supposed to be.

Charlie stuffed his hands in his pockets, grinning. He was about to make some lame attempt at a conversation with her, when a guy walked over, looking lost. Charlie scooted an inch closer to Pearl, trying to close the distance between them, while he said to the guy, "Hey, um, are you lost?"

Maylee wandered around the hallways, completely bored. Soon, she got lost. Geez, she thought. How do they expect us to get around the school if we can't even find our way to the bathroom? She then remembered that guy that had walked past the open door of her classroom earlier, and grinned.

Kyle walked back into the school and spotted Maylee in a classroom. He smiled to her, and kept walking, but turned back and waited to just outside of the door, but out of sight and waited for the class to be over.

Lucian nodded his head "I dont suppose either of you know how to find your way around this place do you?" he asked as he leaned against one of the vending machines.

Charlie shrugged. "That depends," he said. "If you want to go to the gym or the guidance office, then I can help you, since those are the only places I've been to so far."

"It would seem the guidance office would be the most useful" said Lucian, looking from the guy to the   and back again "Did I interrupt somthing?"

Charlie blushed a deep scarlet. "Umm..."he stalled, wondering what to say, being as Pearl was staying totally silent. "Hey, I didn't get your name?"

Lucian smiled knowingly, "You know, some say it's bad luck to ask someone's name before giving your own."

Not wanting bad luck, Charlie nodded his head vigorously. "Charlie, well, Charles Hurst. But everyone calls me Charlie. What's yours?" he asked in return.

PEarl watched the conversation silently, looking down after a moment. She saw the way Charlie had looked to her, she just didn't like talking all that much, though she would talk if someone asked her something.

Siobhan came walking up, and grinned seeing Pearl. "'Ello lassie, there ya are! Been looking for ya! Let ma guess, ya been drawing again huh?" She looked to Charlie, "Isn't he the one from ya're drawing?" She smiled to the pair of boys, waving a small greeting. "Name's Siobhan by the way," She said in a thick irish accent.

Pearl nodded, "Yes..." She blushed slightly, she knew that Siobhan could just blurt some things out sometimes, but this time she was a bit embarrassed by Siobhan's outburst of that. She had heard Lucain and smiled at him in a friendly way, "Pearl Black.."

Lucian nodded his head "my name is Lucianand it is nice ot meet all of you" he said as he pulled a coin from a pocket and started doing slight of hand tricks with it absent mindedly

Tori looked at the doctor and stood up with out a word.

Deo nodded at the doctor and yawned a little.

Tori walked to the room where Kai layed and sat in the same chair that she did before she had to leave.

Deo walked to the door and looked in at all the tubes and machines keeping Kai alive at the moment."I hope he lives." whispers Deo to himself.

Tori held his hand gently as more tears fell down her face.

Kai moaned a little in his unconscious state.

Deo left the doorway and walks down the hallway toward the hospital cafeteria.

Tori stayed in the room with Kai's unconscious body. She hoped that he would be okay and wake up soon.

The machines in the room could be heard echoing in the room along with the sound of    moving through the tubes.

Tori was surprised how loud the machines that were connected to Kai were and hoped that they could help him soon.

Just then the line on the heart monitor starting going strait for a little bit and then curved at an angle.

Tori looked up at the heart monitor with worry and sighed inaudible.

A nurse walked in and looked around."Visiting hours end soon." she said then walked back out.

Tori looked at the nurse and nodded then looked back to Kai. I have no will leave Kai until he leaves with me...

Deo returns with some food."Are you hungry?" he asked Tori looking at her.

"No, not really" Tori said as her stomach growled semi-quietly , "Well...maybe a little."

Deo smiled,"You should eat even though your sad, Kai wouldn't be happy if you weren't." he said handing her a sandwich and a bag of chips.

Another nurse walks in."Five minutes and your out of here." she said looking at both of them.

"Ya I know.." Tori said taking the sandwich and chips. She began to eat when the nurse walked in. Then she swolled what was in her mouth and said, "Okay" to the nurse.

Deo shook his head at the nurse."We are not leaving until Kai is better." he said,"Plus I don't have to leave here."

Tori looked at Deo and smiled, "Thanks. I don't want to go back to the streets or worse...the orphanage."

Deo held up an ID card to the nurses face.

"Oh I see," she said, "I'm sorry." The nurse said walking out of the room immediately.

"what is that card for?" Tori asked Deo curiously.

Deo smiled and showed the card to her,"Its an honorary student doctor card," he said

"Oh..." Tori said feeling a little stupid.

"you want one?" asked Deo looking at her.

"Do you have to be smart to have one?" Tori asked.

"Not really Kai gave these to me so I could watch over him in the hospitals that he got stuck in when he was having his heart problems." said Deo holding up two more cards.

Tori took one of the cards and put it in her back pocket. "Why does he have heart problems?" she asked curiously.

"Good question you, me, and every doctor wants to know the answer to this question," Deo said,"He is so young he shouldn't even be experiencing these problems but he is."

"Its like the problems when I have when I sleep. Sometimes, I never wake up. There is nothing proven to be wrong with me, but there is..." Tori told Deo.

"Indeed there is," said Deo smiling,"but no common cure for them yet."

"No, there isn't. I've always been like this since I was born. The doctors thought I died the moment my mom gave birth to me." Tori sighed.

"Hm interesting I didn't have any of those experiences." said Deo.

"Consider yourself lucky...once I was in a coma for about a month or so. I wouldn't know, I was out cold," Tori said with a small chuckle.

Deo laughed a little,"Interesting well at least you were well rested." he said.

"True, but I was on the edge of   ..." Tori said sighing and looking to Kai.

"Don't worry about Kai," said Deo,"He'll recover in no time." he said now looking at him as he lays on the bed.

"How long does this normally last??" Tori asked with a little worry in her voice.

"On average a week," said Deo doing the calculations in his head at the time,"But sometimes longer if were unlucky."

"Oh, wow" Tori said shocked, "What is the least amount of time Kai has ever stayed in the hospital?"

"Lets see if I remember correctly 3 minutes." Deo said,"I had to go to the bathroom and the hospital just happened to be the closest bathroom at the time."

"That isn't too long. The longest time I've been out for is about a day or two." Tori mentioned.

"Ya but that is only because natured called." said Deo slightly embarrassed telling his story.

Tori smiled and giggled lightly.

Kai's mouth formed a smile in his unconscious state.

Deo laughed,"I think Kai can hear us over here," he said,"Thats a good sign."

Tori turned to look at Kai and saw the smile on his face. She smiled, "Ya it is." she said sounding a lot happier.

Kai dreamed in his state seeing images of Tori and Deo and many others who he has encountered in his life.

Deo nodded,"I think I will play him a tune of happiness." he said pulling out his ocarina and starting to play a beautiful melody.

Tori smiled and leaned back in the chair closing her eyes listening to the sweet melody which Deo played.

Kai opened his eyes slightly hearing the music from the ocarina,"Deo you still have that thing," he said in a raspy voice.

Tori fell asleep right before Kai awoke.

Deo laughed,"She just missed you my boy," said Deo looking at kai.

Tori slowly fell in to the coma state which she spoke about to Deo.

Deo looked at her,"Hey Tori Kai is awake," he said looking at her.

Tori sat there unconscious, not moving a muscle. Her heart rate quickly slowed down way below average.

Deo quickly moved over and checked her heart and breathing,"Hmm we need a doctor in here asap," he yelled from the room.

Dr.Resan just happened to be walking by." Whats going on is it Kai?" he asked.Then saw Deo by Tori who appeared unconscious.He quickly walked over and checked hre out."We need nurses in here asap a   is suffering deeply.

Deo looked at the doctor."Lets get her on the other bed."

Dr. Resan nodded and started to lift her up on to the bed.

Deo helped and they completed the job as two nurses walked in.

"Uh boy please leave the room right now as we will have to undress her."

Deo left the room but remained in the hall.

Tori squirmed slightly. Her body temperature dropped as quickly as her heart rate did.

Dr.Resan quickly grabbed got some heat pads and strapped her up to a heart monitor while injecting her with a shot.

Tori couldn't feel or hear anything that was going on. Her body tried to wake up, but it wouldn't. Her body tried again and again working it into exhaustion. Her heart began to skip every other beat. In the coma she dreamed of being with Kai.

The doctors notice the skipping heart beat through the heart monitor."Get the machine ready." one yelled.

Kai pulled himself out of bed and walked over and placed head and neck by Tori's heart."Tori if you can hear me," he said,"get your heart to align with mine."

Dr. Resan stood in amazement not knowing Kai was up and doing well.

Tori's body sensed Kai and aligned her heart with his. She wanted to hear or see him, but the coma wouldn't let her.

Kai reached up and kissed her on the lips and whispered,"Tori you can wake up I'm okay now."

Her heart beated with Kai's but she still didn't wake up from the coma.

Kai held her hand gently as the machines continued to regulate his heart.

Tori's hand moved as if she was trying to remember how to work and her eyes flickered, she started to wake up from the coma.

Kai was singing a song he liked to her,"I love you everywhere your voice it travels through the air. Your everything to me I couldn't live without you dear.I see your eyes are so clear you love everyday of the year."

Tori slowly gained consciousness hearing Kai's voice. Slowly she opened her eyes a little sleepily.

Kai noticed Tori waking up and looked at her."Did you have a good nap?" he asked.

"I don't think I was sleeping...did my heart almost stop?" Tori asked Kai holding her head lightly.

Dr. Resan looked at Tori."Yes, your heart rate was dropping badly and temperature went way down," he said,"but you seem to be stabilizing."

Kai looked at the Doctor."Ya what he said," he said,"So how are you?" he asked.

Her temperasture was still cold, almost freezing. "Not again..." Tori said.

Kai hugged Tori giving her his body heat."It happens your still alive." he said smiling slightly.

Tori hugged Kai back. He was so warm compared to her. "I'm just glad I woke up as quickly as I did..."

"Me too." said Kai,Oh and I love you." he said then kissed her cheek.

Tori smiled, "I love you too! I'm so glad that you are okay!" she said pulling Kai into a hug.

Kai held her in his arms feeling her heart beat next to his and then it happened is heart reacted in the terrifying way.He collapsed in her arms right in front of the doctors who just barely caught him.

"Hurry up lets get him on the bed quickly and see whats wrong with him." said Dr. Resan.

Tori didn't expect this to happen and her eyes quickly filled with worry.

Doctor Resan had a suprised look on his face as he used his stethoscope on Kai."His heart appears to be beating on its own." he said,"I want to scan his heart again." he said.

"What ever it takes" Tori said to the doctor.

They scan his heart and another doctor comes in with the print of it."Impossible this is impossible," he said,"His heart is somehow fixing itself and key hole thing is gone."

"So what does that mean?" Tori asked.

"His heart is healing itself on a miraculous basis." said Dr. Resan,"Its as if contact with you has brought his heart into a deep change of recovery." He quickly walks out of the room thinking about it.

The nurses and other doctor follow behind him as Deo walks back in.

"I know I may not be that smart, but I don't think that is normal..." Tori said looking at Kai curiously wondering how this happened.

Deo looked around the room."What has happend here?" he said slightly confused.

Tor looked at Deo, "His heart is some how repairing itself...but we don't know how..." sh told him.

"Pehaps magic is in the air around us controlling our fates as it see's fit." said Deo smiling,"But it is good that his heart is repairing itself."

Tori smiled, "Ya...It is"

Deo smiled,"Indeed," he pulls out his ocarina and plays 'My Sanctuary' on it.

Tori turned back to Kai and held his hands gently.

Kai face had color in it showing he was living still and his mouth smiled as she touched him while hearing the tune playing.

Tori smiled with him. I hope Kai is better soon, so we can go home... she thought to herself.

Deo played some more lightening the mood of the atmosphere in the room.

