The Lonely and Forgotten Poems Page 2
Hell Home
I stand alone
In this hell hole
I call Home
Their screams echo
In my head
I hear the glass shatter
All over again
I feel my arm
It throbes with pain
A far away pain
I can see it all again now
The beer bottle coming my way
I hold up my arm
and I feel the glass brake
I stand alone
All alone again
In my hell home
By [
I'm confused about life, about love and everything.
I'm waiting over ever action, every decision, and every moment.
I'm hoping over every minute, every life, and every eternity to return
But sadly after the birds never return and the wind stops I'll know it never was.
My hope dies slowly with each passing century.
My will to carry on grows thin.
So now I start an eternal sleep and yet I'm still waiting.
By [
untaimed melody]
You've left again
You've walked away
I'm left behind
Left here by myself
Alone with my thoughts
You get to walk away and forget
I'm left here
Haunted by your distant memory
Each time we were together
I've played back in my head
Every conversation we've shared
I've remembered
All the visions I've had of you
Are permanently painted on my thoughts
I'm haunted by your memory
Possessed by a endless hope
That you will come back to me
Ultimately, we will finally be together
And I, finally will not be alone
I spend my days dreaming of these things
So you must understand my pain
When deep down, I know
That you're not coming back
That I've been forgotten
Thrown to the side
By: [RoseAngel]

Near the edge of madness we seek the lost souls
Past the time of forgotten I am one of the lost childe
Forget not what the ancients have taught us
Learn more of the passing than of the future
Feast on the souls of plenty
Starve on the hearts of the lone ones
No We are not the shadow of innocents
Yes We are the echo of ages past
Breathren of the darkness It shall be
Death from within us all shall see
I am but the shadow of your mind, the echo of your loss, the near heart of deaths touch I am ....

a beautiful thing
you live to fulfill something you may or may not understand
and when your end is near
you look back at what you have done
and find that there is nothing
you will pass into another place
having forgotten who you are
nearly as fast as those whom you knew
have forgotten you
you lived for what seemed like eternity
only to find
that you are only glimpse
the matter that is me
is an insignificant speck
in what is this galaxy
I am nothing
I have done nothing
I will be remembered for nothing
I will be forgotten for every thing
How have i lived?
What have you achieved
More than me?
I will pass, the end is near
I will become an insignificant memory
in a forgotten mind
-Azure [icarii]
Azure's Poetry

Clawing at the thing within,
Never able to get it out,
No matter how hard I scratch,
I am always filled with doubt.
Even if I stab at it,
It never seems to go,
What I try to get out,
Is what I really know.
All the knowledge,
Of all the pain,
I try to be rid of it,
But it is always in vein.
No matter what I do,
I can't make it leave,
It is too far down,
Deeper then you would believe.
I only see one way out,
The one way to make it leave forever,
Te only way is to sever,
To cut away this tether.
These will end my pain,
It heals me deep within,
Though it may look worse,
From the scratches on my skin.
The pain on the outside,
Is what akes me better,
Though it may not seem so,
Do not be a fretter.
[Crimson Angel]

But it was all a Lie
You said you loved me,
But it was all a lie.
You said you cared,
But it was all a lie
You said you'd never leave me,
But it was all a lie.
Now you write me a note saying
"It was all a Lie.
I felt sorry,
But this was all a lie.
We can still be friends."
But that too, was a lie.
Now I ask myself,
Was I supose to be born?
But my life was a lie.
-[Charity Mariah "Willow" Garcia]

