Page name: The Legend of the Harudites [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2007-11-14 16:35:26
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The Legends of the Harudites

The Harudite Empire was created millennia ago far to the north of Mezrul. The first Harudite is known only as the Queen, and she is in essence the god of the Harudites both ruling them as her name implies and in spiritual matters.
The Queen was created as a balance, this done by the entity that formed the world from the five elements in the beginning (These being of course: fire, water, wind, earth and spirit). As the Gods were created to nurture and love their children, the Queen was created to hate and destroy the children of other Gods and thus was the balance kept.
So in the first days, the Queen created the Harudite peoples, immediately seeing the worth of specializing sects for specific tasks. This specialization placed her children far above the other, randomly formed races of the world, in her eyes at least.
The Queen created her children in the image of insects, seeing their efficiency and love for their queen. She saw immediately that the hive mind concept would not work, as she would need minions to think for themselves in many situations, rather than react foolishly. So, the Queen gave independent thought to her children, however she ingrained and overbearing love for herself in their minds, placing her far above their wellbeing.
As I have said the Queen is not a deity at all, but rather the reverse. She is not heavenly in essence; rather she was created of the planet, and is more like a force of nature than anything else. It is said that the Queen is in the wind, the waters and the earth, this of course is speculation, but no-one is entirely sure as to the extent of her power, as she is the only one of her kind in existence. The Queen is known to use her peoples much like the afore mentioned force, they are much like a swarm of locusts as when she directs they will fall upon a region and leave nothing but bare earth and bleached bones in their path.

The Queen craves Mana above all else, she has huge stores of Everice and other precious minerals and Mana bearing artifacts in her mountainous home. These she uses for mighty spells and amazing feats.
The Queen first discovered the Mana harnessed in Godsblood by mistake in the first days. When she and her newly molded Harudites did battle with Tarran (an early Deity) and his people, she speared the primitive god with some weapon and then cast a spell of weak power. This spell was greatly improved, and eviscerated Tarran’s young people in one foul blast. Of course, the young God could not be killed, but The Queen took him captive, and to this day he is held within her home. He is bled regularly, the blood being used to fuel the Queen’s spells, or the spells of her followers.

The Harudites hold dominion over a vast swathe of land, all of which surrounds the mountain range in which they originate. This range, know as the ‘Earth’s Claws’ by the primitive peoples who live close by, is hollow. The Harudites live in the honeycomb like caves within. Continually burrowing more, leaving a vast semi-city in which most spend their entire lives. The races that live under the shadow of the Earths Claws pay a continual Tithe to the Queen and her people, believing her to be a deity or alternately a demon. This tithe is often in the form of Mana charged artifacts, food, slaves, water, information or even livestock. These subject races are ever expanding as the Harudites claw more land away from those who are free.

Centuries ago the Queen herself went alone to the home of Sirr the renowned goddess of fertility. She faced the goddess in a battle of wit and wisdom. This was recorded in many chronicles of the world as it was seen and heard for miles around.
‘The Lady Sirr in her wisdom held back the filthy horde of the Harudites so that the Queen alone could reach the fabled plateau. Twas here where they met, above the plains and below the great Claws of the Earth, Sirr’s eyes were cold and her manner stiff. The Queen attempted to wield her power, trying to rend the cosmos and strike down the great lady.
Sirr bested the Queen’s strength with little effort, her all-encompassing will bathing the plateau in her radiance.
“Creature of the Earth, you doth come to my hallowed home to smite me with your misbegotten power!?” Cried she who did seed the world.
“I do.” Spake she who would harm our lady.
“Then let us see just who ith the mightiest in mind rather than power!”
Thusly did the great battle of wit commence, their voices boomed over the world and their tongues bit deep with poisoned words and barbed phrases. Twas Sirr who didst emerge victorious however and she cast the Queen from her home boding her never to return.’

The Book of Sirr

However during this meeting, Sirr gave away the existence of the Everice idols in Mezrul. Many claim the Queen did not wish to plunder Sirr’s home and was only interested in gaining information. It was not long after that the first signs of the Harudites were seen in Mezrul and over the centuries and decades since, their presence has increased.
The Queen intends to take Mezrul by force and is confident that Hekket cannot null her powers as Sirr did. 

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