Tori heard Deo's music and suddenly felt happier for some reason, but she didn't know why.

Deo started to play lullaby and goodnight trying to get them to rest up better.

Tori sat down in the chair next to the bed. She still held Kai's hand as she fell asleep.

Deo smiled and placed a blanket over Tori,"Pleasant dreams you two." he said and walked out of the room and out of the hospital playing some more on his ocarina.

Tori felt the blanket on her and she smiled. A few hours later she woke up.

Kai was still sleeping peacefully on the bed but made a slight noise as she woke up.

Tori carefully took her hand out of Kai's and took her art notebook and began to draw Kai as he slept infront of her.

Kai smiled slightly and slept on while she was drawing.

About 5 minutes later, Tori finished. She gently layed it on the table next to her and kissed Kai's cheek.

Kai moved slightly as she kissed his cheek and mumbled,"sleepy."

Tori giggled quietly trying not to wake Kai up.

Kai's brain finally reacted and he woke up looking around."What happened?" he asked yawning still.

"You collapased in my arms..." Tori informated Kai happy that he woke up.

"Sorry Tori," Kai said blushing a little,"So how are you and me doing right now?" he asked sitting up in his bed.

"Its okay," Tori smiled, "I just finished a picture." She handed him the picture she had drew moments ago. "Your doing better. Some how, your heart started to repair itself. No one knows how though...."

Kai looked at the picture and smiled."You got my best qualities," he said and stood up, "I love you and the drawing."

Tori blushed deeply as strands of hair fell infront of her face, "Thank you" she said quietly.

Kai reached and moved them back while kissing her on the lips."You are so delectible to my taste buds," he said smiling.

Tori blushed even more and kissed him back with a slight smile. "Your delectable to mine too."

Kai laughed,"Your blush is adorable," he said holding her close to his body feeling her heartbeat.

"Your too sweet" Tori said with a smile wrapping her arms around Kai's neck. His skin felt so warm compared to hers, it felt like she was a piece of ice melting on a warm surface.

Kai felt Tori's cold soft skin against his hands and rubbed her back bringing heat to her. "Juat as you are." he said.

Tori smiled beginning to feel a lot warmer. Again, she felt safe in his arms and she didn't want to lose him.

Kai's heart was physically repaired by the love of another who trusted and cared for him."I love you Tori and I will love you forever." he said.

"I will love you forever too Kai" Tori said with a smile.

Dr. Resan walked into the room."You two are cleared to go but first we must remove the tubes from Kai." he said.

"Ya...I think we should leave those here..." Tori said to the doctor.

The doctor nodded and walked out of the room to get a garney.

Tori quietly waited for Kai.

The doctors worked quick and made sure he was fine before handing him his clothes and letting him leave the hospital."Be careful if you feel something wrong come back anytime." said Dr. Resan.

Kai walked over to Tori,"Okay I'm ready to go," he said smiling and then kissed her.

Tori smiled and kissed Kai back, "Good" she said.

Kai held her hand."Shall we leave this place behind us," he says smiling.

Tori held his hand and smiled back at him, "Ya."

Kai started walking out of the hospital slowly so Tori could stay by his side.

Before following, Tori grabbed the picture she drew. Then she followed at his side. "You may want these" she said pulling his car keys from her pocket and handing them to him.

Kai handed them back,"I am to   ged up to drive right now," he said laughing a little and then smiled,"You should drive."

"Okay" Tori replied taking the keys back.

"Yep to   ged up," Kai said and made it to the car.

Pearl watched him for a moment or two, and said softly, "..Pretty good..."

Lucian heard her and seemed to finally relize what he was doing and with a wave of his left hand the coin dissapeard "sorry" he said with a slight shrug

Pearl shrugged, "Nothing to be sorry for.."

Lucian shrugged again "it disturbs most people I dont really know why" he stood up from leaning on the vending machine "so where is the guidance office?"

Pearl shrugged again, "I think it's across from the main office.."

"and the main office is where?" he asked "remember as you friend Charlie pointed out I am lost"

"Near the entrance?" Pearl shrugged, she really didn't know the school all that well, still being new and all.

Lucian smiled again "your as new to this place as I am arent you?" he asked

Pearl nodded her head in responce to let him know that she was indeed new.

Lucian nodded and once again took out the coin and started to do slight of hand with it "well then what to do now?" he seemed to ask to anyone

Pearl shrugged, not knowing what to do either.

Siobhan slid down the wall and pulled out   and started to string out a tune.

Lucian turned to Siobhan "well old irish any idea what to do?" he asked the coin in his left hand as he flipped it between his fingers

Siobhan looked up, "Aye, I'm doing what I want ta do, I don't know about ya.."

Lucain shrugged and with a wave of his hand the coin seemed to once again vanish he reached into his jacket and pulled out a deck of cards and started to shuffle them before turning to pearl "care to pick a card?"

Pearl reached over boredly and picked a card.

Lucian shuffled the deck and held it up"now remeber what the card is and plaxce it back in the deck"

Pearl glanced at the card, tit was th Queen of Hearts and placed it back into the deck face down.

Lucian shuffled the deck and then cut it before shuffling it again and drew a card and held it up with out looking at it "is this your card?"

"....No..." Pearl smiled, "It's not.."

Lucian shrugged "never could do that trick" he put the card back before putting the cards back into his jacket "well then what was your card?"

"Queen of hearts.." Pearl smiled still, "Always draw her.." She leaned back against the wall near Charlie.

"ah the queen of hearts was it lets see" said Lucian slipping into thought for a moment "the queen of hearts represents love and home oriented supportive not self oriented"

"Ya know a lot 'bout cards there laddie," Siobhan smiled, looking up. She paused, just laying her hand still on the strings of   .

Lucian turned to Siobhan and nodded "well you pick up a few things when you read enough books" he said then pulled the cards back out "perhaps you would like to draw a card and see what they say about you"

"Joker..always pull the joker.." Siobhan grinned widely, and started to tap her hand on the wood of her guitar.

Lucian smiled michieviously "well then the joker is the wild card representing that somthing unexpected would happen often known as the fool or jester card" he said the almost himself added "interesting indeed"

"Ha!" Siobhan laughed, grinning again, "Sounds just liek me don't cha think lassie?"

Pearl nodded in agreement, switching from one foot to ther other and then stood still again.

Lucian shuffled through the cards then put them away "so do any of you have classes your supposed to be at?"

Damion looked up only slightly to see Mea from the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry." He wispered in a near silent voice. He normally didn't care what others thought or felt. But he thought she looked disturbed.

"For what?" Mea asked softly, dropping the hem of the shirt. "You haven't done anything wrong."

Damion sighed. "I made you yell. I made you worry. And I'm sorry for that."

"That's what you do when you care about somebody," Mea told him. "You yell and worry because you care about them, and want them to be safe and happy. Don't be sorry that I care about you."

Damion frowned and thought for a moment. He thought about back at his house and all the things that occured over the day. "C-care....about me?"

"Well yeah. If I didn't care about you, do you think I'd be wearing your clothes, going to meet your family, and hanging out with you?" Mea asked him rhetorically. "If I didn't care, I'd be at school right now spreche Deutsch."

Damion smiled kindly. "Thank you Mea." He stopped, leaned over and hugged her tightly.

Mea blinked at his actions, but then smiled softly. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. "Of course, Damion. You are always welcome."

Charlie looked at the clock and sighed. As much as he didn't want to, it was about time to go back to his class. "Hey, Pearl, Lucien, I think we should probably head back to our classes now," he said quietly.

Pearl nodded quietly, "What class are you in?" She turned to Charlie, and blushed, realizing how close they were this time.

Siobhan stood up, "Aye, well, i'll be getting back to the music room.." And with that she turned and headed back to the music room, and sat down at the piano, playing a piece or two.

Caron walked out of her classes and sighed. She was sitting on the stairs. She hadn't seen Mikael all day.

Ryan walked past her and grinned. "Hey, looks like your thinking again."

Caron nodded. "I guess..."

Laurie was sitting at her bench again, doing her homework.

Charlie grinned down at her and shrugged. With Pearl, he never felt uncomfortable, no matter how close they were. "Gym, I think. But I'm pretty sure we're switching soon," he answered. "You?"

"since I have no Idea where to go I think I will just follow you charlie" said Lucian

"Same, I skipped that class," Pearl replied, leaning against the wall again.

Maylee wandered around for a while longer in the hallways, unable to find her way back to her classroom. This school is big!, she thought.

Tori nodded and got into the car, "We should get to school shouldn't we?" she asked.

Kai laughed,"I could just imagine I hope there are no tests today." he said smiling at Tori,"Lets hit the road."

Tori giggled as the words came out of his mouth. She put the key into the ignition and drove to the school.

Kai gets out of the vehicle and stretches."It feels good geting out of bed."

Tori smiled getting out of the car, "Is that a good feeling?" she asked.

Kai walked over to her and kissed her,"Was that a good feeling?" he asked with a grin on his face.

Tori smiled and kissed Kai back. "You ending up in the hospital or you kissing me?" she asked with a slightly sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Me ending up in the hospital," he said in a joking manner as he grabbed her hand and headed for the school doors.

"Why would it be a good feeling?" Tori asked hold his hand in hers walking at his side.

"Well I don't know maybe its the    talking." said Kai slightly confused now at his own answers and is now wondering what medication did they put him on.

Tori was silent and looked at Kai a little worried.

Kai looked back at her and smiled,"You shouldn't give me that face it kinda tells me that something is wrong." he said.

"I wouldn't know if something is wrong...I'm not very smart..." Tori honestly to him.

Kai hugs her,"But you are inteligent as many people are," he said smiling as he hugs her.

Tori smiled as she hugged Kai back, "You really think so?"

"Yes I do," said Kai as she embraced him into her arms,"and I wouldn't lie to you."

"I would never lie to you either" Tori said hugging him.

"Thats good," said Kai and he kissed her on the lips passionately in front of the school.

Tori kissed Kai back, not caring who saw the both of them kissing in the front of the school.

A musical melody could be held coming from the roof of the school.

Kai continued to kiss her and smiled as he finished."Do you hear that?" he said noticing the melody.

"Ya" Tori said with a smile, "It sound beautiful."

Kai laughed,"It does indeed," he said as he started kissing Tori again.

Tori smiled kissing him back.

Candace walked up, "Tori? Is that you?" she asked.

Kai looked at Candace,"Don't I know you?" he said thinking back to yesterday.

"Probably" Candace said to Kai.

"Who are you?" Tori asked curiously. She thought that she had seen her somewhere before, but couldn't remember who she was.

Candace looked at Tori, "Tori...I'm your older sister..." she stated.

Kai thought some more about this.

"No...You can't be...I was left of the streets..." Tori said.

Candace sighed, "That would be my fault. I didn't want a sister to share everything with so I took you and left you on the streets so it could be an only child again."

"Ah ha I got it we met yesterday did we not." Kai said not really paying attention to the last part of the conversation that happened just a few seconds ago between Tori and Candace that he didn't here due to focusing on something deep in his subconscious that finally sparked the conclusion to his understanding of where he might have seen Candace before.

"Ya I remember that" Candace said, "Tori, please don't get mad at me..."

"Why shouldn't I?" Tori's voice was filled with anger, "I was left on the street with nothing and no one."

Kai stood there listening as the two   s spoke to each other.

"I know..." Candace said to Tori, "and I'm sorry. I understand if you never talk to me again." she turned a away and walked into the school.

A tears streamed down Tori's face as she listened to what her sister had to say.

Kai grabbed a handkerchief and handed it to her."You to should make up," he said then hugged Tori,"Your sisters."

Tori took the handkerchief and wiped the tear from her face and was silent as she watched her leave. She finally said, "Maybe sometime, but now she is unforgiveable."

"Many things are unforgiveable just remember were all humans and we all make mistakes." said Kai and then kissed her.

