The Lonely and Forgotten Stories
This is a place to put stories of when people have treated you bad, or something that has had a significant effect in your life. Such as the loss of a family member, illnesses, brushes with death, anything you have a stories that you would like to get out in the open..... This is the place.
Queen of Hearts]
alot of ppl r lyk no i dont believe in love and i dont need anyone. that was me once. i neva asked anyone to fall in love with me it just sorta happened. i've been with a guy for a month now and i love him but how the hell are we supposed to know wot love is if i've neva loved anyone? my feelings are mixed up and i'm confused cause i have another guy who loves me. i dont know what to do if i pick one i'll hurt the other and lose them forever and i dont wanna lose either of them but i can't have both of them either. i'm totally stuck between two guys who love me so much and i dont know wot to do anymore. i can't handle this i need to sort it out but i can't cause i wudn't kno wot to say.
Queen of Hearts]
i've lost brandon now. i dumped him and say i neva loved him and he's hurt i kno he is. he says he's unhurtable but he's hurt and i hurt him. yesterday he wudn't give up until he had me but today i think he's had enuff with me. love sucks but theres still hope for everyone. i know i'll get over him eventually, i relli want to forget all this but its easier said than done
Dear SCB. I've heard about this love thing. I've heard it messes with your mind and emotions in ways that are almost impossible to fathom. However, I've also heard that love is straight from the heart, and its the person who chooses whether to let their mind go crazy. Love IS from the heart( or should I say soul for all thos technicals out there.) And when your soul knows it, your mind will know it, and there won't be any strong doubt about it. Cetainlly there will be some, thats in human nature, or any living creature that breeds by choice. But your heart will tell you. And since your 'soul mate' is the other half of you, you can't possibly have two people truly 'in love' with you. ( Or vice versa). Even for couples who divorced, they weren't necassarily meant for each other, or, they were, and humanity, their minds, got in the way. Your mind can really screw you up, you gotta clear it away so you know what your soul is trying to tell you. If it helps any, I find meditation to help greatly. Good luck! :)
I and trapped inbetween two different worlds... I want to be myself yet I cannot afford to follow what's in my heart and mind. I can't really wear what I want because I cannot afford to make a bad impresion. I cannot afford to get bad grades... it's not just my parents I fear. I want to be a lawyer... and I've heard that if you want something enough, you go for it... not regrets... but I have my doubts. I have my fears. I'm not sure if these precious years of my life will pay for what better future I might have... what if it all goes wrong? I'm so young... I can't afford to love. It's only a destraction from what I want from life and I know that it won't last.... but who can control a heart? I fear I might be falling for someone... but I don't need this!!
Picture Perfect Loser]
At home....I have two little brothers, ten and eleven. I am fifteen and i am a C average person, does drama and nothing else..My brother get staright A's, do all sorts of sports and other stuff. It seems like in my whole in tired family..Think i am a failer...I'm just not good enough. Like no matter what i do..I can never make them proud. Never make them go. "thats my daughter" It's like their ashamed to even claim me. I try my best do just make them think i have chace to make them happy and i can't..I always seem to faill..with report card and everything. It just makes me so mad...My parents think i'm dumb..I can tell. By the way they look at me and when they talk to me..just by the tone in their voice. I hate it. My teachers are that way even some of my friends. It just hurts. And it's like i don't know...Everyon
e like doesn't like me anymore....I can't stand it..I just want to scream and cry out..but i just can't...It sucks more then anyone would know.
okay well here i go.. when i was 3 to 4 years old i had to stay with my real dad. he beat meas did his wife. my stepmom. even though i was young i remember it all and it wont go away. when i was 7 my grandfather died of stomach cancer. my mom got remarried and my stepdad gets mad about silly things which makes me feel worthless insignificant and stupid.. like i dont belong.. about 3 days before cristmas 2004 i found out my other grandoa died of lung cancer. my grades were very hard to keep up no one apprciated my talents and i was being judged by how i looked.. i am considered a fat ugly person.. which i cant say i disagree with and i dont want to feel like this.. so please help..
i'm really sorry if i'm not meant to do this on here but to [HellzHalo426], you have to choice to change what you think of yourself. You are your own person and you have a soul. Any soulful human is significant. You do belong..right here, right now. And though you may not feel like it now, you are loved. And it doesn't matter if you're fat or ugly (which you probably aren't) because you are yourself. And that's a beautiful thing. I'm terribly sorry if I'm making no sense whatsoever or if I'm having absolutely no effect on you but I just had to say something.
Anyways, onto me. Since the age of about 4 I used to spend all my time with my grandmother (who was actually just my next door neighbour, not a relative) and I loved her more than anyone in my family as they used to dump me at her house whenever they got sick of my presence. At the age of 8 I moved country and never saw her again. When I was ten we went back to canada for a holiday. We arranged to meet her on the thursday but her husband phoned on the wednesday and said she passed away. My world was falling..very fast. When I came back to england I didn't want to enjoy life anymore. I felt empty..and rebellious. My parents don't allow me to have a boyfriend but I went behind their backs and got one anyway. My mother found out and ever since that day she has hated me..and she started physically hurting me. I would afraid to sleep at night because I was scared that she would come and hurt me whilst asleep. I began to hurt myself because I felt like a bad person. I didn't understand why all of my friends could have boyfriends and I couldn't. Life went on the way it did and things got worse. Now, I don't ever talk to my mother because I know I'll get hurt if I say something I'm not supposed to. I talk to my grandma at night, praying that one day I'll be with her again..til then I'll be here waiting for someone to save me..

[Charity Mariah "Willow" Garcia]
Hello I'm Red Rose. Ever had a parent not want you for a few years? That's what happened to me. My mom gave birth to me when she was 18. My father was frightened of me and the fact that I was his child. He was in the Marine core at the time also. I rarley got to see him. My grandparents and mother are who raised me till I turned 3. My mom and dad got divorsed and Mom and I moved across the Country. My new step-dad helped raise me frm then on. Sure I got to see my bio-dad and all, but Ron (my step-dad) practicly became my real dad. Only some odd years ago did my bio-dad start putting himself in that position. Now, every summer that I go out to my grandparents and the time spend mostly there, will be spent mostly with my dad and step-mom. It hurts now that I know why I never really got to see my dad.
My hole life up to year 4 at primary school i had no real friends. i was part of a group of girls who didn't talk to me, just let me tag along. We used to act out the show charms they used to be the wiches and made me play the deamonds and vampires. then one day when we were playing, two boyes in the year above grabed me from behined and took me away from the rest of the group one put me down and the other held me from behined. the other started to kik and punch me. my so called friends just stood and watched they didnt even inform the lunch time supervisers. after wards i had 1 black eye and was brused all over. i nevre talked to my "friends" again. theve all became chavas and i became a goth.

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