The Truth Inside
I'm lost and confused
I don't know who I am anymore
I need help getting through this
I'm in pain
And it's just growing
Beyond my control
Can anyone here my screaming?
Can anyone see my pain?
Can anyone help me through
This confusing life?
Nobody seems to be listening
When all I'm asking
Is help me see
The truth inside.
I'm desperate to fit in
I want to know what it's like
to be them
(even if only for a day)
I want to be there for my friends
When they need smeone to cry on
But I don't know if I'm helpin'
So I'm gonna stop pretendin'.
Can anyone here my screaming?
Can anyone see my pain?
Can anyone help me through
This confusing life?
Nobody seems to be listening
When all I'm asking
Is help me see
The truth inside.
My tears are running
down my face
My confusions growing
I'm curling in my corner
Wishing to see where I belong
Can anyone here my screaming?
Can anyone see my pain?
Can anyone help me through
This confusing life?
Nobody seems to be listening
When all I'm asking
Is help me see
The truth inside.
~~~ [Charity Mariah "Willow" Garcia]

~An Angel’s Gift
You can’t always hide the pain you feel deep inside,
And as if it was another day,
I broke down in front of my best friend and cried.
And I told her things that I had wished no one to know
Life doesn’t seem worth living when you carry so much self-hate.
Even the happiest of things can still make tears.
But one hug is all it took for me to understand
That everything’s ok; not everything in this world is bad.
That she had a wish that the world could be more like myself;
Could be as nice as she says I am,
Could care as much as I do?
I told her I had not wanted to cry
She took my hand and said it all was fine.
A gift she gave me that day,
So that I can find my way
In my coldest, darkest days . . .
You can’t always hide the pain you feel inside,
But as long as you have a friend you can always get by.
Some people these ask me how I know what I know.
And I just simply tell them:
Because my angel told me so . . .
by: [~Saraneth~]

"My Own Storm"
This is it, i'm sick and tired of it
I've seen enough blood to last a thousand lifetimes
I'm tired, my back hurts, I can't think correctly
I don't know whats going on right now
I just sit here in the dark, my hands writhing the air
Imaging all those who've hurt me in my short life
I see the clouds, they gathered round my eyes
I see lightning, it comforts me
I sleep, an insomniac's dream
As the Lightning falls upon me
i smile
And immortal
Copyright ©2005 Matthew Joseph Prekup
Done by [EmeraldGrizzly]

Forbidden Shadows
A spiral leading to the floor,
A longing to understand.
A shape dwelling in front of you,
Part of you.
Tears swelling up in your eyes.
The one who told you everything is good.
Someone to ease the pain.
Stop the blade from provoking the skin.
But it still does.
And the shadow that held you close in the darkness is watching you now.
Staring at you whilst you make this final decision.
What's it going to be?
Life or Death?
The space consumed over your shoulder is laughing.
Happiness surrounds you even though your only emotion is sadness.
Forbid the shadow from trespassing.
Its sweet serenity is no longer needed.
By: [ninja.kicks.ass]

Cold and Broken Promises
Promise me you'll be ok
Promise me you wont hurt your self
Promise me you'll never lie
Promise me you never die
~But then again promises are meant to be broken
Your never ok
You always a hazard to yourself
You've already lied
And part of you has already died . . .
Donated by: [~Saraneth~]
Given to me generously by her friend:
Natashia Berke

Can You See As I Do?
Can you see the world as I do, trapped in a little girl’s tears?
Can you hear the world as I do, with sounds that only I can hear?
Can you remember that one summer day, or those sleepless nights I cried?
Can you feel the pain that I’ve felt no matter how much I fought or tried?
Is your world lit by lightning, in cuts that run too deep?
Is your heart scarred by words that no one has ever seen?
Are your instincts brutalized so you don’t know what is what?
Are you lost in your memories, ones that others dare not touch?
Do you stare at life through windowpanes, carved from the tears you’ve cried?
Do you love but ever feel like love itself has died?
When the world is lit by lightning, I cannot tell you what you might see.
And I can only hope that one day you will end the pain you’ve caused me.

She used to be a little rose bud,
Not at her best state yet,
But still innocent,
In the glowing sunset.
Soon this little bud grew,
Once at her best,
She strived for more,
To be better then the rest.
Try did she to perfect,
The beauty she had,
But as her beauty grew,
So did the sad.
The more beauty she gained,
The more thorns that grew,
And because of the thorns,
Her friends became few.
The more thorns she got,
Fewer cared about a tear,
For the thorns hurt,
All those who came near.
Even though she saw,
That it was too late,
To go back to what she had,
It still made her suffocate.
The pain of the loss,
Dug into her like a thorn,
Making her bleed,
Wishing not to have been born.
Now that little bud,
Must live with her pain,
For she grew the thorns,
And must live with the chain.
By: [Crimson Angel]

They mentioned you the other day...
How i miss you, i have not thought of you for some time.
I realized i almost forgot you. Another part of me almost went missing but they 'saved' it.
I almost lost you like i have lost so many others.