"I know..." Tori said before kissing Kai back.

A voice came from the roof,"I'm surprised to see you here!" said Deo as he looked down at them and smiled.

"Hey Deo!" Tori said with a slight smile.

Damion smiled at Mea. For the first time in a long time he was actually happy.

Mea smiled and released him. She reach down and rolled up his shorts on her legs to make them shorter (they had reach about her knees, but now were at about mid-thigh) and bunched up his shirt to tie it at her hip. Satisfied she was a bit more feminine, she smiled and nodded. "Right then, lets go meet your parents!" She held out her arm for him to take.

Damion took Mea's arm and led her down the road to the cemetery. He walked up to the gate and pushed it open lightly and looked at Mea. "Almost there."

Mea nodded and let him lead her wherever he wanted to go. She looked around at the headstones as they passed them. She had lost no one, couldn't understand what he might have felt when he lost his parents. Most likely when she did lose someone, it would hit her harder than anything she could ever feel. She placed a hand on her abdomen. The very thought made her heart ache.

Damion led her a little further to a tree and two tombstones underneath. Damion looked down with a sad expression. He let go of Mea and kneeled down. "Hey mom, hey dad." He whispered.

Mea smiled softly and knelt by him. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Glory," she said quietly and placed her hands on the ground before her, lowering her head to them in a bow, then sat up again. "It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you..."

Damion's eyes started to become red as tears almost swelled up in his eyes. He stared and the tombstones that were covered in the summer pollen.

Mea looked at Damion, and figuring he couldn't speak, turned back to the headstone and continued. "You have a wonderful son... He's very smart and very kind. He's really a great friend."

Damion heard Mea and looked at her with a blush crossing his cheeks.

Tonani walked up quietly from behind the pair. His head was down and his hands in his tight blue jeans pockets. He didn't say a word so he didn't start drama at the graveyard.

"I don't.. know what happened to you," Mea continued speaking to the two people buried before you. "I don't know what caused the fire or anything... but I know it must have been an     , because I'm sure you two were wonderful people who would be very proud of their son today, to see what he has become... I'm sure you've been watching him, and know that already, but it's important that you know you aren't the only ones. He really is a great guy, and I'm sure he'll be a great man some day."

Damion smiled slightly and looked back down at the grave. "It's been years and still it's hard to believe."

Tonani stepped an inch closer and stepped on a small branch by     making a   ing sound. The sound was oblivious to Damion.

Mea turned quickly to see what had made the noise. When she saw Tonani, she wanted to scowl, but simply looked at him, her eyes longing as they moved over his body. She closed her eyes and looked back at the headstone, trying not to think of the boy behind her. "I'm sure they would be proud of you, to see you now.." she said to Damion.

Damion looked and Mea and smiled until he saw the figure out of the corner of his eye. He looked and saw Tonani. He stood up and stared at his former best friend. "Hey." His voice now oddly friendly.

Tonani nodded then stepped forward between Mea and Damion. He looked down at the two tombstones. He closed his eyes in a form of what looked like to be praying.

Mea would have followed his example, but she felt she didn't know them well enough. So instead, she put her hands on the ground again and lowered her head. "Farewell, for now, but not always," she said softly, definitely not meant for the others present to hear. She carefully climbed to her feet and stepped back to wait on Damion.

Charlie nodded. "Cool, cool," he said. "Well, not that I'm a goody-goody or anything, but I'd rather not get labeled as class-skipper only on the second day of school, you know?" With that, he hugged Pearl tightly, nodded to Lucian, and headed back towards gym, blushing fiercely. "Later, Pearl," he called over his shoulder.

Pearl ran up after him, walking along side of him, "Well, I might as well go.." She blushed. "I just don't really know the school that well and...well you get the point.."

Lucian jogged to catch up, falling in step beside them "And me! Well, I don't even know what classes I am in, so.." he said, letting the sentence trail off.

Charlie shrugged, trying to look as if he didn't care what either of them did, but he couldn't help but grinning at the thought of spending more time with Pearl.

Pearl sidestepped slightly so she was walking closer to Charlie, she smiled slightly. She nodded her head to Lucain.

Mikael walked out from the dorm with a yawn and the math book in his hand and his bag over his shoulder in the free hand. "I really need to get used to this country's timezone...." He mumbled to himself.

Caron saw him and smiled. "There you are." she chuckled. "You missed school."

Mikael smiled and rubbed the back of his head embarrassed. "Really? Wow, I really need to get used to this timezone, quite different then from where I'm from... By the way, you look as glorious as ever." He said with a complimenting smile.

Caron blushed. "Thanks I guess... hey, would you like to go do something with me?" she asked, smiling.

Mikael thought for a moment due to his lazy nature then for some reason smiled and willingly nodded. "That sounds fun, what did you have in mind?"

Caron looked up thoughtfully. "I don't know... its nice out, so maybe the beach?"

Mikael smiled with a faint blush. "Sure, it really is a nice weather out I must admit." He then looked down. "And me who generally don't like females seeing my in my swimming trunks... What the heck is going on with me?" He thought to himself.

Caron smiled. "Alright, lets go." she blinked. "Of course we'll need to stop at our houses, I mean, its not like you we carry around our bathing suits... unless your on the swim team..." she thought aloud.

Mikael grinned. "Yeah... I've intended on joining but haven't gotten around to it yet, great event... There you can laze about and sometimes it can even be expected of you."

"You really should. Oh, and I never got to compliment on how well you play tennis. I was impressed." Carom grinned.

Mikael bowed theatrically and as he got back up he had a slight blush on his cheeks. "Thank you, I'll return the compliment however it might not seem as much for you due to your obvious mastery within the sport."

Caron laughed lightly. "Please, you made me look like a noob."

Mikael smiled. "Not at all, just had luck, I'm usually not that good..."

Caron smiled as well. "You could've fooled me."

Mikael smiled brightly. "I am honored you think so well of me, but like said it was just about only luck, unlike your skills which obviously are honed through great deal of training."

Caron smiled. "Yeah, tennis is really the only thing I can do well at..."

Mikael smiled gently. "I'm sure that's not the only thing you're good at, you've just not discovered your other talents quite yet." He said reassuring.

Caron laughed lightly. "I know thats all I'm good at..."

Mikael smiled softly. "One shouldn't give up so easily, you'll always learn in the school of life."

Caron shrugged. "Yeah, you have a point." she chuckled.

Mikael smiled more. "Besides, someone as pretty as you shouldn't go around looking so sad, it suits you more to smile." He looked down blushing. "Why did I just say that? One thing is to think it, but say it out loud? What's going on with me?" He questioned himself in his mind.

Caron blushed and laughed. "Your right, being sad sucks."

Mikael grinned and chuckled. "Well that's one way of putting it."

Caron laughed nervously. "Yeah, thats just in lame terms..."

Mikael smiled softly. "No, it's just being straightforward, I'm the one being lame trying to juggle big words to try and impress you." He blushed brightly as he realized what he just said. "What on earth am I saying?"

Caron chuckled. "You don't need big words to impress me... you do that already." she said smiling, completely oblivious of what she was saying.

Mikael blushed bright red. "Really? Erh... I don't know how to respond to that except thanks and you've made a very strong impression on me, a positive one at that to boot."

Caron smiled happily, laughing lightly.

Mikael smiled then suddenly got to think of something. "Hey! Weren't we supposed to go to the beach by the way?"

"Oh yeah! Time flies when you chatter." she laughed.

Mikael smiled slight flirtatious. "Especially in such lovely company." He then made a theatrical bow with a soft grin while showing no expression of not meaning what he said.

Caron had noticed his littlem trick before and smiled just as softly. "I couldn't agree more."

Mikael smiled and got up. "Well, shall we then? Would be a shame to not go out there with such a nice day."

Caron nodded. "Yeah, your right."

Mikael smiled. "So I'll go get my swimwear then we'll meet... Here or where?"

Caron smiled. "Meet me at the lighthouse, and we can walk down to the beach from there." she said.

Mikael smiled wider and nodded. "Okay, it's a date then! Erh.... I mean... You know what I mean." He said bright red.

Caron laughed lightly. "I know." she smiled as she started walking home, which was right down the street from the school. "See you there."

Mikael smiled and nodded still a bit red as he started to jog towards his dorm where his swimming trunks were.

Zim smiled and walked through the streets."Should I go surfing?Or should I find Ryan?"

Ryan had been talking to Caron, but he gave up, so he was at the beach surfing already.

Zim walkedto the beach and saw Ryan."HEEYYY!Ryannn!"

Ryan saw her and wasn't paying attention to what he was doing so he wiped out.

"Oh my god!RYYAaANNN!*She ran over to him

Ryan sat up in the shallows and shook out his hair and laughed, scratching the back of his head.

Zim took off her clothes and tosed them in the sand,revieling a purple    .She slpahed over to ryan."You okay?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."

"You sure?"Zim helped him up

Ryan nodded, grinning.

Zim grabbed him and pretty much shoved himinto her   ."I GOT SO WORRIED!"

Ryan yelped and blushed brightly.

Zim whimpered ad nuzzled him violently

Ryan meeped.

"Are you sure your okay?"

Ryan nodded.

Zim held him and ultra nuzzled him

ryan meeped.

"That is not how you surf!"

Ryan chuckled. "I know that."

Zim giggled adn nuzzled him

Ryan blushed.

"Come on.Lets surf together!"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah... wheres my board...?"

Zim looked around and saw his board.She ran over adn picked it up

Ryan chuckled.

"So," Charlie said casually, "I wonder if we have any classes together?"

"Well what do you have next?" Pearl asked, looking over at him.

Charlie shrugged, fishing his schedule out of his pocket. After unfolding the crumpled sheet of paper, he scanned it briefly before folding it back up and putting it back in his pocket. "Math," he said finally.

Lucian groaned "I   math," he said, running a hand through his hair "Hey, I just thought of somthing," he said. "Does anyone know why they made the school this big?"

Laughing, Charlie shrugged. "I have no idea," he admitted.

Lucian gave a short laugh then fell into thought he seemed to simply zone out even though he continued to walk straight and not bump into anything

Pearl smiled to Charlie, "I have the same.."

"That's great," Charlie said, grinning. He stopped walking after a while, and they all leaned against the wall. Feeling flirtatious, he snaked his arm around Pearl's shoulder, acting as if it were the most casual thing in the world to be doing in the middle of the hallway, in the middle of a school day.

Pearl leaned toward him blushing, her eyes looking down on the floor. She thought, Why am I blushing? I never blush..but this boy..he's so...cute...and I think him...

Charlie grinned as he noticed her leaning toward him. Then, the bell rang, and a students flooded into the hallway, completely ruining the moment. It was then that Charlie realized he was still in his P.E. uniform.

PEarl blinked for a moment, registering that the bell rang, "See you in Math then Char?" She smiled up at him.

Lucian shrugged as he watched the moment between the other two when the bell rang he shrugged "ah well then it's off to math I suppose"

As he was walking away, towards the boys' locker room, Charlie turned and grinned at the two of them, especially Pearl. "Yeah, guess I'll be seeing you!" he called over his shoulder.

Damion stepped back giving space for Tonani. He looked at Mea and smiled. "Thank you." He said quietly.

Tonani opened his eyes and looked at Damion. "I'm sorry for everything."

"Any time," Mea told Damion and smiled gently. When Tonani spoke, she frowned understandingly. "I'll be at the entrence when you're ready." She gave him a small hug before walking to wait at the entrence to the cemetary.

Damion nodded at Mea then looked around avoiding Tonani. "I don't care."

Tonani sighed. "Whatever. I just thought that maybe i could help. But if you don't want my sympathy then fine. I'll go back home then. Goobye Damion..." Tonani walked off. He reached the gate and saw Mea standing there. "Hello. I'm sorry about Damion. He isn't being a jerk is he?"

