Page name:
The Lonely and Forgotten Room [Logged in view]
2005-07-20 14:11:20
# of watchers: 3
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The Lonely and Forgotten Room
This room was forgotten years ago..... I forgot that it was here...... I found it...... I decided to make this room of use....... This room is a place were if you are one of The Lonely and Forgotten, or would like to join, you can to talk to members, or me...... ask questions.....
.... If you need help, someone will help you....... If you are a member and just want to talk to someone....... Or if you are completely bored, and have nothing else to do....

If you wish to participate in the chat on this page you must follow all the rules.(Listed below)
To add to this page scroll down to the bottom and click "Edit This Page". Your screen should then refresh. When it comes back up, there should now be a box at the top of this screen. Scroll down to the bottom of that box and add what you wish to add. Then click "Submit changes to this page" Which is right under the white box. Then your screen will refresh and your comment will be added.

If you are going to use this room there are rules you must follow.
1- No cussing, or use of foul language.
2- Do NOT Edit what other people have said.
3- No sexual references.
4- No harrassing, or any type of put-downs to other people.
If you have any question about the rules ask me. [Crimson Angel] Also if you have suggestions of what can be added please tell me. If something is offensive, or break the rules DO NOT!!!
Remove them! Send me a message and let me handle it.

[Crimson Angel] - Welcome to the chat room! I hope everyone can have fun using this room.
[Hachi] I will
[Crimson Angel] GOOD!!!
[Angel of Ice] wouldn't it be easier to use the comment space...? that way the page wouldn't get too big...
[Crimson Angel] I wanted to do it this way because you can go back and look at what has been said. I will clear out the page when it gets to big. If you prefer you can use comments. Whatever you prefer. It is up to you.
[Äkura] hello, i'm joining this chat room i
[naturerules] Hey, this room feels so LONELY AND FORGOTTEN. I'm starting to feel right at home. +_+ If ya'll care, I've noticed a pattern in my loneliness states. School year: I'm great! Friends are wonderful, family is neato burrito, and all is lookin' good. Summer: slightly depressed, never see any of my friends, ( and I'm not being overdramatic, I go someplace else for the WHOLE summer) and I still have to get up @ 6:00 everyday anyway. I go to care, my Dad still has to work, which means I don't get to see him anyway, which is the point for the summer trip...Oh well, feelin' forgotten and lonely...
[Crimson Angel]Well Claire I am here to reassure you, that you are up for some good old Cheering up when you get back!! We all really miss you!!! Hope you come back soon!!
[Crimson Angel]GRRRR No one is using this page. What to do.....What to do.....
[Kyromanic] I'll use it!!
[Dark_Superman] yay i dont know you but yay
[Picture Perfect Loser] Um..Lollipop? -head tilt-
[Angel of Ice] *feels lonely*
[Evil Faerie Feline] why lonely?
[Angel of Ice] Well, it's for a different reason now, and I'm adding 'forgotten' to it, too. I haven't been at school this past week 'cause i've been sick, and the only one who's called (besides my boyfriend) was my choir teacher to see if i was okay. not one of my friends, but a teacher. atleast -someone- noticed i was gone...
[Evil Faerie Feline] im sure they do care your bf probably told them what's wrong or something, and failing all that being invisible has good points (i should know) like queue jumping =) cheer up remember it could be worse, always
[Angel of Ice] I know it could be worse. My bf would have told them what was wrong, if he lived in the same state...And even if he did, he graduated last year so he wouldn't see them during school...
[Crimson Angel] Keep your head up. A week is just five days, I am sure they were all wondering what was up, but didn't want to call and bother you. Like Faerie said, it could be a lot worse. At least you have someone to talk to (your boyfriend). I am sure all your friends will ask you the second you get back to school where you were, and if you are okay. So keep you head up!! I hope you feel much better soon *huggles* FEEL BETTER!! :)!
[Angel of Ice] *smiles* Thanks
[Crimson Angel]No Problem that is what I am here for!!
[Crimson Angel] Okay Here's the deal ppls. I have seen a major decrease in activity on this wiki and I have some questions I would like to you copy and message me with the answers.

1.What can I do to make this fit your needs better?
2.Is there anything that is not working that I should be aware of?
3.Is there anything that I could do make make this wiki more organized and more accecable?
4.Are there any quesions/comments?
Also please visit the Main page for updates and Notices.

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