How ashamed i feel. You were and still remain the biggest part of my life yet you left, you went casting shadow apon me
i am left behind
i dont blame you, i blame none.
I remember you
by: [shrewed]

I hear you cry my name
I see you look at me.A strain.
I crawl towardards you,but colaps halfway
It started out as such a normal day.
My fear streaks through me flooding my pain.
I close my eyes and scream in vain.
Faces so familiar, I see them when my eyes close
Can't tell if there friends or foes.
I feel my body lift off the cold stone floor
Look up but no ones there.
I'm floating like a boat on the sea
I don't think I'ev ever felt this free.
A chanting from behined.
Pursuading me to rest my mined
As I move out of restlesnes
I think of you and what you did.
Memories come seeping back
From behined I hear a jentle flap
I open my eyes and see,
An angel standing over me.
With black wings and a black heart
He said to me "this is the start"
He closed his eyes as deep in faught
And started to chant I was caught
Between two worlds I struggled and cried
Is this it have I died.
by: [+♥+SAFFY+♥+]

The Dark Spectres
a short story by Robin Roach
There is something wicked that lives in these trees. The dark spectres fall within the shadows of our minds .They sit in high places,watching studying us with their dark eyes,waiting for their moment to strike.Hopelessness & despair are their keys to attack when the mind is weak & the soul is volnerable.They feed on our souls.I have peered into the depth of my own mind & saw a dark specture feeding on my soul.It stares up at me with its cold face & i saw straight through to its absolute dark soul.When its finished it flies off & leaves nothing but an empty space where once my soul had lived. THE END.
by: [Chang-e]

What if?
What if we didn't have a sky?
What if football had had no tie?
What if birds didn't have beaks?
What if my heart failed to beat?

What if I don't want to say goodbye?
What if I don't want to say goodbye?
Just hearing about your death makes me want to die.
What if I don't want to say goodbye?
It makes me think "why?"
What if I don't want to say goodbye?
When I saw you, my heart began to shake,
And tears were streaming down my face.
What if I don't want to say goodbye?
My mom was standing by my side,
And my mom said "goodbye, my friend".
What if I don't want to say goodbye?
I don't want to say goodbye to you,
But why, oh why, did you have to die?
In Loving memory of Tammy.

I’m falling through the sky
Spread my wings,
But I can’t fly
The answer is it hurts to die…..
Look in to my dreams
My fantasies,
But it’s taking away
What life’s left in me…..
Tears stream down my face
So this is it the end of my race
All the destines lead to my fate
You call my name but it’s too late
Try to move but can’t feel a thing
Open my mouth and try to sing
Calling out to the life i see
But it’s too late I’m already free
As I’m lying on a stone floor
Looking up at an open door
Take my hand and cry no more
Looking down at the nightmare that I saw…
Tears stream down my face
So this is it the end of my race
All the destines lead to my fate
You call my name but it’s too late
It’s too late
But it’s too late…..

I’ll say goodbye
Before you die
I kissed you on the lips
And felt your hands move to my hips
Even though you were as still as stone
You made me feel that I wasn’t alone
Before you died you called my name
And now my life’ll never be the same
I think of you and my body goes hollow
I feel that lump in my throat and try to swallow
I look out at the hills, so peaceful and calm
I remove my pale hand away from your arm
You’re gone now that’s something I must face
I must enter this world and find my place
I will join you and we will be together
We will love each other from now and forever
Give me a smile,
Don't show me denyal.
I'll take a plunge,
In to the darkness,
And wait for you to follow.
Will you follow?

“What would you do if I jumped?”
“I would join you in the sky.”
Let me fly
Through the sky
Let me fly like a dove
Let me fly to my one true love
Then you would see
That I needed to be free
Because my life’s a lie
So leave me to die
Cuz when you enter my world of dreams
All you see is nightmares and screams
He would understand
And he’ll be there holding my hand
That comforting touch
That I loved so much
Together we’d fly
And that would be the last I’d cry
Cos when you enter my world of dreams
All you see is nightmares and screams
So when I’m standing on the cliff
My arms outstretched my body stiff
Don’t be alarmed because I’m waiting for the wind to take me
And at that time it’ll also break me
Cos when you enter my world of dreams
All you see is nightmares and screams
Tears come rolling down my face
So this is it the end of my race
Cos when you enter my world of dreams
All you see is nightmares and screams

Can You Save Me?
Can you save me
From the Demon within?
Can you Save me
From the hell I live in?
Can you save me
From myself?
Rescue me from this place
That's all I ask
Rescue me from the confusion
I'm forced to live with
All you have to do
Is love me
Free me from these chains
that tie me down
Free me from my life
Let me go with you
to the Paradice
I see hidden in your eyes
Rescue me from this place
That's all I ask
Rescue me from the confusion
I'm forced to live with
All you have to do
Is love me
[Charity Mariah "Willow" Garcia]


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