After walking home and getting her bathingsuit on under her clothes, Caron walked up to the lighthouse. She didn't see Mikael so she sat on a rock and looked out on the ocean.

Mikael rushed to the lighthouse as soon as he had gotten his trunks, as he arrived he didn't first see her but as he looked about a bit he noticed her on a rock, he ventured closer with a wave. "Hey! I'm here! Sorry it took so long, had some trouble finding them."

Caron stood up and smiled. "its alright." she chuckled. "Shall we go? My cousin is probably already down there..."

Mikael grinned. "We don't have to go to where your cousin is if you don't want to." He walked over to near where she was. "Where to by the way? I still don't know the area well after all."

Caron, not wanting to be near her cousin at all, smiled softly. "I know a good spot that Ryan never goes, come on!" she said, walking ahead.

Mikael nodded and followed. "What on earth am I doing? Not only am I going to the beach with a   whom I've shamelessly flirted with but now I'm even following her to what I guess is a secluded area of the beach... What's going on with me?" he thought to himself while yet still smiling.

Where Caron led him was quite open, but there were rocky ledges, and she knew her cousin never surfed near there because of it. She smiled softly.

Mikael blushed lightly for a moment due to a passing thought then followed after as he had stopped as that thought passed through with a joyous smile and a heartfelt laughter. "So? Who's first in?" He asked with a chuckle as he already was removing his shirt and kicked off his sneakers.

Caron chuckled and took off her clothes as if it were a race. As soon as they were off she ran in.

Mikael chuckled and ran after her as he threw off his trousers to reveal his swim shorts. "Hey! That's cheating!" He said with a laugh not really meaning it.

Caron laughed. "Not my fault I can get my clothes off faster..." she smirked. She was wearing a black bakini with a neon purple flower on the top.

Mikael chuckled and followed after with his dark purple swim shorts.

Caron smiled and dunked her head in the water to fix her hair.

Mikael leaped in and swam about a bit under the water. "That's one thing I've always been good at at least..."

Caron walked out a bit before diving down under the waves.

Mikael swam a bit under the water then swam up to the surface and took a deep breath as he did break the surface.

Caron came up a little after him.

Mikael grinned as he turned towards her, keeping just his head up. "Lovely water, don't you think?"

Caron nodded, and she was standing. "Yeah, It is!!"

Mikael smiled and ducked under again and swam about with a content smile.

Caron felt a shell under her foot and picked it up and examineed it.

Mikael surfaced again, as he saw Caron was holding something he swam over. "What's you got there?"

"A seashell." she smiled.

Mikael smiled. "Really? Can I see?" He got up and walked over to her then looked at the seashell in her hand. "Wow, that is pretty, almost as pretty as you." He blushed as he realized what he just said.

Caron blushed and laughed nervously. "I'm not that pretty."

Mikael smiled with blushing cheeks as he looked at her. "I think you are.." He said with a soft smile.

Caron blushed brightly.

Mikael smiled with bright red cheeks. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you but I can't help but say it, you deserve the truth."

Caron laughed slightly. "I-its okay, but did you know your cheeks are turning as red as your hair?"

Mikael blushed even further if possible due to that comment. "R-really? H-hehe, well what would you know... Guess I'm a true redhead now..." He said with a light chuckle.

Caron laughed lightly and smiled. She looked down at the shell in her hand. "I wonder what kind it is..."

Mikael looked a bit closer. "Hmmm... It's an Thracia ventricosa, that's the Latin name anyway, not sure of the English name though."

Caron blinked. "I have no idea what it is... I don't know latin."

Mikael grinned. "Well I've had a bit of interest in aquatic animals so yeah know bits and pieces..."

"Ah I see, I just collect them." Caron smiled.

Mikael grinned. "That's nice too."

Caron nodded. "Its a hobby."

Mikael nodded. "Yeah I guessed, hobbies are good, they can help you relax in times of stress."

Pearl blinked and turned to Lucain, "Math too?" She asked, not sure if she heard him right. She was a bit caught up in Charlie's smile. At the thought, she blushed heavily and turned back around and started walking to her math class.

Lucian nodded and noted the blush and smiled "so are you and Charlie going out yet?" he asked following Pearl

Pearl flushe again, her black eyes falling ot the ground. She shook her head, "Just moved here...and just met.."

Lucian chuckled "what never heard at love at first sight? the two of you practically turn crimson every time you get near each other" he said his grin was nearly wicked as he said it

Pearl nodded her head in agreement whe he was talking about love at first sight, and blushed again when she heard that bit of news, "Well...yeah..."

Lucian shrugged "so why not ask him out after all whats the worst that could happen?"

"Old fashioned.." Pearl explained simply, she really was a person of few words.

Lucian shrugged "allright then but dont say I didnt warn you when some cute thing comes along and steals him away"

"You two are very similar," was all Mea replied, half as an answer and half as a statement. She wanted to be uncaring. She hardly knew Tonani after all, but for some reason she couldn't look away from him. Her eyes stayed on his, not completely interested, but definitely not uninterested. They flickered lower to take in the details of him: the drape of his clothes on his form, his slightly curled fingers, the redness of his lips... She blinked and tried to focus on his eyes calmly, but deep in them there was something inquiring, asking something of him, like to take her along, but that was preposterous. Her lips softened but didn't part as she tried to resist looking at his lips again. 'Why am I thinking like this??' her mind panicked silently.

"Heh. Yea i guess we are..." Tonani smiled and let out a tiny chuckle. "Well, i guess I'll get going. Don't skip school too much or you'll end up like me..." He smiled and walked away.

Damion walked up just as Tonani was leaving. "What was that about?" He asked Mea curiously.

Mea watched Tonani walked away as she replied. "He told me not to skip school too much. Said I'd end up like him if I did." She looked at Damion calmly. "I think he means stupid." She smiled a little. "I need to go home." Her head tilted. "Do you want me to retrieve my clothes from your house? I was just going to wash yours and bring them to you later."

Damion shrugged. "You can do that..."

Mea nodded, but stood there silently for a moment longer as if thinking. "I will see you tomorrow Damion. I'm already looking forward to it." She stepped up to him and again enveloped him in a close intimate but not    hug. When the few moments ended, she bowed a little to be polite before turning and heading down the road. Her parents were never home. She wasn't worried about them finding some strange boy clothes in the laundry, she did her own, nor would they ever see her in them, or naked, or.. Well there really was no problem she could see of. But.. if she was wearing Damion's clothes, why could she not stop thinking about Tonani?

Damion smiled in the hug and smiled as he watched Mea walk off.

Bella walked into the halls filled with lockers and walked to hers. She leaned against her locker looking at her sister across the hall.

Samantha was so deep in conversation that she didn't see Bella.

John looked at Samantha,"Look out Sam!"

Sam blinked ahe squealed as she tripped over Bella's foot that was sticking out and she fell to the ground.

"Oh my!" Bella was startled by Sam tripping over her. "I'm so sorry!" she said holding out a hand to help her up.

Sam took Bella's hand,"No,it's my fault,I wasn't watching were I was going."

Bella helped her up, "Are you okay?" she asked.

Sam nodded,"Yeah I'm fine."

John hurried forward,"Are you Sure you are all right?"

"I said I was fine brother."Sam said rather annoyed.

"By the way, I'm Bella" she mentioned.

Sam smiled,"I'm Samantha,Sam for short,and this is my friend John,he's like a brother to me."

"Nice to meet you!" Bella said with a smile.

Caron nodded. "I agree. What are your hobbies?" she asked in curiosity.

Mikael looked to the sky and rubbed his neck thoughtfully. "Hmmm... That's a tough one.. I think it would be to collect LP's" He said with a grin.

Caron blinked. "LP's?"

Mikael nodded. "LP's, 'Long Playing' vinyl records, sort of old school perhaps but some of that can't be found on cd's and besides there is sort of something over turning the records yourself for the other side."

"Oh I see." Caron smiled. "Sounds cool."

Mikael grinned. "Well it's quite fun and it gives a special feeling with listening to them then a regular cd, also back then it was pure talent and no technical fixups involved."

Ryan smiled softly at Zim. "Thank you. Is it damaged?" he asked, looking at his board in her hands.

"A few scratches."Zim smiled

"Ah okay, nothing a few sandings can't fix." Ryan grinned.

Zim grinned happily and grabbed his hand,dragging him into the water.

Ryan yelped.

Zim giggled happily

Ryan followed, even though he was being dragged.

After getting changed back into his every-day clothes, Charlie grabbed his books and headed to math.

Pearl walked into math class and bumped into Charlie, she blushed realizing who she had walked right into. She looked back at Lucian and remebered what he said and blushed even deeper and took a deep breath. She picked up her book and looked up at Charlie, "Do you want to see a movie sometime?" She blushed, it spread over her face and neck, as she realized that actually came out of her mouth.

Lucian laughed quietly to himself in astonishment he couldnt believe Pearl had actually listened to him he had horrible luck with relations, he shrugged they didnt have to know that

Sam smiled at Bella,"Nice to meet you,again I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."

John laughed,"She is a bit clumsy."

Sam slapped John's arm hard,"I am not,only every once in a while."

"Its okay, I can be a total klutz too," Bella said with a giggle.

Sam smiled,"Yeah well,who isn't?"

"Nobody I guess," Bella smiled back.

Sam giggled,"You're fun,want to be my friend?"

"Ya." Bella replied to her.

Sam Smiled,"Cool,great."

"So...What is your next class?" Bella asked Sam.

"Oh It's Study Hall."Sam said looking at her schedule

"Mine is..." Bella said opening her locker then pulling out her schedule to look at it, "Ya, mine too."

Sam smiled,"John is in Study Hall too."

"I'm just wondering...Do you know Kai?" Bella questioned.

Sam shook her head,"No,sorry."

"Oh, that's okay then. He is my boyfriend and I haven't seen him in a while," Bella said with a small sigh.

"Oh,I'm sorry,maybe he's busy."Sam suggested.

Bella let out a sigh and then said, "Ya...Maybe."

Sam put her arm around Bella,"Don't worry so much,he'll turn up."

"I hope your right..." Bella stated.

Sam smiled,"Don't worry."

Bella smiled back at Sam.

Charlie blushed, too. His heart beat fast in his chest, but he tried to act as casual as possible. This is weird, he thought. I've been to plenty of movies with girls before! But..this one seems different. He shrugged, getting rid of his blush, and grinning. "Sure," he said finally.

Pearl grinned, "OKay!" SHe blushed slightly, though not as bad as she did before. She suddenly hugged Charlie and then pulled back, blushing again, "...Sorry..."

Frowning, Charlie slinked his arm over her shoulders as they continued to walk to math class. "For what? You didn't do anything wrong," he said casually.

Pearl blushed lightly and then looked up at Charlie, smirking slightly, "Alright then.." She slid an arm around his waist, her heart beating fast in her chest, and remembering Lucain, she wavd with her free hand for him to come and join them.

Lucian caught up to them and gave Pearl a sly grin the coin once again zig zagging through his fingers

Damion smiled in the hug and smiled as he watched Mea walk off. He sighed and turned around. "Time to get home..."

Justin was sitting on the hood of his jeep watching Mea as well. He turned a lazy eye to Damion. "Just a hug for your lady friend?"

Damion glanced at Justin through the corner of his eye. He sighed and threw his full hood over his entire head. He dropped his chin and started walking at a slow leisurely pace.

Justin proped up on his elbows eyeing the boy walking away. "Hey buddy i was just trying to start a conversation, no need to sulk away."

Damion looked up slightly at Justin. His very shadowy appearance was menacing and threatful. "I am not..'sulking away'." he quoted. His voice was dark and frightening.

Justin stared him down not even battin an eyelash. "Wow mr.happy freindly arent we?" His conceidedness backed his concuios up, knowing he couldnt be beat if gloomy boy got brave.

