Page name: The Loners [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-27 16:46:11
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: Evolution X
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The Loners

Loners are the scary ones. Never seeming to fit into other clicks, or even with each other, they stay out of social circles and scare people with their staring. They are slow and quite easy to kill if caught, but they've been studying the halls of the school for quite some time. They know how to kill using the world around them.

Loners weapons:
Long range guns (Rifles, machine guns ect) and the scenery around them.

Mental or Physical conditions:

Username: [silent_voice]
Name: Unknown. Even teachers call him 'hey you'
Age: 17
Description: a shaggy blonde boy who is fairly built for a teen, but lean. His eyes are a blue green mix. He wears a bandage around his left wrist, hidden in the bandage is a flick knife that he has pulled on a few 'bullies' or 'people who thought they were better than him'. He wears rough clothing, ripped pants, dirty shirts etc. He doesn't really care about anything in the school. He only goes there because ther is nothing else to do
History: Came from a family of violence, abusive father, whore of a mother and learned very fast to defend himself
Mental or Physical conditions: Very quiet.
Personality: Very quiet boy who doesn't like to tlak about himself. or about anybody else for that matter. Never had a real friend. he is very defensive.
Specialty: The flick knife on his left wrist, fist fighting, and is proficiant with all gunware.

Name: Rika Stranje
History: No one really knows of her family life. She just came to school one day as a new student and people were hesitant to speak to her. People who have confronted her found themselves in awkward situations from her odd personality and tendencies. She usually spends time in between classes observing people and writing in a small notebook that she always carries around.
Mental or Physical conditions: She talks to herself often and even answers herself too.
Personality: Honest and somewhat rude at times.
Specialty: She is very flexible and has quick hands for stealing things.

Username:[Mr. Wonka]
Name: Jacques Romendil (Jack)
History: Though known about in the whole school as the only French student, Jacques is strangely always alone. He took to read books and glare at poeple bothering him. A known-it-all, after all those books read, but entirely unable to engage dialogue without threatening someone of an horrible death and he is very weak physically.
Mental or Physical conditions: He has weird murdurous tendancies that he says come frm the days the French used the guillotine a lot. Othewise, just plain associal. Physically weak, he barely can lift someone else off the ground.
Personality: He has the soul of an actor, adaptable, but a big liar.
Specialty: Flexible. He knows numerous ways to kill someone bare-handed. He is not a sharp-shooter but sometimes, luck helps.

Username: [shadow of darkness]

Name: no one knows how to pronounce his name, so everyone just calls him Fes.

Age: 17

Description: He's awkward looking, and yet somehow attractive. He's sort of gangly-looking, standing at a miniscule 5'2" He has shaggy black hair and strangely green eyes.

History: Fes was born in a small Eastern-European country. His family made a living working on a farm. There never was much, but they had learned to make due. The schools there were never really that good either, but Fes excelled in all of his classes. He was given the opportunity to participate in an exam to win a scholarship to attend school in America, through a partnership with the Foreign Exchange Student Program. Fes was one of 13 children to take the exam in his country and he aced it with flying colors, awarding him the scholarship and the chance of a lifetime.

Mental or Physical conditions: none

Personality: Fes is a little shy, afraid to show how he really is. He has a tremendous fear of rejection and so tends to always be quiet and stay near the back of the room mostly. He figures that out of sight out of mind is a good philosophy.

Specialty: farming tools, handy tools, maybe a little bit of sharpshooting

Horror High

Username (or number or email):


2008-01-14 [Pnelma Tirian]: The National Razor was used during the French Revolution.

2008-01-15 [Mr. Wonka]: Like i didn't know. I really am French. The guillotine was also used before and after the French revelution, and took thousands of lives during the "terror".

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