Damion glared through the thick hood that covered his fierce face. "I don't care for immature...things like you!" He stated then started walking again.

"Cuddly like a cactus." Justin shrugged the comment off. "I was actually just trying to start a conversation then ask you if you wanted to go owling. I need a partner for a match."

Damion turned and looked at Justin. His hood still covered his entire face so he had that maniac look to him. "Why would you ask a total stranger to go bowling? I could be a murderer and you wouldn't even know it...."

"I know you go to my school, iv seen you around what else do i need to know? Im a trusting person." Justin just smiled in an innocent way.

Caron smiled. "I can imagine... I don't usually listen to music..."

Mikael smiled. "Okay, I like it since well to listen to it you can just lay about being lazy."

Caron nodded. "I see, thats always fun. But you know, being lazy is also called relaxing." she smiled and laughed lightly.

Mikael laughed a bit. "Heh, you should try and tell my folks that, it's their idea to send me off to this country due to they felt they would be to embarrassad if any of their work assocciates found out that I was their son."

"Ouch, thats harsh..." Caron said. "Well, I'm nothing like my family..." she chuckled. "They're... lets just say they're not normal..."

Mikael smiled softly and nodded. "Mine are so 'normal' they're way to boring for my flavor."

Caron chuckled. "Then you'll love my parents..."

Mikael smiled with a starting blush. "Well it's not that much them I'm interested in..."

Caron blushed brightly. "O-oh.."

Mikael walked slowly a little closer to her, keeping his eyes gently on her with a soft smile. "Yes, it's someone else I'm much more interested in...."

Caron meeped quietly as she looked up into his eyes.

Mikael blushed softly. "What on earth am I saying? Why am I saying this to her, true she is attractive but how come these words are coming out of my mouth like this?" He then leaned slightly closer and looked at her face. "You are truly beautiful, did you know that?"

"No, not really..." Caron laughed nervously. She was wondering why her heart was racing like it was.

Mikael started getting slightly dizzy and weak in his knees but somehow managed to stay on his feet and somehow the feeling wasn't uncomfortable actually sort of pleasent and made him smile along with a thought that out of nowhere appeared in his head, he shook his head to try and think straight and not look stupid by staring off into nowhere after having said that. "Really? I thought someone as beautiful as you would have heard it dozens of times by now and probably already be tired of guys saying it to you."

Caron laughed. "Nope. Guys usually stay away from me to tell you the truth..."

Mikael looked first surprised. "Really?" He then looked as if an idea came to him. "Ah! They're probably either intimidated by your stunning beauty or due to your beauty probably assume you're taken and thereby think that someone you would take would be someone they never could even attempt to fight against for your favor."

Caron laughed again. "Nah... I think they're just intimidated because most guys who hit on me get the snot beaten out of them by my cousin."

Mikael chuckled. "Well that probably also works well and well that is though something I'm not that afraid of, to be able to tell you that and see your reaction then I would be willing to go through thousands of torments just to see your smile."

Seeing the grin that Lucian gave Pearl, Charlie raised an eyebrow. He decided not to say anything though.

Pearl smiled back and mouthed 'Thank you'. She leaned her head on Charlie's shoulder. "There's class.." She sighed.

Sam looked at Bella,"So should we head to class?"she asked Bella trying to change the subject.

"Ya, we should," Bella replied with a smile.

Sam smiled and took Bella's hand,"Then let's get going."

"Ya," Bella said and started to walk.

Sam walked with Bella and John to their next class,"Is this your last class of the day?"Sam asked Bella curiously.

"Ya," Bella nodded, "at least I think so" she giggled.

Sam giggled,"Look at your schedule silly."

"Well...I..kinda...lost it..." Bella told Sam stuttering a little bit.

"Oh,well it's my last class but I don't know about you."Sam said looking down.

"Maybe the office knows."John suggested.

Sam smiled at John,"Yeah maybe,but we should check after this next class because the bell is about to ring."

"Ya we should, but now we should hurry and get to class," Bella mentioned to Sam and John.

Sam and John nodded,and they walked into the class with Bella just as the bell rang.

Sam sighed,"That was close."

"Very," Bella replied sitting down in an empty seat in the back of the classroom.

John sat on Bella's left side,and put his bag on his lap.

Sam sat on Bella's right,"I wonder where the teacher is."she said noticing there wasn't one.

"Ya, you would think that they would be here by now" Bella said with a sigh putting her head on the desk and closing her eyes.

Sam sighed and waited for the teacher.

Bella tapped her fingers on the desk as she waited for the teacher to arrive.

The bell rang and Sam sighed,"I guess the teacher didn't want to come,hey Bella since this is the last class let's go to the bowling alley."Sam suggested getting up.

"Ya. Sure. Why Not?"Bella said with a smile. Slowly she stood up and started to walk out the door of the classroom.

Sam smiled,"Great!"she headed out the door with Bella and straight to the Bowling alley.

Charlie looked at Pearl at grinned. He took her hand and paraded into the classroom, proudly holding her hand.

Damion sighed. "Do you even know my name?" He pulled the hood back slightly revealing only his chin and his lips.

Justin laughed, "No but thats usually where people start right? Besides there might be girls there and all girls know that a guy bowling by himself is sad and wont let him hit on them."

Damion rolled his eyes. "So basically you want to use me correct?"

"If you want to look at it that way, but im seeing it as getting to know someone." He smiled and opwened his jeep door. "Come on, the lanes are getting full."

Damion sighed. "I don't have any money..." He moved a little more towards the jeep.

"Now worries ill treat ya." Justin started the jeep up and turned some 80's rock on.

Damion sighed and got into the jeep. He was truly out of excuses now. He closed the door and slowly removed the hood from his head. He looked more delicate and handsome than what would be assumed of him. His hair a sweet escence and his eyes a perfect glisten and his skin had the look of an angel.

Justin punched it and set off down the road. The open roof sent Damions hair astray, justin caught a glimpse of it. "Wow we have a plagirl in our midst. Well well between your hair and soft looks and my eyes and physic we will piss off all the guys there by getting their girls attention." He slid sideways throuh a yellow light and down Main street. "Iv seen you in school uniform my man, its light colors dont fit you, im not sure the hood does either."

Damion looked at Justin curiously. "Huh?" He had never payed much attention to his own appearance. He had always believed he was the ugliest thing alive. "I think this hood is best for me...." He stated in a low voice keeping his voice down.

Bowling alley

"Jeez im going to send you to confidance school or a shrinkto get some. Just keep your head up, chest out and look as if you not interseted in anything particular, well just keep that expresion your have now and follow my lead." Justin slid the Wrangler into a parking spot and hoped over the door without bothering to open the door.

Damion sighed and slowly opened to door and slid out of the jeep. He looked around. "I havn't been bowling in forever..." He stated plainly. He saw a pretty girl walk by and smirked. "I guess....this might be fun..."

Justin slapped him on the back. "Thats the spirit!" They walked through the door way and Justin approached the desk. "Onle lane unlimited rounds please, and size 10 shoes for me." He paid the clerk then turned to Daimon. "Whats size man?"

Damion frowned slightly. He had small feet and hated it. "9..." He muttered quietly seeming embarresed. He looked around and all the people in the bowling alley. His shimmering pale blue eyes seemed nearly white under the alley lights which contrasted with his black hair. He looked back at Justin. "Do i really have to do this?"

"No its your choice, but i just though you like to have some fun!" Justin Smiled and handed him the shoes ans trolled over to an open lane, picked out a pearl white 13 pound ball and test swung it a few times.

Damion grabbed a blue 16 pound ball. He slid his finger in the holes and smiled. "Perfect." He placed it in the rack for the balls and sat down changing his shoes. His boots were such a hassle to take off but he managed.

A long brown haired woman walked in through the doors. She was wearing a short skirt and a long cloak. It exposed her chest perfectly. The cloak button just above her stomach and come out exposing her stomach perfectly. She had a cute belly button ring in that was a dangly skull. Her black high heel boots came up past her knees and help distinguish her nice figure perfectly. Sher looked around and saw two boys. "Hmmm." She wondered to herself.

Justin slid the shoes on with out tieing beacuase he naturally wears a 9.5 but likes them to be a lttle big. Awhipsred from the corner of his mouth without being obvious. "Told ya man your already getting looks. Check out the brunette bombshell that just walked in." He casually entered their names into the com and the setter whrirred to life placing the pins down. "Guests first damion."

The brunette walked up to the clerk and got her shoes and the lane. He lane ended up directly next to the two boys. She sat down waiting for her friends to show up. As she waited she unzipped the boots and slid them off. Every now and then she glanced up and the boys. Which one should i go for? They are both kinda cute. She thought to herself.

Damion looked out the corner of his eye to the brunette now behind him. He stood up and grabbed his 16 pound ball. He took an professional like stance as he pondered how to throw it. He threw the ball down the lane knocking down all ten pins. "Hmm. Lucky shot...." he muttered.

Justin flinched, "Wow first time talent i guess." He picked up his ball and took an awkward stance. "This is my dads special roll." He took a step and relesed the ball but for some reason he had only had his first two fingers in it. The ball traveled down the lane in a straight path and was only inches from the pins when the spn kicked in. It shot sideways hit the gutter and popped up over it hitting the pins in a strike, the brunettes lane. His face went beat red.

The brunette looked up and giggled at Justin. "You know...your lane is over there." She pointed at their lane. "Maybe you should try bowling...regular." she added a smartass tone to her comment.

A vein popped up in his forehead but he quickly calmed himself down. Grr...smarty huh...calm down..she is hot so deal with it. Justin walked over and retreived the ball from her return. He set up like before and spun it just like last time but a little faster, this time it hit the head pin causing it to spin like a top and nock the rest down. "Thats whats supposed to happen, and at least you start off well." He shrugged. "You going to bowl by yourself? You can join us if you like, were only on the first frame."

The brunette stood up and looked around. "Looks like my friends ditched me. Probably out getting stoned or something." She crossed over from her lane to theirs. "My name is Aurora. Some people, only those i like, call my Rori." She swooshed her hair back from infront of her shoulder to her back.

Damion blushed faintly and turned away. He walked over grabbing a ball and ignoring the conversation between Justin and Aurora.

"The pleasures all mine Arurora....hmm your as stunning as the northern lights that share your name. Im Justin and this is Damion. Dont let him fool you hes reserved but preatty cool." Justin remarked while taking a slight comic bow.

Damion put the ball down and sighed noticing Justin had mentioned him. He walked over to Justin and 'Rori'. "Hello." He said quietly.

Aurora smiled. She winked at Damion then grazed her finger under Justin's chin. "How old are you two boys?"

"That depends, sometimes my id says 21 when i need it to be." Justin smiled.

Aurora smirked. "Trouble child huh?" She looked at Damion. "You have to be what....14...15?"

"18." Damion corrected.

Aurora giggled. "How cute. So you'll be graduating this year right?"

Damion nodded.

"So how did a troublemaker and a quiet shy boy end up being so close?" Aurora asked directing the question mainly to Justin knowing very well that Damion and Justin couldn't be close friends with the differences.

Justin was an experianced lair. "You know what they say opposites attract. Weve been hanging ouyt since we were tots. Even fought in some fights side by side."

Sam walked into the Bowling alley with John and Bella.

Bells walked in beside Sam and smiled to herself.

Damion blinked and looked at Justin. "Ehhem?" He asked not to blantently. "We met today. This idiot wanted to meet women using me." He correctedly told Aurora.

"Troublemaker indeed." Aurora said with a laugh.

"Let me borrow him a second.." Justin reached over and wrenched Damion to the side. "Dude your hopeless....just play along, beside im actually getting used to you, freind in the making. Just work with me here." This chick is hopeless now, she knows im a lair.... but what about this new group? they seem more like our age. His eyes caught sight of the new girls.

Damion sighed. "I hate lies. There is no point to them...." He looked over at Aurora who was staring back at Justin and himself.

Justin rolled his eyes in defeat. "Fine what ever jusy dont make me sound so bad, hell say i just invited you to bowl. Leave it short and sweet."

Aurora stared at the boys. "Ehem...are we going to bowl or what?"

"Um yeah sure." Justin raced up and grabbed the ball that had just been spit out. Carefully he lined up his body and did the same motions as before, the ball was border line gutter all the way to the pins then sudden screeched off and leveled the lead pin, this time he actually took out nine pins. "See told ya it workd."

"I hope you know what your getting yourself into Mikael..." Caron shrugged playfully.

Mikael grinned crooked grin. "Who knows? But one thing is that I'm willing to try getting myself into it."

Before Caron knew what she was doing, she smiled and leaned over and kissed him softly.

Mikael blushed right away and was mildly shocked due to the sudden action then smiled gently and leaned in and returned the kiss softly.

Caron blushed brightly, not expecting him to even return it.

Mikael gently placed a hand behind her ear as he slowly leaned closer to deepen the kiss.

Caron wrapped her arms around his waist, her mind a melted mess of slush.

Mikael gently started kissing up and down her throat on the other side of where he had his hand.

Caron blushed and arched her neck up to his kisses.

Mikael placed a gentle kiss right behind her ear on one of those sensitive spots then leaned back with a soft smile.

Caron couldn't stop her body from shivering lightly.

Mikael smiled as he watched her reaction. "Well for my part then that was definately something worth getting myself into whatever trouble it may become..."

Caron smiled. "I hope not much... but I warn you... my parents are wierd..."

Mikael smiled. "Yeah so you've told me and well I'm used to a bit of each and besides like I said it'll probably be more amusing to me considering my own parents."

"True..." she chuckled. "I hope this is indeed the case."

Mikael grinned. "In either case then it's not them I'm really interested in..." He then grinned softly some more.

Caron blushed and couldn't help but smile. "Again, true."

Mikael chuckled. "Wonder how your cousin will react.... Now that we speak of family."

"Oh god... I don't even want to think about it..." Caron laughed nervously.

Mikael chuckled and tilted his head as he looked at her. "So you rather want me to keep it a secret then?"

"No no!! You don't have to! Like I said before, I'm just worried about your safety.... Ryan is overprotective..."

Mikael smiled and nodded. "Okay and thanks for the concern and well it's only to find out then I suppose, not neccesarily now but yeah I think you know what I mean."

Caron nodded and smiled. "Should we start heading in?"

Mikael grinned. "We can do that." He held out his hand for her to take.

Caron smiled and took his hand and started walking up.

Mikael followed along with a smile on his lips. "Hmm, if not counting this then wonder where I should take you for our first date.... Anywhere you'd like to go? I'm afraid you know this place quite better then I do."

Caron smiled. "Anywhere is fine with me."

Mikael grinned. "Oh I am sure there is at least one place you've always wanted to go, no place you can think of at all?"

Caron shook her head. "Nope, none really..."

Mikael grinned some and rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully. "Hmmmm... Something old school? The movies perhaps?"

Caron smiled. "Sure." she gasped. "Do you know the time??"

Mikael looked up around the lighthouse. "Hmmm... I'd say we'd been here for about two hours, but exact time I never got around to learn...." He said with a light grin as he looked back at her.

Caron meeped. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!! Family dinner night. You can come too, but we have to hurry!! Ugh moms gonna kill me..."

Mikael blinked wondering if he really had heard correct. "Eerh... beh... Sure, why not?" He started to go a bit faster still holding on to her hand while not try going too fast.

Caron was able to keep up easily, and it seemed she was dragging him. (To Caron's House)

Zim splashed him with water and giggled.

Ryan yelped and splashed her back.

Zim giggled and dunked in the water.

Ryan went under too.

Zim giggledand popped back up.

Ryan didn't. He was swimming down to try and touch the bottom.

Zim blinked."Ryan?"

After a few minutes, he came up. "I gotta get it back!!" He said, diving again.

zim blinked and dove down,looking around to see what hes looking for.

Ryan was trying to get his sneakers.

zim blinked and dove deeper,grabbing his shoes

Ryan meeped.

Zim grabed Ryan and draggged him to the surface.

Ryan coughed when they emerged.

Zim sighed."Why did you wear your shoes in the water?"

"Dude, I have no idea..."

Zim thought for a second."Heeey...Wana get high at my house???"

Ryan laughed. "Dude, I'm already high."

"Ummm...Wana get even mooore high??"

"Dude, if I got more high, I'd keel over."

"I dont want my best friend to keel over..."

"Ha! Who said I'm your best friend?!" Ryan grinned.

Zim's face went sad."Wh-what...?"

Ryan grabbed her by the waist and kissed her.

Zim's eyes widened.She blushed and fell over.

Ryan blinked, still holding her in his arms.

Zim was all dizzy faced.

Ryan laughed and placed her on the beach.

Zim blushed and woke up.

Ryan was looking down at her with a soft smile.

Zim blushed and smiled softly.

Ryan chuckled.

"So...Does this mean we're dating?"


Zim smiled and leaned up,kissing him

Ryan kissed her back.

zim nuzzled him

Ryan chuckled. "You know now you'll have to meet my cousin..."




"Her name is Caron."

"Caron?Heeey,She use to be in my class."

"Yeah." Ryan chuckled. "Shes pretty overprotective..."

"Oh..."Zim smiled happily.

Ryan laughed. "Yeah, shes one to worry about, but my brother is very relaxed... my aunt and uncle though is a bit... wierd..."

"Hey.Be lucky you got family."Zim smiled.

"Yeah..." Ryan sighed. "Even though they really are quite annoying..."

"Still,they love you like theres no tomarrow...My 'rent's died and I'm an only kid..."

"Sorry to hear that..." Ryan said, feeling like shit now.

"Its okay though.I always got my buds."She glomped him.

Ryan meeped.

Zim giggled happily.

Ryan chuckled.

Zim purred.

Ryan blinked. "You purr?"

"Force of habit."

Ryan nodded. "I see. Hmm, thats pretty interesting..."

Zim giggled."Hey,wana go to my house?"

Ryan blinked. "Uh... sure...."

"Dude!Awesome!"Zim glomped him.

Ryan meeped. "Eh? Shit... first we have to go to my cousins... family dinner night."

"Oh.Okay.But...Shouldn't you go alone?I mean,family dinner night is not family and your girlfriends dinner night."

Ryan laughed. "Are you kidding? As my aunt Lin always says. The more the happier."

"Cool!"Zim grinned her stupid grin.

Ryan grabbed her hand and started running. (to Caron's House)

Zim meeped and followed.

Damion pointed at the pins. "You missed one..." he said in a simple monotone voice.

Aurora giggled at Damion's blunt not caring attitude.

"I know that! thats why thy give you two throws..Hmmph." Justin reaches hor the next ball and takes a hop skip and rips one right down the edge of the lane. It barely nips the pin causing it to rock back and didnt seem to stop rockign like it would never fall. Justin causually stoped the wood floor as hard as he could. It had its desired effect as the vibrations tilted the in just enough to fall over. "All right spare! your turn guys."

Damion raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't that be considered....cheating?"

Aurora giggled again. She found Damion's monotone comments to be extremely amusing.

"No, sliding down the lane and kicking the pins down is cheating, it not pinball." Justin responded a little diisapointed.

Aurora smiled. "Well I think your....disappointment is cute." She told Justin.

Thats a little off... Justin flinched at this odd comment. "oh...kkk..."

Aurora stood up and walked over to Justin. She put her hand on his chest. "Hmm. firm...muscular." She looked at his gorgeous eyes.

Damion watched Aurora and Justin and let out a quiet sigh. 

"Uh..thanx...wrestling keeps me in shape.." Justin managed. He was completely off guard like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Iv lost control of the usually doing th flirting...iv never had the tables turned..ON ME!

Aurora's eyes wandered along Justin's body. She looked back at him and leaned foreward to nearly press her lips on his ear. "Can i have you?" She whispered.

Juustin regained his composure and took a step back. "Im not sure you can handle owning me." He replied trying to regain his stature as the one in power, in stead of being taken along for a ride.

Aurora realized that Justin was trying to be toucher. She leaned down and whispered to him again. "I want to ride you. I want to be your bitch." She glided her hand down his chest as a tease and licked his ear lightly.

Damion sighed and sat down. He had reached total boredum.

Justin realised she had sheared through his fake persona. Justin took hold of Aurora's shoulders to keep her close, he whispered back. "Look i gotta be honest, im not the player i make myself appear to be. Im a closet romantic. Honestly im waiting until i meet 'her' and just making it look like im playing the feild until then. I just met you, get to know me or im sure Daimon might take you up on your offer." He finished his confession somehow maintaining his cool with out the whole alley letting on.

Aurora smiled and moved away. "That's what i was hoping for you to say." She sat down and allowed Damion to bowl.

Damion stood up and sighed. "Have a nice chat?" He said in passing to Justin. He grabbed a ball and striked it down the lane hitting down 7 of the 10 pins.

Justin sat there completely blown away. No girl had seen through him before, let alone broke down his barriers and took control od the situation. Shes one to be feared....yet it is somehow attractive, yet still so scary. Justin's gaze turned to Sam, john and bella who had walked in before the whole scene. Maybe one of them is 'her'.

Damion took his second bowl and missed just barely. He sighed. "Damn." He looked at Justin. "Your bowl..."

Aurora sat back and smiled at Justin. He still found him mysterious and wonderful. She wanted to unfold his every secret.

Justin sneezed, Some one is thinking about me. The though of who it could be sent an eiry shiver down his back. He shook it off and strolled up to the dispenser to select a ball. He picked up a pink 13 lb and sprawled it down the alley demolishing eight of the pins. "Crap a seven ten split" He picked up a nother and hurled it down the lane, unfortuantly he one managed one. "Your turn Aurora."

Aurora smiled and stood up. She seemed to glide when she walked. She picked up a small 10lb ball and rolled it smoothly down the lane. It knocked over all 10 pins. She giggled. "Lucky shot..."

"Good shot." Justin let out while mostly watching her from behind.

Aurora turned around and giggled. "thanks."

Lucian walked into the bowling ally looking around he noticed some of the other students from the school and waved at them "this should be interesting" he said to himself

Justin eyes was on Aurora, butt movement in the corner of his vision caught his attention. He turned to see a guy he had seen in school before...he couldnt quite place the name though...lucas? He smiled and waved him over.

"I don't like bowling,I'll see you guys later."John said leaving.

"Ok,see ya."Sam said paying the guy at the desk so she,and Bella could play a game,she grabbed some bowling shoes and headed to the lane next to Justin.

"Bye" Bella said to John. She smiled at Sam as she payed, grabbed a pair of bowling shoes, then followed behind Sam.

Lucian walked over to where Justin and the others stood "so hows the game going?" he asked checking out the score.

"So far Aurora, me , than Daimon rank wise." Justin responded to the new comer.

Lucian thought for minute then relized that none of them probably knew who he was "the name is Lucian and yours is?" he asked holding out a hand to Justin

Sam looked at Justin,Wow he's cute.she thought to herself.

"Achoo! Um sorry, yeah iv seen you around the halls before. Im justin, this is diamon and Aurora." Justin smiled back taking his hand in a pressured but friendly shake.

"Uh...Sam? Hello?" Bella said to Sam waving her hand infront of her face to get her attenton.

"Huh what?"Sam said looking at Bella she hadn't realized she had been staring at Justin.

"Okay, Who are you staring at?" Bella asked.

Sam blushed,"I was staring at him?"she asked glancing at Justin.

Once again Jutin sneezed.

"Bless you."Sam said without thinking.

"Oh um thank you.." Justin responded looking back at the new comer. "They say you sneeze when someone is talking about you."

"What about if someone is thinking about you?"Sam asked curiously.

"Oh my gosh Sam!" Bella said with a smile then went off into her own world thinking about Kai.

"I dont know...its only and old saying anyway. haha" Jutsin chuckled to himself, not really getting the point to the comment.

Damion stood up and walked over beside Justin and looked at Lucian. He looked at the girls at the lane beside them shyly. He glanced at Justin through the corner of his eyes and blushed very lightly.

Well now i told him we would meet some girls but he didnt listen to me. Justin thought to himself as he caught damion actions in the corner of his eye.

Lucian also caught Damions reaction "so are you shy around girls Damion?" he asked bluntly.

Damion looked up at Lucian. Lucian was quite a bit taller than himself so he had to look up at him. "No. Of course not." He said with confidence in his words. "I'm just not good around people in general." He tried to make a joke out of his own uneasiness.

Lucian nodded "I know the feeling I'm not much better I just know how to miss direct the attention so I dont feel so out of place" he said as the silver coin once again appeared in his hand and he started it tumbling around his knuckles

Sam looked at the other two boys curiously and walked up to them,"Oh by the way,my name is Samantha,but people call me Sam."

Damion smiled slightly. "I'm Damion." He said in a shy monotone voice.

A loud mouth man and an angry looking guy walked into the door. "Ah. Takashi. Look who is here." The one pointed at Damion as he spoke to Takashi.

Damion looked up and saw Tonani and Takashi standing in the doorway looking right at him. He sighed. "Damnit. Not these two." He muttered.

Lucian turned to the new girl and made a slight bow "hello my name is Lucian" the silver coin in his fingers still tumbling

"Nice to meet you both,who are they?"Sam added looking at the two new commers.

Bella sat down in a near by chair and sighed quietly to herself.

Justin looked around. "looks like its getting popular here..' He said to no one in particuler.

"Yes it does doesn't it."Sam said absentmindly.

Lucian turned to Bella "somthing the matter?" he asked

Bella looked up at Lucian, "Its nothing, really." she told him.

Lucian took a seat beside her "o come on now its so easy to see its not nothing its practcally written on your fore head"

"If its practically written on my forehead, then why don't you already know what it is?" Bella asked in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Lucian chuckled "I said somthing was written up there I never said what" he replied still sarcastic

Sam looked at Bella and Lucian,then back at Justin.

Bella giggled. "Does that mean that you can't read whatever is written on my forehead, or you just don't want to tell me that you know?" she replied.

Justin had only overheard the last bit of the conversation. "Who's writing on who's head now?"

Sam laughed,"Lucian said that there is something wrong with Bella he said it was written on her forehead."

"Practically written on my forehead," Bella cleared up.

"Yeah what she said."Sam said nodding in Bella's direction.

Lucian just chuckled "you people amuse me" he said looking from one to the other "do you guys work this out before hand?"

"Work what out?"Sam asked confused

"I just picked up a random guy and went bowling. What makes you think i plan anything out?" Justin asked in a way to straight foward manner.

"I never reall ywork anything out, I just usually do it," Bella said shrugging her shoulders.

Lucian nodded "I meant everything that was said just a second ago was alittle to comedy skit to be pure coincidence"

"Oh..." Bella said to herself feeling a little stupid.

Damion sighed at the commotion and dreded seeing Tonani and Takashi who were paying and walking over.

"YO!" Takashi hollered. He grabbed Damion's neck from around the shoulders and ruffled his sweet flowing black hair. The look on Damion's face was amusing due to the childish appearance that he always maintained.
Tonani stood by shaking his head at the foolish antics Takashi was making.

Justin raised an eyebrow at Damion. "Your actual freinds i presume?"

Takashi looked up at Justin then released Damion. "Ah. Yea. Unfortunatly." Damion stated.
Takashi wapped Damion in the back of the head. "Don't say such cruel things." He looked at Justin. "Yea. We are some of his very FEW friends. My name is Takashi and this is Tonani." He pointed to Tonani.
Tonani nodded. "Yea. Thanks Takashi, i can introduce myself." He looked to Justin and the others and gave a hint of a smile but came out crooked. He had such a handsome face but seemed angry and volgur.

"Um hi im his temp freind Justin." He rsponded offering his hand to the one who didnt look like he would bite it off.

Takashi laughed and shook Justin's hand. "Temp friend huh? What exactly is a temp friend?"

"Yeah i brought him here kinda against his will." Justin sighed then laughed to himself to himself a bit.

Tonani raised an eyebrow and started approaching Justin with a gruesome look.

Damion jumped between Tonani and Justin. "Calm down! I got in the jeep and i came because i wanted to." He lied to be sure Tonani didn't beet Justin to a pulp.

Justin meet the gaze with a smiling intensity. He whispered to damion, "Whats with him?" He redirected his conversation. "Besides the guys kinda started to grow on me, hes cool."

Takashi placed a hand on Damion's head. "Well at least you ain't hurting my little Damion then it's fine with me." He ruffled Damion's hair.

Damion swatted Takashi's hand away. "Shut the fuck up. I'm older than you are!"

Justin couldnt help but laugh.

Bella watched everything that was going on in front of her.

Lucian chuckled still tumbling the silver coin "huh where are the cameras this all seems alot like a sit com doesnt it?"

Sam had been watching everything from where she stood"You know something,you are right it does seem like a sit com."Sam said walking up beside Lucian.

"Now all we need is a doomed romance, an obivious guy who is being crushed on, and a random guest apperance." Justin punned in with his suggestions as Aurora looked at Damion, sam looked at justin, and the door opened and Chuck Norris looked around, didnt see the bad guy he was looking for, roundhouse kicked the gumball machine and walked out.

"Ok that was odd."Sam said as she watched Chuck Norris leave.

"Very," Bella laughed, "Now all we need is an oblivious guy being crushed on..."

Sam looks at Bella and nodds in Justin's direction.

Bella noticed Sam looking at Justin, "Why don't you just go talk to him?" she asked.

Sam blushed,"What if he's taken?"

"Just go," Bella said with an encouraging smile.

Sam blushed her palms got sweaty as she looked at Justin,He's so hot.she thought to herself.

Bella got up and walked to Sam. She gently gave her a push toward Justin.

Sam was too busy in thought to protest.

Half way, Bella stopped and walked over to Justin. "Hey, I have this friend who kind of likes you. You should go talk to her."

"Ara? Oh um sure...." Justin managed from surprise. This might be interesting... His Gaze drifted over to Aurora. This might be confussing to, she still scares me.

Lucian simply sat and watched content to see how this little drama would play out

Sam looked at Justin,and pulled Bella towards her,"He's looking at that girl."she whispered nodding towards Aurora.

Aurora sat lazily in one of the chairs. She looked at Sam and Bella and smiled.

Damion sighed and sat down. He knew all the girls would crush on gorgeous Justin. He looked too young to be mature enough and he thought he looked so ugly. In fact he was gorgeous. His hair, eyes, muscles and everything else about him.

Lucian got up and walked over to Justin and put a hand on his shoulder "I would listen to her Justin her friend hasnt been able to look away from you the whole time" he said smileing mischieviously

Aurora looked at Lucian then at Justin. A smile crossed her face as she examined his body.

Sam looked at Lucian.

"Um sure as long as you talk to my buddy here." Justin smiled throwing a hand over Damions shoulder and smiling generously at Bella. "Hes quite the guy, quiet and a good listner, most things girls like....."

"I'm sorry Sam," Bella said looking at her, then back to Justin as he spoke. She looked at Damion and smiled. "Your talking my me, right?" she asked making sure he was talking to her.

Damion quirked an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Takashi dropped to the floor laughing. "Are you SERIOUSLY trying to hook Damion up? AH HAHA!" He laughed hysterically until Tonani kicked up and pulled him to his feet.

Sam glared at Justin angerly.

Bella felt a little out of place and wanted to go for a walk, somewhere other than here. "I'm going to go," she mumbled turning to leave.

Sam continued to glare at Justin.

Tonani quietly walked over to Bella. "Why leave?" He asked her standing in her way.

"I need some air," Bella said stopping since Tonani blocked her way.

"May I join you?" Tonani asked tilting his cowboy hat a little foreward.

"If you would like you may," she replied to him.

"What did i do? I didnt mind hanging out with the girl..," Justin nodded to Sam. "I just wanted to help Damion..." A sweatdrop came down the back of his head from the glare downs he was getting.

Damion sighed and looked at Sam. He blushed lightly in an adorable child like way.

Tonani nodded and escorted Bella to the door. He opened it and held it open for her. It was quite odd because of his devilish demenor.

Sam glared at Justin more,"YOU ARE SO FREAKING OBLIVIOUS!"she yelled at Justin.

"I always seem to piss girls of.....or they cry when i never figure out they like me.....wait..." Suddenly Justins face flushed.

Bella walked to the door beside Tonani and walked throught the door as he held it open for her, "Thank you," she said with a smile.

Tonani looked back at the yell and frowned. "Poor Damion. He'll never get a girl will he?" He muttered. It was the first semi-generous thing he had said all day.

Sam turned beet red at Justin's words.

Justin instantly bacame his fake persona, the one he uses on girls anyway...and the one Aurora had broken down. "So whats cookin good lookin?"

Damion sighed and sat down. He looked around boredly. They were all so focused on Justin. He was afterall the life of the party.

Aurora got up and walked over to Justin. She grabbed his head and turned it to look at Damion who was looking extremely gloomy. "Is that the face of a friend having fun?" She asked him reotorically.

"Um...not exactly....Now your making me feel bad.....humff...." Justin wheeled around and walked up to damion. "Hey man kets go get some ice cream. We'll ask the girls to come with us. Sound good?" A plan was already forming in his head.

Damion sighed sitting down. "Why even bother?" He asked without even looking up at Justin. "You'll only use me some more." He stated.

"I dont see you that way anymore bud. You two come to, Come on Im buying." Justin lead/dragged Damion next door to the Creamery shop. "Order anything you like. He walked up to the counter. "Moose tracks two scoops please."

"Maybe, maybe not. Hes seems very sweet," Bella replied.

Damion sighed. "Two scoops chocolate chip cookie dough in a bowl."

"He is like my little brother and he is always so alone. I feel bad for him. I want him to be happy." Tonani sighed talking to Bella. He watched Damion as he moped over to the creamery.

Lucian simply followed the others 'we should get some cameras this would be great on tv' he thought to himself as he watched the others playing out the nearly soap opera like scene

Bella sighed with him, "I have to ask, Why did you want to walk with me?"

Sam followed Justin and Damion to get some ice cream.

Justin paid for his ice cream and decided to take a big bite, and ended up spilling some on his shirt, almost as if intentionally. "Crud ill go clean this up." he sprinted off to the bath room. Now this will give Damion some time alone with the girls...brilliant!

Sam had just sat down with her ice cream which was two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough on a waffle cone.

Tonani smiled. "I wanted to escort a girl outside for some air." He thought about it for a moment. "That isn't weird is it?"

Damion sat down when he got his ice cream and sighed. He looked over at Sam. "Is that good?" He asked trying to make a conversation.

"No, but no one ever really sees anyone escorting a homeless girl," Bella said looking at the ground.

Sam looked at Damion,"Yes it's my favorite flavor."

"Homeless?" Tonani asked curiously. He let out a tiny quiet laugh. "Surely you aren't talking about yourself."

Damion smiled at Sam. "Same here." he scooped up a bite from his bowl. "It's delicious." He looked over at Sam with shimmering eyes. His black and red hair glistened underneath the sun. He ran a hand through his long hair getting the strands out of his face. For a goth looking guy he was truly a wonder.

"But I am..." Bella replied.

Tonani frowned. "Oh. I'm sorry." He looked down kind of ashamed of the laugh.

Bella looked up at Tonani, "It's okay. Don't feel bad for me. I do go to an orphanage every now and then," she told him.

Lucian sat and listened to the others he frowned a little when he heard that Bella was homeless but shrugged it off 'I wonder what happened to Justin?' he wondered to himself and got up heading to the bathroom "oi' Justin you in here man?"

Tonani sighed. When he heard her say orphanage his eyes widened. He looked at her with simple eyes. "Stay with me." He told her in nearly a beggers way.

Sam was watching Damion,He's even cuter than Justin.she thought to herself,she was still looking at Damion she hadn't noticed her icecream had started to melt.

Damion took another bite then looked at Sam. He slightly blushed when he saw she was looking at him. " cream is melting...."

Sam blushed as she looked and sure enough it had started to melt,so she started to lick the parts that were dripping.

"You really mean that? I don't want to be a bother," Bella said.

Justin was down to his wifebeater sitting on the sink. "Yo Lucian, whats up?" He was holding a partliy damp armany exchange shirt that was drying under the hand dryer. "A little imposed purposful incident."

Lucian nodded "I guessed as much but well think about this you pretty much just tossed Damion out of the shark cage right?" his silver coin spinning through the fingers on his left hand

Sam had finished her icecream and smiled at Damion.

Damion smiled in return. He had finished his ice cream. He got up and threw his ice cream bowl out. "I wonder where Justin and Lucian went." He looked around.

"Yes i really mean it." Tonani said with a soft smile. "It is just me and Takashi living in my home."

"I think I'll take you up on that offer," Bella said smiling back at Tonani.

Tonani smiled. "Great. Then how would you like to go now? To see the place."

"I think they went to the bathroom."Sam said looking at Damion.

Justin smiled as he threw his shirt over bis shoulder and prepaired to walk out. "Some times the only way to learn to swim is to throw the kid in the deep end." He laughed to Lucian.

Sam threw away her used napkins.

Bella smiles a little more, "Ya. sure. Let's go."

Damion nodded. "Yea." He looked around. He was so nervous and he felt miserable knowing that Sam was attracted to Justin. A burst of wind came blowing Damion's hair around forcing him to place his hands ontop of his head trying to keep his hair semi-neat.

Tonani held out his arm for her to link her arm to.

"Here try this."Sam said holding a scrunchie out to Damion so he could put his hair in a ponytail.

Damion smiled and took the scrunchie. "Thanks." He put the back part of his hair up leaving the back down since it was too short for it all to go up.

Sam smiled,"Your welcome."

Bella linked her arm with Tonani's and smiled.

Tonani led Bella down a few blocks to a nice home with split levels. Half of the house was brick and the other half was light blue sidings. He looked at her. "We're home."

Damion looked back and saw Tonani leading Bella off. "Where the hell is that fool taking her?"

Sam looked where Damion was looking,"I don't know."

Damion sighed. "That fool. He better not be getting into trouble."

Sam looked at Damion,"If Tonani tries to hurt her,I'll hurt Tonani."

Damion smiled. "That's one thing he wouldn't do."

"Good he better not."Sam said,she hadn't even mentioned or thought about Justin at all.

Damion laughed. "He may seem hard and evil but in actuality he is a genuine sweetheart."

Sam looked at Damion,"Really,I like your hair by the way."

Damion blinked then smiled. "Thanks." He said quietly. He wasn't the best when it came to compliments. He couldn't help but to blush.

Sam looked at Damion and saw him blush,"You're even cuter when you blush."She said absent mindily.

Damion turned away to hide from him blushing even more. "T-Thanks."

Sam blushed too,"I uh..."she turned Damion toward her and kissed his cheek.

Bella smiled, "Thanks again for letting me stay with you."

"It's nothing." Tonani stated.

"This is a huge step up from where I've lived before," Bella said.

"oh?" Tonani asked.

"Living on the streets is like living at rock bottom," Bella explained.

Tonani nodded. "Sounds like it."

"It was," Bella said looking around.

Tonani smiled. "Come on in. I'll show you around."

"Okay." Bella said smiling back walking in.

Tonani smiled and walked up to the door unlocking it. He opened the door and the layout inside was simple yet elegant and very homey. "Come on in." He said as he held the door open for Bella.

"Thank you," Bella said before walking in and taking a look inside.

Justin walked out of the bath room down to his wife beater with his shirt over his shoulder. "See lucian...a my plan worked."

Sam turned from Damion to look at Justin.

Damion's eyes widened when he was kissed and growled ever so slightly when Justin and Lucian walked out. He sighed heavily and got up.

Lucian flipped the silver coin into the air catching it easily "no please dont get up on our account" he said a mischievious grin on his face

DAmion turned his bright blue eyes to Lucian and Justin. He didn't say a word just simply flipped his hood back over his head.

"Wa-was it something I did?"Sam asked her voice cracking slightly.

Lucian patted her on the shoulder "dont worry it wasnt you he most likly has some problem with showing public displays of affection" he then turned to the hooded form of Damion "dont you?' he asked

"No." Damion insisted. He wasn't sure what to say. He didn't even know what to think.

Sam still wasn't convinced as a tear fell down her cheek.

Lucian saw the tear and turned again to Damion "oh look what you have done she is crying perhaps a kiss will make her feel better" he said an absolutly wickd look on his face

Sam didn't care what Lucian said she was too upset.

Damion lifted his hood and looked to Sam revealing his bright blue eyes again. They were filled with passion for once. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek while he used his other hand to wipe away tears. He smiled very lightly at her.

Lucian smiled and stepped looking at Justin he raised his eybrows and motioned at Sam and Damion silently mouthing 'am I good or what?'

"Lucian, i like your style." Justin whispered back inching to the door to eave the two alone. He mtioned for Lucian to follow. "Together i think we can swoon this school." An imgae suddenly flashed into his head. I wonder where Aurora is...wait..why did i just think that?

Just as Justin thought about Aurora she walked out of the door of the bowling alley. She looked around and let her long hair blow in the breeze. Her short skirt blew lightly as he arms came down to hold it from blowing too far up. Her coat tail blew behind her. She looked around and Damion and Sam and smiled.

Justin's eyebrow twitched in fear and intrest. Speak of the devil...

Lucian saw Justin looking at Aurora "perhaps its not the school but you that is in need of my the duality of my personage" he said and fainted a motion like he was trying to wave her over

Justin saw the wave. "Lucian, dont. This is the only girl i cant play. This chick scares the living hell outa me. Yet so attractive. Dude no please..." Was all he could manage to whisper before she was in ear shot.

Lucian shot him a wicked grin "maybe its good that you cant play her after all what fun is the game if you always win?" he asked

Aurora smiled as she walked over. "Hello boys." She said in a sweet delicate tone of voice.

"Hi aurora." Justin managed to keep his cool under her voice like it was a hammer cracking through him.

"hello" said Lucian shooting Justin the same wicked grin debating with himself wether or not he needed to kick Justin out of the shark cage just yet..

Aurora smiled sweetly at the two. "How are you?" Her eyes were fixed on Justin. It was like she was looking right through him.

"Um ok i guess. Considering i think i just ruined my armanie shirt with cokkie dough ice cream." Justin managed a chuckle and threw the semi dry shirt over his shoulder and did his best to exsentuate his semi tone chest and gut.

Lucian made a show of checking his watch "well it would seem that its getting late looks like I need to head home the two of you have a good evening" with that he offered Justin another wicked smile and started to walk away

Oh yeah, he is so off the freind list and on to the Hit list. Bastard. "So um, what were you planning on doing tonight, Aurora?" Justin Smiled after burning a quick hole in Lucians back with his hatred peirced gaze.

Aurora smiled. "I'm not sure yet." She walked up to Justin closer and leaned in very lightly. "What do you want to do?"

Justin swayed a bit taken aback. "I didnt have anything planned. What about you?"

Aurora smiled. "I don't have anything to do. Should we go and do something?" She hinted at something that was never perticularly specified.

Justin tried to maintain a smile without lettinf his mind jump to the obvious. "Uh..well i know of a place thats secluded and has a great view if you dont mind a bit of a walk?"

Aurora nodded and smiled. "Lets go." She insisted.

Justin blushed as he made his way to his jeep and opened her door. "Its a bit of a ride to get there." He smiled as he held the door open.

Aurora smiled and climbed into the jeep. Her short skirt slid up just a bit further but the lightly shaded coat covered it nicely but still the high boots made the whole outfit far too provocative. Her lips still shimmered a gorgeous pinkish red as she looked around Justin's jeep. "Typical high school boy." She said.

Sam looked up at Damion,her cheeks turned pink.

Damion leaned down and kissed Sam sweetly.

Sam blushed and kissed Damion back.

Damion ran his fingers through her hair lightly and pulled her slightly closer to him.

Sam wrapped her arms around Damion.

Damion picked her up and grabbed her from under forcing her legs around his waist. He continued kissing her forgetting that they were still in public.

Sam continued to kiss Damion she also forgot that they were in public,even with people staring.

Damion broke the kiss and looked into Sam's eyes. He looked around and saw that the public was watching them.

Sam looked around and her face turned bright red.

Bella looked inside and smiled liking what she saw.

Tonani smiled. "Well?"

"I like it...a lot" Bella told Tonani

"Good." Tonani replied. He walked into the living room and smiled. "Home sweet home." He looked at her. "Would you like to see where you'll sleep?"

Bella followed, "Um...Yes please," she replied.

"Ok. This way." Tonani said as he walked to the stairs and led her up to the second floor and to the second to last bedroom on the right. "Here you are."

Bella followed him up the stairs and to her new room, "Thanks," she said with a grateful smile.

Tonani nodded with a smile. "Anything else you need?"

"No, but thanks for asking," Bella replied.

"What that supposed to mean? Where going to need a jeep where we are going." Justin retorted, nicked by the stereotypical comment. He peeled out of the lot after clicking his belt and shot down the road to the edge of town. At the end of a road it there was a right turn but justin made no apparent attemp to slow down or turn as the jeep shot off the road and straight over a small creek taking a beaten path through a feild and some trees.

Aurora held on to the roll cage of the jeep. "Are you trying to kill me?" She asked him coyly.

"What do you mean? This is what makes you feel alive!" Justin lauged as the jeep slid to a halt at the edge of some trees where the path narrowed so much that there was no way the jeep could fit. He hurridly jumped out the door and went to open his ladies door.

Go to: The Heart's Key

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[KnightAngel]: So... That meant I should do anymore or that it would get too mushy? XP

[XxTsomexX]: Well, its up to you :P just as long as it doesnt go XXX

[KnightAngel]: Okay no problem and well was more worried about it getting tedious ^^'

[XxTsomexX]: No no, if it gets to there however, you can make a seperate page XD simple as that. And about the wiki dying, don't worry. And [Araglas], don't worry about Alexis :3 I have no idea what happened either, but sometimes people just lose interest in things, so its not your fault.

[twitchboy]: whats with the one line posts? add some details guys, might as well be a chat room lol

[twitchboy]: aww come on.. to a pulp? he a wrester....hed at least take the guys limb with him if he gets ko'd lol <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

[Blood Sucking Beauty]: lol sorry

[twitchboy]: no prob i was just being funny anyway

[shadow_walker]: allright but just to ask wasnt this supposed to be school based?

[~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah,but we can do after school things too.

[shadow_walker]: ah allright then I was just wondering

[~Crimson Angel~]: yeah.

[twitchboy]: hello lucian?

[shadow_walker]: man I feel so lonely

[i6]: on the note of losing interest, i completely lost interest. lol

[Blood Sucking Beauty]: yea..... :(

[twitchboy]: i really liked this rp to

[~Crimson Angel~]: me too

[XxTsomexX]: XD it so totally died.

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